New Times, July 4, 2024

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Connecting communities

Amid opposition and a lawsuit, the Coastal Commission approved a paved 1.25-mile trail between Morro Bay and Cayucos [8]

News.................................................... 4

Strokes ............................................10

opinion Commentary 11

Hodin 11

Modern World 11

Rhetoric & Reason 12


events calendar Hot Dates ..................................... 14


Artifacts 22

Split Screen...............................24


Strictly Starkey 26 the rest

Classifieds 31


Editor’s note

For two decades the State Coastal Conservancy has supported building a trail connecting Morro Bay to Cayucos. San Luis Obispo County has slowly paved the way to make it happen, and the California Coastal Commission recently gave the connector trail the green light. But some local residents are unhappy with the location of the trail and what it could impact as and after it’s constructed. Staff Writer Libbey Hanson speaks with the county, Coastal Commission, and others for the story [8]

Also this week, read about how much the city of SLO increased the cost of appealing its decisions by [9]; PCPA’s vibrant take on the Little House of Horrors [22]; and a new tasting room in downtown Paso [29].

Camillia Lanham editor
cover file photo by Jayson Mellom cover design by Alex Zuniga

Luxury Condos

Golden State Wind will begin ocean surveys for offshore wind

Surveys of the Morro Bay offshore wind leasing area started on June 17 with Golden State Wind.

Its site is located about 53 miles from Morro Bay in federally owned waters, and Golden State Wind’s Community Liaison Erica Crawford told New Times that the company will be collecting information about the contours of the seafloor.

“The features of the seafloor, archaeological resources, geological layers beneath it, and things that we need to kind of avoid in order to find or make informed engineering for our project,” she said. “So, we also need this information for permitting. We will be required to develop and submit a construction operation plan to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, so we will need the information and the data that we’re collecting through our 2024 geophysical survey campaign.”

Golden State is just one of the companies that was awarded leases in 2022 when the U.S. Department of Interior auctioned off the first California wind energy leasing areas off the coast of Humboldt and Morro Bay. The closest leasing area is located roughly 20 miles from Morro Bay.

Crawford said Golden State Wind should wrap up its survey from the Go Adventurer vessel by this fall but will need to conduct additional surveys on marine and terrestrial life.

“We just want to continue to better understand the environmental resources and socio-economic resources even to support the designing and permitting of the project,” she said.

Groups such as Save the Whales in Salinas and the REACT Alliance in Morro Bay claim that sonar surveying and offshore wind farms harm the environment and kill whales.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) claims there’s no scientific evidence that noise resulting from offshore wind site surveys could potentially cause whale deaths, according to its frequently asked questions webpage. NOAA also states that there aren’t any known links between whale deaths and ongoing offshore wind activities.

“We’re using NOAA qualified protective species observers on every survey vessel that we’ll use, and

SLO City Council slaps

Casa Street and Murray Avenue property with ‘public nuisance’ label

Vacant and dilapidated for years, two single family residences at the crossing of Casa Street and Murray Avenue received the status of public nuisance from the San Luis Obispo City Council.

In a bid to save the property overrun by vegetation, debris and trash, unwanted furniture, and suspicious activity and trespassing, the City Council passed a resolution declaring it a public nuisance in a 4-0 vote at its July 2 meeting.

Councilmember Jan Marx was absent.

Prior New Times reporting found that the two buildings, zoned as office space, have been empty since 2015, based on city staff’s interpretation of water usage records. At the July 2 public hearing,

Code Enforcement Supervisor John Mezzapesa told council members that the city filed its first report about the property’s issues in January 2022.

“While there were times where he [property owner] was involved in the maintenance, it was only a small portion of the enforcement timeframe,” Mezzapesa said. “There has never really been an attempt that we’ve seen to address the

right now, we just have our Go Adventurer in the water, so we have consistent and constant protected species observers on deck, in the vessel, and around the vessel watching for marine mammals,” Crawford said.

Golden State Wind has strict rules regarding a clearance zone around marine mammals who swim into the leasing area, Crawford said.

“We have limited vessel speeds to 10 knots, and we have to maintain a 500 meter or greater separation distance from any sighted marine mammal,” she said. “So, when we see it, we have to maintain that distance away.”

“Fishermen don’t want offshore wind, especially now that it’s grown to this monstrosity. It’s not going to be good for our fisheries,” Fishermen spokesperson Sheri Hafer told New Times in previous reporting. “This would just harm our whole culture; it’s just going to change the whole face of Morro Bay and Port San Luis if they industrialize it.”

Crawford said the lawsuit hasn’t impacted Golden State’s timeline to survey in federal waters and that the company recognizes fishing as an integral part of the culture, history, and economic fabric of the Central Coast.

Along with local concerns about implications to marine life, two local fishermen groups, Morro Bay Commercial Fishermen’s Organization and the Port of San Luis Commercial Fishermen’s Association, sued Golden State Wind, the California Coastal Commission, and other groups for harming local fishermen’s way of life.

substandard conditions of the structures on site. Just the premises regarding rubbish, garbage, and vegetation.”

Former SLO County resident Diller Ryan owns the two residences. According to the timeline laid out by Mezzapesa, Ryan contacted the city in June 2022—six months after the code enforcement department filed its initial report and conducted inspections, issued a notice of violation, and sent a notice of violation and a warning letter.

By the end of 2022, Ryan conducted a cleanup of the exterior of the property. But its condition deteriorated by March 2023. Following more city inspections, citations, and voicemails left for Ryan, the city advised him of a potential abatement plan.

Correspondence from Community Development Director Timothea Tway and Community Development Deputy Director Michael Loew showed that city officials and Ryan worked on the property days before the public hearing.

“Mr. Ryan met with Mr. Loew on site on the morning of June 27, 2024, to discuss the immediate needs; however, Mr. Ryan was not able to provide identification at the time and did not have keys to the structure,” Tway and Loew’s letter to the City Council read.

On June 28, after locks were removed from

“We do believe that responsible development of offshore wind is contingent on sort of early and continuous collaboration with the fishing industry,” she said. “Really, the success of our project depends on the ability to coexist alongside other ocean users.”

the buildings, Ryan arrived at the property with a crew of tree trimmers who started clearing the overgrown vegetation. The property owner also started removing the accumulated debris. It was his first visit to the site in six months.

