Home owners insurance policies in Harris County, Texas ( Hurricane Ike )?

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Home owners insurance policies in Harris County, Texas ( Hurricane Ike )? Even though my part of town, ( Spring ) north of Houston did not have much damage, mostly fence damage from Hurricane Ike and I had no damage myself, my insurance company Allstate went 19.8 % ( from $865.00 to $1027.00 a year ) on my policy renewal in November of 2009.not November 2008..on a $94,500 house that is about 1500 square feet Are the homeowners policies going to go back down this year or are we going to have to pay for Hurricane Ike again this year or will polices be going back down.. I do not like shopping for insurance, but if I have to, I will.. Related

What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap? What is the best car insurances for teens? and also cheap? Which cars are cheap on insurance for a 20year old new driver? And which cars dont drink petrol fast? I am doing an intense driving course, i would like advice and which cars aint too high on insurance and also which cars dont drink petrol fast as i know some do!" How much is insurance for the Acura RSX? I really want on badly but I'm concern about the costs. I am eighteen year old male and this will be my first car. I just got my license as well. How do you fight with the other party's insurance company? Hi, my car insurance covers for liability only and now I have an accident with a big truck. The big truck hit my car from the side. We were driving from 2 lanes next to each other and at one point the two lanes combine into one. While I was alittle pass over the truck, it hit me from the side. Their side has no damage since it is a big truck and our side has damaged from the driver side. The police report didn't explain clearly about whose fault it is except it mentions what the two drivers said. I think it is not my fault and the other driver denied it is his fault either. My insurance company didn't help much because we only have liability. Now, the other party insurance company called me and said they can't pay for the damanges since it is both parties fault. Therefore, pay for damanges on our own. Like I said, the other party didn't have any damages. If we have to fix it by ourselves, it will cost over $1500. :-( How should I fight with the insurance company to get my claims?" What is the easiest way to have insurance? My unemployed mom spoils my 12 y/o little brother everyday and I only work 14 hours. I've tried applying to 30 stores but my AA diploma is worthless. Insurance price.?

how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old buy. like on average? Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit? Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres protection for me while i have my learners permit?" California low income health care aid? just 18, college student, family currently on medi-cal am i still covered? is it until age 21? what are the ones that allow parental coverage until age 26? what changes will occur to the california healthy families and medi-cal programs with Obamacare? recently received letter putting me in emergency coverage only what does this mean to me and what i am covered for?" Mustang GT Insurance? I am now 15 and 9 months and when i turn 16 and 9 months around May next year i would like to get a new 2015 Mustang GT for 32k. There is a problem. My mom is worried about how much she will have to pay for insurance so i would like to get an estimate from you guys before asking her to call the insurance company. By the way we are from Poland( I am first generation born in New York Brooklyn now in Maryland). I was thinking maybe she could just tell the insurance company she is buying a second car for herself to maybe keep the insurance company from knowing its for a 16 year old they wont be able to trust.(Even though i have been driving my Mom's Camry for a few years now and am beyond responsible enough.) I was hoping below a 100$/month? (P.S. She is very responsible and had never been in an accident caused by her fault so her insurance company trusts her and i believe she is with Erie Insurance now after she switched from Geico who were overcharging her for the house coverage i believe...) Where do i go to see a physician without any health insurance in California? Hi , I'm 21 and I don't have any health insurance, I want to see a physician so I can get more information on estrogen pills because I want to have smoother skin and look more like a girl than a man but i still want to keep my man-hood . Can anyone help?" Auto insurance fraud..how much trouble am i looking at? i don't need to be judged..I made a dumb decision which could have resulted in me losing my life and im lucky i didn't. anyways here goes..so a supposed friend of mine told me she couldn't wait to teach me to drive..i told her i didn't want to drive until i got my permit. well after telling me that she pulls over and asks if i want to drive..i tell her no..she keeps pushing telling me she thinks i'd be good at driving and eventually after saying no 8-10 times i give in and we switch..i continued up the road and i made the right and i was maknig another right and i lost control and ended up on the sidewalk and crashed into a pole..airbags exploded and all..when immediately got out of the car and I asked her what we were going to do and she said to me so help me god if i lose my license and again i said what are we going to do? she said were going to say i was driving..we got ran off the road by a red truck..when the cops came i stuck with the

