Nuance Innovation Quarterly Magazine Fall 2019

Page 6


INSIDE INNOVATION: From great idea to real-world business value Turning an innovative idea into a commercial reality can be a long road.

Haydar Talib, Senior Principal Product Manager from Nuance’s Security and Biometrics team, has traveled that road— and he’s seen his invention come to life as Nuance ConversationPrint™.

An idea is born Throughout my career, I’ve always had an interest in doing new things with AI technologies. Before I joined Nuance, I was heavily involved in research on AI and machine learning technologies for medical imaging. And over the last nine years at Nuance, I’ve been focused on helping our customers use biometrics and other AI-powered security measures to combat fraud. Historically, our security and biometrics systems were primarily voice-based. This meant that our algorithms listened for the sound of people’s voices and automatically decided if you were talking to a legitimate customer or a fraudster. As powerful as these systems were, there was opportunity to introduce additional capabilities to complement the voice biometrics technology.

I tried not to get carried away by the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of the technology, but always kept in mind the ‘why’—the customer value I wanted to deliver. At that point, I began to ask myself: what if we could take advantage of other characteristics available to us, for instance how someone speaks? What if we took the voice recordings from the biometrics system and used our transcription engine to convert them to text for automatic AI analysis? Then we could use that data to create broader profiles, looking not just at voice

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