Ocean Beach Chronicle

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Seven square miles surrounded by reality

Nostalgia, OB & The Point, Pop Culture, Typos, Slight Plagerism, and Some Utter Twaddle. Made with love in Ocean Beach

Volume 3, Number 7

Dec/Jan 1955

Free, 1955




he Hollywood film star James Dean has been killed in a road accident in California, USA. The 24-year-old actor was behind the wheel of his German-made Porsche sports car when it was involved in a head-on collision with another car 30 miles (48 km) east of Paso Robles this evening. Mr Dean’s mechanic, Rolph Wutherich, who was a passenger in the car, was taken to hospital with serious injuries. The driver of the other car was also injured. Medics said Mr Dean, who was dead on arrival at hospital, suffered a broken neck and numerous broken bones. At the time of the accident the road racing enthusiast was on his way to a race meeting at Salinas, California. James Dean completed his latest film “Giant”, an adaptation of Edna Ferber’s book about Texas, just yesterday. His first film, “East of Eden”, cast him firmly into the spotlight and many critics believe he had a glittering Hollywood future ahead of him.

See story on page 12 See Interview on page 4

Black woman challenges race law A black woman has been arrested by police in Montgomery, Alabama, after refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white person. Mrs Rosa Parks now faces a fine for breaking the segregation laws which say black Americans must vacate their seats if there are white passengers left standing. It is not the first time Mrs Parks, who is a seamstress, has defied the law on segregation. In 1943 she was thrown off a bus for refusing to get on via the back door, which was reserved for black passengers. She became known to other drivers who sometimes refused to let her on.

Continues on page 18

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

Local Ocean Beach artist is sadly missed

Chris Carr and his smile will be greatly missed in Ocean Beach, San Diego. Everyone that met Chris was greeted by his infectious humor. He had something silly to say about everything. His cheer is what made him popular at the local pubs he worked at, Lucy’s Tavern and Cheswick’s West. Chris grew up in Rancho Bernardo, the son of Richard and Janice Carr & is survived by his aunt Ginny Rabb. A graduate of Rancho Bernardo High School in 1993, he was also an aspiring artist specializing in detailed pencil drawings.

See page 11

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 1

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MEET & GREET with ALIGNMIND FOUNDER, Sam Desai In partnership with the Ocean Beach Chronicle, AliveMind is co-hosting a networking and investment opportunity. Come network and learn from experienced and successful entrepreneur Sam Desai and learn the benefits of AliveMind membership and business partnerships!

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(Please note address may change so please RSVP to mpland57@gmail.com 2 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality


elcome to another issue of The Ocean Beach Chronicle, we are so glad you joined us. Wanted to give a big shout out, and thanks to all the advertisers that believe in us, we in return will do our best to help promote your business. Also, want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Great New Year. We’d like to start the new year with more local stories, local art and local things of interest. We invite local writers, artists, poets etc to come be a part of The Chronicle, this is your paper! It takes a village, and this is ‘our village’. Thanks,Trevor Send to: trevordesigns@yahoo.com online at:


Surfing Southside at OB Pier By Linda Lee, See next issue for more on Linda’s photography


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The Ocean Beach Chronicle is brought to you by Quirky Publishing and is published whenever we can get our act together. Copies are distributed in Ocean Beach and the surrounding peninsula. Your comments, critique, submissions, letters, ideas and wot-not are most welcome. We’d love to hear from you, send lambasting letters etc to: trevordesigns@yahoo.com Ocean Beach Chronicle online will be coming very soon. The Chronny Team: Celia Corral, Matthew Allen Baker, Michael Langevin & Trevor

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 3

Do you remember how Bruce Lee found me in a Chinese restaurant so I could conduct one of my unearthly, supernatural interviews with him? Well, it has happened again. This time I went to a revival of James Dean films and was watching “Giant.” Who do you think plopped down into an empty theater seat beside me? Bruce Lee, Martial Arts Master? No! This time it was James Dean himself. me – What a pleasure to meet you, James. There are only a few minutes left in the film. Would you mind if we stayed to the end? James Dean – No, not at all. I kinda enjoy watching myself back in the day when I was still in one piece … more or less. me – Is it okay if we take my car to a quiet café where we can talk? (Stupid, I said to myself. He probably doesn’t want to be anywhere near an automobile.) James Dean – No problem – as long as it isn’t a Porsche 550. (Laughs nervously) me – I know Jimmy is your nickname. May I call you that? And however did you find me? Jimmy – Jimmy is fine. And you were recommended by one of my close friends, Mata Hari. She enjoyed your discreet supernatural interview with her. me – Mata was memorable; she did not deserve her fate. Jimmy – Funny you should say that. Neither did I! me – Tell me about your early years, Jimmy. Jimmy – I was born in Marion, Indiana February 8, 1931, to Mildred and Winton Dean. My middle name is Byron. My father had been a farmer but gave up on farming – it was at the height of the Depression – to become a dental technician. I was an only child. We moved to the village of Fairmount ten miles away when I was an infant. When I was five, we moved across the country to Santa Monica, California and I attended Brentwood Elementary School until my mother died of breast cancer when I was nine years old. My father sent me to live with his sister, Ortense, and her husband, Marcus Winslow, on their 350-acre farm back in Fairmount, Indiana. me – Were you close to your mother? Jimmy – “A piece of me died when she did. She was the only person capable of understanding me.” My aunt and uncle were devout Quakers who loved me I know, but in my heart I felt like an orphan abandoned by my own father. Note: Jimmy’s father sent him back to Indiana on the same train that contained his wife’s body for burial in Fairmount. His father did not attend the funeral. me – Were you a good student? Jimmy – Good but not great. My grades were average at Fairmount High School – I was 20th in a class of 49 – but I was a member of the basketball team, the baseball team, the forensic (debate) team, and Future Farmers of America. And I acted in all the school plays. That’s when I first became interested in an acting career. “To my way of thinking, an actor’s course is set even before he’s out of the cradle.” me – I see you’re wearing glasses. Have you always worn them? Jimmy – Yeah, that sexy squint of mine in the movies was because I’m extremely near-sighted. I always wore thick glasses when I was not on screen. And look at this. (Jimmy removes a plate from his mouth with two false upper front teeth.) Most people don’t know this, but I got two of my front teeth knocked out when I played basketball in high school. me – Tell me about your return to Santa Monica. Jimmy – I graduated at 18 and returned to California with my beagle, Max, to live with my father and stepmother. I enrolled in Santa Monica College with a major in pre-law. The school had a popular drama program and when I graduated, I transferred to UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) and changed my major to theater arts. My father was unhappy with my new major and we became further estranged. “He told me acting would get me nowhere.” I competed with 350 other student wannabe actors at UCLA and landed the role of Malcolm in the play, Macbeth . I wanted to pursue a career in the movies so I dropped out of school and worked odd jobs to support myself. me – What kind of odd jobs. Jimmy – One of my jobs was working as a parking lot attendant at CBS Studios in Hollywood. I met a guy named Rogers Brackett who was a radio director for an ad agency. We became friendly and he offered me

4 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

up close and personal


By BJ Rakow

professional advice as well as a place to stay. Both Rogers and the actor, James Whitmore – I had begun attending his acting workshop – encouraged me to go to New York City to try out for roles in stage performances. me – Do you recall your first professional acting jobs? Jimmy – I landed three walk-on roles in movies: Fixed Bayonets, Sailor Beware, and Has Anybody Seen My Gal? I even had a speaking part in the war film, Fixed Bayonets, which starred Richard Basehart. I had one line. Are you ready for this? “It’s a rear guard coming back.” That was it. Later, my one line was cut from the movie. (Sarcastic laugh) “I think I am going to make it (as an actor) because on one hand I am like (Montgomery) Clift saying, ’Help me,’ and on the other hand I am (Marlon) Brando saying, ‘Screw you!’ and somewhere in between is James Dean.” me – What was your next acting role in New York? Jimmy – I was the kinda nerdy-looking guy in a Pepsi Cola television commercial (1950) who dropped a coin into the player piano. My pay? A tremendous 30 bucks. My next job – don’t laugh now – I got a job as

a stunt tester. Me – What on earth is a stunt tester? Jimmy – I was hired to test the stunts for the Beat the Clock television game show. My job was to test the safety of the stunts that studio audience members would later perform on the show. But I was too good at my job so they let me go. me – Why were you let go for being too good? Jimmy – I was so agile and quick completing the stunts I was testing that my speedy results could not be used to set time limits for contestants to complete those stunts. In 1951, I started studying “Method” acting under Lee Strasberg in his famous Actors Studio, I was really proud to get accepted there. I wrote to my aunt and uncle “… this is the greatest school of the theater. It houses great people like Marlon Brando, Julie Harris, Arthur Kennedy … Very few get into it ... It is the best thing that can happen to an actor. I am one of the youngest to belong.” Then TV gigs (roles) started coming my way. I appeared in 31 different dramas from April 1951 to May 1955 on Kraft Television Theater, Studio One, General Electric Theater and Lux Video Theatre, to