same story she did and we went to the hospital and all..this happened a month ago..the vehicle was totaled and she collected money from the accident. I however felt so guilty i went and turned myself into the police and told them the truth about everything. the cop that was at the accident is who i spoke with..i filled out a witness report and the cop said that he was really glad that I came forward with the truth and that she would be in much more trouble than I and that he planned to take it easy on me since i came forward about it and because i am a mom..he said the most i will probably get is my license suspended..i am still waiting to get anything in the mail and i'm so nervous bc i don't know if i can get in worse trouble and was wondering what other people thought..honestly the whole thing has scared me from ever wanting to drive again and even though i wasn't the victim i really felt like it for days after the accident..i was very distraught..and i'm scared even being a passenger in a car now..i watch everything and get very scared fast. Can i get in trouble with the insurance company? I didn't give them a statement. I just told them about me going to the hospital and stuff..my supposed friend actually gave them the statement..they sent me a bunch of paperwork in the mail to have me mail back in so they could cover medical expenses but i never sent the stuff in or filled it out bc i didn't want the insurance company to pay for something that was my fault. I live in pa and i guess im just wondering how much trouble i can get in? or if i should be okay because i came forward with the truth. How much is the average Business Owner's Policy? I am specifically interested in what the BOP costs would be for a bar in Georgia. Jeep Wrangler: Insurance coverage costs? I am a girl beginning driver, turning 17. I live in a rural area. I want a 1999 Jeep Wrangler SE. I am part of my family's plan. Does anybody have a price about what would cost a month/year? Thanks." Teen Female vs. Male Insurance Rates? is it true that if youre a male teen, your car insurance rates are higher than a teen female's rates? are there websites to back that up? thanks!" About how much does full coverage auto insurance cost for a ford focus? And how much would it be for a kia forte koup? 350z insurance how much would it cost? how much would it cost in Canada Ontario the car is a 350z coupe 90k Miles 2005 my age is 18 Cheap car insurance for young people? i just turned 15. ive gotten a few quotes and all of them are around 300 dollars a month. who should i get my insurance with and what type of car will make it the cheapest.? Please help.

How much would insurance be a month for a 1988 ford mustang gt for a 16 year old driver in ny? hi i want a 1988 ford mustang gt 5.0 and i am 16 years old. i was wondering how much the insurance would cost a month. im in new york and plz no answers like alot or anything like that just an estimate. pl answer and thankyou How much would maintenance cost on a BMW 325i? a 2000 ish-2003 bmw 325i (same series)...how much would maintenance cost? I like the BMW in that it has EVERYTHING that I want, it's (2001) version is in my price range to buy, except I'm a student and I work part time. I can at an uncomfortable MAX 100$ a month for maintenance (not including gas and insurance). I am a DIY person (I can do moderately difficult car repairs) so I won't go to the dealer much. But I heard that this BMW needs synthetic oil and premium gas, and a couple of my friends said that BMW's NEED maintenance or else they suck. I will do NEEDED maintenance (such as if I need oil change, or my brakes are bad) but I won't do stuff that aren't needed (like idk...coolant flush etc.)." California auto insurance? back in may i was driving someone else's car someone backed out of the drive way and hit me minor damage on back bumper. i gave the insurance info of the owner of the car since i didnt have any and it was her fault didnt think it was that big of a deal to do that if it was not my fault i recorded my statement months back but now they want me to re record my statement they said they lost it so giving the insurance of someone else that was not driving is that illigal what kind of trouble can/could i get in to? IF ANY?? What is the cheapest insurance company? i'm just looking for an in general answer bc i dont have a car yet i'm just looking for how much i need to save up to get whatever car i get insured...so any help will be useful High performance car insurance? Basically this is really annoying me. Me and my dad aren't really bothered about the monthly cost of my insurance on a Mazda RX8. I'm 18 years old, but nobody will insure me? Seems fair? Wrong. My friend, who's dad is an investment banker has just got a factory build Audi R8 quatro V10. He's also 18, but I don't understand how he has even got a quote let alone full cover. He tells me hes insured in his name but his dad won't tell him how much it costs. Now, obviously their family is greatly richer than mine, but still, my family can afford the insurance, just like his family can. Why do they insure him and not me? When his car is classed as a super car, and mine is in the sports car class. We have both have just recently passed our tests if that helps." What does auto insurance deductible mean? I just bought a new car but the bank that financed the loan is asking for proof of auto insurance on the car with a comprehensive and collision deductible of $1000

