NYOLS Impact Report 2012

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Impact Report 2012


Our Work At A Glance 427 weeks student days


were offered free to those pupils in receipt of income support, which equates to 2131 students days and 8% of total curricular student days funded by OLS

100% schools of

• state the course gave value for money • state that teaching input was good or outstanding • state that progress of pupils was good or outstanding

Range Our courses range from 2 day residentials to gold DofE residentials or intervention support over a number of years

479 schools and Youth settings have used the OLS

98% Rebooked 98% of all groups that used our Centres in 2012 have already re-booked.

Core Values 80% of respondents to a recent questionnaire stated that we achieved ALL of our core values BEYOND EXPECTATION.

‘Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments’

Introduction The Outdoor learning service is on a journey. Newly constructed in 2011 the focus is celebrating and continually developing our established core provision of providing outstanding outdoor learning in a residential setting. However, the development opportunities that outdoor learning can further contribute and support to the wider provision of the Children and Young Peoples Service are where our strategic direction is taking us. This is the Outdoor Learning Service’s first Impact Report. In this report we aim to showcase the breadth and depth of the work the Outdoor Learning Service completes, with an understanding of its impact on Children and Young People. We have measured and evaluated the impact from a number of sources: formal action research, evaluation forms, online surveys, student feedback, letters from teachers, parents and students, and external monitoring visits. We still have a long way to go, to truly assimilate all the impact the Outdoor Learning Service has on a student following his or her own pathway through the Service, but we are confident that it is full of positive outcomes. We are aiming to work more closely with academic institutions, research bodies and our users to further increase our knowledge base, and use this to further develop our provision and practice. I hope you enjoy reading our report and if you have any questions, suggestions or offer of support, please contact me.

Steve Graham (Head of NYCC Outdoor Learning Service) steve.graham@northyorks.gov.uk



Successful, confident and happy young people is what learning is all about and the Outdoor Learning Service provides this every time.


(Teacher, North Yorkshire)

Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Our Vision We aim to provide: “Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments” Our values: We aim to help everyone we work with become a successful learner, a confident individual and a responsible citizen: • We want every child and young person to experience high quality inspirational outdoor learning. • We aim that every outdoor learning experience we deliver provides adventure, challenge and progress for each participant. • We want to help young people to develop skills to independently enjoy the outdoor environment. • We want young people to value and respect others and the natural world they live in. We will deliver our core aims by: Always striving for outstanding, challenging and adventurous provision, focussed on individual, and group needs, linked to progress. Delivered by highly competent and motivated staff.

We have successfully used the experience at the Centre to inspire and enthuse our children in developing their reading and writing skills.

These real life experiences and inspiring contexts coupled with good quality teaching and support in the classroom has led to significant improvements in the standards achieved by our children which was recently recognized by Ofsted during a monitoring visit.


(North Yorkshire Primary Headteacher)


Celebrating SUCCESS



Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments


Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Outdoor Learning Pathways The North Yorkshire Outdoor Learning Service is dedicated to providing many pathways for Children and Young People to access its provision. CORE RESIDENTIAL PROVISION:

Bewerley Park, East Barnby, Great Fryupdale, Outdoor Education Centres.


Non-residential courses, supporting curricular aims.

SUPPORTING VULNERABLE LEARNERS: Aiming High Project, Targeted Support, Inclusive Progs. EXTENDED OPPORTUNITIES: Duke of Edinburgh, Extension Courses, Expeditions. POST 16 PROVISION: Providing career pathways. ADULT TRAINING: Opportunities for accreditation, qualification and professional development.


We aim to deliver high quality, outstanding Outdoor Learning at various periods of a young persons development. We see that the residential provision is just one of many options that young people can access our provision. By developing the pathways, our partners can select at which point in time they would like to access the service and develop the outcomes specifically for their situation or cohort.

Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Core Provision The core residential provision provided by East Barnby, Bewerley Park and Great Fryupdale Outdoor Education Centres provide an excellent environment for high quality outdoor education. The Centres are unique in their situation providing access to the Coast, Moors and the Dales of North Yorkshire.

Through building individual programmes of study with each client, maximum learning impact can be achieved.

My child has ADHD and finds classroom study restraining, he got a lot from activities in the fresh air, working in tea ms and building his social skills, which he struggles with sometimes. These sort of residential trips make children like my son feel more inclusive and comfortable with learning and excel in places they would normally struggle with. (Parent)

In a survey of 51 parents of children who at- 25 ‘strongly agreed’ with the statement ‘my tended in February 2013, 39 rated the expe- child learnt a lot’ and 22 ‘agreed’ with the rience as “very valuable” and 11 as ‘valuable’. statement.