name a few. My first role was John the Disciple in an Easter television special. me – Was there one television role that was more unique for you than all the others? Jimmy – How many actors do you know that acted with a U.S. president on TV? I did. With Ronald Reagan on GE Theater (CBS 1954). Neither one of us had a clue he would be president one day. Would you like to know something else most people don’t know? me – Does a bear use Charmin in the woods? Jimmy – Most people don’t know that while I lived in New York, I studied dance with the famous modern dancer and choreographer, Katherine Dunham, at her School of Dance. Eartha Kitt, the singer and actress, was in my class. me – Tell me about the play that provided your ‘big break.’ Jimmy – I got the leading role of Bachir, a blackmailing North African houseboy, in the 1954 Broadway production of The Immoralist – an adaptation of the autobiographical novel about repressed homosexuality by Andre Gide. Louis Jourdan and Geraldine Page were my co-stars. The positive reviews I received from five major New York newspapers and the rave review from Time Magazine praised my performance and led to calls from Hollywood. Specifically, I got the attention of Elia Kazan who was casting a movie based on John Steinbeck’s novel, East of Eden, for Warner Bros. He invited me to take a screen test. me – You know, Jimmy, you are often considered an icon today because of your ‘experimental’ attitude toward life. In other words, your apparent ambivalent sexuality. You have been quoted as saying: “An actor must interpret life and, in order to do so, must be willing to accept all the experiences life has to offer.” Jimmy – Are you asking about the rumors of my bisexuality? If so, I’ll tell you what I told an east coast reporter in 1954: “Well, I am certainly not going to go through life with one arm tied behind my back.” End of story. me – Fair enough. How did you ward off all those beautiful Hollywood starlets who were attracted to you? Jimmy – “I often told the women who tried to get too close to me that I was still grieving for my mother. It made a good alibi.” I dated Ursula Andress who was the beautiful babe in the first James Bond movie. But that was for PR. I did have a genuine relationship with a young and very beautiful Italian actress, Pier Angeli. I met her while she was making the film, The Silver Chalice, at Warner Bros. But it wasn’t meant to be. She broke off our relationship unexpectedly (apparently from pressure by her mother), announced her engagement to Vic Damone, a popular Italian singer, and they were married the next month. Note: Pier Angeli died of an accidental (?) barbiturate overdose when she was 39. Before she died, Pier wrote that Dean was the only man she had ever really loved. me – Tell me about your experience in your first important movie role. Jimmy – Elia Kazan, the director, signed me for the role of Cal Trask in East of Eden in 1954. My character is the rebel son of a pious, disapproving father (see any similarity there?) who was played by Raymond Massey. My estranged mother played by Jo Van Fleet is the madam of a brothel (absolutely no similarity whatsoever)! I was a relatively unknown young actor and I learned that Kazan originally wanted “a Brando for the role.” I didn’t realize it then but my role in this film was very similar to the role I would play in the next one, Rebel without a Cause. Both characters are loners who crave guidance and affection from a father figure. me– What was that zany dance of yours all about in the bean field in the movie? Jimmy – That was completely unscripted – it was just the way I felt me – And I read that you did another improvisation when instead of running away from your father as called for in the script after he rejects your gift of money, you ran to him and lovingly embraced him? Jimmy – I surprised the hell out of Massey with that action and was surprised myself that Kazan kept it in the film. Note: James Dean received a posthumous ‘Best Actor in a Leading Role’ Academy Award nomination for this role, the first posthumous acting nomination in Academy Awards history.

Continues on page 14

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

Celebrity Sightings in OB this Month

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Chris from The Olive Tree Market swore upside and down that he saw James Dean cruise by last Saturday in his silver “Little Bastard” Porsche Syder headed towards Sunset Cliffs. Soon after there were numerous sightings by others reported, but everyone seemed rather vague. We think it was a case of mass hysteria, but we’ll keep you posted.

Yes, The King was in our small beach town. He was spotted at The Old Townhouse Restaurant having breakfast early Thursday morning with a rather glam looking woman. Little did we know that it was Mae interviewing Elvis for The Ocean Beach Chronicle.

This Place Is Magical Fats Domino put on a great show at Mother’s Saloon but was certainly looking a little haggard as we caught him at Tower Two trying to get a little breakfast inside him.

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Glamour Queen Marilyn Monroe was recently in town for a little R&R. A reader said she was seen dropping by April’s Massage Studio just off Newport. April confirmed the sighting and said she was an absolute delight.

The Platters were in OB and put on quite a spectacular show at Winstons. Great bunch of folk, they decided to stay for a while and checked into The Ocean Villa Inn. Please don’t disturb.

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Absolutely Great Selection of Wines & Liquors Best Selection of Craft & Micro Beers Biggest Selection of 6 packs in The Largest ‘Beer Cave’ in San Diego Annette Funicello was spotted chowing down on a Torpedo at Hungry Lu’s. Nice choice Annette! She was in town filming a segment for ‘Beach Blanket’.

Gloria Grahame was letting off some steam at Lucy’s Tavern. She was in town after finishing the musical ‘Oklahoma!’

3911 Voltaire Street 619.226.0866

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 5


his spring I left my comfortable beachside home in sleepy Ocean Beach to wake America up. On April 16th I hopped into a van with a stranger from a Craigslist.com rideshare board, stopped in Santa Cruz to pick up a bamboo bike, and arrived in San Francisco a with a few days to prepare for a 4,700 mile bike ride across the USA. The journey, coined Off the Grid Across America, was designed to inspire Americans to start living a more earth-friendly lifestyle for themselves, their community, and the earth. To lead by example I followed a set of rigorous ground rules: only using electricity I created via my own solar panels, using water harvested from natural sources or that was going to waste, eating local organic unpackaged food or food that was going to waste, using no fossil fuels, creating near zero trash and shopping only at businesses that are socially and environmentally responsible. 104 days of bike riding through deserts, over mountains, across the Great Plains, and in urban America gave me a lot of time to gain a deep appreciation for what I have. Removing conveniences that I have grown accustomed to such as electricity, running water, and garbage cans, gave me a chance to see life from a different perspective. Some people go to school to learn about sustainability. I chose to live it. So what did I learn? While the trip was downright grueling, I realized that when you have less, you have more. I appreciated a small sip of water, a morsel of food, the last 3% of battery life on my computer, clean clothes, fresh air, smooth roads, and clean water to swim in. Now that I can find joy in the simple parts of life, I can find sources of happiness for free everywhere around me. I can leave my house in OB without a dollar in my pocket and have a great day. I learned the power of a bicycle. It is a relatively simple machine but it can take us great distances both figuratively and literally. Life is good when you are on a bike. Good for yourself, good for the earth, and good for the people around you. I ride my bike everywhere I go in OB. I am so fortunate to have learned that if you live simply, you can live free. The less complicated you make your life, the more time you have to spend doing what you love and what’s good for you. Now that I am back home I have cut all the unnecessary junk out of my life so that I can be present with the world I live in and truly enjoy it. Certain things are great to have but if it doesn’t truly make your life more meaningful and enjoyable then it’s not worth having around.

up close and personal Ocean Beach Activist Inspiring a Happy Healthy Earth

Rob Greenfield

I ate close to 300 pounds of food from dumpsters this summer and saw first hand the massive amount of waste that we create in America. I’m talking165 billion dollars worth of food each year. 30-50% of the food we produce in this country ends up in the dumpster. I learned that I can not only survive but thrive in America solely off the waste created by others. Over the 104 days and 4,700 miles of my ride I managed to use just 160 gallons of water, create a mere two pounds of trash, plug into only five outlets, not switch on a light, and travel via my own power save one mile on a ferry into New York City. The average American uses 50 times more water, 600 times more fuel, 1000 times more electricity, and creates over 200 times more trash. I arrived back home in Ocean Beach in late August and have an even greater appreciation for this beachside haven than I did before. I’m thankful for the freedom that this place provides us and for the big blue ocean that accompanies us every day. You’ll often find me at the beach at the end of Santa Cruz Ave and from time to time you’ll see me picking up trash. I believe that we should protect and respect our home and beyond OB we should protect Planet Earth, the only home that us humans have. It’s the only refuge for 7 billion human lives. It’s the only safe haven for the millions of species of plants and animals. The earth harbors our water, our food, and our air and provides us with shelter. We need this place to live on if we want to continue on with the lives that we love so much. I live to inspire a happier healthier way of living and have a strong desire to help our community be a beautiful place. For the rest of 2013 I’m offering free seeds to any resident of Ocean Beach who’d like to create food or flowers. The only favor I ask is that you’ll share the seeds and the food with your neighbors. I also offer free guitar picks made from old hotel keycards to anyone who’d like them. You can contact me via RobGreenfield.TV and follow my adventures at www.Facebook.com/ RobJGreenfield. I also just launched a new adventure series that will make viewers rethink the way they interact with the world. The adventures focus on showing earth-friendly living, happiness, and health while being highly entertaining and inspiring. Guest adventurers and adventures will be chosen by the fans via Facebook voting. Visit Change the World with Rob Greenfield to learn how to win a free trip with me to Mexico.

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The Ocean Beach Chronicle 7

up close and personal

Ramona – Slinging Hot Cakes at The Old Townhouse

So who is this woman who gets up before dawn starting our day off with bottomless hot coffee showing genuine interest in her customers? Described as magical by her patrons, Ramona strikes my curiosity. To my luck she agrees to letting me interview her, and a few days later I find myself sitting across from Ramona, at her home in Ocean Beach.

By Cassandra Anderson


ho runs this town before the sun is up, while some of us are still hitting the snooze button around lunchtime? The employees of Ocean Beach’s many coffee shops and breakfast joints are just a few who wake up before dawn, to serve the rest of us locals, and whoever else rolls through town. Having lived and worked in Ocean Beach myself for 6 plus years, I have become familiar with this small community and some of the people who contribute to what makes OB so unique. I didn’t have to think long, who to write a story about when it comes to hard-working employees in the local service industry. If you have ever been to The Old Townhouse on Newport Avenue, chances are, you have met Ramona. Ramona Grace Reynolds is who I consider an OB staple and certainly Queen Bee of waitresses at the OTH. While for a lot of youngsters and students waiting tables, or bartending is a part-time gig to put themselves through school or generate some extra cash on the side, with 26 years under her belt, working at The Old Town House, Ramona is a career waitress. What makes her so special is her positive attitude and her unique way with people. Even after close to 30 years of balancing multiple heavy plates and being on her feet for hours on end, she manages to brighten peoples’ day and welcomes her patrons with a contagious smile. Ramona knows her customers so well that she has placed their order for the cooks and the food is ready before they have sat down. Everyone knows Ramona, she can’t go down the street two blocks before she gets stopped to talk to. Customers even come from out of state just to see her. She is certainly a rock star.

