Asia Manufacturing News March 2012

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March 2012

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CONTENTS March 2012

A tale of two corporations


ave you heard of the book Walmart in China edited by Anita Chan? Well, it is about the manipulation of Chinese manufactures by an America monolith.

Business is a two way street – buyer meets manufacturer, falls in love and they live happily ever after trying to form the best relationship they can Except with WalMart who doesn’t really like to pay too much for finished products and keeps on pressuring manufacturers to reduce their prices putting them in a situation where doing work for them creates a huge quandary. So –you’ve guessed it – Walmart has many relationships. And there is the story of Apple – one of the richest corporations in the USA which has most of its renowned technology also made in China. The disappointing thing with Apple is that they have been so quiet about it – about the cheap labour being paid to workers - while they continue to have praise heaped on them for technology which has transformed the way we use it. Anyway, not long ago they got found out. These are but two examples and there are millions more. Over time –as it is starting to happen now – the price of labour goes up and the price of components go up. The market adjusts to these changes and I suspect it will tighten up. Or manufacturers in Asia will start to assert the unique position they are in and control the market.




anyang University of Korea and RIKEN of Japan, along with other Asian research institutes, are launching the Asian Research Network (ARN). The Fusion Technology Center is one of the ARN’s central hubs designed for collaborative research.












It may mean monopolies are broken and that the market becomes more competitive with Asian companies calling the tune more.


After all, when was the last time you heard of an Asian manufacturer based in America paying staff low wages?






indings in an inaugural board diversity study by Korn/Ferry International, The Diversity Scorecard: Measuring Board Composition in Asia Pacific, has found that female representation on boards of directors in the Asia Pacific region remains low and that female directors have different demographic characteristics compared to male directors.



ntegrated Architecture facilitates the convergence of control and automation processes to streamline production and information management across an entire manufacturing or processing plant. Taking the approach that integrated architecture can be scalable helps ensure that manufacturing enterprises, large or midrange can take advantage of the benefits.

















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How manufacturers can use social media to win business


t’s no secret that social media is an important part of any marketing strategy. While business-to-consumer (B2C) companies have been active in social media for some time, the business-to-business (B2B) world has been slower to embrace it. However, that’s starting to change. Roughly 81 percent of B2B companies reported using social networks to some extent in 2011. The manufacturing segment of the B2B crowd has been somewhat less active. As Jeffrey L. Cohen, a Social Media Marketing Manager at Howard, Merrell & Partners, points out, “most manufacturers aren’t even online, let alone using social media.” Forrester’s report indicated that only 30 percent of global manufacturers planned to increase social media spending in 2012. The fact that global manufacturers are jumping into the social game is great news, but what about the little guys? In my opinion, small- to midsized contract and job shop manufacturers have the most to gain from building social media channels. In an industry that relies heavily on word-ofmouth to acquire business, social media tools can help contract manufacturers and job shops stand out from the noise and gain a competitive advantage on a global scale to win new customers. In this article, I discuss how manufacturers should get started with social media.

A quality social media presence requires strategy Developing a social media strategy is just like developing any other part of your marketing strategy–it takes some planning and an upfront investment to make it work. You first need to find out which social media channels your target audience uses. Having a sophisticated social media strategy

won’t matter if no one is listening. To see if you have an audience out there to interact with, use a tool like WeFollow, which groups Twitter accounts based on topical relations. This search shows all the accounts that align with manufacturing. Equally as important as finding your audience is the willingness to listen to them. Social media is an interactive two-way street– it’s not a one-way broadcast medium. As such, manufacturers should use social media as an opportunity to solicit ideas and engage in dialogues. For instance, find out from customers how to improve a product, or get input from engineers on how to tweak designs. Talk back, and thank people for participating. If you’re not willing or able to do this, stop here. The next step is to identify the right tools to execute your social media strategy, and make the most of them. Each tool provides a different way of connecting to your audience. I’ll dive into how manufacturers can use Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube and LinkedIn to their advantage.

Facebook and Twitter enable constant engagement Facebook and Twitter are the most popular and accessible social media tools available. Branded Facebook pages and Twitter accounts are a great way for manufacturers to continuously share small, easily-digestible messages to interact with customers and get their name in front of prospective clients. Facebook can be used to share things like product photos, get

By Derek Singleton

ERP Analyst, Software Advice customer feedback on new designs, and even to advertise your services by purchasing Facebook ads. Twitter is an effective medium for sending out 140-character soundbites about your company, such as brief new product or service announcements, special offers or breaking industry news. By adding one or more hashtags to a Tweet, manufacturers can expand their reach beyond the people who are following them and join a conversation on a topic. A few of the popular hashtags that I’ve run across in the manufacturing industry are #manufacturing, #mfg, #lean and #buyamerica. By using hashtags, manufacturers can dramatically increase the number of people tuning into their message. Blogs and YouTube information sharing hubs Blogs and YouTube provide manufacturers with the opportunity to do more than simply promote their brand; they provide a place where manufacturers can tell their story and provide industry knowledge using the richer media of longform stories or video. It’s important to maintain a balance between self-promotion


analysis and education on a company blog. In the words of Val Zanchuk, CEO of Graphicast, “waving the corporate flag too often can really turn people off to your message.” For instance, Zanchuk recently used his blog to advertise the fact they just achieved ISO 9001 certification. However, Zunchuk also makes an effort to update readers on manufacturing news by sharing important articles. YouTube is a highly-effective venue in which to educate buyers while marketing to them using video. Consider making video demonstrations of products and processes, a tour of your factory, or showcasing customer testimonials. The key is to share information in a video format that your customers would find relevant and interesting. For instance, this Carr Machine & Tool video demonstrates how the company handles customer orders, while implicitly showing the company’s dedication to service. By the way, video production is no longer the daunting technical challenge or costly expense it once was. You could certainly hire a videographer to make polished videos for you, but first get your feet wet with a high-definition camcorder.

LinkedIn can help fill the funnel A final tool at the disposal of manufacturers is LinkedIn, which can be used for priming the sales funnel. In a recent conversation with Zunchuk, he mentioned that LinkedIn is a valuable tool in his social media arsenal because,

“once you get a few hundred contacts, your network is typically in the millions.” More often than not, someone within his network is able to introduce him to a sales prospect they’re targeting. At the very least, says Zunchuk, someone can offer advice on how to go about developing a relationship with the sales prospect. Beyond building connections, it’s a good idea to join relevant LinkedIn groups such as the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association to keep yourself abreast of the latest industry trends. Joining these groups also offers an opportunity to demonstrate industry knowledge and expertise by answering community questions. For instance, being able to answer a difficult CNC prototyping question for an individual with a design problem could help win business that otherwise would have flown under the radar.


Moving forward in 2012 Each of these tools can be valuable mechanisms for increasing brand awareness, improving engagement and information sharing, and ultimately winning more business. Making full use of social media tools as a manufacturer, however, requires an integrated online presence that connects the company’s website with social media tools. It also requires delicately balancing company promotion with sharing relevant industry information with visitors. With social media use in manufacturing still in its nascent stage, manufacturers that learn how to deftly navigate the “Social Web” will put themselves in a leadership position that will allow them to engage and market to an entirely new group of customers. nextSTEP Contact: u

Economists call for deal to prevent crises


n advance of Trans-Pacific trade talks, over 100 economists are sending a letter urging negotiators to promote global financial stability by allowing the use of capital controls.

Signatories include prominent scholars from six of the nine countries currently involved in the Trans-Pacific talks: Australia, Chile, Malaysia, Peru, New Zealand, and the United States.

tools. It notes, however, that nearly all U.S. trade agreements “strictly limit the ability of trading partners to deploy capital controls – with no safeguards for times of crisis.”

The other participating countries are Brunei, Singapore, and Vietnam. Trade officials will meet March 1-9 in Melbourne, Australia for the 11th round of negotiations.

They recommend that the TransPacific Partnership agreement “permit governments to deploy capital controls without being subject to investor lawsuits, as part of a broader menu of policy options to prevent and mitigate financial crises.” u

The economist statement reflects growing consensus that capital controls are legitimate policy




Doing something for Asia: The Asian Research Network


anyang University of Korea and RIKEN of Japan, along with other Asian research institutes, are launching the Asian Research Network (ARN). The Fusion Technology Center is one of the ARN’s central hubs designed for collaborative research.