maximum. I put AAA insurance on the vehicle and they gave me a $500 deductible on both comprehensive and collision. Do i need the $1000 deductible or am i good with the $500 deductible? How much is goin to cost me per month if i own a peugeot 206? im 19 and a student at uni, i want to buy a but im nt really sure how much it will cost me can someone help me. i will be travellin about 5miles per day with the car road tax servicing insurance petrol etc" "If you need health insurace, are you going to be able to afford Affordable Care?" I had high hopes for the Affordable Care Act (nicknamed Obamacare). it was supposed to give all Americans access to healthcare and be affordable enough so we could all still eat and have a roof over our heads. Premium prices depend on where you live, and I live in one of the higher-priced areas, but OMG! Their premiums are more expensive than I've ever seen, and then you have to pay a chunk to see the doctor or get a prescription or go to the hospital... I don't see any savings or advantages anywhere. So what about you, if you aren't covered by health insurance and were hoping to get it under the Affordable Care Act? Can you afford it?Will you be able to actually afford to go to the doctor after paying the premiums?" Home owners insurance policies in Harris County, Texas ( Hurricane Ike )? Even though my part of town, ( Spring ) north of Houston did not have much damage, mostly fence damage from Hurricane Ike and I had no damage myself, my insurance company Allstate went 19.8 % ( from $865.00 to $1027.00 a year ) on my policy renewal in November of 2009.not November 2008..on a $94,500 house that is about 1500 square feet Are the homeowners policies going to go back down this year or are we going to have to pay for Hurricane Ike again this year or will polices be going back down.. I do not like shopping for insurance, but if I have to, I will.. What is insurance company responsible for i had an accident with full coverage insurance? I had a accident on my motorcycle 09/09/11. I had full coverage insurance, now my insurance company tells me they are not responsible for anything, I have to contact the other parties insurance. My insurance company has not even gave me a claim number,hasn't paid any dr bills. Also it totaled my bike! Why pay for full coverage if they don't do anything for you?" Would you be in favor of health insurance plans that cost less but force you to make lifestyle changes? I saw somewhere that an estimated 90% of diabetes, 70% of heart disease, and 60% of cancer cases are directly related to either obesity, sedentary lifestyle, tobacco use, or drinking outside of moderation. For the amount of people that whine about drug prices, insurance costs, and drug bills, 1 out of 3 americans is overweight, something like 1 in 5 americans over 50 or 60 or something are diabetic or prediabetic (each case of diabetes costs an average of $10k per year in treatment and complications), and about 1 in 3 die of heart disease. People do not take personal responsibility for themselves, and they cost society a lot of money. Would you support an insurance plan that would be lower cost, but would drop your coverage if you developed a chronic disease like diabetes or something, and failed to get your weight down to a

certain goal, mange you condition, etc. or maybe COPD and maybe you would have to quit smoking within 6 months, etc etc? Would you join the plan? Is it fair?" Car Insurance Estimate? I'm 19 years old. I've had my license since December 2008. I've never been in an accident. The car would cost around 5000$ It's a silver 2002 Saturn Vue AWD V6 With around 100,000 miles on it. Used obviously. It would be bought with a loan from a bank, so financed. I make around 1000$ a month, working 32 hours a week. Lame work for now, but hey. I can easily pay for the insurance. I also have good credit history. Any ideas on what insurance would cost." If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it? If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it? Will a reckless driving ticket affect an insurance premium in Georgia? My husband recently went through a road block after leaving work (playing music in a bar.) He was honest and said he'd been drinking, even though he waited for a while and had not had that much to drink. He blew .07 over the legal limit. He went to jail for 14 hours. We paid a lot of money and got the charge dropped to reckless driving. This was six months ago and our insurance premium has only gone down (good grades and homeowner's insurance with same company.) We are afraid to ask the insurance company for fear that they might not know. 1. Will that info get sent to them automatically? 2. Is there danger that our bill will go up if we speak to them about it? 3. What percentage might the bill go up once they do find out? We are looking to buy a new car soon, so we can't avoid speaking to the insurance company about it forever!" Affordable health insurance? i am 34 , i pay over 400.00 a month , im single , does anyone know of some possible cheaper insurance . does anyone know of better insurance that i can afford . please help , male nonsmoker also" I been shopping around for insurance with different insurance agencies here in CA ? and noticed that the premium is about the same for all of them but the broker's fee ranges from $100 to $300, can that be negotiated ? or is it illegal to do so ? i like one of the insurance agencies since they were super nice but they also have the highest brokers fee, could they match the other agencies price ?" How much auto insurance should I carry? Is it true that depending on your net worth, you should get more or less auto insurance? I'm a college student so I only work part-time and only have a modest amount saved up. The value of my car is about $4000. Right now I have 50000/100000 for injury, 50000 property damage, and 50000/100000 for uninsured or under-insured motorists. I have no comprehensive or collision coverage. I can not afford those. But liability wise, am I good or would it be OK to buy less or should I buy