But Ryan didn’t allow city staff inside the buildings to perform an inspection. He said he was concerned about the security of the structure and asked to have the locks reinstalled by the end of the day.

“Mr. Loew returned to the property at the end of the day to reinstall the strong-back locks to assist Mr. Ryan in assuring the building remained secured from unauthorized entrants,” the letter said.

“Additional junk and debris began to accumulate over the weekend and Mr. Ryan has begun clearing those items.”

At the public hearing, Ryan, who said he’s owned the property for 50 years, asked the City Council not to declare his property a public nuisance. He opened his defense by claiming he needed an attorney.

“I tried to use ... the county bar association legal referral service and they have not come up with one name,” he told council members. “I’m thinking that maybe attorneys had seen this in the news, at least the way I saw it, in the New Times, which really looked bad. But who knows?”

PROTECTIVE SPECIES OBSERVER Golden State Wind will survey its offshore wind lease area from the Go Adventurer ship, and observers will watch for protected species and marine mammals from its deck.

He blamed the violations on a slew of people who used his property over the years. He spoke about homeless people breaking in, porch pirates (one of whom dumped a “computer box” from Amazon in his yard), and people who park in and across his driveway.

“I received all along, throughout the years, offers of purchase. Just recently, I received a bargain basement offer mentioning the staff report and these violations,” he said at the hearing. “I would like to clean up, do some repairs, and make an assessment as to what I’d eventually want to do.”

The City Council’s adoption of the public nuisance resolution will help to address the immediate concerns on the site. The abatement plan contained in the nuisance declaration calls for the installation of perimeter fencing to block access and prevent covert dumping, and for the removal of all trash, debris, and overgrown and dead vegetation.

Ryan has 30 days to remedy the violations. If he fails to meet the deadline, the city can pursue an abatement warrant from the court. City officials are also considering a potential receivership process to address long-term issues like the substandard exterior and interior conditions.

“I feel like staff has already bent over backwards and backwards and backwards to try to work with this individual. It’s just super upsetting and dangerous,” Councilmember Andy Pease said. “This is an owner who should have taken care of his property a long time ago.”

Fireworks spark fire in Paso Robles after being banned

Fire season blazes into Paso Robles as firefighters responded to three separate incidents just before the Fourth of July holiday. One fire is assumed to be caused by consumer fireworks which were prohibited by the city.

According to Paso Robles Deputy Fire Chief Randy Harris, the Fire Department had received multiple witness accounts of hearing fireworks the night of June 30 minutes before a fire broke out near Caballo Place and Calle Chorro.

Paso resident Jessica Benitez said she and her family heard fireworks before they saw the fire.

“We did hear a couple of fireworks, but didn’t think much of it,” Benitez said. “But eventually we started smelling some smoke and we looked outside the window and saw that it [the hillside] was just burning.”

Benitez said they called friends who lived closer to the flames over safety concerns and watched the fire for about 45 minutes.

The fire burned 3.65 acres before being contained by firefighters. The cause is assumed to be firework related, however that hasn’t yet been confirmed by officials.

On June 26, the city of Paso Robles released a public statement that said it was increasing firework enforcement efforts and that all fireworks are prohibited. Those caught using them will be fined $1,000.

Chief Deputy Harris said firework enforcement is difficult despite the city now using aerial devices with GPS to help pinpoint the locations of fireworks.

“They are one of the hardest things to enforce because you’re constantly being reactive, and it’s hard to locate,” Harris said.

Another difficult aspect is community accountability, Harris said—for example, to be a credible witness when residents see their neighbor setting off fireworks.

“It’s really hard to have accountability for fireworks being launched, so it really takes a community to be safe,” Harris said. “The Fire Department and the Police Department, we’re all just members of the community, but it takes the community at large to all pitch in and be a little bit safer and a little more proactive when it comes to preventing injuries and fires.”

Paso’s concern is not only fire danger when it comes to fireworks, but public safety. According to a report by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were 9,700 injuries and eight deaths related to fireworks in 2023. These statistics further fueled Paso Robles’ decision to prohibit fireworks.

A separate fire ignited the day before on June 29 at a salvage yard at 5755 Monterey Road. According to Cal Fire SLO, multiple vehicles and the primary business building were burned, however no cause was announced.

Another vegetation fire started on Sunday, June 30, at Circle B Road in Paso. According to Harris, this was caused by a tree falling into a powerline.

While fires can start on accident, Harris said the public can still take precautions to avoid further accidental burns whether it’s avoiding bonfires and barbecues or putting off igniting fireworks near “dry fuel,” or tall dry grasses.

“Human causes are typically what starts most vegetation fires, whether it be intentional or accidental and that is unfortunate but true,” he said. “Whenever we have people around environments, accidents happen. But you know, so does carelessness.”

—Libbey Hanson

OCSD discusses opposition to contract transferring Oceano’s fire services to county

Fire services remain a touchy subject in Oceano after a recently approved contract transfers responsibility for the area to San Luis Obispo County.

“As the past [Oceano Community Services District] board member and committee member in support of the 2020 fire tax increase, I’m here to say I told you so,” previous OCSD board president Karen White said during public comment at the June 26 board of directors meeting. “I warned them that if Oceano did not increase its tax revenue to fund fire services that went to San Luis County for help, the district would lose its fire station.”

In both 2020 and 2022, Oceano voters shot down paying an annual flat tax of $180 per parcel owner to help maintain rapid response times from the Five Cities Fire Authority. However, White claims that current Oceano Community Services District (OCSD) president Charles Varni is responsible for the tax’s lack of votes and in turn is responsible for increasing response times from three minutes to 11 minutes.

“He opposed the fire tax and reassured voters that San Luis Obispo County would take care of Oceano’s fire need,” she said. “I guess that is why the community is calling this the Varni Tax.”

Starting on Jan. 1, 2025—if the county’s Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approves it—the county and the Five Cities Fire Authority will provide

Oceano fire protection and emergency services through Grover Beach and Arroyo Grande fire stations, according to previous New Times reporting.

