The Revamped Lockbox Offers Increased Property Security

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The Revamped Lockbox Offers Customized Increased Property Security

Lockboxes have been used for years to restrict access to a property while giving authorized persons easy access when it is needed. The revamped lockbox takes this idea to the next level with new technology and features that make it ideal for both use by homeowners and real estate agents. Remote access, entry monitoring, and easy software interface gives you control over your property in ways that you never previously thought possible. This key storage system works electronically, giving you more freedom over traditional, mechanical lockbox units. You can program entry codes to work on specific days of the week at pre-designated times, which makes it perfect for use by dog walkers, repair contractors, and real estate agents. Each code is unique, so you can give different authorized agents access when you choose, allowing you to restrict access during evenings or weekends. With the access log, you can review who has entered the building and when the code was entered. Unlike home security systems, you will not need to invest in internet or phone service for a property that is not occupied, and there are no monthly subscription fees. Once the device is in place, it offers 24/7 security at no additional charge. The access log features for this key lockbox are compatible with both PC and Mac devices, giving you easy access to your unit's entry information. When used for residential properties, home owners can give access to children coming home from school without worry about lost or stolen keys. Each child can enter his or her own access code to retrieve the keys to the home. Babysitters can have limited access when bringing children home from school, and dog walkers can gain entry while you are away to let your dog out for a walk. REO property can be easily secured with this lockbox, restricting access to only authorized real estate agents and repair contractors. You can even keep track of how often the home is being shown to potential buyers by reviewing the access log for each of your agents, which can help you to monitor your property’s progress on the market.

This revolutionary device is available in a wall-mounted unit or one that is locked securely around the door knob at any point of entry. Four AA batteries keep the unit functioning, making it an affordable security option that requires minimal upkeep. The estimated life of the batteries in this device is approximately 500 days, so you won't need to replace the batteries every few weeks. A remote access code allows you to provide access in emergency situations without requiring you to be present at the property. With plenty of room for keys and keycards, this NuSet lockbox offers a superior line of security for your property, whether you are a homeowner looking to restrict access to your home or you are in charge of valuable real estate property. Electronic lockboxes give you the ability to individualize access control and monitor who enter the property at any time, ensuring affordable safety and security at all time. For more information visit

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