Empire State Hibernian - June 2007

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QUIRED TO REMOVE FURNITURE! However you are responsible for any damage that might occur to hotel property. Be sure to keep good track of this during the convention. The Convention committee has been working overtime to make your stay in Albany both comfortable and enjoyable. All convention delegates will receive complimentary junior writing folders and storage portfolios, compliments of Guinness and Coors Light, including the AOH logo and Convention information. We have also been lucky enough to receive $2000 in corporate sponsorship from Budweiser. This money will be used to offset convention expenses and increase our profit. If anyone has any questions about the State Convention, please feel free to call or e-mail me any time. RECRUITMENT GRANTS Last May the State board voted unanimously to allocate $3000 to a grant program aimed at assisting local divisions in the areas of recruitment and retention. So far, the organizer and I, with the approval of President Hennessy, have approved two grants. The first was a grant of $687.50 to the Watertown division to assist them with recruitment efforts in March, in conjunction with the North Country Goes Green Irish Festival. The division purchased signs welcoming people to Watertown, and promoting the AOH. They also took out ads in

several church bulletins and the local paper. As of this writing I have not received a final report on these activities, but through conversations with the Division President I am confident that their efforts have produced positive results for our Order. The second grant was provided to Albany Division #5 to assist with a recruitment table at the celebration of the Celts in Chatham, design and purchase signs promoting the AOH at the entryways and exit points from the City, and to purchase ads in the Diocese Newspaper and the Albany Times Union. This was approved for $750. It always takes time for a program to get going, but interest in this is strong and over time I am convinced our efforts will bare fruit. I strongly recommend that we reauthorize this program for 2007-2008 for $3000. If anyone would still like to apply for the grant program, the forms are available through the state website www.nyaoh.com . RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION HANDBOOK At the fall meeting I presented a draft of a recruitment and retention manual for your consideration. The manual also included recommendations for the State Board in terms of costs associated with public relations, the extension of the Per-Capita deadline and penalties and incentives regarding the payment of Per-Capita Taxes. The man-

ual seemed to be largely acceptable to people, but does include the following items which change our current procedure and require approval of the State Board. These specific changes are: 1) Fact Sheets about the AOH, its goals, charitable works and traditions will be designed by the State Organizer and his committee and printed and made available throughout the state 2) The State Organizer shall establish an 800 number through an appropriate telephone service. This number will be published as the NY State Board Recruitment line and will be usable by all local jurisdictions as well as the State in advertising and marketing. 3) A Public Relations professional will be interviewed and selected by the State Executive Board to serve the needs of the State Board and all State jurisdictions. 4) Starting in July the Appointed State Chair of Public Relations will be in charge of internal publicity, keeping an up to date state e-mail list for updates and work with the editor of the State newsletter and website. 5) Starting in the fall or winter of next year the State newsletter will be sent to the top four officers in each county and division, as well as the state Board to improve communication. Those wishing to receive a copy by e-mail rather than post can contact the newsletter editor and go on the electronic list and off of the snail mail list. This will 2

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