According to a staff report from the June 18 SLO County Board of Supervisors meeting, a minimum of two personnel per engine and response times of seven to 11 minutes will come from the Arroyo Grande Fire Station and seven to nine minutes from Grover Beach to ensure that Oceano residents receive the same level of service they currently receive.

OCSD board member Shirley Gibson said “the most concerning consequence” is that emergency response times will be longer and proposed that the district try to put a third fire tax on the 2024 ballot.

“We’re doubling the response times that were achieved by the fire authority and that was five minutes or less and that was when all three stations were working. Currently with only two stations working, Grover and Arroyo, the response time will be more like seven to 11 minutes,” she said. “Those additional minutes are extremely significant to a critically ill person, and I hope that no one has to go through that. Because of all those reasons, at least one other board member is interested in having this discussion about putting a fire tax proposal on the ballot.”

Board member Allene Villa said Oceano was in a sad situation she’ll be “praying over” and agreed with Gibson that an increase in response times is very concerning.

“I don’t know if we can put another tax, but I’m certain it would pass this time,” she said. “Now that reality hit you, you know, you’ve seen right doesn’t really want to lose what it has.”

According to the contract between the county and FCFA, the OCSD will supply the county with $1.3 million of its property tax revenue and the public facility fire fees that are collected by the OCSD will be transferred to the county.

The OCSD will also perform a onetime transfer of $2.5 million in assets and liabilities to the county, which includes the district’s fire station.

“Some of the things I wanted to inform the Oceano community about are that because of divestiture, the OCSD is not going to be the same. First because we are losing one of our major powers, fire protection. We will no longer have local control of this building, the fire station, and we don’t have a say in the matter,” Gibson said. “We will also lose over 96 percent of our property taxes that will all go to the county to cover our fire protection.”

OCSD president Varni responded to Gibson and said there’s not going to be as big of a change as she’s making it seem.

“The statement that all of our public facilities monies, which we get from development, will go to the county, go to fire services—that’s the only thing they could go to and that’s been the rule of law for years,” he said.

—Samantha Herrera

Surfnet set to bring fiber broadband services to rural North County

San Luis Obispo County’s rural north is about to be hooked on a fiber diet of the digital kind.

A $10 million grant from the California Public Utilities Commission will enable wireless internet service provider Surfnet Communications to provide high-speed

fiber broadband services to the underserved parts of SLO, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara counties.

“The government’s goal, from the Biden administration down to the state of California, all of them agree, they want fiber to every home,” Surfnet Chief Operating Officer Ken Nye told New Times. “In the cities, that’s pretty much done. Now, it comes to the rural areas.”

The $10 million grant, which comes from the California Advanced Services Fund, belongs to a $6 billion package of historic broadband legislation called Senate Bill 156. Signed into law in 2021 by Gov. Gavin Newsom, the bill helps bridge the digital divide by providing reliable and affordable internet access to all Californians. The Public Utilities Commission allocates the $6 billion fund.

Rural North County, specifically areas like Ground Squirrel Hollow Community Services District, Shandon, and Linne Community Services District are going to receive the lion’s share of the $10 million. Surfnet chose North SLO County based on the commission’s maps that called for fiber broadband services in specific areas. North County emerged as an area that the grant money could most effectively cover when Surfnet overlaid its available network over those maps.

Nye said that roughly $7 million would be used to extend fiber broadband services to 1,500 houses in SLO County.

“We’re going to hit a higher population count in SLO [County],” he said. “In Santa Cruz, we’re hitting the Santa Cruz Mountains, which is much more a niche group of houses. In SLO County … it’s more flat and so there are more houses in one given area.”

Santa Cruz-based Surfnet has been present in SLO County and beyond since 2008, serving populations from San Miguel to Santa Barbara County’s Santa Maria. The grant fund lets Surfnet leverage its existing network to offer fiber in places that “the AT&Ts and the Charters have left behind,” according to Nye.

“There’s a big cry for broadband,” he said. “You don’t think about your internet. You move out to the rural part, you have to struggle for your internet.”

Take it from Shandon resident James Blasingame.

“I’ve got Ranch Wifi, which blows,” he told New Times via Facebook. “I’m able to stream but no gaming. 10 [megabits per second] up and down. Their P2P [peer-to-peer] devices should be able to do 1 Gig speeds.”

North County resident Elissa Murray said she faces communication issues because she uses Nomad Internet that taps into the cellular network.

“Pretty good when it works but lately with the outages, I’ve had spotty connection if any at all and that makes it very difficult as we don’t have a landline, so my house goes dead when that happens,” she said via Facebook. The first customers of Surfnet’s expansion project will receive fiber broadband services in the fall. The service provider is now engaged in engineering work.

“This grant is to be completed within 18 months,” Nye said. “We’ll start the work now with one area, then the engineers will be doing the second area while the construction’s being done on the first area. They’ll kind of leapfrog each other.”

—Bulbul Rajagopal

Morro Bay receives final emergency relief payout from 2023 storms

The Morro Bay Public Works Department announced it received a final emergency relief payout of more than $270,000 from the Federal Highway Association (FHWA) for road repairs after the storms of 2023.

Those storms damaged 43 of California’s 58 counties, including San Luis Obispo County, and left Morro Bay’s Radcliff Avenue, Main Streeet, Embarcadero, and South Bay Boulevard in need of repair.

Morro Bay Senior Civil Engineer Austin Della submitted the final invoice for reimbursement and said the city had applied for and received the funds because the roads fall under FHWA jurisdiction.

In total, the city was reimbursed $274,675 for the repairs after months of preparing invoices, Della told New Times.

The largest road repair was South Bay Boulevard, which cost about half of the reimbursement. The road required shoulder repair after being wiped out by 4 inches of rainfall in early March of 2023—when Morro Bay had declared a local emergency.

City Engineer Cindy Cecil said the city has completed other repair and replacement projects after the 2023 storms and is continuing to improve its storm drainage

system for any future unexpected floods.

When comparing photos of the damage to the now repaired areas, Cecil said the contrast is notable.

“The city is doing what we can to be as prepared as possible,” she said.

Residents and business owners were forced to evacuate Main Street extending to the south and north bridges during the March 2023 storms. The swift floods carried logs and even refrigerators down streets.

“The city of Morro took swift action to address the aftermath,” a city press release read, adding that this final reimbursement was a “significant milestone for the city.”