Anderson’s Black Angus Steakhouse in Washington State. As life at home got progressively worse Ramona moved into her own apartment as soon as she turned 18. To make things worse Ramona’s mom passed away a few years later. It was at that time Ramona met a young man who was in town from Alaska and later on invited her to live with him. In order to not go down a dark path, Ramona took the opportunity and moved to Alaska where she didn’t know anyone beside the man who brought her there. Ramona spent two years waiting tables in Alaska before her partner’s family out in California got sick and needed to be cared for. Thinking she had her move to California all figured out and her transfer through Stuart Anderson’s secured, things didn’t work out for her as planned once she arrived on the West Coast. There had been a misunderstanding between management for her transfer out to California and the position promised to her was no longer available at the time of her arrival. Her relationship didn’t work out and one day she got in her car, scared to death to be driving on the freeway, she ended up in Ocean Beach, the end of the 8 Freeway. Ramona got lucky and found an apartment in OB the very same day and met a young lady who got her the job at The Old Townhouse where Ramona has been working ever since. The day was December 1st 1986. Her work and all her regulars replaced the family she never really had. Even when less pleasant people come in to dine at the restaurant, Ramona looks at the

“Ramona is the most compassionate caring person that I have ever known. I have seen her buy customers their meals because they are having a bad day.” - Ted Caplaneris As apposed to hitting her with pre-composed questions, I decide to let Ramona tell her story. Born in Washington State, Ramona grew up in military barracks. Her father was a Drill Sergeant in the Army. At age 5 Ramona and her family moved a mile away from the military base into a small community consisting of only 5 houses. Her neighborhood was very diverse in ethnicity, which raised Ramona’s interest in people early on she says. Life at home was rough and with a strict father, bad circumstances in the family, and being teased for her clothing and appearance by kids in school, Ramona didn’t have the best childhood. In order to “fit in” she started earning money by cleaning military homes and babysitting by the time she was 12 years old. With the money she earned she bought clothing her schoolmates wouldn’t make fun of her for. When she turned 16, her dad did buy her a car, it was a $400.00, ‘61 Ford Falcon and provided a bit more sense of freedom for Ramona. At age 17 she got her first serving job at Stuart

bright side of things and as she says breathes in their negativity only to exhale the good. She says what she really wanted to be when she grew up, was to be working with animals and even went to school to be working as a veterinarian technician, instead she found her purpose in doing exactly what she is best at: Interacting with people, making their day just a little brighter and putting a pinch of her magical charm into your cup o’ Joe. If you have not paid Ramona a visit yet, I recommend you get the experience first hand and see for yourself what a wonderful person she really is.

The Old Townhouse Restaurant

Located in the heart of Ocean Beach, Family owned and operated for over 40 years, The Old Townhouse Restaurant is a local favorite for Pancakes, Waffles, Omelets, French Toast, Biscuits and Gravy, and Eggs Benedict! The comforts of home style cooking when you’re not at home! Ready to serve you seven days a week from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 4941 Newport Ave, Ocean Beach, 92107 619-222-1880

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8 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

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Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 9

up close and personal THe Cactus Jacks


The King himself was here in Ocean Beach for a little vacation and Mae had the pleasure of having breakfast with him at The Old Townhouse Restaurant. This is what went down:

Mae: Elvis, uh, you are sort of a be-bop artist more than anything else. Arent you? Is that what they call you? Elvis: Well, I never have given myself a name, but a lot of the people call me, uh, uh, boppin hillbilly and be-bop. I dont know what they call me ... Mae: Sort of a combination of things. But I’ve seen you perform and you’re a terrific performer and a lot of my listeners have seen you and they’ve heard your records and they think you’re very wonderfull and of course you really sky-rocked it to fame on That’s All Right Mama. wasn’t that the one? Elvis: Yes Maam, that was the one that got me on my way and everything. It, kinda ... Mae: And .. and .. on Sun records, I believe. Elvis: Yes Maam, that’s right. Mae: I think that’s very fine, and you started touring the continent and you covered a lot of territory in the last few month, I believe. Elvis: Yes Maam. Ive toured mostly in West Texas is where my records are hottest. San Angelo, Lubbock, Midland, Amarillo. Mae: They tell me, that they almost mobbed you there, the teenagers they liked you so much. But you know, I happen to know that you have toured all down in the eastern part of the country too; down in Florida and around, and that the people went for you there about as well as out in West Texas. Is that right? Elvis: Well, I wasnt real well known down here. I mean you know, I’m with a small company and my records dont have the distribution that they should have, but, uh .. Mae: Of course, that, that thats coming. It takes a little bit of time for that. And you know, some of the people that’ve been in the buisness for 20 years ... they’ve just ... It takes that long to get distribution all over the United States. But I think you’re one of the fastes rising young stars, perhaps in the fields ... and I know that .. Uh .. That people go for you ... You know, I watched you perform one time down in Florida and ... Uh ... I noticed that the older people got about as big a kick out of you as the teenagers. I thought that was an amazing thing.

Elvis: Well, I I’magine its the way we ... all three of us move on stage ... We act like we just ... Mae: Yes, and we mustnt leave out Scotty and Bill who really do a terrific job of backing you up. Elvis: They sure do. I really, really am, uh ... I really am uh ...lucky to have them two boys. Cause they really are good. Each one of them has their individual style of his own and ... Mae: Do you know what I can’t understand Is, How you keep that leg shaking just ... just ... at the right tempo all the time? Its ... ( Both Laughing) Elvis: Well I ... It get’s hard some times I have to stop and rest a little bit ... cause ... (laughing) I just automaticly wiggels ... like that ... Mae: Is that ... Is that ... does it ... You started back in high school didnt you? Singing for around public performances for school and things ... Isn’t that so? Elvis: Well, no, Maam. I never did sing anywhere in public in my life, I mean except church. Mae: Is that right? Elvis: Yes, Maam. Mae: And then you just went right on and got Into their hearts and .. and youre doing a wonderful job. And I wanted to congratulate you on that. And I wanted to say to you Elvis its been very nice having breakfast with you today. Elvis: Well, thank you very much Mae, and Id like to personally thank you for really promoting my records. I mean, because you have done a wonderful job, and I really do appreciate it because if you dont have people backing you and really pushing you, you might as well quit.

Elvis chowing down at The Old Townhouse here in Ocean Beach

By Julian Bojorquez What does the name The Cactus Jacks mean?

Transient names were used every time we played out such as ‘Texas Neckties’, ‘Jolly Ranchers’, ‘Half Cocked’, ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly’ All names that were fun and that we could relate to. We were then asked to be a resident weekly band at Winston’s in Ocean Beach and had to settle on an actual name for promotional sake and used the name ‘The Cactus Jacks’ with the intention on changing it later. Using the name for events and festivals soon following, we decided to stick with it. The name ‘The Cactus Jacks’ symbolises to me, characters that are rough around the edges, the sort of people that live in the ‘badlands’, outlaws playing outlaw music.

How long has the band been playing together?

Late 2009 my mother had passed away which for me was very difficult to cope with. and music has always been medicine for me, so it was only natural to turn to it. Not long after that time I had ran into Seth on Newport in O.B and he inquired what i had been up to. Before parting he extended the use of his rehearsal space up above his tattoo/salon. Soon after I took him up on this offer to go up to the crows nest and plug in and play so as not to bother my neighbors in the residential neighborhood, and besides who like country music in these parts? Well to my surprise Seth ran up the stairs and asked if he could drum along with me as I crooned out old standards by Hank Sr and Marty Robins. Slow shuffles and somber tunes reflective of the sorrows that smolder. This led to us playing downstairs on the shop floor one hot summer eve after closing time. The windows were

open for air, and that caused people to begin peeking in and listening. One particular fellow that had heard us from across the street poked his head in the window and asked to sit in some time with his Hawaiian lap steel guitar. His name is James Bruce, and the rest is history. A magical dynamic happened which I attribute to my mother looking over me of course, besides what’s honky tonk music without mamma, trains, booze, prison? In Early 2010 we embarked on this musical journey together.

Would you describe your band as Rockabilly?

I would say there are elements of Rockabilly, but also Western Swing, Honky Tonk, and Outlaw Country. ‘Americana’ is what we call it.

Describe your fans Nostalgic!

Favorite car, band, musician? 1.American Made 2. honkytonk Heroes, 3. Johnny Cash

Band members are Jesse Julian Bojorquez, Seth Yates and James Bruce. They are all local business owners and operators in the Ocean Beach area. Julian Bojorquez: (Fitness Club director of Robb Fitness club in O.B) Seth Yates: (Owner and founder of Seth’s Chop Shop in O.B) James Bruce: (Owner operator of Landscaping company.) thecactusjacks@gmail.com

Heard of the OB Rag?

We’re the online news publication for Ocean Beach. Named after the original OB Rag of the 1970’s

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Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

in loving memory

Chris Carr

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hris Carr and his smile will be greatly missed in Ocean Beach, San Diego. Everyone that met Chris was greeted by his infectious humor. He had something silly to say about everything. His cheer is what made him popular at the local pubs he worked at, Lucy’s Tavern and Cheswick’s

West. Chris grew up in Rancho Bernardo, the son of Richard and Janice Carr & is survived by his aunt Ginny Rabb. A graduate of Rancho Bernardo High School in 1993, he was also an aspiring artist specializing in detailed pencil drawings. Chris, a long time Ocean Beach resident was easily the OB Costume King, dressing up in elaborate and ridiculous garb for every event. He was known for his ability to “Get into character” and he made any occasion an hilarious event. Locals missing this fun friend who lost his struggle to illness on Tuesday October 28th attended some of the events planned to honor his life. Lucy’s Tavern hosted a fundraising event on Saturday 11/23 and Cheswick’s will hold a weekend long series of activities in January. Donations are being accepted at US Bank, OB Branch – Chris Carr Memorial Fund.

