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Going for the Green - CBD and Golf

Regardless of your ability with a golf club in your hand, a round of golf can be incredibly taxing. 18 holes often resembles an emotional roller coaster, followed by post-round aches and pains in joints and muscles that only get used during the golf swing.

More and more players are turning to the science behind CBD as a way to help on and off the golf course.

Yes, ads are everywhere for CBD Oil and the products made from it. You'll see them online and on the streets with more businesses trying to capitalize on this all-natural cure all. When it comes to Hemp-based CBD (non-psychotropic), products include creams, tinctures, edibles, vape cartridges, and even lip-balm. Not all products are equal, though.

SWING (www.swingbalm.com), new CBD products designed with golfers in mind, went to great lengths to offer CBD oils that are not only free of THC, but are also organically grown and extracted without the use of harsh chemicals that could negate the product's healing potential. All the products are aimed at improving performance on the course and aide recovery off it.

CBD is great for treating a variety of problems. The creams and balms are great for quickly relieving pain, something you can use before, during, or after a round of golf. Tinctures and edibles can help reduce anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia, promoting an overall sense of well being when used on a regular basis. Athletes are using CBD to assist with muscle recovery, pain management, and to strengthen their immune systems. It also helps to prevent and treat injuries.

The elephant in the room is whether or not it's legal. The answer is easy: YES!

All of the products sold by SWING use CBD sourced from USA-grown industrial hemp that is compliant with the State Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Farm Bill. Third Party testing ensures the quality, purity, and potency of all CBD oils and products. Their products will not get you high or cause a problem with drug tests.

Pain relief is where I got started with CBD. A wicked case of golfer's elbow kept me off the course for several weeks and I was ready to try ANYTHING to get back out there. With that in mind, I began using a generic CBD balm that has been successful in relieving pain and helping my elbow feel great after golf. Those positive results led me to try a couple of oral products that have eliminated at least some of the stress and anxiety that come with playing with a round of golf.

Is CBD for everyone? Of course not.

Like any supplement, effects can vary from user to user. It's highly recommended that you start with a low dosage or consult your doctor before using CBD products. What you'll likely find, as so many people have, is that CBD can help keep you feeling your best, day after day and round after round.



Perfect for providing rapid relief of muscle aches and other joint discomforts. CBD Oil binds to your body’s receptors to quickly relieve soreness, tension, and discomfort.


The liquid tinctures are great for getting CBD into your body quickly. Put a drop on your tongue or add the tincture to water or tea.


Gummies and edibles are easy to keep in your golf bag. Eat one when you start warming up and you’ll be good to go for 18 holes.

To learn more about SWING products, visit http://www.swingbalm.com.