The FHWA offered $4.6 million in relief funding for counties in need of quick road and bridge repair under its jurisdiction. The roads needed to meet certain criteria caused by natural disaster—severe damage occurring over a wide area resulting in unusually high expenses.

The $4.6 million was in addition to the $29.4 million previously allocated by the FHWA for storm damage that occurred earlier that year.

“These ‘quick release’ emergency relief funds are an initial installment of funds to help restore essential transportation,” the FHWA states on its website. “Additional funds needed to repair damages to roads and bridges in California will be supported by the emergency relief program through nationwide funding allocations.” ∆

The trail less traveled

Coastal Commission approves a connector trail from Morro Bay to Cayucos amid pushback

espite public concern and an ongoing lawsuit, the California Coastal Commission recently approved construction of a connector trail from Morro Bay to Cayucos.

The newly approved trail has been in the works for at least two decades and will fill a 1.25-mile gap in the already existing California Coastal Trail along Highway 1, providing a 12-inch-wide paved trail for the public to walk and bike on.

The State Coastal Conservancy told the commission via public comment letter that it has supported the project since it first funded an environmental analysis 20 years ago.

“It’s been a high priority project for us and for the county,” conservancy Coastal Trail Program Coordinator Tim Duffy told New Times

SLO County Park Planner Elizabeth Kavanaugh has spearheaded the Morro BayCayucos connecting trail project for the past 12 years and said the commission’s June 13 decision felt like a big milestone.

“It’s just a long, tedious process,” she told New Times. “It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life.”

Commissioner Linda Escalante was one of two commissioners who voted against the project at the June 13 meeting.

Escalante told New Times that despite her love for transportation as a means of community connection, she felt her own principles fighting with one another throughout the hearing.

“It was sort of my first time I’ve ever felt that direct conflict,” she said.

She said the potential of losing the beach between the two towns is possible if the trail needs extra protection and becomes too walled or armored.

“That’s a very high price for coastal access,” she said.

While the project seemed like the best solution at this point in time, Escalante said she also had reservations about the environmental impacts and wanted her vote to reflect the concerns of the community.

“This is a delicate touch point that we need to think about more in advance,” she said. “I need to be a little bit more thoughtful and dig more into it.”

The North Point Morro Bay Homeowners Association filed a lawsuit in December 2023 against the Coastal Commission regarding the trail’s planned construction on Torro Lane before the project was even approved.

Residents along Torro Lane claim the original proposed project didn’t include using Torro Lane and believe the new trail will convert their current public access easement

into a public throughway. According to the official complaint, they claimed this was decided without discussion or receiving their permission.

Represented by attorney Babak Naficy, the homeowners association said in a public comment letter that it supports the trail but “is opposed to the presently proposed trail configuration because it violates their well-established property rights, including the right to access their residence without substantial interference from bicyclists.”

The lawsuit is currently in process and isn’t scheduled for a court hearing until July 11.

County Park Planner Kavanaugh said that despite the lawsuit, the project will continue to march forward.

“We will have to see where this goes,” Kavanaugh said.

Cayucos Advisory Council member Rachel Wilson spoke in favor of the trail at the June 13 meeting and said it will increase access to the coastline and help bikers travel more safely throughout the community. Currently, bicyclists along that stretch of coastline have to ride along Highway 1 next to highspeed traffic.

Act now!

Susan Dunn of South Cayucos said the trail is a great idea, but on the wrong side of the highway. She added that she wasn’t in favor of placing asphalt on top of the coastal bluffs above the beach.

would have hindered that view and so that was not acceptable to the community,” she said.

Kavanaugh also said the county will design seawalls to fit in with the landscape, modeling sand dunes as opposed to brick walls to create a more natural, less-obvious look.

Additionally, the commission approved the project with the condition that the county will complete habitat restoration on nine acres of sand dunes to alleviate the trail’s environmental impact on the surrounding area.

Before the commission review, SLO County Parks first had to obtain the land for the trail, then receive the appropriate funding to complete the project.

According to previous New Times reporting, the Cayucos Land Conservancy acquired 2,500 acres of land between Morro Bay and Cayucos from Chevron to establish space for hiking, other recreational activities, and trail access to the beach, as well as lay down a foundation for the connector trail.

New Times also reported that the county received a grant from the California Transportation Commission in 2022 totaling $7.4 million to build the trail after completing previous environmental impact reports and federal environmental review processes.

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To protect the trail, construction will include a 600-foot seawall on the south side of the trail, which some public speakers did not approve of.

Kavanaugh said the county recognized the concern, but also determined a seawall to be the least disruptive option over, for example, a trail barrier.

“The barrier would have been required to keep the bike-pedestrian users safe, but it

According to Kavanaugh, the project is required to start within the next two years to meet the stipulations of the grant. Construction is anticipated to start around the summer of 2025 and go into mid-2026. Additional next steps include obtaining permits from state agencies such as the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the State Water Quality Control Board, Kavanaugh said. ∆

Reach Staff Writer Libbey Hanson at

COASTAL CONNECTIONS The California Coastal Trail will soon be extended by another 1.25 miles, as the California Coastal Commission recently approved connecting the trail between Morro Bay and Cayucos.

Pricey plea

Soaring appeal fees leave

San Luis Obispo resident Kathie Walker and her husband are familiar with the effects of sharing their Alta Vista neighborhood with bacchanalian fraternities. An emergency medical services pilot, Walker’s husband works between 12 and 14 hours daily. Frequent rowdy college parties steadily get in the way of shut eye.

“He only has 10 hours to commute, to shower, to eat, and when there’s a fraternity party blaring, I mean, our house is 100 years old with single-pane windows,” Walker told New Times on June 27. “We can hear these fraternity parties, and he’s not able to sleep. So, then he’s not rested, and it’s not safe for him to fly his medical patients.”

She isn’t alone in her desire to improve the quality of life for residents living in communities that also house college students. Residents for Quality Neighborhoods President Sandra Rowley proactively worked to prevent that kind of late-night disruption when it came to a nascent fraternity.

