Royal New Zealand Air Force | Air Force News - Issue 244, March 2022

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A deployment with a difference The deployment to Tonga for avionics technician Corporal Tevita Puloka was significant because he was able to see his grandparents, who he had been unable to contact for days after the eruption and tsunami.


e had been deployed with No. 40 Squadron as part of the maintenance crew supplying aid including vaccine boosters to Tonga. “It was a pleasurable experience for me because I was able to see my family, but from a distance,” Corporal (CPL) Puloka said. Born and raised in Tonga by his grandparents, CPL Puloka was brought by his parents to New Zealand when he was nine. “We moved to South Auckland. I had a humble upbringing, not much to grow up with, so it was a bit tough. The trip back to Tonga for me was significant because I got to see my family and of course the magnitude of the events that unfolded. I felt a great sense of accomplishment to be part of the deployment.” CPL Puloka’s grandparents live inland on Tonga, away from where most of the damage occurred at the north of the island where the tsunami hit. “They were frightened when it happened, they didn’t know what was going on – the power was out. They were alright, but the ash cloud wasn’t ideal for the whole country – it contaminated the majority of crops and drinking water supplies throughout the country.”

Back in New Zealand, CPL Puloka and his family were concerned for his grandparents’ welfare. They didn’t know how they were until after some communications were established with the country – about four to five days after the event. “It was a bit scary,” he said. Once the C–130 had touched down at Tonga’s airport, it was a relief for CPL Puloka to see his family again. “I was able to have a chat with them. They were the only visitors at the airport. They had arrived two hours before the C–130 landed. I asked them how everything was, and they said manageable but water supplies were short. Moments like these make this career worth it. They stayed until after the aircraft departed.” Immediately following CPL Puloka’s Tongan deployment, he was deployed to Antarctica on a C–130 resupply flight. “It was quite a turnaround for me. The opportunities that my workplace provides are endless and rewarding. I’m happy and grateful that I have an opportunity to showcase the diversity of the Air Force by being deployed on such missions especially to my home country.”

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