Teacher evaluations during the Autumn term 2012 highlighted: 92.3% of pupils progressed in Working

100% of pupils progressed in building

100% of pupils progressed in learning

96% of pupils progressed in developing

as a TEAM.


Year 9 teachers and pupils completed an academically established questionnaire on resilience at the beginning and end of the week and one month thereafter.

their own SELF ESTEEM


The results showed a 12.5% improvement in resilience at the end of the course and 10% one month after.

"For some children a week's residential experience is worth more than a term of school. We know we want it for our own children - we need to make sure other people's children experience it too." (Tim Brighouse, former London Schools Commissioner and advisor to the Paul Hamlyn Foundation)


Qualified teachers with knowledge of all aspects of teaching and learning - and all aspects of the primary curriculum – bring the learning from the classroom in school to life, by making links which mean children apply their knowledge in a real context.

(North Yorkshire Primary Headteacher)

Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Outreach “Education is more than the acquisition of knowledge.” Improving young people’s understanding, skills, values and personal development can significantly enhance learning and achievement. Learning outside the classroom is not an end in itself, rather we see it as a vehicle to develop the capacity to learn” (Learning outside the classroom manifesto)

The Outdoor Learning Service is committed to raising attainment in schools and other settings by its innovative Outreach programmes. All the programmes are bespoke to the client.

During 2012 the Service delivered 4623 student days in an Outreach capacity, including: Targeted support of vulnerable young people GCSE Physical Education Dinosaur study day Development of thinking skills Nature as Art intended Integrated learning for Gifted and Talented pupils GCSE Geography, Biology fieldwork Development of creative writing for boys Support for Special Schools, Pupil Referral Units and Children’s Social Care facilities Transition days Case Study: Whitby Community College: Outreach Programme

The pupils attend once a week, with follow up work conducted in school. The range of attainment and qualifications on offer include, sporting national governing body awards, BTEC, ASDAN and GCSE

In 2012, 10 students achieved ASDAN Wider Key Skills Level1 In 2012, 35 British Canoe Union Awards were attained. Including coaching awards. In 2012, 22 Royal Yachting Association Awards were attained. In 2012, 8 students completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

vention and 15 on school action plus.

At the end of the year a presentation and awards ceremony is held to celebrate achievement.

The project brief was to develop aspiration and attainment in those pupils at risk of not achieving The group comprises of 2 pupils their full potential in years in receipt of pupil premium, 6 10 and 11. pupils on school action interThe project uses “Building Learning Power” strategies to achieve its aims. These include the development of: Reflectiveness, Reciprocity Resourcefulness and Resilience.

In 2012, 11 students attained BTEC Level 2 Sport (Outdoor and Adventurous Studies) In 2012, 12 students achieved ASDAN Wider Key Skills Level 2

Sean & Tricia (Luke Hutchinson’s Parents): "We’ve sat through many presentations over the years and being proud of our children at every one, but this one seemed to be a little bit more special.

The pride with which all the children accepted their awards was inspiring to see. 13

The project has now been extended into five schools.

What was also lovely to see was the camaraderie between the children. The relationship between the students and Centre staff was obvious to all and the students seemed to genuinely appreciate the extraordinary efforts put in by them. This is indicative of the whole set up at the Centre, its high standards, caring environment and the effort put in by the staff to make this a place the students want to be."

Also I thoroughly enjoy all the activities we do because they further my leadership and team-building skills.

I enjoy taking part in a range of new activities which helps me overcome my fears and makes me a much more confident person.

Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Supporting Vulnerable Learners The Outdoor Learning Service is committed to supporting those young people with the greatest need. Significant investment within the Service has made not only the buildings, but also the programme of activities fully inclusive. Staff have completed specialist training. This has included autism awareness, sign language, specialist activity training, placement in specialist outdoor education centres, behaviour management strategies, team teach and Makaton.

The service works with all the special schools in North Yorkshire.

The service supports the provision provided by Children’s Social Care, offering placements, work experience, residentials and the use of accommodation for emergency placements.

Case Study: Aiming High Special Educational Needs and Disability Report KEY OBJECTIVES 1. The Service provision is based on identified needs of eligible children/young people and their families Listening to the voice of children, young people and carers, NYPACT, Flying High, parent feedback, NYCC Special Schools 2. Increased volume and range of short breaks provision • Significant breaks during the day • Offer a range of activities and venues • Provision of overnight breaks 3. Improve access to short breaks • Provision is available on a planned and regular basis, prioritizing weekends, evenings and school holidays • Access to universal services work strand – Outdoor Centre/Service inclusion audit • Provision is age appropriate 4. Improve quality of short break experiences • Provide positive experiences • Encourage new experiences • Promote friendships and supportive relationships.