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 11

up close and personal

Bettie Page

Susie Bright on The Bettie Page Story

I was first introduced to the radiance of Bettie Page in 1983, by the editors of a gay leathermen’s magazine. They lent me a VHS bondage tape of Bettie modeling from the 1950s which was so insanely cute that I played it continuously during Thanksgiving dinner that year. It was the beginning of a devoted affair. Miss Page has come a long way in American limelight from the time her pictures were the subject of a full federal obscenity investigation, intent on saving juveniles from the depravity of smut. She became a Christian missionary and no one thought they would ever hear from her again. But Bettie’s story was different from the average Suicide Girl. She was doing fetish photography when the subject was completely removed from any sense of camp or fashion. The closet was shut so tight not even a filament of sex-positivity could be imagined. The damnation she faced must have been entirely without context to comprehend. It is this history that’s the focus of director/writer Mary Harron’s new movie, The Notorious Bettie Page. Mary was the director of my episode on Six Feet Under last year, and after meeting her, I marveled, “Wow, a feminist is making the Bettie Page biopic, I can’t believe it.” I asked her to talk to me more about her adventures with Bettie... SB: When I first was introduced to Bettie, it was within the milieu of gay life, the counter-culture that existed in San Francisco and New York. She was like the post-AIDS pin-up girl, a little ray of sunshine in an otherwise bleak period. It was the same time when bondage and fetish were

12 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

entering fashion trends, again fueled by gay and punk culture. What do you make of such an unusual rebirth? MH: It’s interesting that gay men and young women have been the twin engines of the Bettie cult. I wonder if her original gay cult had something to do with the ironies inherent in her image, as well as her innate fabulousness as an image. The Bettie bondage shots are filled with contradiction: her sunny smiles and cheesecake poses are at variance with the pictures’ supposed message of dark S&M. She was the first person to do bondage as fashion, because for her it really was all about dressing up. And there is a camp element in the Bettie catalog: the bondage shots next to homely wallpaper and living room furniture in the Klaw pictures, the leopards with leopard-skin bathing suits in the Bunny Yeager shots. SB: Bettie went beyond the usual “photogenic” description. What kind of beauty does the camera love like this? What made Page’s image so spectacular? MH: She knew just how to position her face and body for the camera. More importantly, she was so relaxed. One of the secrets of being a great photographic model, as it is for a great film actor, is that you let the camera in. It’s an intimacy that the model or actor creates with the lens, that then transmits itself to the viewer. SB: You point a finger, without drawing a thick line, at her history of sexual abuse, incest, -- and her survival of sexual assault, a gang rape. How do you think women recover, sexually, from situations like that? MH: The abuse by her father was the most damaging, because she was still a child. She was a traumatized person, but she did have an active sex life. Billy Neal, her first husband, told me they had a great sex life and I believe him-- it was clearly the motor in their relationship. Sexually abuse, or rape, is an awful

trauma but it doesn’t mean you will never enjoy sex- although it may mean you become more sexuallyidentified, as the careers of countless porn stars will attest. Many men who’ve seen the film complain that Bettie doesn’t react much to the sexual abuse: she doesn’t show more rage or grief. But most men have no idea how much sexual shit women go through, how many of their female friends, relatives, and co-workers have been raped or abused in some way. They don’t know about it because the women don’t talk about it, and just get on with their lives, as Bettie did. SB: My own personal interpretation of Page’s “naivete,” and her various personalities as model, missionary, etc., is that she was genuinely crazy, and coping the best way anyone does when they are suffering from mental demons. But if she had been homely and crazy, or even just plain, what would have happened then? So often it seems that sexual allure is both the salvation and damnation of people who need to be seen more deeply than the surface.... MH: If she had been homely, her mental problems would have been spotted earlier. The people I talked to who knew her in the Fifties all talked about how sweet, friendly, unassuming she

was-- but at the same time, no one seemed to know her intimately. Even her first husband, Billy Neal, found her a mystery. That suggests to me that she had sealed herself off: there was something blank and inaccessible about her. She was always late, often hours late, which implies that she would just space out. Someone can be mentally ill, but if they are young and beautiful and their life is going well, people don’t notice because at that point the cracks are almost imperceptible. I think it’s significant that Bettie’s breakdowns happened in her middle age. There were a lot of things going wrong for her by then. Her fourth marriage had collapsed, and with it her hopes of happy family life. There were the demons from the past, her father’s abuse and the gang rape. You can’t discount the traumatic effects of aging. By now she was a middle-aged woman, and she had spent her whole adult life as a beauty. Her identity, her finances, her social life, her sense of herself: everything depended on that, and it was gone. Bettie’s “naivete” in the film should have quotation marks around it. It was deliberate. She had sealed herself off in some protective way from what disturbed her-- not an uncommon mode among 50’s women-- and lived in her own bubble. She had all the evidence in front of her about what the fetish photographs were for, but she chose not to examine it.

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

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Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 13

Continued from page 4 me – Within the same year, Jimmy, you had your second starring film role. Why do you think this film was so popular with teenagers? Jimmy – In Rebel without a Cause directed by Nicholas Ray, I portrayed Jim Stark, an idealistic but troubled, rebellious middle class teen. I think I may have been seen as a major representation of teenage angst – in a red jacket. I believe many American teens at the time identified with me and the roles I played. As well as with my co-stars: Natalie Wood and Sal Mineo. me – Did you have a romance with Natalie Wood as many fans believed? Jimmy – Contrary to popular opinion, there was no romance, just a close friendship. We liked each other and enjoyed each other’s company, “but there was no affair and no sexual relationship.” me – Tell me about the character you played In your third and, unfortunately, final film, Giant. Jimmy – This movie directed by George Stevens was based on the popular novel by Edna Ferber. I was the poor, surly, racist Texas cowboy, Jett Rink – another non-conformist role – with a strong prejudice against Mexicans who discovers oil and becomes filthy rich. My co-stars were two of the most popular movie stars of the era: Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson. To portray an older version of my character in one scene, I dyed my hair gray and shaved some of it off to give myself a receding hairline. me – How did those two superstar movie personalities react to you, a comparative newcomer? Jimmy – Elizabeth Taylor was a sweetheart, platonically speaking, that is. Did you know that I was actually a year older than Liz? She gave me a beautiful Siamese cat as a gift. But during filming Rock Hudson and I did not get along. This tension may have lent more reality to our on-screen-clashes. At the end of the film, I made a drunken speech at a banquet (which has been nicknamed the ‘Last Supper’ because it was the last scene before my sudden, horrible demise). I mumbled so much that the scene had to later be re-recorded by my co-stars because I died before the film was edited. If I had known this would be my last film I would have spoken more distinctly. (Laughs sardonically) Note: Phyllis Gates, Rock Hudson’s ex-wife, wrote that he cried after hearing the news of Jimmy’s death. … “Rock couldn’t be reached. He was overcome by guilt and shame, almost as though he himself had killed James Dean.” James Dean received his second Academy Award nomination posthumously after ‘Giant” was released in 1956. me – Next to acting, Jimmy, would you say that racing was one of your greatest passions?

Jimmy – You got that right. When I won that first role in East of Eden , I bought myself a sporty red MGTD and then I upgraded it to a Porsche 356 Speedster which I raced. Paid $4,000 for that beauty. I came in second in the Palm Springs Road Races in March 1955 and third at Bakersfield in May. me – When did you buy your Porsche Spyder? Jimmy – While we were filming Rebel without a Cause , I traded my 356 Speedster in for a Porsche 550 Spyder – there were only 90 made. My film contract barred me from racing during the filming of Giant, but once the film was completed, I was free to race again. I had my new 550 customized by a friend, George Barris, who numbered it 130 at the front, sides and back. me – I remember reading that you and a buddy gave your new Spyder a nickname which was … ? Jimmy – (laughing) We called it ‘Little Bastard.’ “When I met the British actor, Alec Guinness, outside a restaurant, I showed him my new car. He said it looked ‘sinister’ and told me, ‘Get rid of that car, or you’ll be dead in a week!’” This encounter took place September 23, 1955.

The End

me – Tell me about what happened just one week later on September 30, 1955. Jimmy – I was driving my Spyder to enter a sports car race at Salinas California. My mechanic, Rolf Wutherich, was in the passenger seat. At 3:30 pm I was stopped by police and given a ticket for speeding ten mph over the speed limit (65). Two hours and fifteen minutes later, I was driving west on Route 46 near Cholame, California. A guy driving a 1950 Ford Tudor headed east tried to take a left turn onto Route 41 and crossed into my lane at full speed without seeing me. We hit each other almost head on. You know the guy’s name? me – I think I remember it was like a vegetable. Jimmy – Close! His name was Donald Turnupseed. Can you imagine? I ‘bought the farm’ because of a Turnupseed! The last words I said right before the impact were, “That guy’s gotta stop... He’ll see us!” Note: All re-creations of the accident agree that Jimmy was observing all the rules of the road, and the other driver was at least equally at fault due to inattention; possibly solely at fault. But he was a local boy and Jimmy was a Hollywood star so that fact received little attention. James Dean was killed almost immediately from the impact due to a broken neck. He was 24. His very brief but brilliant career, charisma in films, violent death and highly publicized funeral transformed him into a cult icon He is buried in Park Cemetery in Fairmount, Indiana

There Likes Me” (1956) and “The Left Handed Gun” (1958). In an interview in 1955, Gig Young, the actor, asked Jimmy, “Do you have any special advice for the young people who drive?” Jimmy’s reply: “Take it easy driving. The life you might save might be mine!”


– the farming community where he grew up. Even today, visitors come from as far away as Argentina and Australia to visit his grave.


A memorial built in 1977 – a sculpture of concrete and stainless steel made in Japan – surrounds a tree of heaven located in front of the Cholame, California post office near the crash site. The 46-41 Highway junction at Cholame has been named the James Dean Memorial Junction. The United States Postal Service issued a commemorative stamp in 1996.


Jimmy’s mechanic, Rolf, was thrown from the car during the impact of the crash but survived with multiple injuries. He became depressed from the trauma of the accident and made several suicide attempts. He died in Germany in 1981 in an auto accident similar to the one that killed James Dean. Donald Turnupseed received a gashed forehead and bruised nose and was not cited by police for the accident. He refused all interviews with the press. James Dean was the first — and is one of five actors — to have been posthumously nominated for a Best Actor Academy Award and is the only one nominated twice. James Dean’s father inherited his estate, which was valued at the time of his death at $96,438 after taxes. He did not leave behind a will, so most of his possessions went to his father, Winton Dean, whose relationship with him had remained distant. His estate still earns about $5 million per year, according to ‘Forbes Magazine.’ Jimmy earned $12,000 from his first film, $12,500 from the second, and $21,000 from “Giant.” Before his death, Jimmy’s agent negotiated a nine-picture, $1-million deal with Warner Bros. Jimmy did not live long enough to honor it. Paul Newman inherited the roles which helped make him a star: “Somebody Up