more auto insurance? I am not on my mother's insurance policy because with her being in another state, and the car being garaged with me, it's not worth it and I'm not sure if it's possible" 18 year old military personal auto insurance price in NY? hello my name is Joseph and i recently just bought my first car yesterday. I financed through Navy federal bank and purchased a 2011 Mazda 3 I for 11k out the door price including tax. the check will be coming in the mail tuesday and i will need to have insurance to go pick up the car. ive been searching online and calling different insurance agents to get a quote and im looking at paying 400-600 per month for insurance ! here are some of the prices these insurance agents quoted me at. Geico 500 State Farm - 400 USAA - 600 Progressive - 550 Esurance - 450 im just wondering if this is normal ? i was expecting to pay 200-250 but not 400-600, i am 18 years old. been in the military for 6 months. clean driving record. and have been license at the age of 16 since 03/15/2012 can anyone tell me if this is normal ? and what other car insurance companies are in new york ? thank you for your time." Whats the best insurance for the self employed? We need some insurance, but don't have a ton of cash." Where can i get non-owner's insurance in houston? i need some cheap, yet effective non-owner's insurance. if anyone knows of a smaller insurance company that provides this, preferably on the east side of houston, i would be most grateful. any info would be welcomed (but none of those sarcastic i dunnos just to get points). thanx." Would my car insurance rates go up if I switch? I'm insured with geico but I've found a better deal with esurance. I can't afford to pay both. I want to cancel with geico and start over with esurance before the geico policy cancels. If I did this would esurance charge me a higher rate? I know it will effect my credit negatively. Car insurance company question? State farm gave me a car insurance quote 6 months ago. I agreed to it and they set up an account. They told me that we would have automatic payments made to them every month and that my coverage would stay the same. My husband and I never checked to make sure they were still automatically withdrawing the payments until today, 6 months later. I tried to call my insurance agent and she quit! I have not been covered since after the first month, and no one ever called to let me know I was no longer insured. HAD SOMETHING HAPPENED, ME AND SOME OTHER DRIVER WOULD'VE BEEN SCREWED. Who do I talk to about this? BTW I switched insurance companies since then and am now covered. I just was wondering who I can complain to about this." Will my health insurance pay for my surgery?

I hurt my back one month ago and had no insurance. I am now employed with insurance and need back surgery. Will the insurance company call this a pre existing condition and not pay? Is there anything I can do to avoid the fight? Massachusetts Health Insurance Premiums highest in country? I live in MA and i pay $14K a year for Tufts Health Insurance. BCBS of MA wanted nearly $20K. Is this just a preview of what's to come for the rest of the USA? The report by the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit health care foundation, showed that the average family premium for plans offered by employers in Massachusetts was $13,788 in 2008, 40 percent higher than in 2003. Over the same period, premiums nationwide rose an average of 33 percent. Now, the Commonwealth Fund report projects that without significant cost reforms, an annual family premium in Massachusetts will soar to $26,730 by 2020. http://www.boston.com/news/health/artic les/2009/08/22/bay_state_health_insurance_premiums_highest_in_country/ America are you ready for Hope and Change?" Does anyone know a reliable and affordable car moving company? I need to transport my car from Wisconsin to California. I would like it to get there safely and not have it break my bank. Has anyone else used a car shipping service that they recommend? I'm looking for affordable health insurance.? I'm 31 and I have a pre-existing condition (open heart surgery 2004). I take coumadin daily and get my blood checked every month at Jacksonville Heart Center. I'm looking to take another job with much better pay. The only problem is they don't offer health insurance yet. I've been quoted at $180-$190 a month that do accept pre-existing conditions. Is there anyone cheaper that is not just some fly by night company? Need help for home insurance? For home insurance, what is the difference between DP3 and HO3. thanks." "Car with basic insurance stolen, what will insurance company say?" My 90 honda civic was recently stolen, and I had the most basic insurance legally possible. Will my insurance help cover this at all? I have car insurance through Omni and I already called them... but I have to wait 24-48 hrs before I'll hear back from them. I think I know the answer already, but can anyone that's been in a similar situation fill me in?" Im pregnant and dont have health insurance.? Recently my boyfriend lost his job and we lost our health insurance. What can i do to get insurance for myself and our two other kids, him? I live in california" How's health insurance in london?pls help?

