Nura Gili News Edition 2 March 2013

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new building possible, sponsor our Pre-programs and Winter school programs, and provide numerous scholarships and other forms of financial and accommodation assistance. Leading with your success in your studies we hope to gain even more scholarship funding for next year’s students. So make sure you all do your best this year. It is important to remind yourselves that higher education is an opportunity that is not available to all. It is therefore still considered a privilege. Succeeding at university requires hard work and focus and it is this that makes the experience all the more rewarding. Your experience at university should transform the way you look at and think about the complex world you live in and share with billions of other fellow humans, living creatures, and natural and man-made systems. In the few short years you have at UNSW, I encourage you to enjoy the experience of stretching your minds and engaging in the freedom you have to explore the world of human knowledge. This freedom has been hard fought for by those Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders who have gone before you and your presence and success here honours their struggle. Finally, can I wish you all the very best with your studies this year. Remember, like family, we like a good yarn too - so don’t forget to drop in from time to time if only to say hello. Director of Nura Gili Professor Martin Nakata- (B.Ed Hons.PhD)

Professor Nakata with Danielle Hobday (left) and Lucinda Stewart (right) Third Year Law Students

Celebrating our students, alumni, staff and programs across all our communities 6

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