On June 24, Rowley filed an appeal of the SLO Planning Commission’s approval of Lambda Chi Alpha’s conditional use permit application to set up a fraternity for up to 24 people through four residential buildings on East Foothill Boulevard and Monte Vista Place. Rowley and other Residents for Quality Neighborhoods members like Walker want the city to change the conditional use permit’s language to eliminate the implication that the city noise ordinance can be flouted after 10 p.m. with a special use permit. The conditional use permit must also be edited, according to Rowley’s appeal, to limit the occupancy to 24 people during quiet hours and add a threshold of citations or violations that triggers a Planning Commission review of the fraternity. But filing appeals like Rowley’s has gotten more expensive over the years. In 2017, it cost $281 to appeal a decision to the SLO City Council. After a fee study that year, the appeal cost rose to $623 with an additional 2.7 percent income tax surcharge. Since July 1, 2017, appeal fees have risen automatically to reflect annual changes in the Consumer

Price Index. In June 2024, Rowley shelled out $745 to file the Residents for Quality Neighborhoods’ appeal. She didn’t respond to New Times’ request for comment.

Now, appeal fees are going to leave larger dents in SLO residents’ wallets. As part of a routine fee study delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic and staff turnover, SLO City Council voted 4-0 on July 2—with Councilmember Jan Marx absent—to raise appeal fees to $2,507.

“There’s really not a lot of joy in raising fees,” Mayor Erica Stewart said at the meeting. “This is not, ‘Yay, we can’t wait to raise fees.’ We have to get to the point where we recover more of the funding so that the people who are actually getting the services are paying for the services.”

Director of Community Development

Timothea Tway told New Times prior to the meeting that the fee study usually takes place every five years and analyzes user fees, excluding development impact fees. The fee study is meant to show the reasonably estimated true cost of providing certain services to the public.

“Since it’s been seven years, labor rates have gone up, overhead has gone up,” she said. “Cross support rates have gone up, and potentially also the number of hours that staff is estimating something takes also could have gone up.”

City staff estimated that it costs them $17,038 and $16,711 when applicants and non-applicants, respectively, file tier 1 appeals. That tier comprises appeals to the City Council, major development reviews, subdivision tract maps greater than five lots, and permits that go before the Planning Commission.

Assistant City Manager Whitney McDonald told councilmembers on July 2 that while city costs have increased by 33.6 percent since the last fee study and the Consumer Price Index and California Construction Index rose by 26 percent and 43.3 percent, respectively, user fees only grew by 21.9 percent.

Originally, city staff recommended recouping funds by setting the tier 1 appeal

fees at 20 percent of the full $17,038 cost of service for non-applicants and at 50 percent of the full rate for applicants. In other words, non-applicants would have to pay almost $3,500 to appeal a city decision while applicants would have to cough up $8,356.

Similarly, tier 2 applicants and nonapplicants—those appealing administrative use permits, minor and moderate development reviews, and lot line adjustments—would have to pay $5,259 and $2,070, respectively. Appealing decisions on sidewalk cafés and parklets, home occupation permits, nonprofit special events, and sidewalk sales permits— tiers 3 and 4—would be charged $1,287 or $674 depending on the tier.

City staff’s recommendation sparked the ire of numerous residents, including SLO resident Walker. She told New Times that she’d be forced to pay high appeal fees if she ever decides to take legal action against city officials’ response to fraternities.

“I have to exhaust all my remedies before I can even go to the court,” she said. “The law says that I first have to appeal to City Council, and then if I don’t like their decision, then I can go to the court. … I think that’s the part of this that bothers me the most, is that it’s sort of shutting down the democratic system.”

Former Planning Commission member Richard Schmidt called the appeal fee hike a “great example” of death by process.

“It’s [fee study] done by staff, supposedly with the advice of a consultant,” he said.

“You end up with a values-free proposal that considers nothing other than whatever the


After San Luis Obispo residents criticized city staff’s recommendation to raise tier 1 appeal fees to almost $3,500 or 20 percent of city cost, the SLO City Council attempted to meet both sides halfway by raising the fees to cover 15 percent of the cost instead.

desires of the staff who want this to happen. There’s no consideration for public good, and I’m sorry, they do profess that that is a part of it, but it really isn’t.”

City staff processed 14 appeals in the last five years, according to Community Development Director Tway, but appeals aren’t the only way to be a part of the public process. Public output, outreach, and hearings help decisionmakers at the city too.

“I absolutely understand kind of all the arguments across the board and that the numbers we are seeing in the fee study are showing the true cost, but the fee itself could be set at any level,” she told New Times Following a handful of complaints from community members during the public comment period, the City Council tried to balance its constituents’ needs with city staff recommendations.

Council members removed categorizing appeal fees for applicants and non-applicants. Instead, they set the appeal fees at 15 percent of the total cost of service for all applicants. Starting Oct. 1, the new appeal fees for tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be $2,507, $1,578, $772, and $405, respectively.

“I could see that 20 percent … gets a little bit more cost recovery,” Mayor Stewart said. “I also don’t want to see it keep going up, up, up, so that we end up boxing out … average people who are just trying to live next to this potentially giant project coming in next to them.” ∆

Reach Staff Writer Bulbul Rajagopal at

Smog Check


Life lessons

hile some try every method in the book to slow the process of aging, others embrace white hairs and wrinkles with open arms and view it as a blessing to be able to live for so many years.

Regardless, with age comes experience, and Sky Bergman, a Cal Poly professor emeritus of photography and video, is doing her best to highlight the life lessons, advice, and stories that those who are older than her can pass down.

“I worked on a film where I interviewed 40 people that were over 75 and older with a collective life experience of 3,000 years, and ever since I’ve had people asking me when I’m going to write a book about my experience of making the film and the lessons I learned along the way,” she said.

Bergman took everyone’s advice and published her book Lives Well LivedGenerations: Resilience, Positivity, and Purpose at Every Age, which can be purchased on Amazon at and dives into her exploration of the world and how she manages to connect the stories of our elders to our youth.

“I’m a real advocate for connecting generations in this age-segregated world,” she said. “I feel like we’re really suffering as a result of that, and in the second half of the book, I talk about the project that I’ve worked on.”

In Lives Well Lived - Generations: Resilience, Positivity, and Purpose at Every Age, Bergman said she talked to 40 older people about everything from climate change and voting rights to generational housing in an attempt to bring generations together.