Our children were welcomed and encouraged

KEY OUTCOMES 2012 There has been an increase in numbers of eligible children and young people taking part in outdoor activities. Over 500 in attendance figures. A programme of outdoor activities is developed which is available for eligible children and families at both East Barnby and Bewerley Park on a planned and regular basis. Outdoor activities are publicised and promoted through appropriate agencies – NYPACT, Flying High, NYCC Special Schools, Inclusion Officers, Ryedale Special Families, Action for Children and InterActive. Activity provision is responsive to the needs of the disabled children and families e.g. weekends, school holidays and evenings. Based on client feedback we have also recently developed inclusive cycling and archery. Increased range of outdoor activities available A mix of both specialist and integrated outdoor activities are provided. Access to NYCC Outdoor Learning Service has increased for disabled children and young people in 2012/13. Opportunities are provided for disabled children and young people to take part in activities with friends and families. Over 50 activity days delivered at Bewerley Park and East Barnby. Increased liaison with referring agencies to ensure individual children and young people have appropriate assessments in place e.g. moving and handling, challenging behaviour, health needs.

All of the staff were fantastic with all of the children. There are so few opportunities for disabled children like Joseph to experience outward bound type activities, and he was really engaged and enthused throughout the whole day. .

(Joseph’s parents.) Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Extended Opportunities The Outdoor Learning Service is committed to providing pathways and opportunities for children and young people to develop and extend their involvement in outdoor learning and promote lifelong learning.

Duke Of Edinburgh The Outdoor Learning Service has committed to supporting the provision of the training and assessment component of the Duke of Edinburgh scheme. In 2012 the service provided: • 34 days of Duke of Edinburgh training • 19 days of Duke of Edinburgh assessment The Outdoor Learning Service provided opportunities for Open Gold Expeditions and Gold Residentials. The Outdoor Learning Service has provided expedition equipment for 6 Duke of Edinburgh Units free of charge to facilitate their expedition.

John Muir Award

The Outdoor Learning Service values the environment that we utilise for outstanding learning opportunities. To this end in 2012 we piloted the John Muir Award with Primary and Secondary Schools. The John Muir Award is an environmental award that encourages people of all backgrounds to con-

nect, enjoy and care for wild places through a structured yet adaptable scheme. The Award is not competitive but should challenge each participant. Taking part will develop an understanding of, and responsibility for, a chosen wild place or places. For some this will offer an opportunity to explore values and spirituality.

In 2013 we are hoping to increase the take up from just 5% of client groups to 20% of groups across all age ranges and abilities.

Extended Courses

In 2012 the Outdoor Learning Service organised and ran 7 extension courses in Sailing, Climbing, Mountain Biking, Expeditioning and Surfsports. • 86% of young people had accessed the Service earlier in their school career • 32 National Governing Body Awards were presented • 100% of young people stated that they would pursue the activity as a long term hobby

100% of young people stated that they would pursue the activity as a long term hobby 17



I had a fantastic time, even though at times it was really tough. Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Post 16 Provision


The Outdoor Learning Service is working in partnership with Hull University, introducing the Outdoor Learning module to first year B.Ed students. In 2012 this amounted to 70 students.


The Outdoor Learning Service operates a trainee instructor scheme. Providing a pathway for young people to enter the industry. In 2012 we employed 8 young people.





The Outdoor Learning Service is an accredited provider of the National Citizenship Scheme residential courses. This amounted to providing opportunities to 438 young people in the summer of 2012. In 2012 the Outdoor Learning Service appointed two Modern Apprentices.

In 2013 the Outdoor Learning Service is providing a residential experience and learning opportunity to Newly Qualified Teachers in North Yorkshire. In 2012 the Service was recognised as a provider of BTEC Level 3 Sport and Leisure (Outdoor and Adventurous Activity). The first cohort has been recruited from the East Coast partnerships and enrols for September 2013. The course will be delivered solely by the Outdoor Learning Service, with support from Whitby Community College.

The Outdoor Learning Service has provided work experience placements, student placements and provided support for newly qualified teachers.



My experience was a mixture of pure enjoyment, achievement and enlightenment. (B.Ed Student)

Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Training For Adults We are passionate about ‘lifelong’ learning and provide a broad scope of training opportunities for adults, both within the education and the wider community. In addition to this, we have also delivered corporate training for large companies, such as Sainsbury’s, Botham’s, and Arriva.

In 2012 the Outdoor Learning Service provided training for over 600 adults.

