NWKC 2023 Annual Report

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2023 Overview 2023 was a year of change at the NWKC with new events being formed, significant venue improvements and new programs and initiatives paving the way forward for the NWKC. The NWKC invested heavily in the future of our club with major venue works and improvements as well as investing in equipment to drive new growth in our club. A major focus on recreational karting and bringing new people to our club saw our membership grow by over 40% from Feb to Sep predominantly through our programs and initiatives introduced during 2023. Financially the NWKC remains solid despite the investment of significant funds into the clubs infrastructure and equipment, the finalization of our federal grant along with state government and council grants during 2023 enabled the NWKC to move ahead and commence or complete other works that would otherwise not been possible financially at this time. While 2023 sent us our fair share of challenges the NWKC continued to move in the right direction overall as an organisation and will hopefully continue our trajectory for 2024

Our Vision and Mission Our Vision

Our Mission

To grow our club and the sport by

Increasing exposure to our club, our

creating a professional, modern, safe

partners and our sport.

and enjoyable place for people to be

Setting the standard for others to

involved with as competitors,

aspire to in the professionalism,

recreational karters, officials,

presentation and operation of our club,

volunteers or spectators.

our venue and our events.

2023 Award Winners Every year the NWKC recognises the achievements of those that achieve great things from our club and 2023 was no different with several people receiving awards for their outstanding performances or contributions throughout 2023.

Anthony Whitwam

Eli White

Official Of the Year

Most Improved Driver of the Year

Boyd McCarthy Junior Club Person of the year

John Hookway

Shailee Donovan Club Person of the year

Presidents Award

2023 Award Winners Taig Birtwistle

True Grit Award

Cameron Jeffrey Leann Rankin

Appreciation Award Appreciation Award

The “Old Farts” Head Quarters A group of dedicated NWKC older members calling themselves the “Old Farts Club” regularly gather at the NWKC undertaking much needed general maintenance around the NWKC Venue, most don't see them working but you see their work. To recognise the work and efforts of these gentleman the NWKC Board nicknamed the new machinery shed completed during 2023 as “OLD FARTS HQ” and unveiled the new signage at the 2023 awards night

Donald Wells CEO “Old Farts Club” Being presented the sign for the new Machinery Shed



Highclere Development Fund (HDF)

In 2020 the NWKC created the Hichclere Development Fund to set aside funds to for the betterment of the club facilities. The HDF is funded by the NWKC allocating 5% of each race entry cost to the fund along with all proceeds from Pit Shelter hire, club merchandise profits and funds raised from fundraising activities

WHAT THE HDF DELIVERED IN 2023 Planning for the future

During 2023 the HDF delivered funds to enable the NWKC to purchase and install a new Baine Mare in the clubs canteen and purchase materials for the construction of the new mower and club karts workshops at the venue.

WHATS NEXT The HDF in 2024 is planned to deliver funds for the upgrade to the pit toilets and other minor project at the venue to compliment the completion of the major works being undertaken at the venue

Investing In Our Communities

Finance Grants

First Announced in May 2022 late in 2023 the federally funded grant for the NWKC Facilities Upgrade was formally approved with the NWKC receiving $330,000 for the project which will see significant upgrades to the venues waste water system, toilet facilities, and canteen along with showers, changeroom, a training room, new medical center and other upgrades around the venue

Active Tasmania investing in us for the future

Through the Sport and Active Recreational Equipment Grant the state government co-funded the purchase of 21 Custom Race suits for our Club Karts Program

Burnie City Council In 2023 the Burnie City Council awarded the NWKC two grants totaling $3500 for the rejuvenation of the existing NWKC grandstands and for the NWKC to host our 4th Annual Fireworks and Bonfire Night



Karting Tasmania Licenses, Fees, Permits and Levies

In the first half of 2023 License fees where increased by Karting Tasmania to provide a margin between the costs charged to them from KA for each license. As of Jan 1 2024 licenses have increase dramatically to $380 for a new and $360 for a renewal of a competition license and $152 for a recreational License. The increase are from an increased purchase cost from KA and KTas increasing revenue to match expenses throughout 2024 and beyond.

Fees and Permits our contribution to the governance of our sport

For 2024 Karting Tasmania has increased the clubs affiliation fee to $150 (from $50) and also introduced several new fees to the clubs with a new track license fee of $150 per year. A round of a series will now attract a $150 permit fee, state cup level events will attract a $500 permit fee while a state championship event will attract a $800 permit fee

Race Levies During 2023 the race levy charged to the club for each race entry at a club competition was increased from $15 to $22. For 2024 the race levy for club or zonal competitions will be $22, with a state championship event raised to $35

Race Meetings

With several changes occurring during 2023 some new and exciting Race Meetings and formats where introduced and formed the basis of a new and exciting time in karting at the NWKC

NWKC Club Championships The NWKC Club Championships was reintroduced in 2023 after feedback from members in 2022 that small, fun, low cost events were wanted. Unfortunately the events were not supported and after the second round was canceled due to only 14 entries the championships were canceled. With the costs of running a small, fun event being of little difference to running a normal race meeting and entries showing the support for a stand alone championship was not there the NWKC has not opted for low keys days and in 2024 focused on providing less events of a higher level.