As age segregation becomes more and more common in today’s world, Bergman said people can’t even recognize it anymore.

“From institutionalized age segregation, like in schools and age-segregated housing, when we have to check a box as to what age we are, and one of the boxes a lot of times is 50 plus or 65 plus and that is a huge range that ends up for older adults being lumped in one category,” she said. “I think we are so separated by age in so many ways and if

you think about it, how many friends do you have outside of your own age group?”

Not only is connecting to those in different generations a great way to learn about family history and get a better understanding of who you are, Bergman said it’s also great to be able to hear first-hand accounts from those who lived through the events that might be taught in school.

“About 75 percent of the people in that film were on the Central Coast and then I had this fellowship to do some intergenerational work through this group and I met all these amazing people from around the globe, and that’s in the second half of the book,” she said.

Bergman said she will be selling and signing her book at SLO Provisions as part of July’s Art After Dark and would love to answer questions and meet with community members interested in learning more.

Paula DeLay will also be with Bergman exhibiting artwork from 5 to 8 p.m. on July 5.

“I might be outside because it gets pretty loud and pretty stuffy, so I will probably be right out in the front entryway and set up there,” Bergman said. “I think it should be a really fun night and Paula DeLay is a good friend of mine, and her paintings are beautiful.”

Fast facts

• Those interested in helping to make their local forest and oak woodlands healthy during this upcoming wildfire season are encouraged to participate in a Forest Stewardship Workshop hosted by the UC Cooperative Extension from Aug. 27 through Oct. 22. Community members will learn how to develop a management plan, oak woodland management, forest ecology and vegetation management, and financial planning and cost-sharing opportunities. For more information, visit sites/forestry/stewardship. ∆

Reach Staff Writer Samantha Herrera at


Avert the dictator

Only one presidential candidate is a choice for democracy

It appears that for some yet-unknown reason, John Donegan (“None dare call it treason,” June 6) is using a history lesson as a thinly-veiled attempt to convince us that the fears of Donald Trump becoming a dictator are overblown.

John correctly states that we had a fourterm president once in Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), a man who amassed great powers during his terms—perhaps a bit too much. Some may say his power was almost dictatorial. To help guard against such excesses, the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution was passed in 1951, which limits a president to a maximum of two terms, thus preventing any one man from becoming a “president for life,” or nearly so.

Mr. Donegan dismisses Donald Trump’s statement that he would be a “dictator, but only on my first day,” then gives us his definition of dictator, which fails to mention that one of the characteristics of a dictator is a person who cannot be removed from office using peaceful means. In the U.S., that would include almost certainly not leaving office after losing the vote.

He dismisses the Jan. 6 riots as an attempt to subvert our republic because the riots were a “harebrained scheme that couldn’t possibly have succeeded.” His analysis should be communicated to Mar-a-Lago because Trump is still spending a lot of time and other people’s money trying to convince the public that the 2020 election was “stolen,”

a lie that was the main impetus behind the riots. And if Trump thought the whole scheme was harebrained, why did he do nothing for three hours while he watched his supporters attack the Capitol building on TV? Trump still calls the violent rioters “patriots.” Can anyone deny that the whole event looked a lot more like a coup that nearly succeeded than a town-hall meeting where people air their grievances?

We are told that we needn’t worry about Trump becoming a dictator because his support is “too weak.” That is not what I see when I watch Fox or read comments from people like John Donegan. Could the purpose of his statements be to lull us into complacency so we do not realize what a real danger Trump could be to our country and democracy itself until it is too late?

Trump has scared most Republican politicians into agreeing with everything he says because they have realized that without his support, none of them can get re-elected. People he slandered and ridiculed, like Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, and Ron DeSantis now sing his praises. Is their support based on ideology or fear and intimidation? Federal judges like Aileen Cannon and even several Supreme Court justices have shown a clear bias and more than a hint of corruption. This raises serious questions about their impartiality and their ability to ensure that government follows our Constitution rather than the whims and demands of one man. And Trump’s daughterin-law now conveniently runs the Republican National Committee, a position that allows him to control the party’s finances to his benefit.

It is true that the 22nd Amendment protects us somewhat. But couldn’t a puppet take office in 2028 that effectively allowed Trump to rule on? Trump and his cohorts—and possibly his family could use gerrymandering, intimidation, money, revenge, hate, biased courts, and outright lies to place themselves in a position where it would be almost impossible for them to lose an election.

Trump himself said that he would exact “revenge” on anyone who had opposed him, a statement that was echoed by several others in his party. Anyone who dared challenge Trump or his chosen successors could be

and violence to put their idol in power? Is it possible that they have learned enough from the failure of their Jan. 6 “harebrained scheme” to be more successful in their coup attempts this time? If his supporters become very violent, should we grudgingly allow them to change the outcome of a fair— but close election to prevent widespread bloodshed?

Trump and many of his allies have actually praised Putin. Do they secretly wish to emulate his nearly absolute hold on power?

While we will have the choice of two flawed candidates in November, only one is a

We are told that we needn’t worry about Trump becoming a dictator because his support is “too weak.” That is not what I see when I watch Fox or read comments from people like John Donegan.

prosecuted, intimidated, or worse. Would people oppose them if they feared for their livelihoods?

And if Trump loses a close election in 2024, would he admit it? Are you certain? What means might his supporters use the next time in their attempt to change the outcome of an election? Even if claims of election fraud were raised, would Trump’s supporters wait for the courts to determine the truth in order to settle the issue, or would they use any means, including intimidation

safe choice. Only one will place the needs of the country over revenge and hatred and the quest for power.

The danger of another Trump presidency is real, and he and other members of his party that hold their extremist ideology need to be stopped before they become unstoppable. ∆

Charles Linquist writes to New Times from Arroyo Grande. Send a response for publication by emailing it to letters@

Russell Hodin

The Blob

In the 1958 B movie, The Blob, a gelatinous malevolent space monster crashes to earth and proceeds to absorb and digest every person it encounters, growing ever larger and stronger from each terrestrial snack. Likewise, Donald Trump seems to be growing ever stronger politically from each salvo of Democratic attacks on him.