i was diagnosed with some major illness in the US and have no insurance cant afford paying for it.i heard the health insurance is free in london, is it possible to move there for recovery? if so how long would it take me to get accepted as immigrant and fully recovered?" Best car & car insurance for a 20 year old? I'm 20 years old and just started having driving lessons. I'm thinking of buying a car but have no idea about car insurance. I know it would be higher for 17-19 year olds but do I qualify as a young driver if I'm 20 even though it's a first car and just starting as a driver? I love Volkswagen Beetles but want a car on which the insurance won't be high. Apparently the insurance is cheaper on classic cars...? I'm a girl and live in Greater (West) London. I don't know what it depends on and what car I should go for without having to pay a fortune. If you could help me out that would be great Thanks!!! :) Full coverage Auto Insurance? ? Is comprehensive and collision all you need to have full coverage ? I pay 250 a month for my car's insurance and decided to look around . I came across a progressive quote after I put down all my information , and it asked if I wanted to pay already. It came out to be 70 a month . It has a collision and comprehensive coverage included along with roadside assistance and a few other things on the side . Should I just get progressive or do you think there may be something they're not telling me ? I just don't want to get it , and it turns out my cars not as covered as my current insurance . 250 a month just seems like a waste for a car that's not even my daily driver ." Can someone help me shop for health insurance? I'm looking for health insurance for myself, husband and our 4 yr old daughter. I am a full time student, so we only have one income coming in and its not great but its not too bad. So we are on a budget but we really need insurance!!! Can someone help me shop for a good insurance company? how much will it be a month and what will it cover?" 18 Year Old car Insurance? I'm 18 turning 19 this April. Passed my test last November and of course looking for a cheap car insurance. I've been quoted for around 3-600!! I know I shouldn't be shocked. Researching, I've read that some 18yr old girl got a car insurance worth around 995 a year. Driving a Peugeot 106 1124 cc. Both parents drive. This is really cheap and I'm wondering how she got the quote?? DO U THINK SHE USED HER PARENTS NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? Thanks" Home owners insurance policies in Harris County, Texas ( Hurricane Ike )? Even though my part of town, ( Spring ) north of Houston did not have much damage, mostly fence damage from Hurricane Ike and I had no damage myself, my insurance company Allstate went 19.8 % ( from $865.00 to $1027.00 a year ) on my policy renewal in November of 2009.not November 2008..on a $94,500 house that is about 1500 square feet Are the homeowners policies going to go back down this year or are we going to have to pay for Hurricane Ike again this year or will polices be going back

down.. I do not like shopping for insurance, but if I have to, I will.. Car Insurance? I have a quick question, my husband wants to buy a car [in which we have the money] however when we go to the insurance office do we need to pay a downpayment in order to get the car insured?" What is the cheapest car insurance price in Texas? I know it'll depend on the quote on for me and stuff but as far as a GENERAL average price or hell maybe even exact price what is the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price in Texas? Is it possible to get car insurance without a title? (California)? I purchased a car and didn't inform myself well enough about registering a car with a salvage title. I am waiting on the title after one final inspection, until then I have temporary registration. I just wanted to try to find out if there is any type of insurance that would be able to cover me until I get my title? (and hope a little while I was at it.)" Car insurance. Confused.com? Hi, I have to do the car insurance for my dad. My dad used confused.com last year. I have all the information stored there and i want a new quote. What to do press because the page has changed and I don't know much about these things. I want to get a new quote with filling anything in again. What to I do? Thank you very much." Could this be health insurance fraud? Hi, I over heard someone that I know talking to their Significant other, and one implied to the other that the guy I know is letting his mother use his health insurance for something, I'm not sure what. What could someone be doing, across state lines with their son's health insurance? Should I report this? Who would I report it to? I could probably figure out what insurance company it is. Thanks for any input." How much is insurance on a lamborghini? I'm 16 and thinking about getting this as my first car and just wondering the insurance. Car insurance question? i had a non fault accident for which the claim is still ongoing as the 3rd party is not admitting liability and we both are with same insurance. The problem is that our car is booked in for repairs but and we have fully comprehensive insurance but the insurance is saying that they cannot guarantee us courtesy car as no one is admitting liability??? and they told me to phone hire company to ask them if they can provide one, i have always thought that with fully comp you are guaranteed courtesy car but i do not understand what they are doing." Does making payments on a car make insurance cheaper?