Recently ARN members succeeded in producing transparent touch sensors using carbon nanotubes and ink solutions that can print electronic circuits or change colour in exposure to heat or UV radiation. “I say to people, ‘I’m a small, skinny guy and I have a dream, I want to do something for Asia,’” beams Professor Haiwon Lee, Director of the Institute of Nanoscience and Technology at Hanyang University in South Korea. Small as his stature may be, Lee’s wit, enthusiasm and intelligence make up for it in fair measure. Holding more professorships, directorships and editorial posts than there is space to mention here, it is immediately clear that here is a man who does not define himself by these titles, but by his actions. In particular, it is the Asian Research Network that he speaks of with a passion often rare in professors who are comfortably at the top of their game. In 1989, on his own accord, Lee started yearly trips to Japan—a step made all the more significant by the historical tensions between the two countries. He sought to establish relationships with other researchers and institutes, integrating science in Asia for a better future. It was a slow process. Apart from exchanges on a company or government level it was, and perhaps still is, highly unusual for a South Korean individual to be promoting research, development and educational cooperation across borders. Step-by-step Lee built a performance-based relationship with RIKEN. Nevertheless, it was not until 2003 that an alliance between RIKEN and Hanyang was formally established. The significance was profound. Never before had Japan opened up its doors for a private research university. Next Lee sought to obtain funding for a cooperative research laboratory to give tangible structure to the Asian Research Network. In 2008, following grants from the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Seoul’s mayor and Samsung electronics, the Hanyang-RIKEN Collaboration Centre was established. Here researchers from both institutions could work side by side to produce world-class research. Many would be satisfied with these achievements. For Lee however, it is just the start. The alliance needs to go across Asia. “The idea is to exchange information

Giving is better than taking. So I thought to myself, what about giving something to the other people in Asia? I want to give something as long as I have something to give.

and relationships at a high level,” he explains. ARN is starting with tangible goals, initially focusing on the areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Lee points to a poster advertising a recent joint Hanyang-RIKEN nanoscience conference. However, as they expand ARN is to encompass all science and technology and include other Asian partners such as China, India and Singapore. “Our aim is to build a borderless research environment,” says Lee. He stresses that this is not just for Korea, but also for Asia and ultimately he aims to go global. The reason that Lee has made his dream a reality is due to his insistence on a pragmatic approach. He looks to innovate, change and truly engage rather than go through set patterns and motions. “In the beginning, I was talking to government people who would always say, ‘Show me the MOU’ said Lee. A ‘memorandum of understanding’ or ‘MOU’ is a traditional document indicating a multilateral agreement between parties. MOU’s are popular across Asia, so Lee took me by surprise when he continued matter-of-factly: “MOU’s don’t mean anything – its just politics”. He continued, “It took five years to get people onboard. They always wanted to wait and consider things endlessly, it was very difficult.” If there is one thing that is clear about Lee, it is that he is a man of deeds, not just words, who does not shy away from getting things done. But why put so much effort into this? I asked. Of course there are huge benefits, but most academics are more concerned with climbing up the citation league table, (and it is clear that Lee has spent at least a hundred papers worth of time establishing ARN!). He looks at me with thoughtful eyes and stares into the distance. “I was born in 1954, right after the Korean war,” he says.


business news



India’s emergence as a manufacturing hub attracting interest MUMBAI:


he rapid boom in Indian infrastructure industry, along with the more moderate growth of the manufacturing sector, has stabilised the demand for hydraulic components in India. The Government of India’s planned investment of INR 45 trillion in infrastructure in the 12th five year plan (2012-2017) will be a major boost to construction equipment and thereby, hydraulic components.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan Indian Hydraulic Components Market, finds that the market was valued above INR 18 billion during 2010 and is likely to grow at a compound annual growth rate of more than 14 percent from 2011-17 to cross INR 50 billion. Mirroring the twofold increase of sales in the

X “I was one of eight children, there was nothing left

of Korea and it was miserable. Our parents sacrificed everything for our education. They did not spend even a single penny. I am not from a rich family, my mother only went to elementary school, but because of their efforts four of us are now professors. They knew how to save material, how to manage, how to change their country. This is the strength and spirit of our parents.” And the spirit of cooperation is certainly helping the research productivity and output of ARN members. Take for example Choi Eunsuk and colleagues; they recently announced they had made a transparent touch sensor using carbon nanotube thin films (Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 11, 2011). These films are optically transparent and electrically conductive in thin layers. The applications are enormous: think of flexible electronic interfaces such as “e-paper”, or television screens that you can roll up. Similarly, Jong-Man Kim and his team have managed to devise an ink solution that can repeatedly change colour upon exposure to heat or UV radiation. Their results in the Journal of Advanced Materials (Vol. 23, 2011) open the possibility of printing electronic circuits on paper. Being able to integrate such circuitry into lightweight, disposable materials such as paper using simple ‘inkjet’ technology is of great interest to manufacturers. Prof. Lee meanwhile revels in this spirit of collaboration: “Giving is better than taking. So I thought to myself, what about giving something to the other people in Asia? I want to give something as long as I have something to give.” nextSTEP Email:

construction equipment market by 2015, the market for hydraulic components in construction and bulk material handling will also double during that period. The increased investments and expansions in core sectors such as infrastructure, steel, cement, mining, as well as oil and gas is driving the market for ancillary products such as hydraulic components. “Emphasis on the Indian power sector is also expected to give a leg up to the hydraulic component market,” says Frost & Sullivan Analyst. “With rapid capacity additions and expansions, the market is anticipated to grow by more than 15 percent over the next five years.” However, despite the projected double-digit growth rate, the absence of reliable tube suppliers for hydraulic cylinders, low availability of raw materials and competition from the unorganized sector restrains further growth of the hydraulic components market. Raw materials account for almost 50 percent of the total cost of the hydraulic component. Consequently, escalating input costs directly affects the margins of component manufacturers. The scarcity of raw materials results in higher costs, compounding the challenge for component manufacturers. The trend to source from low-cost countries has gained momentum, and India, with its rich experience in manufacturing, large pool of skilled manpower, and ever increasing domestic volumes, has made the most of this environment to become a manufacturing hub for the global market. This new status will result in many multinationals clamouring to set up manufacturing facilities in India. “The initial challenge of delivery lead times is reducing as global hydraulic component manufacturers are setting up manufacturing or assembling units in India,” notes Frost & Sullivan Analyst. “With the rising prevalence of multinational companies in the country, the competition from the price-sensitive unorganized sector will reduce.” The elimination of these hurdles will clear the way for uninhibited growth of the hydraulic component market.



business news

Boards of directors lack female representation


indings in an inaugural board diversity study by Korn/ Ferry International, The Diversity Scorecard: Measuring Board Composition in Asia Pacific, has found that female representation on boards of directors in the Asia Pacific region remains low and that female directors have different demographic characteristics compared to male directors.

The study’s findings underscore an urgent need for Asia’s boards to recruit more diverse directors, especially now when so many companies are at a turning point in the global economy. More than 70 percent of boards in five countries-Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore-have no female independent directors. Boards with two or more female directors were rare, while boards with three or more female independent directors were almost nonexistent. The study, the first in Asia Pacific focusing on board diversity, covers the largest 100 domestic companies by market capitalization in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Singapore. The study compares the extent to which female and male directors hold key leadership positions on boards, as well as the profiles of female and male directors in these countries. A total of 6,538 directors holding a total of 5,793 directorships in these companies were included in the study. The study was conducted in partnership with Associate Professor Mak Yuen Teen of the NUS Business School at the National University of Singapore, who is a recognized authority on corporate governance in Asia. “As Asia’s growth trajectory propels it to a central spot in the global economy, the most effective boards will be the ones that are international-with functional, sector and gender diversity,” said Alicia Yi, managing director, Global Consumer Market of Korn/

Ferry Asia Pacific, and member of the Board & CEO Services Practice. “The world is taking notice of the potential and power of womenas consumers, as leaders, and as a growing majority of the talent pool. Companies have started to recognize that successful boards should reflect the markets they serve and that homogenous leadership teams can be less equipped to do business in an increasing complex business environment,” she added. The study also found a key number of differences between the demographic characteristics of female and male directors, including: • Female directors are younger than male directors across all countries, by about three years on average. • Female directors were more likely than male directors to have law or accounting educational backgrounds, while male directors were more likely to have engineering and science backgrounds. • The average tenure of female independent directors is shorter than male directors across all countries. • Female directors are more likely than male directors to have public sector or not-for-profit sector experience. • Female directors are generally underrepresented in board leadership positions such as board chairs and board committee chairs. Other aspects of diversity revealed that:

Philippines’ Judith Duavit-Vazquez is the first Asian Female in ICANN Board

• On average, China had the

youngest directors. • Hong Kong companies, followed closely by China companies, are most likely to have directors from two or more generations. • The majority of boards, other than those in Malaysia and Singapore, come from a single ethnic group. “A lot of leading companies are now taking diversity, including gender diversity, issues quite seriously-setting employee targets, tracking and looking for ways to improve-as increasing evidence suggests that more diverse boards and management teams can be more effective and linked to better corporate performance,” said Yi. “I have no doubt that the diversity issue will accelerate in years to come. Only by having a diverse pool of independent, talented, and committed directors will companies be able to connect with and capitalize on the engine of Asia’s consumption. Investors are also demanding diverse boards to promote good governance and sustainability and better navigate uncertain and challenging global economies,” she added. u


manufacturing technology


Manufacturer takes on the world’s best to win markets


nationally and internationally successful heavy engineering and metal fabrication company has completed major investment and skilling initiatives to expand its capabilities in the oil and gas, resources and infrastructure construction markets. T.W. Woods Construction prides itself on self-reliance through in-house expertise and advanced technology to achieve the tight deadlines and unique shapes, pressure capabilities and specifications required on resources and infrastructure projects. “We are prepared to invest multiple millions to back our expertise, competitive edge and on-time quality reliability against the world’s best,” said T.W. Woods Managing Director Mr Tom Woods. “We don’t spend time grizzling about being hard done by through overseas competition – we not only meet the competition in Australia, we export to demanding markets such as Canada and China.” The privately owned company – one of the few to continue to employ apprentices and constantly upskill its staff over more than 20 years - has invested multi millions of dollars in technology such as its new plate processing facility to help handle the challenging tasks often involved in tank, silo, chute, flange, pipeline, pressure vessel other materials handling and metal fabrication tasks for sub-sea, offshore and onshore markets. A 1000-ton brake press has expanded the company’s ability to handle some of the largest metal forming tasks required by Australian industry. The 1000-tonX3.2m brake press can press form steel plate up to 60mm thick, making it suitable for major fabrication tasks required by industries such as construction

and resources, civil engineering, mineral processing, energy, oil and gas, infrastructure and water and waste water. The Tomago workshop has the facilities to press plates up to 6000mm long and routinely produces designs or produces to client specification products in stainless steel, mild steel, quenched and tempered metal, aluminium, wear plates, carbon steel and specialist material. It marks out and cuts materials using computer controlled plasma equipment and provides complete or part rolling and fabrication of:

• Square to round, elliptical, conical, T-pieces and all transitions

• Tanks, silos and pressure vessels • Chutes or chute liners • Hoppers or hopper liners • Pipes from 150mm upwards • Expansion bellows • Sumps • Bins or bin liners • Conical section bin bottoms Investment in plant at its comprehensively equipped 4500 sq m headquarters at Tomago near Newcastle includes a 300 amp cad-cam profile plasma cutting bed capable of cutting 13m X 3.5m plates up to 60mm thick with plasma, and more than 150mm with oxy. The facility also houses a 1600am stud welding machine and a plate handling and processing facility serviced by a 10-tonne overhead gantry crane. Processed plate is finished in an 800 sq m paint and blasting

facility incorporating a sand blast chamber with 10-metre high ceiling to handle large jobs, feeding directly to a state-of-theart 720 sq m industrial paint shop with 12m entry door to handle major projects. “We have invested millions in staff and technology over the past several years, without heavy debt, by building national and international capabilities through the loyalty and support of the quality, world-class companies with whom we deal,” said Mr Woods. The company’s services (including specialised shaping, fabrication and welding technology for metals including carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium) are used by organizations such as Delta Energy, Incitec Pivot, water and waste water authorities, Integra Coal, Laing O’Rourke, Xstrata and resources and infrastructure companies extending from Australasia to China and Canada. nextSTEP Visit:




business news

Novel software raises standards


n collaboration with Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Ltd (HAESL), engineers from PolyU’s Industrial Centre (IC) have achieved a breakthrough in aero engine maintenance.

By applying mathematics-based software developed by the UK’s Metrology Software Products Ltd (MSP) to the multiple-axis machining of turbine blades, they have been able to greatly reduce the scrap rates in turbine blade repair. Turbine blades are subjected to extreme temperatures in operating conditions, and some degree

of deformation and distortion is inevitable over time. The components of these blades are expensive to replace. The new software involves the development of new five-axis probing techniques for machine tools, allowing automated part location to a very high degree of accuracy. After months of exploration, development and modification by the IC, HAESL and MSP, the first batch of turbine blades applying the new software successfully passed the repair test at the IC and has been approved by HAESL for further production. HAESL now plans to use this software

application in its turbine blade repair cell. PolyU has received a generous donation of more than HK$700,000 worth of software and systems for HAESL, and MSP has agreed to provide further support to the University, thus permitting the IC to further develop the multiple-axis machining of turbine blades for better aero engine maintenance. The software and the system is a powerful tool for developing advanced solutions to deal with the most difficult parts in a more accurate way and in shorter time than using traditional methods. u

Company establishes subsidiary in Taiwan



anaka Holdings Co., Ltd. (a company of Tanaka Precious Metals) has announced that Tanaka Denshi Kogyo K.K. of Tanaka Precious Metals, which boasts the world’s leading share in the manufacture of bonding wire (wiring material), will establish a production subsidiary for manufacturing copper bonding wire (hereinafter “copper wire”) in Taiwan, began manufacturing in February.

Tanaka Electronics Taiwan Co., Ltd., the new company establishing a production center in Zhongli City in Taoyuan County of Taiwan, will have capital of TWD285 million (approx. 730 million yen), and will be Tanaka Denshi Kogyo’s fourth wire production center worldwide, following on from Japan, Singapore and China (Hangzhou). In the Taiwanese market with rapidly increasing demand for copper wire, transactions with semiconductor manufacturers such as subcontractors in the semiconductor assembly process are increasing, and the company aims to ship 100 million meters of wire per month by 2014. With gold prices at a high level, there is a growing trend of using copper wire as a substitute for gold wire that has previously

been widely used as bonding wire for connecting semiconductor integrated circuits and external electrodes. It is estimated that approximately 1 billion meters of bonding wire is produced per month worldwide. Copper wire already accounts for around 20 percent of all bonding wire at present, and as substitution of gold wire mainly in emerging economies in Asia began to accelerate in 2010, this proportion may increase to around 40 percent by 2013. Tanaka Denshi Kogyo has previously established production centres in China and Singapore to meet demand for copper wire. Until now, only product sales and technical support functions were established in Taiwan, and bonding wire manufactured in Japan and Singapore was provided

to Taiwanese customers. Tanaka Electronics Taiwan was established based on the decision that sales channels could be expanded with the acceleration of the transition to copper wire in Taiwan. In addition to being able to establish a speedy product supply system more deeply rooted in local customers, this will also enable the company to strengthen its BCP (Business Continuity Plan) for dealing with emergencies. Through the establishment of Tanaka Electronics Taiwan, Tanaka Denshi Kogyo aims to expand its share in copper wire, and gain the world’s leading share in copper wire by 2014. u






manfacturing technology

PowerMILL “the best for five-axis”

In-house manufacturing with PowerMILL has helped make Viking Yachts a world leader in semi-custom fibreglass yachts


hen it comes to CAM for five-axis programming, Delcam’s PowerMILL is hands down the easiest and best I have ever used,” states Jason Taylor, five-axis CNC programmer at Viking Yachts. His company first added the Delcam software after it acquired an MR125 gantry milling system able to handle parts fifty feet long by twenty feet wide and ten feet high. This machine can mill patterns as large as a vessel’s bridge and helm, as well as Viking’s smaller hulls, in one piece.

The Viking Yacht Company was started by brothers Bob and Bill Healey in 1964 when they bought Peterson-Viking Builders, a small, struggling New Jersey builder of 37-foot, wooden sport-fishing boats. The renamed Viking Yachts has grown to become a world leader in semi-custom fibreglass yacht production, with over 4,000 luxury/performance sport-fishing and cruising yachts delivered to happy customers. Viking prides itself on its in-house manufacturing capabilities, which have been an important part of its highly-regarded reputation. From the initial design to the finished product, the company is committed to producing ninety per cent of the boat in house. Except for components such as engines, transmissions, pumps, hoses, air conditioning units, electronics and entertainment systems, virtually everything else is produced in-house by the company’s talented workforce.

“I have been programming with PowerMILL for over five years now,” said Mr. Taylor. “Here at Viking Yachts, we use cutting-edge software for all our engineering needs. PowerMILL helps us stay on top of the competition.” “When I first started using PowerMILL, we were on version 5,” he added. “Now, after at least eight major updates, we are running the 2011 version. With each update, Delcam and the team at our reseller, DM Solutions, make my job easier while saving our company time and money.” “We machine all our parts with two five-axis routers,” he explained. “Those parts range in size from a few inches, all the way up to fifty feet in length. We also use some very unique tooling and materials. PowerMILL handles the big files without a hitch, and creating the custom tools is really easy. Even with parts that contain thousands of surfaces, creating

boundaries, patterns, work-planes and toolpaths is fast and very simple. Most of our machined parts have very tight corners and difficult areas that the tools need to get into, so we rely heavily on PowerMILL’s collision avoidance and simulation tools prior to running the NC programs.” “The best part of using Delcam software is the support,” added Mr. Taylor. “Getting help is quick and easy, unlike other suppliers I’ve used for programming software. DM Solutions provides everything from basic support to new programming strategies. Jeff Fischer and the rest of the support staff are always there to assist us in our time of need. DM Solutions and Delcam never leave us waiting for an answer, and that is very important to us because downtime can be very costly in our business.” nextSTEP Visit: u