Following Trump’s recent criminal conviction and adverse judgments, liberal political commentators have been flummoxed by the fact that, not only have these reverses failed to reduce his support but they seem to have supercharged his fundraising and boosted his poll numbers. To recap, Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in New York of concealing the blackmail payoff made to Stormy Daniels; ordered to pay penalties of $355 million in a business fraud suit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James; and was ordered in a New York lawsuit to pay advice columnist E. Jean Carroll $88 million for sexual assault and defamation.

There are other actions pending against him elsewhere. Further, not long ago he survived efforts in Colorado and Maine to strike him from their ballots for alleged “insurrection.” And he has endured countless media attacks, pronouncing him a “threat to democracy” and so forth and generally conveying the media’s profound disapproval of him.

And yet, still he grows, and is shown by many polls to be favored in November.

“How can this be?” desperately wail the

Democrats over the resilience and seeming indestructibility of their nemesis. “Felony convictions, and immense court judgments! The more we throw at him, the more he thrives and grows!” they cry. “We have told the people just how awful he is, and yet, they don’t seem to be listening to us and our apocalyptic visions.” The Democrats seem genuinely puzzled over the failure of their efforts to inspire a huge wave of voter revulsion toward the Orange Blob.

The short answer to this phenomenon: You’ve badly overreached. We’ve stopped listening to what you think about Trump. Like the brush beaters during a big game hunt, your shrill and heavy-handed attacks, antidemocratic stunts, and cultural elitism, have been driving voters into the Trump camp.

For more than eight years, Trump has been under unrelenting attack by most of the media, late night comedians, and the political establishment, with assaults ranging from the clever and thoughtful, to the sophomoric fart jokes during his criminal trial. The tone has most often been shrill and histrionic, with occasional over-the-top comparisons to Hitler. Sadly, there are relatively few liberals who have the ability to express opposition without resorting to “scorched earth” ad hominem attacks. And, to be fair, Trump makes himself a pretty tempting target.

You whine, “The felony convictions are disqualifying!” While this would normally be a convincing argument, the very blue New York location, and the participation of

progressive political operatives in the process, diminish their impact. The charges, normally misdemeanors artificially inflated to felony status, are minor and not something that induces outrage or anger. They would not have been filed against anyone not named Trump.

The E. Jean Carroll rape and defamation suits? As the charges against Brett Kavanaugh demonstrated, long dormant and uncorroborated charges against disfavored celebrities are always suspect, especially when some of the facts are vague, the circumstances improbable, and the trial was in a hostile jurisdiction.

Letitia Jame’s suit? An arcane dispute over property valuations in a loan transaction between big businesses, tried in a hostile venue, is unlikely to generate much genuine outrage. We expect that sort of thing from Trump.

Viewed in their totality, the prosecution, lawsuits, and disqualification efforts are widely seen as a concerted effort by the Democratic and media establishments to keep Trump off the ballot. This pisses off a lot of people, including many of us who dislike Trump. We worry about the precedent of allowing opposing parties to successfully weaponize the judicial system to control who we are permitted to vote for. There will always be ambitious political prosecutors eager to bring tactical proceedings in friendly locations. If it is allowed to succeed, it is easy to see it becoming a routine tactic in our political warfare.

There are plenty of good reasons to not vote for Trump, although I don’t find any of them sufficient to justify a vote for Biden and the Democratic lunacy. We already know what sort of guy Trump is. We also know that we

survived his first term, which went pretty well until COVID-19 hit, especially relative to Biden’s term. More Democratic unhinged hollering and theatrics are not likely to change any minds. At this point, it is mere background noise. You’ve overplayed your hand and are now merely preaching to the liberal choir. In an amazing bit of political alchemy, you have converted an obnoxious sore loser into a sympathetic victim. You’re prisoners of a visceral loathing, which may cost you the election, but you hate Trump so much that you are unable to keep yourselves from feeding the Orange Blob. ∆

John Donegan is a retired attorney in Pismo Beach whose guilty pleasure is watching Democrats shriek themselves into a bitter lather. Respond with a letter to the editor or commentary of your own by emailing it to

Should Cal Maritime merge with Cal Poly?

30% Yes! Save the specialized school and bolster Poly’s programs.

25% Maybe. The community needs a lot more information first.

25% No! Don’t burden SLO with a sinking ship!

20% What’s Cal Maritime?

Send in the clowns?

Let’s say you’re a SLO Town resident, living your dream and minding your own business, but then you discover your beloved city’s government has approved a Clown School next to your house that’s going to impact your neighborhood with a ton of noise (ahooga horns and popping balloon animals), traffic (mostly little cars that fit lots of people), and pollution (oversized shoes dangling from powerlines and used red rubber noses littering the sidewalks).

Hey, you’re an openminded person, but seriously? The city couldn’t find a better place for aspiring Bozos, Krustys, and Pennywises to study how to pratfall and spray audiences with water from plastic lapel flowers?

Naturally, you’re going to want the city to rethink this cockamamie plan, and since you took a civics class, you know your rights, one of which is “the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” To top off the neighborhood impacts, let’s say you also tragically suffer from coulrophobia, a fear of clowns, which is no laughing matter (pun, sadly, intended). Obviously, this clown school is going to make your life a living hell. What to do?

Hey, no problem. You can file an appeal … but you’ll have to pay to do it because the city of San Luis Obispo considers accepting an appeal and reconsidering a use permit a “service” it provides. Is it just me or

does this seem like a giant pile of steaming Ringling Brothers elephant dung? Why should a citizen have to pay to petition their government for a redress of grievances? It’s a right, not a service, right? It says so in the First Amendment, which is part of the so-called Bill of Rights. It’s not the Bill of Services. Sheesh!

This isn’t mere conjecture. Instead of a clown school, substitute a fraternity, and instead of coulrophobia, substitute frataphobia, fear of douchey frat boys who party too hard. The Planning Commission has already approved a conditional use permit application for Lambda Chi Alpha to have 24 of its bros occupy four residential buildings on East Foothill Boulevard and Monte Vista Place. The worry is it will become a partying hub that will attract more than its approved 24 residents, and some neighbors are not stoked.

