5 Key Things You Need To Know Before Getting a Solar PV System Installed at your Home

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5 Key Things You Need To Know Before Getting a Solar PV System Installed at your Home

There are numerous advantages to using a solar PV System to power your home. You'll be able to lessen your carbon footprint, save money on your electricity bills, and have peace of mind knowing that you're doing your part to keep the earth healthy. There are financial incentives to have solar panels installed to top it all off. If you hire Solar PV and Battery Storage Buckinghamshire to install your solar PV system, the work will be easy for you.

As a result, making the conversion to solar involves careful preparation and consideration. A newcomer to renewable energy for your home may find it daunting and challenging to get started. Fortunately, you don't have to go through the painstaking process of discovering these facts. You should think about these five factors before putting in a solar PV system.

Is the roof on your house adequate?

Solar panels may not be installed on the roofs of all buildings, especially older ones. 'W' frame trussed roofs are the most common constructions built after 1970. Those can easily hold solar panels, weighing around 20 kilograms (44 pounds). Inter-truss strengtheners may be required for older structures, but the treatment is not overly expensive. Woodworms and termites can seriously undermine any roof; thus, inspecting them for these pests is essential. We offer free roof surveys to see if your roof is suitable for solar panels.

Do you need a permit from the city to build?

However, it is always advisable to consult with the local planning officer before installing solar panels. Consult your local planning officer if you live in a conservation area or have a listed structure.

Is it time to get new tiles?

If your solar panels have already been installed and you need to change roof tiles, the process will be more expensive because the panels will need to be removed. Because of this, it is essential to have the panels inspected before they are installed to avoid this problem. NICEIC Approved Electricians Buckinghamshire will help you in this case.

How much power do you need to generate?

We recommend at least ten panels, which will give you a 2.5kW system. One solar panel typically generates 250W of power. Even if you choose a smaller generator, the amount of money you can earn through feed-in tariffs would be reduced.

Because of this, it is doubtful that you will be able to install a solar power system that would meet all of your electrical needs since you will need batteries for nighttime usage. The cost of your solar system will skyrocket, which is why so few people choose to live "off-grid."

A 3.5kW solar panel system (14 panels) typically generates roughly 2,900 kWh of electricity for a typical home. In other words, you'll have to buy some panels from the grid the size of your roof or your budget will likely determine how many you can afford, but in general, bigger is better!

Are there any blackouts of the electrical grid?

Fortunately, there are few blackouts in the UK, but those with solar panels may not be able to use them to power their homes when they occur. Most solar systems utilize grid-tied inverters to connect to the grid, and the grid doesn't want any electricity coming from solar systems during a blackout to make repairs. As a result, even if they're a wise purchase, they won't protect you against a power outage. If you want to protect yourself from power outages, you'll need to spend a lot on battery backup.

Consider the L Harvey & Son Group Ltd.

L Harvey & Son Group Ltd. has built a reputation as a leader throughout the mechanical and electrical industries. As a result, we quickly became one of the most sought-after Buckinghamshire certified electrical contractors.

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