New insulating material from invasive ‘Apple of Sodom’


he Apple of Sodom (Calotropis procera) plant is often regarded as a nuisance, but thanks to researchers in Saudi Arabia it could now be the source of a novel insulating material. Dr Mohamed Ali from King Saud University received a gold medal for his work. From regulating temperature in walls, pipes and electrical devices to dampening sound, insulating materials play an important part in our daily lives. But how can they be made from a plant like C. procera and what are the advantages over traditional insulation materials such as foam or mineral wool? Lead researcher Dr Mohamed Ali explained: “This plant tends to grow in very dry areas. It grows naturally all around as a weed and animals can’t eat it, so it doesn’t have that many uses.” Unlike other natural insulating materials, such as wood fibre (also used for paper, tissue, cardboard etc.) or mineral wool (also used in plastics and the automotive industry), this means that there is no competition with other sectors or livelihoods. “What interested me about it were the seedpods. Inside there are lots of white fibres attached to the seeds – I collected these fibres and did some experimenting.” To make the insulator, Dr Ali and his colleagues combined the plant’s fibres with a binding resin called phenolic formaldehyde, and compressed it to a thickness of around 2 cm. The resulting material was a stiff board with good insulating properties. They then discovered that the

The fibers and seed pod of Calotropis procera. Commonly known as the Apple of Sodom, this shrub can grow up to 5 metres high.

finished product was just as good if natural corn starch was used in place of phenolic formaldehyde, resulting in a natural, eco-friendly material that would be cheap to produce and completely safe to use in houses. M. Ali said that the invention was ‘very promising’ and that he hoped to commercialise in the near future. “It already meets industry specifications…we compared its thermal conductivity to other materials such as rock wool, and found it was very close.” He is currently working on making it fire resistant and investigating the possibility of making a tubeshaped version that could be used

But how can they be made from a plant like C. procera?

as pipe insulation.

* Dr Ali would like to acknowledge: Prof. Abdullah AlOthman, the Rector of King Saud University, Prof. Ali Al-Ghamdi, Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research for their guidance and encouragement towards building a knowledgebased economy needed for a productive and fruitful society. He would also like to thank Dr. Naif Alajlan, Director of the Innovation Center for giving him the opportunity to present at the British Innovation Show 2011. Thanks is also extended to Prof. Khalid Alhumaizi, the Dean of the Engineering College for his encouragement to do more research. This project is supported by the National plan for Sciences and technology supported by the King Saud University and King Abdulazeez City for Science and Technology. Dr. Obida Zietoun is a co-investigator on this project.




Materials that shrink when heated


ew research holds promise for applications ranging from high-precision optical components to tooth fillings.

Samples of Invar. Also known as FeNi36, it is an iron-nickel alloy notable for its lack of expansion or contraction with temperature changes.

One common reason that people with fillings experience toothache is that their fillings expand at a different rate to the original tooth when, for example, drinking a hot drink. Contrary to intuition, however, not all materials expand when heated— some actually contract. Recent research on these socalled negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials has led to the discovery of alloys exhibiting unexpectedly

Samples of Invar. Also known as FeNi36, it is an iron-nickel alloy notable for its lack of expansion or contraction with temperature changes.

large thermal contraction. Controlling the thermal expansion of composites is important for producing nanometer-scale electronic circuits, as well as the next-generation fuel cells and thermoelectric devices. An ability to combine NTE materials with ‘normal’ materials which expand upon heating ensures a reduction in thermal expansion in a composite material – something that people with tooth fillings would appreciate. An example of such a composite is Invar, an ironnickel alloy with a uniquely low coefficient of thermal expansion. As a result it is used where high dimensional stability is required, such as precision instruments, clocks or seismic creep gauges. Koshi Takenaka at the Department of Crystalline Materials Science, Nagoya University in Japan works on NTE materials for practical applications. In the latest issue of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (link below) he summarizes the physical mechanisms governing NTE with emphasis on recent developments. Takenaka notes that, “NTE materials will expand our capability of thermal-expansion control, opening a new paradigm of materials science and technology thermal-expansion-adjustable composites”. One challenge facing the scientist is that the addition of NTE materials to composites leads to undesirable instabilities at interfaces. New methods for producing stable interfaces between the host composite and NTE compensators are of critical importance. Nevertheless, the so-called ‘one-component’ materials—such as manganese antiperovskites, zirconium vanadates, and hafnium tungstates—exhibiting negligible thermal expansion offer a promising route towards achieving this goal. u




Autodesk selected for NUS’ EDIC SINGAPORE:


utoDesk’s design software will be used in the National University of Singapore (NUS) Engineering Design and Innovation Centre (EDIC) and the DesignCentric Curriculum (DCC). An NUS-Autodesk Term Professorship at the NUS Faculty of Engineering is also being established and hosted at EDIC. NUS EDIC staff and DCC students will have access to Autodesk Education Master Suites, which include 20 Autodesk software products, as well as Autodesk Vault data management software. The NUS-Autodesk Term Professorship will play a leading role in the development of design curriculum to enhance learning experiences for engineering students. It will also drive integration of digital design and simulation technology within EDIC, in particular through DCC projects. DCC, launched by EDIC in 2009, is a flexible alternative pathway for students to learn engineering through multi-year, multi-disciplinary design-centric projects. Professor Tham Ming Po, Director of EDIC at NUS, said: “The appointed NUS-Autodesk professor will lead in developing innovative designs and tools to push design frontiers using Autodesk software. DCC students will use Autodesk software for projects related to the three broad themes of Smart, Sustainable Cities; Engineering in Medicine; and Future Transportation Systems. “For example, we will see Autodesk software being used in the design of engineering systems for rehabilitation medicine.” Mr. Tom Joseph, Head of Worldwide Education for Autodesk, said: “Autodesk is honoured that NUS, ranked among Asia’s top universities, has selected our software for its Design-Centric Curriculum.

Students will benefit from the software’s advanced, professionalgrade functionality. “For example, the Eco Materials Adviser in Autodesk Inventor software makes sustainable material choices accessible early in the design process, by providing information on environmental impact, cost, and performance. With 80 percent of a product’s environmental impact being determined by decisions made in the design phase, the impact of such technology is profound.”

Professor Tham Ming Po Director Engineering Design & Innovation Centre (EDIC) Faculty of Engineering National University of Singapore.

Professor Lu Wen Feng, Ecocar Project Advisor at the NUS Faculty of Engineering, said: “In our previous collaborations with Autodesk, students working on the Eco-car Project have used Autodesk software and found it effective in design, simulation and analysis. Students who are trained to use the software graduate with the confidence that they use the same technology as professionals around the world. Our graduates take their skills into the working world, contributing significantly to the industry, setting standards and pushing the frontiers of engineering design.” Autodesk Education Initiatives Autodesk wants students of all ages to imagine, design and create a better world - a vision also shared by the Faculty of Engineering. By partnering with academic leaders and institutions, Autodesk is helping educators to build skills and engagement, both in and out

Tom Joseph is the Head of World Wide Education Programs for Autodesk, Inc.

of the classroom, in order to prepare for successful careers in architecture, engineering and digital arts. Autodesk offers the technology and learning resources that inspire the next generation of professionals, while providing institutions with educational pricing, training, curricula and u community resources.



product review

tna reveals VVFS bagger at GulFood DUBAI:


t Gulfood 2012, held in Dubai February, global packaging solutions supplier tna announced the global launch of the tna robag 3ci, representing the latest innovations in VFFS (Vertical Form Fill Seal) technology.

An upgrade on the existing model, the new bagger offers unrivalled speed and precision, with improved and unique features to maximise plant productivity and waste reduction. As well as the new tna robag, tna also exhibited the company’s popular on-machine and closed loop oil seasoning solutions, the tna intelli-flav 3 and tna intelli-flav, plus horizontal and vibratory conveyors tna roflo 3 and tna roflo. Celebrating 30 years in the industry, the tna robag is the industry’s leading VFFS machine reflecting the business’ core principles of performance, flexibility and simplicity. With improved modularity and core component capability, it offers outstanding performance with throughput rates of 250bpm, and improved visibility of operation with the new Graphical User Interface screen (GUI). The tna robag is central to the production lines of many household names, where the highperformance bagger handles high volumes of sweet and savoury snacks, confections, cereals, pasta, powders, meat and poultry and fresh and frozen produce. Also available were tna smart date 5 date coders and tna intelli-detect 5 metal detectors, the new tna robag can be fully integrated up- and downstream

onto existing lines and in synergy with other products from tna’s portfolio, such as tna intelli-weigh multi-head scales for precise and efficient weighing. Further up the production line, tna’s, roflo 3 series of vibratory and horizontal motion distribution solutions transport product so breakages or loss of flavours are minimal, while eliminating the risk of cross contamination. Efficient and accurate seasoning is achieved with the tna intelli-flav 3, which applies a proportional amount of seasoning to the product, while multiple conveyors allow for variable in-feed of product. For wet applications, the tna intelli-flav features a true mass flow control system which ensures even coating and flavour distribution, proportionate to volume and speed of product throughput. Re-circulation and a unique purging solution for clearing stoppages in pipe work mean that production demands remain unaffected. Bachar Ghadri, regional manager, tna Middle East says: “We were particularly delighted to launch the tna robag 3ci here in Dubai during Gulfood. tna’s decision to release our new tna robag 3ci first at Gulfood underpins the importance of both this exhibition and the region as a whole. Our technical capabilities and after sales services remain second to none. With these

customer supports in place, our newest offerings are set to boost productivity to optimum levels.” tna installs systems in more than 120 countries and offers project management and 24/7 support services to customers globally. tna is a leading global supplier of integrated food packaging solutions with over 6,000 systems installed across more than 120 countries. The company provides a comprehensive range of products including spraying, distribution, seasoning, weighing, packaging, metal detection and verification solutions, plus promotional and cutting equipment. tna’s unique combination of innovative technologies, extensive project management experience and 24/7 global support ensures customers achieve faster, more reliable and flexible packaged food products at the lowest cost of ownership. nextSTEP Visit: u


Singapore airshow report


A*STAR showcases innovative solutions at Singapore Airshow



he Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) showcased 15 cutting-edge technologies to boost safety and productivity that is of relevance to the aerospace and aviation industry at the Singapore Airshow.