North Western Super Series The NWSS was scheduled to continue in 2023 with planning well underway by the NWKC for our events and the series as a whole. Disappointingly the CHKC ultimately decided they did not wish to continue the joint series a few weeks out from the first scheduled round sighting difficulties associated with running the series and the requirements imposed on both clubs with the amount, and grading of officials required for the events to be approved by Karting Tasmania

Race Meetings

2023 State Wide Series The NWKC Venue hosted round 2 of the 2023 SWS in March. The Series was ran by Karting Tasmania in 2023 as the clubs voted previously not to be burdened with the financial impact previous years series imposed on them. All series entry fees where to be collected and retained by KTas with the clubs able to raise funds via the canteen and bar sales during the event. Clubs where required to provide the venue ready to race and general officials. The series in 2023 fell way short of the figures expected by KTas and the NWKC round was no exception with low entry numbers across all classes.

NWKC Cadet Titles Originally planned as a NWSS round the NWKC Cadet titles was born as a day all about the kids, The titles on the same day as our annual Fireworks night formed the perfect lead up to the evening. The Cadets attended in good numbers and provided some great racing across the day with the pre final rock star introductions and medal presentation being Cadets preparing for action after on track medal presentation 2023 NWKC Cadet Titles Final

an great addition to the day. 2024 will see the 2nd annual NWKC Cadet titles held on May 25th with our Annual fireworks evening to follow

Race Meetings

Junior Shootout Another event born to fill the void left by the NWSS the Junior shootout was as it suggests all about the juniors. With an unique format the top 5 juniors in both KA3 classes after the heats took centre stage with a one lap single kart shootout to determine the top 5 grid spots respectively and what a show it was throwing a curveball for the final starting positions and the final results. The Shoot out will again be back in 2024 and with a big group cadets moving to juniors this race will be one hotly contested event in 2024

NWKC Dash For Cash Born from the ashes of the Burnie Thousands the NWKC Dash for Cash utilizes modern day Rules and Regulations to run an event that we aim to establish as one of Tassie’s must do events. This year the event provided good numbers and showed everyone just how good this event can be and with the support of so many great corporate Ben, Hollie and Brad Dobson With the inurgural KA3 Cup awarded to the winner of the KA3 Championship event the ‘NWKC DASH for CASH

partners will only grow even bigger in 2024.

Race Meetings

The Highclere Challenge NEW for 2024

2024 sees the introduction of the Highclere Challenge at the NWKC. The challenge will incorporate all meetings at the NWKC with points attributed to racing, class numbers and entry times across 4 groups Cadets, Juniors Snr 100 and Snr125.

The Challenge with it point based outcome’s will replace the Cadet, Junior and Senior drivers of the year awards presented at the NWKC end of year awards in December

Membership 2023 seen a large increase in membership at the NWKC with an above 40% increase from February to September to end the membership year with over 100 financial members. Our Club Karts program was influential in the influx of members with over half the new members directly coming through the program. The introductory membership we trialed in 2023 was also popular in introducing new members to the club and with the trial periods expiring the rate of retention from these two programs is at present quite high. With some minor changes to improve our programs and initiatives the NWKC is well on target to exceed 125 members by the end of the 2024 membership period

Membership Membership for the 2023/2024 period currently is Family Membership $250 Senior Member ship $200 Junior Member $100 Vintage $100 Membership fees will be reviewed mid 2024 and any changes made prior to the renewal period opening on KOMP at the beginning of September All full membership renewals are completed via KOMP

www.nwkc.org.au Classifieds Do you have any Karts, Parts or Equipment you would like to part ways with? or do you need some? Give our Classifieds page a go.

Suggestion box Have you seen our suggestion box?? During 2023 one of the many website upgrades included a suggestion box. Located under the documents menu its another way to share your thoughts, ideas or issues with the NWKC

Shop After some NWKC Merch? Visit the shop and order away

FAQ and Documents Got a question or like some information? There is a real chance the answer is on our website. A couple clicks away

Social Karting


Private Practice



During 2023 the NWKC booking system was expanded to include a mobile app making booking even easier

in 2023 there was 31 Social Karting days with 274 participants along with 19 Private Practice Days with 38 participants at the NWKC venue

New vrs Returning The NWKC booking data shows that for120 of the bookings for 2023 it was their first time using the system, when removing the 80 people that booked in the weeks preceding the race meetings as they where most likely regular competitors it aligns with our membership increase and shows around 40 participants had their first visit to the NWKC venue in 2023.