The curse of “Little Bastard” James Dean’s Porsche 550 Spyder became infamous for being the vehicle that killed not only him, but for injuring and killing several others in the years following his death. Many people came to believe that the sports car and its parts were somehow cursed. Jimmy’s friend, George Barris, bought the totaled wreck for $2,500, only to have it slip off its trailer and break a mechanic’s leg. Soon afterward, Barris sold the engine and drivetrain to two physicians, Troy McHenry and William Eschrid. While racing against each other, McHenry was killed instantly when his vehicle spun out of control and crashed into a tree. Eschrid was seriously injured when his vehicle rolled over while going into a curve. There’s more. Subsequently, two young would-be car thieves were injured while attempting to steal parts from the car. When one tried to steal the steering wheel from the Porsche, his arm was ripped open on a piece of jagged metal. Later, another man was injured while trying to steal the bloodstained front seat. This was the final straw for Barris who loaned the wrecked car to the California Highway Patrol for a highway safety exhibit. The garage storing the Spyder went up in flames, destroying everything except the car itself, which suffered almost no damage from the fire. While on display, at a Sacramento high school, the car fell, breaking a student’s hip. On the way to Salinas, the truck containing the vehicle lost control causing the driver to fall out, only to be crushed by the Porsche after it fell off the back. In 1960, after the car was returned to Barris, it mysteriously vanished and has never been found. I guess Alec Guiness knew what he was talking about when he said the car was “sinister.” “If a man can bridge the gap between life and death ... I mean, if he can live on after his death, then maybe he was a great man.” – James Dean © Copyright BJ Rakow 2011. All rights reserved. http://drbj.hubpages.com/hub/Interview-withJames-Dean

porsche 550 spyder The Porsche 550 was a sports car produced by Porsche from 1953-1956. Inspired by the Porsche 356 which was created by Ferry Porsche, and some spyder prototypes built and raced by Walter Glöckler starting in 1951, the factory decided to build a car designed for use in auto racing. The model Porsche 550 Spyder was introduced at the 1953 Paris Auto Show. The 550 was very low to the ground, in order to be efficient for racing. In fact, former German Formula One racer Hans Herrmann drove it under closed railroad crossing gates during the 1954 Mille Miglia. Racing history The 550 / 1500RS or Spyder became known as the “Giant Killer”. The later 1956 evolution version of the model, the 550A, which had a lighter and more rigid spaceframe chassis, gave Porsche its first overall win in a major sports car racing event, the 1956 Targa Florio. Its successor from 1957 onwards, the Porsche 718, commonly known as the RSK was even more successful. The Spyder variations continued through the early 1960s, the RS 60 and RS 61. A descendant of the Porsche 550 is generally considered to be the Porsche Boxster S 550 Spyder; the Spyder name was effectively resurrected with the RS Spyder Le Mans Prototype. Perhaps the most famous of the first 90 Porsche 550’s built was James Dean’s “Little Bastard” numbered 130 (VIN 550-0055) which Dean fatally crashed into Donald Turnupseed’s 1950 Ford

14 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

Custom at the CA Rt. 46/41 Cholame Junction on September 30, 1955. As Dean was finishing up Giant’s filming in September, 1955, he suddenly traded in his 356 Porsche Super Speedster at Competition Motors for a new 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder on September 21st and immediately entered the upcoming Salinas Road Race event scheduled for October 1 and 2. According to Lee Raskin, Porsche historian, and author of James Dean At Speed, Dean asked custom car painter and pin

striper Dean Jeffries to paint Little Bastard on the car: “Dean Jeffries, who had a paint shop next to Barris did the customizing work which consisted of: painting ‘130’ in black nonpermanent paint on the front hood, doors and rear deck lid. He also painted “Little Bastard” in script across the rear cowling. The red leather bucket seats and red tail stripes were original. The tail stripes were painted by the Stuttgart factory, which was customary on the Spyders for long distance endurance racing identification.” Purportedly, James Dean had been given the nickname “Little Bastard” by Bill Hickman, a Warner Bros. stunt driver who became friendly with Dean. Previous references to Hickman say he was Dean’s dialogue coach on Giant. Bob Hinkle, a Texan, was actually Dean’s Giant dialogue coach. Hickman was part of Dean’s group driving to the Salinas Road Races on September 30, 1955. Hickman says he called Dean, “little bastard.” And Dean called Hickman, “big bastard.” Another version of the “Little Bastard” origin has been corroborated by two of Dean’s close friends, Lew Bracker, and photographer, Phil Stern. They believe Jack Warner of Warner Bros. had once referred to Dean as a little bastard after Dean refused to vacate his temporary East of Eden trailer on the studio’s lot. And Dean wanted to get ‘even’ with Warner by naming his race car, “Little Bastard” and to show Warner that despite his sports car racing ban during all filming, Dean was going to be racing the “Little Bastard” in between making movies for Warner Bros

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

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Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 15

Sacred Destinations and Journeys Along The Way By Louis M. Brill Reviewed by Michael Peter Langevin


rill states that, Sacred Destinations and Journeys Along The Way is a photography book of visionary light sculptures that portrays the artistic presence of Lumia, a form of abstract light that looks like textured smoke and appears in any number of sensuous shapes.” He says that the book’s format was set up as an imaginary journey through the experiences of life from birth to death. The phantasmagorical nature of the images, however make me know that they are windows in to the readers deepest hopes, fears and imaginational limits. When I first saw the images from this book, I actually thought, Louis M. Brill had somehow managed to photograph the souls of the newly dead and recently departed. Then as I strove to better understand what these images really were I had to entertain the possibility that Brill had created a way to prove that other dimensions exist and photographed them. After reading and rereading the book and the website explanations, I now accept that Brill claims these are pictures of Lumia Light Sculptures. Each and all images are unique, special and fascinating in themselves. Yet as I look at the images and read his words I still am not convinced these are not photos of both disincarnate spirits and other dimensions. The book is like no other book I have ever owned and a prized possession. I swear it evolves

and alters every time I read it. It would make a memorable holiday gift. Sacred Destinations and Journeys Along The Way Book web site: www.sacredlumia.com To Purchase Book : http://sacreddestinationsjourneys.com/shopping_cart.html Book Blog: http://sacreddestinations-journeys. com/Lumia_blog_toc.html



he year 1955 was a time of UFO sightings and fear of nuclear attacks by the communists; it was a time of rebelling, the birthing of rock and roll, and fighting for racial equality—it was not a time of spiritual enlightenment or talk of reincarnation therapy. However, in the year just proceeding 1955, Ernest Norman met Ruth (later known as Uriel) whom he had been searching for. They were destined to marry, to work together to help “usher in a New Age of Spiritual Renaissance for humankind.” As an advanced clairvoyant, Ernest immediately began channeling inspired poetry, which Ruth took down in longhand. Soon after 1955, Ernest channeled a series of books outlining the “Science of Life,” the basic teaching of the Unarius Academy, a nonprofit educational foundation. Among those books was The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation, the core text explaining the interdimensional cosmos. All the Unarius teachings further elaborate on this vast topic, but also explain how the reader can jumpstart their personal spiritual evolution through this understanding. Today, there are 125 books in print, over 100 video documentaries, and five websites, including one in Spanish, as well as biweekly classes including past-life therapy that are live streamed to be available worldwide. For some readers, the teachings of the Unarius Academy may be controversial and unconventional, even at this time in the 21st century. However, the Academy has testimonials from thousands of students that have greatly benefited from studying and applying the universal principles of the Unariun teachings in the past sixty years. The controversies tend to center around Unarius’ beliefs that the teachings are scientific, when they deal with such subjects as channeling entities from other planets, as well as from other eras such as Egypt and Atlantis. However, for the open-minded student there are self-improvement tools and techniques which I personally have found can positively transform one’s life. The ability to overcome present-day problems, whether physical, mental, or emotional, through awareness and acceptance of a previous lifetime, is called past-life therapy. The premise of this new age psychiatry is based on understanding that we are energy or spiritual beings, and all our previous thoughts and actions are recorded as energy waveforms and stored in our psychic or energy body. So the root cause of our fears and insecurities is from a previous lifetime—the energy waveforms from the past are resurfacing into the present, triggered by what we are experiencing in our daily life. The representatives of the Unarius Academy claim that for readers who are mentally prepared and open, studying the Unarius texts will raise the reader’s consciousness to receive, and benefit from, the higher vibrations imbued in the texts. To find our more about Unarius, visit these websites: www.unarius.org, www.past-lifetherapy.com, www. teslaenergy.net, and www.interplanetaryconfederation.com. Or check out Unarius on YouTube, Unarius33 channel. Classes are held at the Academy’s new world teaching center on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, from 7:00– 9:00 p.m. (PT). To watch or listen to the live stream of classes, go to http://unarius.org/index.php?page=classesstreamed-live for the links to log in during the web cast. The Unarius Academy’s new world teaching center is located at 145 S. Magnolia Ave., in El Cajon, California, and is open to visitors Tuesday through Saturday, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Along with its bookstore and reading room, the center features visionary artwork and futuristic displays such as the Future Model City and Power Tower. This article was based on an interview of Celeste Appel, conducted by Michael Peter Langevin, author of Spiritual Business.

Discover Your Past Lives • Enhance your psychic & creative abilities • Improve relationships, overcome problems • Experience peace of mind

Sunday & Wednesday classes streamed live on the Internet from 7:00–9:00 p.m, PST

Classes • Workshops • Books • DVDs Unarius Academy of Science 145 S. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon 800-475-7062 • www.unarius.org 16 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

Who Is Seth? Interview with Mark Allen Frost Mark Allen Frost Seth represents the Seth Entity. He is an energy essence display of personality aspects of some of his reincarnational lives. He chooses nonthreatening, grandfatherly aspects of the lives of the Seth Entity to create what we know as the Seth phenomenon. In his dimension, he fine tunes his energy to meet and match my energy in the physical world so that the communications can take place. These manifestations are similar to the Seth II personality from the Jane Roberts material. According to Seth, he has counseled humans throughout our history. I often compare our relationship to the relationship Carl Jung had with his guide Philemon. Aldous Huxley also collaborated with his Guides in a similar fashion. How did you become his voice after Jane Roberts died? In the spring of 2002 I had a small hypnotherapy practice in San Rafael California. One day I received a phone call from a woman named Cas

who requested a Past Lives regression. I agreed to meet her for a session and she turned out to be an excellent subject . She asked me, “Do you know of a spirit named Seth? Someone calling himself Seth is contacting me in my meditations.” I told her I knew of the Jane Roberts Seth and asked that she come in to see if we could bring him through with hypnosis. We met for the session. I hypnotized Cas and in a few minutes she murmured in a low voice, “I am here. You asked for me and I am here.” I asked some qualifying questions to determine if it was Seth and was satisfied that it was him. Later Seth told us that he “arranged” for Cas to find me. Seth immediately began dictating through Cas the material for 911 – The Unknown Reality of the World. Cas became disenchanted with the publishing process and left the project. Seth taught me how to channel his messages and document them directly in a form of automatic writing. We have written nine more books together.