This is yet another good example of how A*STAR’s R&D capabilities, in partnership with companies, can bring economic value to Singapore. These technologies were showcased at the Singapore Airshow at Changi Exhibition Centre, Booth D35. Showcased by A*STAR’s seven science and engineering research institutes, the advanced technologies are categorised into four key areas: airframe; maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO); electronics and communications and aviation logistics. Among the A*STAR innovations are: A) Airframe Creating Deep Bonds - A fast curing technology for aerospace sealants and adhesives. Existing sealants used to repair fuel leaks, install windshields and windows to seal out moisture in aircraft typically takes a few days to fully cure at normal room temperature. Short wave infrared (IR) radiation penetrates deeply into materials and ensures a more uniform curing through heating. IR radiation is currently used in devices such as heat scanners and sensors.

industry curing processes, translating into increased productivity and operational efficiency, and could result in significant cost savings. Waves of Change - Modelling of electromagnetic interactions in an aircraft The ever-increasing demand for communication, navigation, and entertainment leads to heavy adoption of high-speed electronic devices and wireless networks inside the airplane. While wireless communication removes the weight of connecting cables and reduces maintenance fees, it worsens the electromagnetic environment inside the aircraft. Because of this it has become increasingly important to simulate and analyse electromagnetic interactions inside the airplane’s closed environment for reliable

aircraft operational functions. The A*STAR-developed advanced simulation technology accurately models the electromagnetic interactions in a closed environment. B) Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul (MRO) Get in shape fast – advanced metal forming technology of high performance materials Conventional high performance materials such as chromoly steel, nickel-based alloy and titanium alloys are used for aerospace engine components. The fabrication cost of these materials is high as these tough materials are difficult to form into components of various complex shapes. A novel yet flexible forming technology is being developed to bend and form high-performance materials and thin-walled components of light-weight materials without secondary process, saving time and material cost by 14% and 40% respectively.


The new and simple curing process, which does not compromise the integrity of the sealants, takes only one to two hours instead of seven days to complete. This means that it uses only 3-5% of the normal time taken by current aerospace



Singapore airshow report

with a new shine – a Repair applications of Laser Aided Additive Manufacturing for Repair of Engine Components Laser Aided Additive Manufacturing (LAAM) technology can be used to accurately repair damaged parts and directly manufacture nickel-base and titanium-base superalloy 3D components. These tough materials are difficult to repair due to cracking, oxidation and the need to maintain grain size and micro structure integrity. Due to the low heat input and high automation level, LAAM technology has shown its significant advantages over traditional repair processes such as Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding and thermal spraying. Traditional repair processes cause distortion and peel-off arising from low bonding strength. LAAM technology yields several productivity improvements. Manpower training takes only two weeks compared to a minimum of half a year before an operator is qualified and experienced for repair work. The deposition rate with localised heating also increases. Current TIG method requires four days to achieve consistent quality for a part compared to 20 minutes. Less material is removed, saving machining time. Current TIG cladding requires about 54% material removal compared to 20% for LAAM. Making good sense – health monitoring and diagnosis A contactless health and diagnostics check is used for detection of early corrosion surface cracks (including length, width and depth) of less than 1mm and defect detection in composite parts against disbond, delamination impact damage. With the rapid scan rates of 0.06m/min to 1.2m/min, non-visible surface cracks can be detected reliably and accurately, minimising

potential downtime and improving operational efficiency. Unlike the current ultrasonic methods, this monitoring and diagnostic system is able to detect cracks under paint and thin non-conductive coatings. It does not require a medium to transmit signals into the materials under test. C) Electronics and Communications Solutions for flight circuit boards and robust memory system Hot stuff – integrated circuits for operation up to 300°C Many industries such as oil exploration, aerospace and automotive require electronic circuitry that operates at high temperatures. To address these upcoming needs, A*STAR’s Institute of Microelectronics (IME) Rugged Electronics Programme develops sensor interface electronics that can reliably measure various physical parameters at soaring temperatures of up to 300°C and at environmental pressure of up to 30Kpsi.IME researchers are exploiting the low leakage current feature of Silicon On InsulatorCMOS process to develop circuit devices aimed to work at temperature of 300°C. IME’s new approach will address the limitations of conventional Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) to enable high resolution sensor interface circuits that can deliver critical data in harsh environments. No fleeting moments – nonvolatile memories for high performance, radiation hardened aerospace applications Leading the way is the nextgeneration technology that uses non-volatile memories for onboard flight applications and sensor networks of structural health monitoring systems. Non-volatile memories aim to provide error-correction codes specially designed for

memories exposed to high temperatures and high radiation emissions. This high-performance electronics applied to aircraft components allow conditionbased repair and maintenance, instead of routine-based repair. Using such integrated damage monitoring systems can help to decrease the cost of repair and maintenance by up to 20%. To fully realise this advantage, memories needed for such application should have a large capacity, the ability to operate in high temperatures, low power consumption, and be resistant to radiation. Current memory devices based on conventional flash and Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) technologies tend to perform poorly. The nonvolatile memories - Spin Transfer Torque Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory and PhaseChange Random Access Memory technologies - are two core competencies that A*STAR’s Data Storage Institute has developed. More than 30 patents have been filed for this area. Connect on the fly – next Generation Cabin Communication Platform In-flight entertainment and communication services are fast gaining importance for airline operators in their bid to attract customers by providing best possible services. However the size, weight, and power constraints of aircraft systems, coupled with rapid advancement in the multitude of communication and entertainment technologies mean that traditional methods of dedicated systems for each supported technology are no longer efficient. A customisable Software Defined Radio (SDR) enables the use of a common platform to be utilised across different aerospace communication systems, such as Global Systems for Mobile, Code Division Multiple Access, and Wireless Local Area Network


Singapore airshow report present in the industry. As the number of users for different access technologies changes, it can intelligently reconfigure the resource distribution among different base access point functions, ensuring maximum number of users. D) Aviation Logistics Find it, move it, use it – automated Control and SelfRecovery System of Airfreight Terminal Operations To build a world-class fully automated airfreight terminal, A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) successfully completed an automated control and selfrecovery system that executes and controls the transfer of containers across multiple material handling systems. The airfreight terminal contains over 80 different material handling systems which span over eight levels and was designed to handle 800,000 tons per annum. A solution that allowed for automated control and selfrecovery system was developed. This system can execute and control the transfer of containers across multiple material handling systems, an on-line origin-todestination route configuration, operating vehicles in four different modes (Auto, Semi-Auto, Manual and Maintenance), handling of containers of different containers, and transfer optimisation of equipment capable of handling two to six containers. Over more than 10 years of operations, this automated control system has been proven and its capabilities

enhanced. The project clinched the 2003 Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) Prestigious Engineering Award. “Amidst the global economic uncertainty, the aerospace industry also faces global challenges with fluctuating fuel costs and the need to optimise operational efficiencies. Science and technology can be tapped to push technological breakthroughs and tackle issues of cost efficiencies, productivity and safety for the industry. Collaborative R&D is a cost effective platform to achieve this,” said Dr Raj Thampuran, Executive Director of the Science and Engineering Research Council of *STAR. About A*STAR The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) is the lead agency for fostering world-class scientific research and talent for a vibrant knowledge-based and innovation-driven Singapore. A*STAR oversees 14 biomedical sciences and physical sciences and engineering research institutes, and six consortia & centres, located in Biopolis and Fusionopolis as well as their immediate vicinity. A*STAR supports Singapore’s key economic clusters by providing intellectual, human and industrial capital to its partners in industry. It also supports extramural research in the universities, and with other local and international partners. For more information about A*STAR, please visit www.a-star. u