Social Karting and

Private Practice

Karts and Equipment

Club Karts Program

The NWKC invested heavily both financially and with resources on our Club Kart Program during 2023 with the assistance of the state government we obtained 21 custom race suits. We also purchased some later model karts and other equipment needed to run the program successfully along with the building of a dedicated club Karts workshop to run the program from

Come and Try Holding 14 sessions throughout the year the NWKC come and try sessions attracted 85 entrants. Our expression of interest list exceeds 80 people with around 25% yet to experience a on track session

Kart Basics Sessions Introducing new comers to karting at a great reduced cost the Kart Basics Sessions see graduates from the come and try program obtain full membership and KA license and utilise the NWKC Club Karts at selected social karting events under the guidance of a NWKC Buddy introducing them to the basics of karting and preparing them for kart ownership

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NWKC Workgroups

The back bone of our club are our Volunteers and don't we have some great one’s!! The NWKC board have been working hard to ensure we equip our volunteers with the right tools, training and opportunities to be the best they can be and have created some new initiatives being introduced in 2024. The biggest of those is the addition of a new role, the NWKC Complex Manager and an initiative known as NWKC Workgroups. Reporting to and managed by the Complex Manager, NWKC workgroups is aimed to move the focus of holding working bees to undertake mass cleaning and maintenance days around the complex and move to a more friendly roster type system based on short, regular undertaking of tasks. Working Bees are great and we will still be having them, but not everybody has the same weekend day free, members of workgroups will go about undertaking their tasks in their free time as part of small teams all managed by the complex manager who is the central point of call between team members and the NWKC board in operating the venue. The regular rostering of tasks by the complex manager will ensure the venue is always in tip top condition showcasing our great club. If you have an hour or two to spare once every 3 or 4 weeks to get on the roster we would love to hear from you. Mowing, Spraying, Cleaning there is plenty to do and we would love to have you so please chat to a board member or complex manager and see what works for you

NWKC Pit Shelters Available for hire annually the pit shelters provide a unique area to setup for race or recreational events. Undercover, close to the grids and reserved just for you.

Have you got yours for 2024? Get in before they are all sold out www.nwkc.org.au/documents


Data Collection From our NWKC Website and Booking App the NWKC autonomously collects data to better manage the NWKC venue along and keep accurate records. Our Website produces detailed reports that are presented at board and committee meetings that enable us to make evidence based decisions in the best interest of the NWKC and our members. The data and record keeping also plays a major part in the NWKC obtaining and validating grants of which require us to provide factual information about what the grants achieve within our club. Our State Government grant was provided to assist in introducing new people to our club and from our data we are easily able to provide evidence of this outcome We understand at times it seems “extra” work for you to get to the track but the small effort it takes really does make a big difference in the operation of the club and reducing the workload on the small group of volunteers that keep the NWKC running behind the scenes and making our club better.

Social Karting Attendance

Private Practice Attendance

Working Bee Attendance

Recurring participants

Monthly, Weekly or daily participation data

New participants

data helps us see what works and what doesn’t helps us address our short comings and do more of what is supported

Safety Upgrades In Feb/March 2023 the NWKC with financial assistance of the Burnie City Council of $10,000 undertook a $35,000 safety upgrade of the venue. Removing all the non compliant materials from the catch traps, remodeling and installing new catch traps and increasing the surrounding areas to create safety runoffs. The upgrade included installing 350 cubic meters of new river rocks and installing over 3000 nuts, bolts and 6000washers to correctly assemble the tyre bundles. The work ensures the safety standards at the NWKC are still second to none. Our venue is acknowledged by the KTas track inspector as the safest in Tasmania and we believe is amongst the safest in Australia.

NWKC Facility Upgrades First announced in 2022 and then stalled due to the change of federal government and then change of the grant structure the NWKC in late 2023 officially signed the grant agreement and the NWKC Facilities Upgrade Project began. With planning and behind the scene work being undertaken for months already the building work is set to commence in March with completion expected in September 2024 With a total cost of over $350,000 the NWKC venue is set to transform with new amenities including showers, new medical center, upgraded canteen and club rooms a food court and several other improvements to the facility

Looking to 2024 The NWKC Board is looking to 2024 with great optimism. Fresh faces, positive attitudes and improvements all throughout the organisation and the complex will hopefully continue our upward trajectory. We thank everyone that does a part big or small to drive our club forward and make our club what it is. There is always plenty to do and we always can do with new ideas, skills and experience somewhere around the club so feel free to reach out to the board for a chat.

Its your club, it is what you make it, so let make it great

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