my mother in law is about to buy us a car and we are going to b paying her back. so i can either put that we are owning the car or making payments on the car in the insurance questionnaire. but i was wondering what difference it made. does making payments on the car make your insurance cheaper or more expensive or cheaper? i googled it but couldnt find an anwer Insurance for 1998 Corvette for 18 Year Old Male? Okay, so this question is one of those, if you have to ask you can't afford it type of questions. Now I have loved Corvette's since I was old enough to identify cars. I have always dreamed of owning on, and the opportunity is upon me. After selling my car, and saved money, and saved funds, I can afford a 1998 Corvette Silver Automatic. Now it's a V8, and is pushing over 300HP easy. Insurance is ridiculously high, even with 2 and a half years of perfectly safe driving. (I hate the stereotype of just because I'm young, I'm an unsafe driver. Alas, all the idiots ruin it for us safe young adults.) Anyway the Vette clears out and is mint shape, no accidents, and is selling for $14,900 with 74K miles, a steal if you ask me. Anyway I have over $16,500 saved up, which leaves me with an issue. I can afford the car no problem, but I just know the insurance will be through the roof. However I was wondering if any of you have any idea on the cost. I have Metropolitan if you were wondering." How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl? I am 17 I live in New Mexico it is April 2013 and I am financing new 2013 Chevrolet Cruze LS I will be put on my grandmothers Allstate car insurance.. how much would the monthly payment be??? Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost? Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost? "In the uk, i am 18, new driver, and want cheap car insurance. The cheapest i have found is 2500. any ideas?" In the uk, i am 18, new driver, and want cheap car insurance. The cheapest i have found is 2500. any ideas?" Where to get the best price on event insurance? Ive been throwing events for awhile now and just recently had a close call in damages to the property so i was wondering if anyone knew of something like a Event insurance company that covers Arizona events? Would teen car insurance be expensive for a 2007 honda civic hybrid? I am a new driver with good grades and took drivers ed. Will the year of the car affect my insurance rates? Would another car be cheaper? Would being on my parents policy be less as opposed to having my own?

How much do you pay for insurance? i have a school project :/ and am supposed to act like i am buying a smart car for $14000 but how much insurace am i supposed to bay monthly? I filed a claim with my insurance company and am now being charged a claim surcharge. Is this legal? I've had a home-owner's and auto policy with Allstate for the last 4 years. The increase was labeled a claim surcharge. The surcharge is almost 500 dollars My car insurance company have doubled my quote after claiming they made a mistake. Can they do this? I changed my address about 6 months ago and was pleased to see that, although there was an increase, the increase on my insurance wasn't massive. I recently called to get a quote on putting my girlfriend on the insurance as a learner driver and they have now said that as they didn't process the change of address form properly before they are doubling my insurance quote. I am confused by this as I live in an incredibly secure, gated property and I am wondering if, as they have admitted the mistake, they are able to do this out of the blue like this?" WHAT ARE THE CHEAPEST VEHICLE ON INSURANCE THAT IS A 4X4 BEST ANSWER GETS 10 QUICK POINTS? I WANT A 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH ONE IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE "Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?" Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?" Is insurance for a motorcycle alot? I want to get a motorcycle because it is more convenient for me and its looks fun. But I heard insurance is alot? I am 19 I live in California and I have a drivers licensce. I am going to take the motorcycle class that I think is required. Will I get any discounts for any of these factors? Thank you guys How much does GEICO car insurance cost per month? ...it a kia the 2011 sportage car Health Insurance Advice? I'm currently laid off and need insurance for myself. I'm not sure what insurance company to go with. Also I'm not familiar with how health ins works. Like deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office visits covered or not covered. I don't go to the dr a lot but recently I've been in a car accident and will be going to the dr more often. I also don't want to pay that much either."