M+W Group wins Malaysian contract


he global engineering and construction company M+W Group has received a major contract from Infineon Technologies for a new semiconductor plant in Kulim/ Malaysia. The turnkey project includes the design and construction not only of the multi-storey production facility but also of the central utilities building, a gas farm and other buildings. The gross floor area of the facility is some 100,000 square meters, which is the equivalent to an area of 15 football pitches. The new plant is being set up right beside the existing Infineon factory. It will enable Infineon to further expand its production capacities for the so-called power semiconductors, specially designed for the energy-efficient control of high, electric currents. They are used for instance to drive electric motors in cars, highspeed trains and other industrial environments. M+W Group is the leading global engineering, construction and project management company in the fields of Advanced Technology Facilities, Life Science & Chemicals, Energy & Environment Technologies and High-Tech Infrastructure. With its competence to link process and automation technologies and complex facilities to integrated solutions M+W Group primarily focuses on leading companies. u



Singapore airshow report

Asia-Pacific leading demand for new aircraft



irlines in the Asia-Pacific region will take delivery of around 9,370 new aircraft over the next 20 years, according to the latest market forecast by Airbus. Valued at US$1.3 trillion, the deliveries will account for 34 per cent of all new aircraft with more than 100 seats entering service worldwide over the forecast period, with the region overtaking North America and Europe as the world’s largest air transport market. The latest forecast for the region was presented at the Singapore Airshow by John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer, Customers, Airbus. In terms of growth, Airbus expects the number of passengers carried by Asia-Pacific airlines to rise by 5.9 per cent per year, compared with the global average of 4.8 per cent. In the freight market, the amount of cargo carried by air through the region will increase by 5.6 per cent annually, compared a global increase of

around 5.1 per cent. Meanwhile, airlines in the region will replace 76 per cent of the 4,270 aircraft currently in service, with the overall in-service fleet comprising some 9,965 passenger aircraft and around 820 freighters by 2030. Reflecting the concentration of growing populations around the main urban centres, Airbus predicts that the region will continue to lead global demand for widebody aircraft as the most efficient way to meet rising traffic and overcome capacity constraints at airports. This, combined with replacement needs, will see carriers in the region acquire around 3,650 new widebody aircraft, representing 42 per cent of all widebody deliveries worldwide. These will include some 730 very large aircraft, such as the A380, for the busiest routes and around 2,920 mid-size widebodies, such as the A330 and new A350 XWB, for medium capacity long range and regional services. The latest Airbus forecast sees

demand for single aisle aircraft in the region accelerating in the coming years, largely driven by the significant incremental growth in the low cost sector. This, combined with replacement needs and continued demand on secondary short haul routes, especially in China and India, will see a requirement for some 5,720 new single aisle aircraft in the region, such as the best-selling A320 Family. In the cargo sector, the region will continue to dominate the global market. According to the new forecast, the dedicated freighter fleet operated by Asia-Pacific airlines will grow from 300 today to some 820 in 2030, representing 30 per cent of the global freighter fleet. While many of the aircraft will be converted from passenger models, Airbus predicts that around 210 new production freighters will be delivered to the region over the next two decades. As in other world regions, around 40 per cent of the freighters will be in 60 - 70 tonne category served by mid-size widebody


Singapore airshow report aircraft, such as the A330. “We forecast strong growth for aviation in Asia and the Pacific. That’s good news for Airbus and the region alike. Asia-Pacific is second to none when it comes to current and future business prospects. And aviation growth will bring increased trade and significant wealth creation into the region,” said John Leahy, Chief Operating Officer, Customers, Airbus. “With a modern, ecoefficient and comprehensive product line covering every segment of the market, Airbus will be especially well placed to meet the needs of airlines in this region.” The Asia-Pacific region is a core market for Airbus, accounting for 26 per cent of all orders recorded by the company to date. Today, there are some 1,800 Airbus aircraft in service with over 80 operators across the region, with another 1,700 on order with customers for future delivery. This represents 38 per cent of the company’s total backlog, reflecting the importance of the region as the fastest growing market for new civil aircraft. Airbus’ forecast for the AsiaPacific region is derived from the company’s Global Market Forecast, which foresees total demand for almost 27,800 new passenger and freight aircraft valued at US$3.5 trillion over the next 20 years. In the various size categories the forecast predicts total demand for 1,680 very large aircraft, 6,920 twin aisle widebodies and 19,170 single aisle aircraft. The Airbus product line comprises the best-selling A320 Family in the single aisle market, the popular A330 and all-new A350 XWB in the mid-size widebody category and the flagship A380 in the very large aircraft segment. In the freight market Airbus currently offers the new mid-size A330200F.u


Airbus Military signs contract with Indonesia for C295 aircraft

SINGAPORE: irbus Military has signed a contract with PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) to supply nine C295 military transport aircraft for delivery to the Indonesian Ministry of Defense.


The contract between PT DI and the Ministry of Defense of Indonesia was signed simultaneously, witnessed by Minister of Defense, Prof. Dr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro, and the Chief of Armed Forces, Admiral Agus Suhartono, at a ceremony at the Singapore Airshow. The Indonesian designation of the aircraft will be CN295. The aircraft will be operated by the Indonesian Air Force throughout the vast territory of Indonesia, which includes around 17.000 islands. The aircraft will perform a variety of roles including military, logistical, humanitarian and medical evacuation missions. The first delivery is foreseen in 2012 and by summer 2014 all aircraft will have been delivered. Additionally, the industrial plan covers a substantial collaboration between PT DI and Airbus Military for the C295 programme, including the manufacturing of the tail empennage, rear fuselage and fuselage panels,

as well as workpackages for the development of Computer Based Training systems and the creation of a service and delivery centre and a final assembly line (FAL) in Indonesia. The C295 provides the ideal capacity to respond to Indonesia’s current and future military and humanitarian transport needs and does so very cost-efficiently, with full participation of the Indonesian aerospace industry, creating high skilled jobs and technology transfer. The contract builds on the long and excellent partnership that exists between Airbus Military and the Indonesian aerospace industry. It will provide the country with the right capability for years to come and allows PT DI to grow its aerospace business as a tier 1 supplier. “This will position PTDI on the global aerospace scene and allow us to enhance our skills and workforce,” said Dr. Budi Santoso, President and CEO of PT DI. Over 85 C295s are in service today with 14 different operators.




Singapore airshow report

a The C295

The new generation C295 is the ideal aircraft for defence and civic missions to the benefit of society, such as humanitarian actions, maritime patrol, and environmental surveillance missions, among others. Thanks to its robustness and reliability, and with simple systems, this medium sized tactical airlifter provides wide versatility and flexibility, necessary for personnel, troop and bulky/palletized cargo transportation, medical evacuation, communication and

logistic duties or paratrooping. The C295’s excellent versatility also allows it to be configured in special versions to perform specific missions with high efficiency such as gunship, ground surveillance, search and rescue, maritime patrol, anti-submarine warfare, SIGINT or airborne early warning. Its mix of dual technology civil/ military equipment ensures success in demanding tactical missions, growth potential for future equipment as well as compatibility with the latest civil

airspace environment. C295s in service today have accumulated more than 110,000 flying hours in the most demanding conditions, from extreme cold weather to hot desert areas. The C295 is part of Airbus Military’s family of light and medium airlifters which also includes the smaller C212 and CN235 aircraft.

Airbus Military Airbus Military is the only military and civic/humanitarian transport aircraft manufacturer to develop, produce, sell and support a comprehensive family of airlifters ranging from three to 45 tonnes of payload. An Airbus daughter company, Airbus Military is responsible for the A400M programme, as well as the Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) A330 and for further military derivatives based on Airbus civil aircraft. Together with the smaller “Light & Medium’ C295, CN235 and C212, Airbus Military is the global leader in the market for military transport, tanker and surveillance aircraft able to perform the most varied missions. Altogether, Airbus Military has sold more than 1,000 aircraft to some 130 military, civilian and governmental customers. More than 800 of these aircraft have been delivered. Airbus is an EADS company.

PT Dirgantara Indonesia PT Dirgantara Indonesia/ Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) is one of the indigenous aerospace company in Asia with core competence in aircraft design, development and manufacturing of civilian and military regional commuter aircraft. Since being established in 1976, the company has successfully exploited its ability as industry of manufacture and have diversified its product not only in the field of aircraft but also other area such as Information Technology, Automotive, Maritime, Simulation Technology, Industrial Turbine, and Engineering Services. For more information, visit www. u


23 Continues page 26




China Aviation Manufacturing Summit 2012 May 8-10 in Shanghai SHANGHAI:


he China Aviation Manufacturing Summit 2012 is going to be convened in the form of conference + exhibition + site visit, on May 8-10 in Shanghai, China. It is an exclusive learning & networking opportunity for global senior executives in aerospace/aviation field. As the China’s premier aviation industry event for aviation manufacturing technologies, market potentials, industry prospects, it will bring together more than 200 top professionals including senior level officials from the aerospace manufacturers, government, academia, suppliers, and services to emphasize the effectiveness, versatility, and the need to develop new platforms for the future. It will provide attendees with the insights from government officials, the largest advancements in R&D, and newly developed application management solutions as well as business development opportunity. Hot Topics to be discussed during the Summit include:

• Deep analysis of orientation, challenges and opportunities for China’s aviation manufacturing industry from multiple views

• China’s Encouragement Policy on Aviation Manufacturing Industry & Its Supporting Industries

• How to enhance collaboration with Chinese aircraft manufacturers to strengthen competiveness

• How to deepen cooperation between global leading aircraft manufacturers and China’s aviation industry

• Successful R&D and application in aviation manufacturing: advanced materials, pioneering technologies, new aviation products, etc.

