Chicory and clover pasture.
When Barry retired from dairy farming, he began buying small numbers of various grades of Simmental from half-breds to purebreds to stock his 140ha farm. The more he worked with the breed the more impressed he became. Today, most of his 100 cows, 55 R2 in-calf heifers and 50 R1 heifers are purebreds and he is presently in the process of registering some of them with the Simmental Cattle Breeders Society of NZ. While he has been herd building there has been little scope for culling however now that surplus females are being generated he is able to pass them onto his son at Kimbolton. Coming from a dairy background and having bred a genetically high BI (breeding index) pedigree Friesian herd with high production suggests Barry is not only an avid fan of genetics but also knows how to get the best out of his animals using rotational grazing. “I have about 100 paddocks, the biggest of which is 5.8ha. This enables me to rotationally graze almost all year round and shift most of my stock every day.” Barry’s rotation length during the spring/
summer period is 3-4 weeks extending to 7-8 weeks in the winter.
The secrets to success During his dairying career Barry produced a number of AI Friesian bulls. In 1990 he bred the top Friesian bull in the country (Hillbrae HS Cinnamon) as well as having one of the genetically top herds. He was also one of the first Friesian breeders in the country to transplant Friesian embryos into recipient cows using the expertise of John and Guy Sargent at Opiki. Maintaining young and vigorous pasture is another of Barry’s secrets to success. As soon as pasture starts losing its vigour a tractor moves in with a spray boom in the autumn and the paddock is direct drilled with an annual ryegrass such as Winter Star. This is sprayed out and replaced by chicory and red and white clover the following spring. These stands persist for several years with the oldest being about six. When run out they are lightly sprayed in the autumn and replaced with a predominantly perennial ryegrass-based pasture. Chicory persists well in these pastures even though
Mtt Mable ab e
Mt Mable Angus
36th Annual Sale on Monday 14th June 2021 Yearling bulls sold at auction Monday 20th September 2021 Consistently breeding and fully recording quality, sound, quiet, easy eshing fertile pedigree angus cattle for over 50 years
• BVD Tested Clear • BVD Vaccinated • 10 in 1 Vaccinated • DNA sire veried • TB status C10 • Breedplan recorded completely free of all • Herd known genetic defects star completeness of • 5recording with full pedigree,
genetic and performance records retained and analysed
proven sound and good • Only natured NZ bred sires used in last 13 years
for fantastic • Renown heritable good natures selection for type, • Consistent structure and longevity back three year • Money guarantee - no buyer credits distorting sale results
heifer mating • Specialist yearling bulls sold at auction 20th September 2021
Bulls this year sired by Rangatira Mack 15-32 ($50,000 bull at Rangatira 2017 sale), Mt Mable Fat Boy 373, Mt Mable Intrigue 1790, Mt Mable Durabull 1662, Mt Mable Integrity 1716, Mt Mable Dazzling 1705, Kay Jay Bond H521
Enquiries and inspection welcomed - Kevin or Megan Friel Phone: 06 376 4543 | Mobile: 027 625 8526 | Email: 625 Jacksons Road, Kumeroa (easy to find off SH2, either Oringi Rd from North or Hopelands Rd from the South) 98 Website: | Find us on facebook: Mt Mable Angus Cattle
Country-Wide Beef
May 2021