Car insurance- insurance not renewed.? A month ago my car insurers send a letter saying my policy wouldn't be renewed when it ends in November. reason, there weren't dealing with the agency. now I have two cars, one having abs problem so wasn't driving it but was paying for both. Am getting a new insurance company but wouldnt add the problem car till I get money to repair it. its not driven and want to save that wasted money to repair it. Am I right." Can health insurance companies request medical records from other health insurance companies? When I was in college I was in a relationship that made me really depressed, and the psychologist on campus referred me to an outside therapist with a diagnosis of major depression --the outside therapist corrected it and said she believed i had circumstantially-related depression, but she told me she coded the claim with the referring guy's major depression label so the insurance company wouldn't hassle me about the paying the claim. I worked with her for a 6 months --no medication, just got out the relationship--and am happy and healthy :) Now I'm reading all kinds of scary stuff about MIB, retroactive declining of coverage, etc and I currently have new individual (underwritten) coverage--I can ask her to correct the claim with my old company, but it seems like any action might rock the boat and I'm scared--if they didn't notice it, should i leave it be? or is there a chance that if i (god forbid) get something serious down the road that my current insurer will dig up my records from my old insurer to look for a reason to not pay? she was trying to do something to make my life easier but this whole thing has turned into such a mess!" Question about a car accident insurance? i was crashed into yesterday by some one who ran a red light, we made a police report and the man has claimed responsibility, he told me not to notify the insurance company and that he would have someone take care of the damage himself, the total estimate was 1856.00 dollars, he said he does not have the money to pay me but will have his :friend do the repairs for him, keep in mind this does not include car rentals fees and the inconvenience of not having my vehicle for a week, I'm set on ignoring this man and calling my insurance company today, my question is what should I do, I'm right for just ignoring this man who seams to have mental issues and going straight threw the insurance." Home owners insurance policies in Harris County, Texas ( Hurricane Ike )? Even though my part of town, ( Spring ) north of Houston did not have much damage, mostly fence damage from Hurricane Ike and I had no damage myself, my insurance company Allstate went 19.8 % ( from $865.00 to $1027.00 a year ) on my policy renewal in November of 2009.not November 2008..on a $94,500 house that is about 1500 square feet Are the homeowners policies going to go back down this year or are we going to have to pay for Hurricane Ike again this year or will polices be going back down.. I do not like shopping for insurance, but if I have to, I will.. "Is $150/month too much for auto insurance. 21, female, full coverage?" I signed up for Allstates full coverage insurance for my 2006 Toyota corolla. I'm 21, female, and clean driving record so far. Is 150 per month too expensive?"

How much does insurance cost? Im a 17 old year about to go to 18. I got my g2 and i have a FWD 2002 Mazda Proteg5. How much does insurance cost and is there a way to make the insurance cheap for me. I life in the Toronto area. I didn't take driving school. We are a new small business. Where is the best place to get workers compensation insurance? Just looking for an insurance company (private sector?) who provides affordable workers compensation insurance for small businesses. Will the insurance payment be higher if? Will the car insurance be higher if theres two drivers instead of 1? How much is car insurance usually? and what makes it change? car type and age of owner? "Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?" Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)" Least Expensive Car Insurance in AZ? I need to switch car insurance companies this month...I am currently with Geico...but its in ALabama...and if I stay with them and switch to AZ, my policy doubles!! I have two accidents and a ticket on there...So i realize I can't get it super low. But does anyone know of a really inexpensive company in AZ? Thanks!" How bad would a honda civic hatchback (94) be on insurance? Male 17 North Carolina any ideas on a monthly and yearly price? Question about motorcycle insurance? Ok... I know that insurance is different from person to person but in general who is the best company to be with for motorcycle insurance. What is the average lowest price, who actually will do their job when its time for a claim. Who has the best or most coverages for a cycle. All these different things. So who is the best..." I need health insurance quick.?