How did people respond to you channeling Seth? Audiences have been quite receptive to my channeling efforts. Over the years we have had a few protesters, people who are loyal to the Jane Roberts Seth. What sort of things does Seth hope to accomplish by channeling books through you? The first series of books was titled Communications from Seth on the Awakening of Humanity. In those books, Seth predicted a shift in consciousness for humanity. One of my Lessons in this life is to learn how to put these books in the hands of people who are awakening. Slowly we

have created a network of readers that stretches around the world. Seth calls his readers “the magicians, shamans, witches and healers of all types.” I think that Seth has always been about magic. What is more magically empowering than the premise, “You create your reality?” What has been the true nature of your experience of channeling Seth? In the beginning it was difficult. I didn’t know how to handle the energies. I developed a serious illness and went blind. My fear was that I would die in my mid 50’s, just as Jane Roberts had done. Since then I have recovered and learned how to use the energies to my advantage. But we still do a few workshops each year to connect with our supporters. What does Seth have to say about the awakening of society? Seth states that the awakening of humanity is underway for those Courageous and Loving enough to perceive it. Doing the highest good for all concerned is important. Taking responsibility for your creations as a reality creator is important. Perceiving and creating your world through the Love Light Matrix is important, rather than through the ego/intellect. Only a part of the society is awakening fully. The majority remain “asleep,” re-creating the status quo day-to-day. How does Seth advise that people manifest their heart’s desire? The heart’s desire is what you Love. It goes beyond what you want or need. What you Love is what you absolutely must manifest to carry on in your Soul’s evolution. First you identify your Issues. Then you identify your Lessons, the reasons you are on the planet at this time. Through

being conscious of your Issues and through consciously learning your Lessons, you begin to realize “the truth of the matter.” Why is Seth an advocate for humanity? Seth has told us that he returned to help humanity save itself. He has a vested interest in earth. He is trying to protect it from harm. What are the most important things Seth says about humanity’s future? Seth says that humanity is awakening at this time. As individuals awaken to their own power, the authorities will attempt to enforce the status quo. But The Shift is inevitable. The power of truth is on the side of the visionaries. The average citizen is losing faith in the authoritarian system and beginning to listen to the awakening ones. As these Visionary Leaders lead by example for the highest good, all systems will be transformed. All systems will be renewed according to what the average citizen requires to live a life on the planet. You have channeled ten books and have CD’s and DVD’s and teach classes what do you think the most important information you bring through is? You create a connection to your Source and you begin to awaken to the truth of your personal worlds. Seth is no longer necessary after these self-realizations. He is basically teaching people something they have forgotten. It is a surprise to many how quickly it returns to them once they begin to remember their own power. Seth Returns Publishing Mark Allen Frost http://sethreturns.com sethbusiness@sethreturns.com

Andrew just couldn’t figure out how to increase his business! Untill he realized that the OB Chronicle was shamelessly affordable and that everyone was picking it up. What a silly man. For ad quotes trevordesigns@yahoo.com obchronicle@gmail.com

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 17

Aqui, Past, Here and Now By Tomas Loarca In 1985, The Fisher Galley at the University of Southern California held a show; Aqui, which featured an exhibition of the work of 27 Latin American artist living and working in the United States. The show’s goal was to showcase the unrecognized art scene of immigrants to the United States from Latin America. The unintended results highlighted the changes artists had to make coming to a new land, with a new culture with new experiences which inturn changed the spectator’s view, primarily those who were from the established culture, establishing their work from sub-cultural to mainstream. Why would an art show from 1985 be highlighted now? Mr. Luis Serrano, painter, quoted Faulkner in an email and said “The past is never dead. It’s not even past”. This quote applies wholeheartedly when you converse with a true artist, no matter where they are from or what they have experienced; they display their reality in their communicational mediums. Three Southern California artists from The Fisher Gallery show, Aqui, still continue to impact what it means to have their past ever present. Luis Serrano – born 1955 in Guayaquil, Ecuador lives in Los Angeles and had his first show in the 1970’s. Serrano graduated from the Otis Art Institute, and to this day still follows his passion with his recent work focusing on nature. In his 2009 work “Road

18 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

Above”, (gouache on paper, 17” x 14”) Serrano gives the viewer the universal scene of being in nature while journeying through an untrodden trail. The eye is directed to a crossroads of choosing between one angle that continues off the left side of the painting or following another line that leads up an un-expectant path up the tree to the sky. Carlos Almaraz – born 1941 in Mexico City died in 1989. Almaraz was a member of the group, Los Four, who were a group of Chicano artist who exhibited their unique shows together. They broke into the mainstream when they had the first Chicano show at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in 1974. Almaraz’s works include murals and paintings that ranged from a strong theme of the struggle of the United Farm Workers to his neighborhood of Echo Park, Los Angeles. In 1969, Almaraz said “Art is a record, a document, that you leave behind showing what you saw and felt when you were alive”. Viewing his work you are brought into his reality and are able to catch a glimpse of what he experienced during his life. In his painting, Moonlight Bridge (1989) the viewer is transported to the scene of a couple in a boat, by an angled bridge with several couples gazing into the backdrop, highlighted by the haunting reflection of palm tress from the moonlight expressed by different shades of purple and blue with a focal white moon. Almaraz recently had a tribute show to his life and work at The Vincent Price Museum in 2012.

Gil de Montes – born 1954 in Guadalajara, Mexico described in 1985 that he was “involved in a search for a world that reflects the urban and the naïve”. In his 2007 painting, featured in the United States Consulate in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, “Man Amidst the Flora” (oil on canvas, 72” x 108”), the “naïve” male and female figure develops from their most basic natural form in the midst of a bright melody of flowers and broad banana leafs. A devilish figure draws an invisible line through the middle of the painting, separating the male and female into two opposing sections. Gil de Montes is currently having a show in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and is scheduled for a spring 2014 show at The Lora Schlesinger Gallery in Los Angeles. Through the arts the past is ever present in the now and in the future. May we continue to create art that moves and inspires, but may we additionally hold the past in our constant consciousness. Art is the means to communicate, with out words, what is perceived by the brush mover and what is perceived by the eye looker. Tomas Loarca is the author of A Possible Reality: Carlos Loarca Artist and Muralist. He is an adoption social worker with a focus in community and relationship development. He can be reached at apossiblereality@gmail.com or followed @TomasLoarca on twitter.

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

magic lights In 1955, light shows were in their infancy. It would not be until the 1960’s that they would take the entertainment world by storm. Unknown to most people the main building block which gave birth to all light shows was Lumia. Lumia is a many splendor light art medium that is focused in a multitude of entertainment forms from theater lighting to decorative light sculptures. Lumia was discovered in the 1920s by a Danish artist, Thomas Wilfred (1889 - 1968), who is recognized as the father of the modern (20th century) light show. While there are many kinds of light art (neon, liquid light, LEDs and lasers), Lumia stands out as an illuminated art medium where its visual presence is usually uniquely compelling to its viewers, whom after watching it a while, usually report feeling almost as if they are have entered trance-like states. Wilfred described his Lumia compositions as “a visual experience of light with a wide range of intensity, color, and a broad spectrum of delicate forms which change with time.” Lumia in its visual form appears as a landscape of things known and unknown. In viewing a continuously animated Lumia display, it stirs the imagination. Its observers find themselves conjuring up a medley of images that is transformative of evocative shapes. Wilfred went so far as to refer to Lumia, as the 8th major fine art form. Lumia has been credited with giving birth to visual music. Lumia also has often been used as a visual stimulus tool in psychological therapies. Louis M. Brill is a modern day artist and the main person in the world today expanding on Thomas Wilfred’s initial work. Brill constantly experiments with Lumia, as a sculptural medium. He states that what he does is, “take light from its initial reference point and massage it into an ethereal presence which then expresses

delight.” As a self proclaimed tinker and an inventor, Louis has always built light sculptures and “devices” in varying formats to show off his light imagery, in artistic settings. Brill has built numerous different Lumia projectors. Using these projectors he creates a wide range of light sculptures. Louis has created entire Lumia theater shows known as the Theatre of Performing Lights. He has recently begun an archival documentation of his light art through this web site and a series of books beginning with Sacred Destinations. Brill is a firm believer of the synergy of content and context. With his art, his content is the light and the context is the space it’s shown in. The context for the light art is the lack of light around it when being projected. The darkness that the light swims in is pure darkness. Brill has noted, “The very best lighting effect in my work is when the lights are turned off, and the room is so dark that you can take your hand carefully place it in front of your face, and NOT see it - at all.” Brill proclaims that pure darkness is a unique lighting event of its own, and becomes his blank canvas to which his Lumia projections are applied. Viewing these Lumina light sculptures is like viewing

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

dimensional gateways into other worlds. More so it is a world one could visit and explore. As one views these other worldly landscapes, the inhabitants became alive. It is as if they know you were there. The book, Sacred Destinations consists of snapshots into other worlds. It brings the reader luminance snapshots of things seen and things imagined. It is a world of photons, of reflection and refraction, and mostly of imagination. Article by Michael Peter Langevin author of Secrets of the Ancient Incas

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 19

The Hot Rod

Hot rods are typically American cars with large engines modified for linear speed. The origin of the term “hot rod” is unclear. One explanation is that the term is a contraction of “hot roadster,” meaning a roadster that was modified for speed. Another possible origin includes modifications to or replacement of the camshaft(s), sometimes known as a “stick” or “rod”. A camshaft designed to produce more power is sometimes called a “hot stick” or a “hot rod”. Roadsters were the cars of choice because they were light. The term became commonplace in the 1930s or 1940s as the name of a car that had been “hopped up” by modifying the engine in various ways to achieve higher performance. A term that was common in the early days to refer to a hot rod was a “gow job”. This has fallen into total disuse except with historians. The term can also apply to other items that are “souped up” for a particular purpose, such as “hot-rodded amplifier”.