Courses have included: In 2012 to extend the provision of Outdoor Learning in schools and early years settings the Service was appointed an accredited provider by the Open College Network for the training and assessment of Forest School Teachers. In conjunction with this the Service has piloted and now delivered 5 North Yorkshire Outdoor learning Service validated Forest School leader awards. First Aid Training. The Outdoor Learning Service is an HSE accredited provider of First Aid Training. The Service has provided training to schools, early years settings and the youth support service. The Service provides MiDAS minibus training and MiDAS MPV training to schools, youth settings and children’s social care. The Service is recognised as a provider of Mountain Leader Training, British Canoe Coach Education, Royal Yachting Association training, Mountain Bike Instructor Award Scheme, British Orienteering training and provides courses throughout the year. 21


This training has enabled us to pursue Forest Schools and get our children outside in all weathers.


(North Yorkshire Teacher)

Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Stories Joe's story: What The Outdoor Learning Service Means to Me... I joined the project when I was in college as a year 11 pupil and thoroughly enjoyed every activity I was involved in and everything else that went on in the centre. I used to hate going to school and was never on time but I was never late to East Barnby because I loved coming here and the staff made the experience that much better because they are so friendly, kind and caring. That year I was at East Barnby made me realise how much I loved

the outdoors and enjoyed the activities involved. As far as my career was looking, the future wasn’t too bright for me but then I got told that I could do a BTEC Level 3 course with the Outdoor Learning Service. I couldn’t think of anything better for me to do, this was mainly made possible by my tutors who, despite the mistakes I had made, still had faith in me and fought my corner with college who didn’t, and I can’t thank them enough.

BTEC course I was allowed to do has com“ Thispletely turned my life around and helped me

keep on the straight and narrow.

I’m not sure this centre fully understands how much they have helped and how much it means to me. I can’t forget to mention my mentor who has been great and has done everything she possibly can for me. Never thinking of herself, if I needed to do something to better myself or gain qualifications she would make sure it would happen. Sometimes I think she has helped

me way too much! She is amazing at her job and has a great passion for it, which makes her that much better! This centre has not only provided so many opportunities and experiences for me, it has changed me as a person and gave me a bright looking future, it couldn’t have done more for me. I have everyone at the centre to thank. Not only those who agreed for me to be

allowed to do this course but everyone else in the centre who has become my friends and are all really good at their job and for making my experience so much better. By Joe Sutton 23

Luke’s Story: Our Presentation Evening As part of our regular outreach work with Whitby Community College we held a presentation evening to recognise the hard work and achievements of the young people over the last 12 months. Here is how the day went, in the words of one of the young people and his parents who came to support him.

"At the presentation day we invited members of our family to see how well we had been working and to show what kind of awards we had managed to achieve. This was a chance to show everyone the really hard work that we have been putting in over the last year and a half. It was a great chance to see what we had all achieved all together in one place.

At the same time it was really nice to thank the members of staff for the help and hard work they had put in to help us along to getting our awards and building us as better people.

worth it and that all the effort that we had put in was paying off. So over all it was great day and everyone had a lovely time, everyone seemed to get more awards then they thought they had so it was a fantastic opportunity to show how well everyone had been working."

“ We felt a sense of accomplishment in ourselves,

It was really nice to see how all our hard work over the last year and a half had been

The pride with which all the children accepted their awards was inspiring to see. (Luke’s Parents) Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments

Conclusion Our results, feedback and anecdotal evidence show that the North Yorkshire Outdoor Learning Service can have an immediate, positive and long lasting impact on the young people we work with. We have been able to demonstrate through our residential and outreach provision that where positive, planned and engaging learning opportunities are presented; young people grow in confidence, belief, attainment and are compelled to learn. In supporting young people starting out their careers in the outdoors, to teachers, youth leaders and practitioners working with young people in the outdoors the Outdoor Learning Service is demonstrating how you can follow a pathway to professional accreditation and a career. However, we still face challenges. Our aim during 2013 is to increase our knowledge base to critically analyse in even greater detail the impact on the young people we work with, and then use this to inform, challenge and enhance our provision.


Motivational Learning in Inspirational Environments


Spending all day in a canoe, working as a team to arrive safely at your destination, travelling down a real river, seeing real wildlife and having real challenges on the way, persevering even though cold and wet, are all the things that have a massive impact on children for life


(North Yorkshire Headteacher)

Bewerley Park Outdoor Education Centre Pateley Bridge Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 5JB Tel. 01423 711287

East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre Wades Lane Whitby North Yorkshire YO21 3SA Tel. 01947 893333

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