Nuacht Chláir August 2010

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Chickenpox mainly affects children; more than 90% of people have had it by the age of 15. Chickenpox is a very sore throat, backache and common illness that a generally feeling of being causes a rash and can unwell, this is normally the make you feel generally pre-rash phase, then small unwell. It is caused by itchy reddish spots form on the varicella-zoster virus, the skin surface, normally one of the herpes viruses. on the face “Varicella” refers to the a n d initial infection known as chickenpox and “zoster” refers to its reactivation in later life, presenting as shingles. Most children catch chickenpox in preschool or early school years, there are outbreaks most years especially in winter and early spring. Once the symptoms have cleared up, the virus remains in the body and is kept at bay by the immune system. At any time later in life the virus can be reactivated, causing shingles. You can’t get shingles from someone that has chickenpox. Symptoms of chickenpox can include headache, fever,

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scalp first and then spread to the chest, arms and legs. The time from catching the virus to the rash forming is known as the incubation period, it usually takes between 5 and 20 days. The spots go on to form raised papules and can develop into small blisters called vesicles. These then form into pustules which crust over and heal, usually taking a little over 2 weeks.

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