20 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 21

Continued from page 1 Today Mrs Parks left Mongomery Fair, the department store where she was employed doing repairs on men’s clothing, as usual. She said she was tired after work and suffered aches and pains in her shoulders, back and neck. When she got on the bus she realised the driver was the same man, James Blake, who had thrown her off twelve years before. As more white people got on and the seats filled up, he asked her to give up her seat and she refused. He threatened to call the police and she told him to go ahead. She was subsequently arrested and charged with violating segregation law. She will now appear in court on Monday 5 December. Mrs Parks is a youth leader of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) and her husband, Raymond, a barber, has taken part in voter registration drives.

up close and personal

Rosa Parks

Rebel with a cause

Segregation laws Between them the couple have worked for many years to improve the lot of black Americans in the southern United States where rigid segregation laws have been in force since the end of the Civil War in 1865. Last year a group of professional black woman in Montgomery, the Women’s Political Council, protested to the mayor about segregation on the buses, warning him they were planning a boycott. The NAACP has also tried to challenge the laws on segregation in the courts and Mrs Parks has been involved in raising money to defend a 15-year-old student, Claudette Colvin, who was removed from a bus in March of this year for refusing to give up her seat to a white man.

Rosa Parks’ Role in Civil Rights Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005) was an African-American civil rights activist, whom the U.S. Congress called “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement”.[1] Her birthday, February 4, and the day she was arrested, December 1, have both become Rosa Parks Day, commemorated in the U.S. states of California and Ohio. On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake’s order that she give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger, after the white section was filled. Parks was not the first person to resist bus segregation. Others had taken similar steps in the twentieth century, including Irene Morgan in 1946, Sarah Louise Keys in

1955, and the members of the Browder v. Gayle lawsuit (Claudette Colvin, Aurelia Browder, Susie McDonald, and Mary Louise Smith) arrested months before Parks. NAACP organizers believed that Parks was the best candidate for seeing through a court challenge after her arrest for civil disobedience in violating Alabama segregation laws though eventually her case became bogged down in the state courts

Interview with Rosa Parks What made you decide on December 1, 1955, not to get up from your seat?

That particular day that I decided was not the first time I had trouble with that particular driver. He evicted me before, because I would not go around to the back door after I was already onto the bus. The evening that I boarded the bus, and noticed that he was the same driver, I decided to get on anyway. I did not sit at the very front of the bus; I took a seat with a man who was next to the window -- the first seat that was allowed for “colored” people to sit in. We were not disturbed until we reached the third stop after I boarded the bus. At this point a few white people boarded the bus, and one white man was left standing. When the driver noticed him standing, he spoke to us (the man and two women

across the aisle) and told us to let the man have the seat. The other three all stood up. But the driver saw me still sitting there. He said would I stand up, and I said, “No, I will not.” Then he said, “I’ll have you arrested.” And I told him he could do that. So he didn’t move the bus any further. Several black people left the bus. Two policemen got on the bus in a couple of minutes. The driver told the police that I would not stand up. The policeman walked down and asked me why I didn’t stand up, and I said I didn’t think I should stand up. “Why do you push us around?” I asked him. And he said, “I don’t know. But the law is the law and you are under arrest.” As soon as he said that I stood up, the three of us left the bus together. One of them picked up my purse, the other picked up my shopping bag. And we left the bus together. It was the first time I’d had that particular thing happen. I was determined that I let it be known that I did not want to be treated in this manner. The policemen had their squad car waiting, they gave me my purse and bag, and they opened the back door of the police car for me to enter.

Did you think your actions would have such a far-reaching effect on the Civil Rights movement?

I didn’t have any idea just what my actions would bring about. At the time I was arrested I didn’t know how the community would react. I was glad that they did take the action that they did by staying off the bus. What was it like walking all those miles when the bus boycott was going on? We were fortunate enough to have a carpool organized to pick people up and give them rides. Of course, many people walked and sometimes I did too. I was willing to walk rather than go back to the buses under those unfair conditions. Very shortly after the boycott began, I was dismissed from my job as a seamstress at a department store. I worked at home doing sewing and typing. I don’t know why I was dismissed from the job, but I think it was because I was arrested. What did your family think about what happened? After I was in jail I had the opportunity to call home and speak to my mother. The first thing she asked me

was if they had attacked me, beat me. That’s what they used to do to people. I said no, that I hadn’t been hurt, but I was in jail. She gave the phone to my husband and he said he would be there shortly and would get me out of jail. There was a man who had come to my house who knew I had been arrested. He told my husband he’d give him a ride to the jail. Meantime, Mr. E.D. Nixon, one of the leaders of the NAACP, had heard about my being arrested from a friend of mine. He called to see if I was at the jail. The people at the jail wouldn’t tell him I was there. So Mr. Nixon got in touch with a white lawyer named Clifford Durr. Mr. Durr called the jail, and they told him that I was there. Mr. Nixon had to pick up Mr. Durr before he could come get me. Mr. Durr’s wife insisted on going too, because she and I were good friends. Mr. Nixon helped release me from jail.

Were you scared to do such a brave thing?

No, actually I had no fear at that particular time. I was very determined to let it be known how it felt to be treated in that manner — discriminated against. I was thinking mostly about how inconvenienced I was — stopping me from going home and doing my work — something I had not expected. When I did realize, I faced it, and it was quite a challenge to be arrested. I did not really know what would happen. I didn’t feel especially frightened. I felt more annoyed than frightened.

Did you know that you were going to jail if you didn’t give up your seat?

Well, I knew I was going to jail when the driver said he was going to have me arrested. I didn’t feel good about going to jail, but I was willing to go to let it be known that under this type of segregation, black people had endured too much for too long.

How did you feel when you were asked to give up your seat?

I didn’t feel very good about being told to stand up and not have a seat. I felt I had a right to stay where I was. That was why I told the driver I was not going to stand. I believed that he would arrest me. I did it because I wanted this particular driver to know that we were being treated unfairly as individuals and as a people.

What were your feelings when you were able to sit in the front of the bus for the first time?

I was glad that the type of treatment — legally enforced segregation — on the buses was over... had come to an end. It was something rather special. However, when I knew the boycott was over, and that we didn’t have to be mistreated on the bus anymore, that was a much better feeling than I had when we were being mistreated.

How do you feel about being called the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement”?

I accept the title quite well. I appreciate the fact that people feel that way about me. I don’t know who started calling me that.

OB’s #1 Nursery, Landscape, Garden Design and Maintenance 3685 voltaire st. ocean beach 619.223.5229 coastalsage.com 22 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

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Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

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The OB Chronicle ‘DOGUMENTARY’

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Welcome to Ebers Street Garage in Ocean Beach Ebers Street Garage is a family owned business that has been providing quality car care in the Ocean Beach/ San Diego area since 1995. The quality ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified technicians at Ebers Street Garage employ today's latest automotive technology and are euipped to handle all major and minor repairs on foreign and domestic cars. Situated on the corner of Ebers Street and Voltaire Street, it is easily accessed from Interstates 5 and 8. Our business hours are 7AM to 5PM Monday through Friday and 8AM to 1PM on Saturdays. We are closed on Sundays.

You can call us at: 619-222-4448 www.ebersstreetgarage.com


y name is Gregg and I would like to introduce you to my canine soul mate Bella. After going through a divorce and the ex taking the dog, I got tired of coming home to an empty house so off I went in search of a new buddy. I’ve had Labs, Boston Terriers, and a Saint Bernard but always wanted a French bulldog or Frenchie’s as they are called. After looking a many Frenchie’s of which most had the big bubble eyes that looked like a fish after being pulled out of water way too fast, I finally found Bella near Mt. Laguna. I was looking for a white one but when I saw her it was an instant connection even though she was Brindle in color. From that day on I always took her everywhere I went including taking her to Chris’s liquor where I work. After a while most customers wanted to know more about Bella than our sandwiches or beers. To this day she is our store mascot that almost all customers stops to pet and adore. Having NEVER been on a leash, she just sits and waits for attention from customers or waits for me to leave home with her right by my side. Dog’s name Bella, Bessos (my gals gave her that one) Changita (Spanish for little Monkey)

How did your dog get its name? She just looked like a Bella and at times she looks like a little Monkey so we sometimes

call her Changita (little Monkey in Spanish) What is her best attribute? Her coolness and great attitude towards everyone What is here worse attribute? Her farts and snoring when you least expect them What is your dog’s favorite band? Why “The Monkeys” of course How would your dog save the world? Walk through the halls of congress farting the whole time What is your dog’s favorite beer? Flying Dog Brewing, Doggy style pale ale What is your dog’s favorite flower? She prefers Buds over flowers What is your dog’s favorite food? Whatever dinner I accidentally burn at home is all hers What is your dogs favorite quote? All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed. For after all, he was only human. He wasn’t a dog.” Meet Bella at Chris’ Liquor most mornings. She’d love to see you.

Send a photo of your dog and answer the same questions to be included in our next ‘Dogumentary’ email: trevordesigns@yahoo.com Special thanks to Kevin Bray for the inspiration to start this column.

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 23


Send listings/stuff to: trevordesigns@yahoo.com December 7

Mission Bay to our north, Cabrillo National Lighthouse to our south, downtown San Diego to our east and the endless wonder of the Pacific Ocean to our west.

December 14

Cheswick’s raises over $5,000 for the Wounded Warrior Foundation

OB Christmas Parade starts 5:05pm, Sunset Cliffs & Newport to Abbott Street Enjoy the lovely island atmosphere at Te Mana Cafe and Fridays - Sundays there will also be live music! Musicians are welcome to join the fun... Te Mana Cafe 4956 Voltaire St., San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 255-9233 www.temanacafe.com

December 16, 17, 19

OB Food & Toy Drive, 5pm to 8pm at 1984 Sunset Cliffs, PL Medthodist church, December 21, distribute, 9 to noon>> Come by & help sort, wrap and you can always bring a donation.

Gilmore Family Jewelers new sign goes in

Rebel Without A Cause(1955) Jim Stark is the new kid in town. He has been in trouble elsewhere; that’s why his family has had to move before. Here he hopes to find the love he doesn’t get from his middle-class family.

Seven Year Itch (1955) With his family away for their annual summer holiday, New Yorker Richard Sherman decides he has the opportunity to live a bachelor’s life - to eat and drink what he wants and basically to enjoy life without wife and son. The beautiful but ditsy blond from the apartment above his catches his eye and they soon start spending time together. It’s all innocent though there is little doubt that Sherman is attracted to her. Any lust he may be feeling is played out in his own imagination however.