• Emerging market by the reform of China’s general aviation management: a historical and unparalleled opportunity for general aircraft manufacturing industry and ATC/ATM market

• How to achieve Green Aviation Dream: case study

• Upgrades on the global supplier selection for China’s commercial aircraft engine project and the latest development progress of China’s C919 project and ARJ21

Participation at China Aviation Manufacturing Summit 2012 is by invitation only, which enables us to guarantee the quality and networking value of the executive level delegation. At the summit, you will meet:

• 200+ executive level delegates • 30+ prominent speakers from government, leading aircraft manufacturers, leading solution providers, and academia

• Your targeted clients through by pre-event scheduled one-to-one business meeting For more detailed information, please visit: www. To register for the event, please contact: Ms. Rebecca Gong Tel: +86 21 5161 5398 E: To be a sponsor/exhibitor, please contact: Ms. Grace Zhu Tel: +86 21 5180 9486 Email: To request event media partnership, please contact: Ms. Tina Tian Tel: +86 21 5181 5373 Email:




Asia Pacific Maritime 2012



14-16 March

China Semiconductor Technology International Conference 18 March



Singapore Shanghai

CWIEME Shenzhen 2012 (Coil Winding, Insulations & Electrical Manufacturing Exhibition)

28-31 March 2012 Shenzhen

7th Indonesia Power 2012

4-6 April


Indonesia Oil and Gas Expo (IGEX) 2012

11-13 April


ChinaPlas 2012 –The 26th International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries

18 April 2012



18-20 April


4th Annual Global CSR Summit

19-20 April


EMEX 2012

1-3 May 2012

Auckland, New Zealand

Buildex Kenya

5 May 2012


China Aviation Manufacturing Summit 2012

8 May


Vietnam Manufacturing Expo

24 May


International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability (ICPER 2012)

12 June

Kuala Lumpur

International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology

June 15 2012


Manufacturing Expo 2012

21 June 2012


InterPLAS Thailand 2012

21 June 2012


InterMold Thailand 2012

21 June 2012


Automotive Manufacturing 2012

21 June 2012


Factory Automation 2012

21 June 2012


Fluid Power 2012

21 June 2012


Industrial Energy Efficiency 2012

21 June 2012


Industrial Components & Subcontracting 2012

21 June 2012


Fluid Power

21-24 June


International Manufacturing Technology Show

10-15 September


Medical Manufacturing Asia

12 September 2012 Singapore

Asia Manufacturing Strategies Summit 2012

15-16 October




manufacturing technology

Project Utopia takes super-yacht design into the space age


UK company’s vision for a radical newlook yacht offering the deck space of a modern cruise liner has won the Superyacht Design of the Future award at the recent Monaco Yacht Show. Described as an “avant-garde concept design,” Project Utopia is being developed by the British Maritime Technology (BMT) group in partnership with the Yacht Island Design company ( from Nottingham in the English Midlands. The BMT designers started with a blank sheet of paper and have produced a craft that rejects the traditional yacht-like appearance in favour of a vessel that looks more like a spacecraft. James Roy, yacht design director of BMT’s Nigel Gee subsidiary, said of the Superyacht Owners award: “The level of enthusiasm around Project Utopia has been overwhelming and it is great that the judging panel of these awards has recognised and duly credited the concept as a real and possible vision of the future. “The origin of Utopia came from a client’s brief, which was to have ‘a piece of floating real estate that could be moved between nice locations’. I remember very clearly a moment of excitement when the design team realised that the project would not necessarily have to end up looking like a traditional yacht.” He continued: “The seed to create a project outside the bounds of normal proportion and form had been sown and the intervening years saw us take inspiration from all areas of naval architecture.

We concluded that if we removed the perception that a yacht had to be a mode of transport then the creative envelope could open up considerably.” Research has shown that many such vessels are used more for luxury accommodation than travel. BMT Nigel Gee, based in Southampton, southern England, is one of the world’s largest independent maritime design consultancies and has broken the traditional naval architectural mould to celebrate 25 years of “innovative design”. Its expertise recently included masterminding the design and engineering of the world’s largest (44 metres) sailing catamaran. James Roy added: “To celebrate this quarter of a century of innovation, Project Utopia pushes the boundaries even further.” The result is a gigantic four-

legged circular platform that measures 100 metres in length and width with 13 floors that offer the equivalent deck space of a modern-day cruise liner and enough room to create an entire micro-nation. The main accommodation and service spaces span 11 decks with the uppermost deck covered by a retractable canopy. On the 13th floor, there is an observatory with 360-degree views where the occupants would be 65 metres above the water surface. BMT says the platform also offers a “bewildering” amount of space for interior design options such as a retail district, theatre, a culinary zone containing a mix of restaurants, and an entertainment zone featuring bars, nightclubs and a casino. Each platform leg supports a fully azimuthing thruster that can be linked to the other leg thrusters to move the craft to a new location



manufacturing technology


High-speed camera maker builds international reputation


commitment to innovation and development has enabled a UK company to establish a reputation as an exciting and creative player in the highspeed camera market. Specialised Imaging is an internationally renowned company that focuses on the design and manufacture of ultrahigh-speed imaging cameras for industrial, scientific and defence research applications. The company was formed in 2003, its founder members having previously worked together in the high-speed imaging field and bringing more than 80 years’ combined experience to the venture. Since its inception, Specialised Imaging has successfully launched many new and innovative ultrahigh-speed imaging systems. The company is at the forefront of worldwide innovation in its field, having won the Small Company of the Year honour from the British


at slow speeds. Despite its shape and size, Utopia presents the smallest possible profile to the water surface and employs the same design principals for minimum motions in even the most extreme sea conditions. A large central structure bisects the water surface, acting as a conduit for the mooring system that is a critical element of the design, as well as housing a wet dock for access by tenders. In addition to tender access, the design features four helicopter pads. James Roy said that although the Utopia concept is for a novel type of yacht, its design could

Engineering Excellence Awards in 2009, and a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in 2011. To provide customers with a total ultra-high-speed imaging solution, the company has formed strong, strategic relationships with manufacturers in a variety of related fields. These partnerships enable Specialised Imaging to offer fully optimised imaging systems that include illumination, optical components, supports and triggering devices. Close cooperation with its major suppliers also allows the company to access and incorporate custom-designed components to specifically enhance the performance of its systems. The company’s reputation today extends worldwide with customers in North America, the Asia- Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. “Our Specialised Imaging multi-channel framing cameras offer ultra-high-speed imaging performance to scientists and engineers across all disciplines,” said technical director Keith have much wider potential. He explained: “We see greater application in floating resorts, casinos, or adapting the label of a ‘yacht’ to a ‘personal island,’ coming back to the brief that inspired the project - a piece of floating real estate.” Final word from the BMT design chief: “Pioneering design ideas such as Utopia are exactly the types of projects that our team excel in. Our forward-thinking approach and unrivalled state-ofthe-art engineering experience allows us to work closely with designers, stylists and shipyards, to bring these ideas to life and lead the market into the next generation of naval architecture.”u

Taylor. “The all-new custom optical design offers up to 16 separate channels without compromising resolution, shading, or parallax. And the advantage of an innovative auxiliary view port, allowing the additional of other optical instruments, makes this the most versatile imaging system on the market,” he added. High resolution intensified CCD sensors controlled by state-ofthe-art electronics provide almost infinite control over gain and exposure to allow researchers the flexibility to capture even the most difficult phenomena. Full remote control using Ethernet is offered as standard, and either the integral viewfinder or a laptop computer can be used for local focus. Comprehensive triggering facilities, highly accurate timing control, and a wide range of output signals, coupled with a custom software package that includes full measurement and image enhancement functions simplifies image capture. The company’s Tracker 2 is the successor to the popular trajectory tracker flight follower system. Built-in multiple triggers for realtime tracking and full remote control of the sturdy mounting contribute to the natural evolution of this award-winning system. In order to fully evaluate the failure modes of projectiles, it is often necessary to observe the performance of the round over a significant portion of its trajectory. To achieve this with a number of single-shot cameras would be prohibitively expensive. Applications for this technology include ballistics, impact studies, in-flight behaviour and sports science. u




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Scaling integrated architecture for advanced automation control


ntegrated Architecture facilitates the convergence of control and automation processes to streamline production and information management across an entire manufacturing or processing plant. Taking the approach that integrated architecture can be scalable helps ensure that manufacturing enterprises, large or mid-range can take advantage of the benefits. David Black, Product Manager, Architecture & Software, South Pacific Region for Rockwell Automation shares his knowledge of scalable integrated architecture. The provision of integrated architecture is becoming widely accepted by many automation and control providers for use by OEMs and machine builders. Designed to provide a full range of automation disciplines— including motion, process and drive control, safety and data/information transference; integrated architecture offers a means of reducing total cost of ownership for the overall system. There is a perception however that it is more applicable to larger sites, where there may be thousands of I/Os, controllers, switches and drives, with an enormous amount of data and information management. The use of integrated architecture for production management was often deemed to be more appropriate for larger organisations. Not so. Planning and the right approach to integrated architecture will work equally well on mid-range applications. In fact, it is possible to scale integrated architecture to suit virtually any size operation.