I need to get health insurance. I have no job and No income so i have no way to get health insurance. I went to the state to get health insurance and I was not eligable for Medicare. I live with my father and I qualified for another health insurance through the state but I have to pay full premium because my father makes just over the amount they classify as POOR. Im 18, with a serious blood disorder (Hemophilia) and no doctor will help me w/o health insurance. Is there any other health insurance or help I can get?" How much does a full cover car insurance cost in north caroline ? trying to move to NC but want to know about the price of a nissan altima 2005 4 door , the price for a full cover on my car how much would it cost me > I have it lease anyone knows ????" Insurance for motorcycle rates.? Since others said there are to many variables i'll list out as many as I can that they stated . Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 will be parked in a small garage, I will be getting a BCR licence to go with it, and I live in Zion, Illinois. The use of the motorcycle will be to get me from home to school which is only a mile and to get me to a job that is within 10 miles. I'll be 16 when I buy it and I don't plan on doing any sport racing or stunts so whats a rough estimate, once again without the referral of a website quote." Why does the Honda Insight ('00-'05) cost so much to insure? (UK)? Why does the 2000 - 2005 Honda Insight have group 12 insurance status in the UK?! Its such a shame, I have been looking to upgrading my small car at the moment, and have always liked the old Insight. For some strange reason it didn't ever seem to take off, and it was way ahead of its time, and is still a very good, one of the best ever mass manufactured cars for fuel consumption (may even be the best). It has a 1 litre engine, which produces just 66bhp, but is extremely efficient so achieves 83MPG and has a 0-60 time of 12.1s (top speed: 112mph). Remember group 12. Or I could pick out a Seat Toledo 2 litre Sport - produces 147bhp, 34MPG, has a 0-60 time of 9.4s (top speed: 128mph). This is a group 10. Why isn't the insight lower?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? Any info would be great" Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..??? Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..??? "Whats a night's stay in a hospital cost, on average, without insurance?" I need to know approximate, or just the price of a hospital anywhere." I be 17 in April and i just got my learners and i want to know how much it cost for car insurance? if my grand mom add me under her how much it cost Car insurance help please!?

I'm 18 and i just finished high school. I dont have a job yet, but i'll be getting one sometime very soon and i really really need to find car insurance. im mostly looking for something that i can pay quarterly. something somewhat cheap too. errr. please help. i only have one car and its a 99 mazda protege." Motorcycle Insurance? Does anyone know of a good/inexpensive insurance company that will insure motorcycles in Grand Prairie, Texas.? I am 18 years old and I can't even imagine what the cost of insurance would be for me. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks." What is the average cost of insurance for new drivers in Massachusetts? During late November, I will be receiving my license and will have the responsibility of paying for my own car as well as insurance. At that time, I will be roughly 16 and a half years old. I am looking to purchase a late 1990's Honda car but can not narrow it down further as I do not know specifically what car I will have. I heard during my drivers education class that grades effect your cost of insurance. I am a straight A students that takes challenging classes as well as having a part time job. I live in a city environment in Massachusetts with a population of less than 50,000 residents if that matters. What do you think will be roughly the cost of insurance for my situation?" If your car is in storage do you still have to carry car insurance? If your car is in storage do you still have to carry car insurance? "Insurance- Cabin, not sure which insurance?" We live ouside of Canada, but own property with a cabin on it. My dad and aunt own it. According to the insurance if one of the owners (ppl on the insurance) are not on the property (say, 500 miles away) if something happens (like someone falls breaks there leg) to someone we take there, we are not covered and could sue us. If my dad put me on the insurance would our aunt have the right to sell the property without us having any say? He thinks that if I am put on the insurance I will be on his half and my aunt will still have her half therefore giving her more power. Is there any way around this insurance and suing thing if I want to go up there with some friends without them?" "Getting my first car,without license or insurance?" Hi i live in California and im getting alot of money to get my first car withing a 90 mile radius,the problem is that i have no DL or insurance.My question is what happens if i get stopped?Im only going to be driving it to my house and thats it until i get my license.Im also buy it off a person not a dealer." Do I need to buy car insurance if I am a tourist borrowing my friend's car which is insured? I'm a tourist in the U.S, and I want to use my friend's car occasionally, her car is insured but my name is not on her insurance policy, do I need to be on it to be

covered?, Also, in case an officer asks me to pull over, do I need to be on the car insurance or just show him the car is insured?" I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance? I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance? Infiniti g35 insurance rate for a 19 year old? Infiniti g35 insurance rate for a 19 year old? Home owners insurance policies in Harris County, Texas ( Hurricane Ike )? Even though my part of town, ( Spring ) north of Houston did not have much damage, mostly fence damage from Hurricane Ike and I had no damage myself, my insurance company Allstate went 19.8 % ( from $865.00 to $1027.00 a year ) on my policy renewal in November of 2009.not November 2008..on a $94,500 house that is about 1500 square feet Are the homeowners policies going to go back down this year or are we going to have to pay for Hurricane Ike again this year or will polices be going back down.. I do not like shopping for insurance, but if I have to, I will..

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