Gilmore Fmaily Jewelers recently finished the final phase of their update. The entire front of the business was upgraded with the addition of slate tiles, new stucco, windows and a sign. It looks fantastic! They went through a program with the City of San Diego called the Storefront Improvement Program. Any merchant looking to make updates to their storefronts should look in to utilizing the program.

Ocean Beach-opoly is coming to town!

The Ocean Beach MainStreet Association is excited to announce our Ocean Beach-opoly board game. An exclusive Monopoly-based game built around our very own beloved Ocean Beach! The game certainly reflects the quirky and colorful nature of Ocean Beach, California’s most authentic, eclectic beach town. We’d like to thank all the local businesses who helped make Ocean Beach-opoly a reality. And, we must say a huge thank you to all the local service groups, nonprofits and organizations that contribute to our active, involved community in so many ways - volunteerism is huge in Ocean Beach and it provides a solid footing for our neighborhood co-existence. We are lucky enough to live in a beautiful area with

Cheswick’s West, the little bar with the big window on Newport street is proud to announce a donation to the Wounded Warrior Foundation after an all day fundraising session on Sunday November 10, 2013. The bar, with help from many members of the San Diego community and regular patrons raised more than five thousand dollars. Bar Owner Dean Hall generously contributed the entire days revenues to kick-off the effort. A team of volunteers gathered donations from local businesses and whipped up a table full of gift baskets that were auctioned off to a house full of enthusiastic patrons. Folks enjoyed the Blue Wave Band featuring local favorite PJ Vallier and Antonio TJ Johnson sang the National Anthem. The total donation was 5,449.00 dollars. The Wounded Warrior Foundation is one of the fastest growing charities in the US. They provide direct assistance to recovering soldiers like Combat stress recovery and Family support services. They have provided hundreds of thousands of rides to soldiers doctor’s appointments & transition training classes for rehabilitation. Cheswick’s has always been a community center in Ocean Beach with a network of friends that have participated in variety of bands, plays, parades and neighborhood events. Known for a flock of magnificent motorcycles parked out front and a single pool table in the back, the tiny little bar is thrilled with the success of the third event. The bartenders and staff would like to extend their gratitude to all that contributed and participated! Thank you Ocean Beach!

Sadly Departed

Charlie ‘Bird’ Parker

Albert Einstein

James Dean

Cheswick’s West | 5038 Newport Ave., OB 92107 | (619) 225-0733 Questions~ e-mail claudia at obrebel1@yahoo.com or call 619 846-6269 or OBTC 619 515-4400 (OBTC)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at the OB Chronicle

Skelton Knaggs

Ona Munson Oklahoma (1955) In the Oklahoma territory at the turn of the twentieth century, two young cowboys vie with an evil ranch hand and a traveling peddler for the hearts of the women they love.

Doors open at 7:30 Tickets $75 cents Matinees at 2:30 Saturday & Sunday 24 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

Emmett Till

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The OB Chronicle proudly supports the OB Farmer’s Market

If It Were Any Fresher You’d Be Underwater! poppasfreshfish.com Restaurant coming soon: 3227 Ocean View Blvd. San Diego, CA 92113 619-288-6450

760.734-3954 jenee@glassdistractions.com www.glassdistractions.com

handcrafted natural skin care & bath products! FREE from parabens, sulfates and phthalates!

One Apparel Beanies in OB By Maria Baker 619.212.6498

Healing Acne Kit

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Acne Treatment Kit SAN DIEGO APOTHECARY save the rain forest & our animal friends! say no to palm oils & palm kernel oil! sandiegoapothecary.com

Come see us at the OB farmers market every wed night!

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Aunt Be Botanicals Natural Remedies at Affordable Prices



Rose Cottage Fruits

Squeezed Juice & Frozen Pops

Every Wednesday at Farmers + Cyndee is now becoming a Life Coach from the stars

Great News Say Cheese San Diego will be at the OB farmers Market every Wednesday bringing REAL WISCONSIN cheese curds to San Diego along with some of Peggy Sues home made goodies like meatballs stuffed with curds and fresh herbs served with her famous home made marinara sauce topped with grated curds on Italian sub, yummy home made cheesy potato soup in bowl or a bread bowl and cheesy chili served with home made jalapeno cheese corn bread. just to mention a few she will add other goodies and also caters and takes requests on your favorite foods. Check them out at Say Cheese San Diego on Facebook www.saycheese01.com 619.633.4787

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality


243 East 16th Street National City, CA 91950

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 25

up close and personal


y mother Joan, flew in From Dublin, Ireland to the San Diego International Airport last Monday. My anticipation was at an all time high as I had not seen her in almost twenty years. I drove to the airport with my girl friend Cee Cee, and brother Ed. We were waiting anxiously at the baggage carousel with flowers in hand .So much time had passed that I was not sure if I would recognize her. Finally she appeared, walking with a tall gentle man chatting away, we made eye contact and it was only a matter of time before we were in each other arms. Tears of joy ran down our face’s, we went to the parking lot and drove home. I awoke the next morning, talking stories of old and our world travels. The conversation soon led to the traditional Irish cuisine that I had been raised with. There were a few dishes that I was particularly interested in tasting again. First on my list was Steak and Kidney Pie, second was an Irish stew called an Irish Coddle, third was a Venison Stew which was traditionally served on my birthday as it was my favorite. My mother also brought all of the ingredients to make a traditional Irish Christmas pudding, a very thick fruit cake that is boiled somewhat like a bagel, only the size of a soccer ball. There were several ingredients for the other dishes that we were not sure where we might be able to obtain them; Kidney, Irish sausage, and Venison. We racked our brains trying to figure out how to procure these ‘exotic’ items. Joan requested that we go to the store to pick up some basic staples. Living in Ocean Beach there was only one local grocery store in mind ‘Stump’s Family Market Place’. We took the two minute drive there and walking through the front door, Joan was drawn in-

stantly to the deli/meat department. We ordered one pound of their special thick sliced peppered bacon. While it was being weighed out, I thought to ask were we could get some fresh kidney. “We can order it and could probably have it tomorrow or the next day” the butcher later identified as Bob said. My Mother then asked about the sausages, she was greeted by a tall friendly man whom instantly engaged her, “How big would you like those sausages and what seasoning would like “?. I was amazed at how interested and attentive he was. While my mother was entertaining him with her old world charm, I thought and soon exclaimed “Are you the owner of this store” ‘Yes, I am Mr. Stump,first name Dirk he continued. ‘Pleased to meet you” I said (no pun intended). We shook hands and he asked for our phone number, explaining that we would be contacted as soon as the order was in. I thought that I was pushing my luck, but I said what the heck. “Is there any way that I could add some venison to that order”? Bob got on the phone to their sister store in Rancho Santa Fe “Yes, we could have it delivered” I was so happy as I had only a short time to spend with my mother and was not looking forward to gallivanting all over the county in search of such diverse and specialty meats.

Two days later we received a call from Bob at Stump, our order was ready for pick up. After a hard days work, I returned to Stumps to pick up the goods and went home where my mother was waiting impatiently. As soon as I made it through the door, she grabbed the grocery bag and started inspecting the contents .”Ooh, that’s lovely” she cooed in a strong Irish brogue. Once again memories of my childhood came rushing back with each bite. Both dishes were enjoyed by all, especially Trevor Watson who is always down for some home cooking. Unfortunately, Joan had to head back to Dublin. We did not get to make the venison, Bob the butcher assured me that it would keep if frozen. My Mother made it safely back to Ireland, and told the whole family about her adventures, even boasted to her local butcher who was very impressed and said that he would send an authentic recipe for traditional Irish breakfast sausages to Dirk and his crew at Stumps. The recipe for the Christmas pudding is a fiercely guarded family secret, which many have lost there life to guard. Special thanks to Dirk and Bob at Stumps our local Family market. Happy Holidays And a blessed New Year!. By Matthew Allen Baker

Steak and Kidney Pie 1 1/2lbs. steak “1 inch cubes” 1/2 lb.kidney “1 inch cubes” 1 1/2 cups beef gravy 1/2 cup beef stock 1 Pie crust top and bottom “ pre-made or from scratch” 1 large onion “chopped” Slowly simmer beef, kidney in beef stock and gravy sauce for over an hour. Add 1 large onion chopped, simmer for a further 20 minutes . Pour the mix into a pie crust and top it off with another pie crust. Glaze surface with an egg yolk wash. Place in the oven at 375 F for about 20 minutes, until the crust was golden brown. The finished product came out just as I remembered it with very distinctive flavor of the kidney throughout.”Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”

Irish Coddle 1 pound of Irish sausages “or substitute your favorite sausages” not too spicy. 1 pound of bacon bacon were thrown into a large pot containing, 64 oz. of water 1 cup of chicken stock. 2 large potatoes. 1/2 a large onion. 2 carrots. 1 turnip , chopped into half inch cub There was a secret ingredient used, ‘Irish mixed spice’ which I was unable to find, my mother said that the best substitute would be Italian seasoning with a dash of cumin. Place the entire concoction into large pot and boil on medium for about 40 minutes until the sausages are well done. Next thicken the broth with a rue: 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 teaspoon flour / corn starch. Heat butter in small pan slowly, once melted fold in flour until a smooth constinancy is reached, then ad carefully to the broth while stirring and simmer for a further 20 minutes. Add pepper to taste

26 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

Let Us Do The Cooking Spend more time with your family & friends & less time in the kitchen.


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per person


Select 1 Meat & 5 Sides

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Hours of Operation: 7am to 11pm DAILY

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To place your Holiday Order, Call:

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3770 Voltaire Street, San Diego CA 92107 (between Poinsettia & Worden St)

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

The Ocean Beach Chronicle 27

‘Where all the cool cats and kittens hang out!’ Spreading the OB love from 6am til' 2am daily.

Every day 4-7pm

A Drinking & Gathering Establishment

Lucy’s Tavern 4906 Voltaire St. Ocean Beach 619-224-0834 28 The Ocean Beach Chronicle

from all the staff at LUCY’S

Where Everyone Knows Your Name

Seven square miles surrounded by Reality

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