Many controllers made for many configurations Historically manufacturers may have utilised a different set of system tools for their large

The key to integrated architecture lies in its scalability across multiple controllers and graphic interfaces utilising a common set of programming and configuration tools.

and small control systems, comprising different software configuration utilities and programming techniques. The Rockwell Automation Integrated Architecture system is unique in that it offers scalable, integrated safety, motion control, and visualisation capabilities that are ideal for machine builders and end users who want a single control and development environment, regardless of application size, discipline, or complexity. The use of a single control infrastructure enables designers to create re-usable code and practices across their product

offerings, thereby reducing development time and costs. Integrated architecture is further streamlined with the advent of network protocols such as Ethernet/IP. Not only can all devices talk to each other, but distribution across a common network with standard enterprise applications can be accommodated. The IT department is now in a position to help the engineer on the factory floor to manage the entire network, facilitate remote operation, increase network security and help ensure all





measures are in place. The a safety flow-on effect is a reduction in

maintenance costs and a greater ability to incorporate additional devices and cross-communication with other business applications.

Linking the scales of scalability The key benefit of integrated architecture lies in its scalability across multiple controllers and graphic interfaces utilising a common set of programming and configuration tools. The advantage in the method of programming is by developing blocks of code, the OEMs and machine builders can replicate basic functions throughout their solution set, minimising the development time for each new project. Whilst the physical modules may appear slightly different between large and mid-range applications, the programming languages are the same. Utilising a network protocol such as Ethernet/IP for the system backbone simplifies the process of adding supplementary controllers and enhances the ability to ‘scale up’ the architecture in a troublefree manner. Installing additional packaging processes, ingredients, tools or an entire new production line is achievable. Modifications can be achieved without affecting or interrupting the process of operation. There is no compromise on controller functionality in scalable integrated architecture. What is available for a large-scale application is deliverable to a mid-range version. The standard suite of controllers, I/O, visualisation, motion, drives, safety, asset management and information are all included. It goes without saying, that the size of the application will determine the number of ports required on the switch; the number of I/ Os to cater for; the number of viewing terminals and how safety and asset management is to be integrated. It is up to the OEM or machine builder to help the

end-user determine which size component is appropriate for their application(s) and how it should be configured across the network.

Safety and assets The days of hard-wired safety on the manufacturing line are dwindling. Safety products utilised within an integrated architecture structure use common programming and network environments to provide full functionality. Integrated Architecture utilises common programming and network environments to support safety solutions within a scalable environment. Similarly with asset management. Most integrated architecture solutions will incorporate the necessary tools to control assets, maintenance schedules and servicing which are appropriate to the size of the application. Visualisation packages supporting asset management will help ensure that data and information is displayed in real-time and has the ability to communicate changes in batch processing, maintenance schedules and system monitoring. This may be further facilitated by offering a common network such as Ethernet/IP, which allows for a more seamless flow of information.

To Ethernet or not to Ethernet Ethernet/IP is gaining ground, based on common use at the enterprise level. Most users are familiar with navigating web browsers, document generation and file location. Many of these user interfaces are now replicated in the factory floor, creating a more streamlined environment for application usage and training, for both the IT department and staff. Implementing the systems required for the factory floor and enterprise, over the same network protocol maintains the functionality of applications such as drives or motion controllers. The introduction of virtual LANs for dedicated applications such as CCTV, graphic interfaces or

specific processes reduces the required bandwidth over the network, minimising ‘slowdown’ experienced by production or the enterprise. Equally, should one virtual LAN ‘crash’, it does not incapacitate the entire plant. Security is often a concern with Ethernet/IP protocols as it has the potential for viruses and malware, to progress further through the company. This is readily rectified with secure switches, firewalls and access controls—all of which are required to maintain security for a business, large or mid-range. Collaborations between companies such as Rockwell Automation and Cisco Systems has provided solutions and products designed to provide secure access for integrated architecture environments.

OEMs and machine builders OEMs and machine builders need to be fully conversant with the philosophy and implementation of integrated architecture. As differing companies supply their own versions of system integration to OEMs and machine builders, the products offered to the enduser need to be compatible, or available in a variety of formats. It is becoming rare to employ a converter to facilitate communication between two devices from separate suppliers. The advantage to OEMs and machine builders utilising integrated architecture is the reduced development time and familiarity with programming formats. By developing a set of ‘cookie-cut’ applications for each type of machine, they can be applied across many systems, saving the end-user time and money in the design and development cycle. As a conduit to the automation and control supplier, the OEM and machine builder is responsible for the implementation of the latest in software updates and features for their customers’ systems. While many OEMs and machine builders will write their own routines based on the suppliers’ code, it is important to install the current

analysis versions to take advantage of the latest features available; using a new controller with an old version of device software will still run, but visibility of the feature is not assured. Automation and control companies provide the opportunity for registered users to download software updates via the internet as and when they are released. Essentially, scalability takes the applications used in a large scale


enterprise and adapts them to smaller mid-range systems. With a common set of resources and tools to handle safety, motion, control, information and visualisation, it is an ideal way for machine builders and OEMs to develop a suite of solutions in a timely, cost effective manner. With pre-planning and advice, an application can be catered for. The key will be to talk to an OEM or machine builder to


select the appropriate components and programming technique to maximise the features and cost savings, regardless of whether it is a large, small or mid-range system. The key to integrated architecture lies in its scalability across multiple controllers and graphic interfaces utilising a common set of programming and configuration tools. u

Brenntag opens new head office in India



renntag, the global leader in chemical distribution, has inaugurated its new head office in Mumbai, India. This new office represents Brenntag’s continued commitment to invest in India and to ensure the company has ample room for its planned growth over the next few years.

Brenntag established its presence in India in 2008 and focuses on various industry segments such as Agro, Coatings, Food & Beverage, Leather, Lubricants, Personal Care, Pharmaceuticals, Plastics & Polymers, Polyurethanes, Solvents and Textile. The new office adds to the company’s six existing offices located in all major industrial locations in India and Brenntag’s growing presence in the Asia Pacific region, which includes more than 40 offices in 15 countries. At the inauguration of the new office, Steven Holland, CEO of Brenntag Group, said, “India is a key market in Brenntag’s global strategy. By expanding our local presence in major cities like Mumbai, we are supporting our strategy of being the leading chemical distributor in both specialty and industrial chemicals. We already have a strong foothold in India and we expect to take advantage of the high growth potential in the Indian market.” With in-house Food & Beverage and Personal Care technical application laboratories, the new office offers value-added services to Brenntag’s customers by meeting specific requirements for the formulation and customization of various blends of ingredients and chemicals. Like all of

Brenntag’s offices, compliance with local as well as international standards on health, safety and the environment at the workplace is a priority. The new head office is centrally located at Ackruti Centre Point, Andheri (East), Mumbai. It has a space area covering 15,000 sq. ft. and will have room for more than 100 employees. At present, there are 44 employees based at the new office. In addition, Brenntag has offices and distribution facilities in Baddi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurgaon, Haridwar and Hyderabad. Brenntag is a global market leader in chemical distribution. Linking chemical manufacturers and chemical users, Brenntag provides business-to-business distribution solutions for industrial and specialty chemicals globally. With over 10,000 products and a world-class supplier base, Brenntag offers one-stop-shop solutions to about 160,000 customers. The value-added services include just-in-time

delivery, product mixing, formulation, repackaging, inventory management, drum return handling as well as extensive technical support. Headquartered in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, the company operates a global network with more than 400 locations in nearly 70 countries. In 2010 the company realized global sales of EUR 7.6 billion (USD 10.1 billion) with more than 12,000 employees. Brenntag established its presence in Asia Pacific with the acquisition of the chemical distribution business of Rhodia in South & Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan in 2008. In 2010, it strengthened its position in the market with the acquisition of the EAC Industrial Ingredients business, which includes markets such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In 2011, Brenntag acquired Zhong Yung in China, thereby gaining a strong access to the Chinese chemicals market. Today, Brenntag has more than 40 offices, over 40 distribution facilities and approximately 1,275 employees in Asia Pacific. Its regional headquarters is in Singapore. u



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