Local grassroots organization Residents for Quality Neighborhoods (RQN) is also concerned about the permit and how it may be interpreted to allow excessive noise after 10 p.m. and attract more than the 24 approved occupants. RQN President Sandra Rowley filed an appeal to change the permit language to ensure the occupancy is limited to 24 people during quiet hours, and to add requirements that if the frat house is issued citations or violations, the Planning Commission will automatically review the permit.

Sounds like a reasonable request, but should Rowley and her organization have to pay to make it?

Back in 2017, the city charged $281 to appeal a decision to the SLO City Council. Later that year, the fee was raised to $623. When Rowley filed her appeal of the Lambda Chi Alpha permit in June, she was charged $745, and now city staff has requested—and received—another fee increase. Staff wanted $3,500, but the City Council, apparently to appease some unhappy citizens, voted 4-0 on July 2 (with Councilmember Jan Marx absent) to “only” raise it to $2,507. What a clown show.

“There’s really not a lot of joy in raising fees,” Mayor Erica Stewart said at the meeting. “This is not, ‘Yay, we can’t wait to raise fees.’ We have to get to the point where we recover more of the funding so that the people who are actually getting the services are paying for the services.”

Speak up!

There’s that word again: “services.” Filing an appeal shouldn’t be considered a service. It’s a right. I understand that dealing with appeals requires staff, who are paid though our taxes. That’s part of their job and dealing with public grievances is part of our government’s function. What this outrageous

fee increase is doing is effectively pricing out poor people from exercising their right to appeal their government, which strikes me as a direct violation of the First Amendment. Now, if you want an example of someone receiving services they should pay for, look to Diller Ryan, who owns two dilapidated and unoccupied single-family houses that are zoned as office space at Casa Street and Murray Avenue, which have been so neglected over the years that they’ve become a magnet for trespassers and a dumping ground for scofflaws to discard furniture and other trash.

“The lack of maintenance and control from the property owner has led to over 80 calls for service to the Police Department since 2018, as well as recent code enforcement action related to the state of the property,” a city staff report said.

As of Nov. 11, 2023, Ryan had racked up more than $42,000 in fines, and the city said if he doesn’t get his property cleaned up, the city will pursue an abatement warrant from the court to deal with the property and charge Ryan accordingly.

“I’m not incompetent and I’m not a recalcitrant curmudgeon. I think I’m a victim,” Ryan said, but the real victims are the taxpayers who are footing the bill to deal with his mess. What a clown. ∆

The Shredder is extra aggrieved. Tell it your grievance at

Hot Dates


The Piedras Blancas Light Station in San Simeon kicks off its Hike-In Open House series on Wednesday, July 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Participants have the option to park at two designated sites in San Simeon and embark on a 4-mile round trip hike to the station. Additional events in the series will be held on July 24, and Aug. 14 and 28. Admission is free, while a donation of $5 is suggested. Visit for more info.




A show of new works by California artist, Anne Seltzer. She will show her collection of story paintings based on her everyday life. July 6 5-8 p.m. Free. 805-203-5950. patrickgalleryexhibitions. com/upcoming-exhibitions. Patrick Gallery, 815 Main Street, unit C, Cambria.


Listen to music while enjoying an afternoon of creativity, sipping, and mingling. The party includes a complimentary glass of wine and canvas with materials. Saturdays, 12-2 p.m. $55. 805-394-5560. coastalwineandpaint. com. Harmony Cafe at the Pewter Plough, 824 Main St., Cambria.

COSTA GALLERY SHOWCASES Features works by Ellen Jewett as well as 20 other local artists, and artists from southern and northern California. Thursdays-Saturdays, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sundays, 12-4 p.m. 559799-9632. Costa Gallery, 2087 10th St., Los Osos.

FOREVER STOKED PAINT PARTY Join us at the gallery, for a few hours to travel on a creative paint journey. You will receive as much or as little instruction as you prefer. No artistic experience is necessary. Saturdays, 7-9 p.m. $45. 805772-9095. Forever Stoked, 1164 Quintana Rd., Morro Bay.

JULY ARTISTS RECEPTION AND ATRIUM PARTY Featuring Patricia Newton, Gregory Siragusa, and Carol Roullard, with their paintings, photography, and jewelry, respectively. July 13, 3-5 p.m. Free. 805-772-1068. galleryatmarinasquare.

com. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero suite 10, Morro Bay.

SYLVIA A man adopts a talking dog who competes with his wife for his affection and attention. Through July 7 By The Sea Productions, 545 Shasta Ave., Morro Bay,


ADULT DRAWING AND PAINTING WITH DIANE AT ARTSOCIAL 805 Please join ArtSocial 805 at the Creative Campus if you want to learn a new skill or dust off those pencils, paints, and brushes, and get back into art. Mondays, 10-11 a.m. through Aug. 26 $25-$100. 805-400-9107. ArtSocial 805 Creative Campus, 631 Spring St., Paso Robles.

DEPRISE BRESCIA ART GALLERY: OPEN DAILY Features a large selection of encaustic art, sculpted paintings, art installations, acrylic palette knife paintings, digital art, glass, jewelry, stones, fossils, and a butterfly sculpture garden. ongoing Deprise Brescia Art Gallery, 829 10th St., Paso Robles, 310-621-7543.

FIRST SATURDAY: WINE, ART, AND MUSIC Studios on the Park celebrates First Saturdays, a fun tradition of art, wine, and live music-filled evenings at the start of each month. Enjoy meeting artists and seeing rotating exhibitions while enjoying live music and wine from one of the venue’s winery partners. First Saturday of every month, 6-9 p.m. Free; $10 for wine. 805-238-9800. Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles.

GLASS SHARD COLLAGE CLASS Inspired by the “paint-by-number” technique of following a pattern of color, create a clear sun catcher using

colorful glass shards. If you have an image you love, print it out and bring it to class. Pieces ready within a week. July 10 10 a.m.-noon $55. 805-464-2633. Glasshead Studio, 8793 Plata Lane, Suite H, Atascadero.

MONTHLY BIRTHDAY PLATE PAINTING AT ARTSOCIAL 805 Please join ArtSocial805 on the first Saturday of each month to paint a personalized “Birthday Plate,” for someone special or for yourself. The workshop is $35, which covers the plate, glaze, and firing. First Saturday of every month, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. $35. 805-400-9107. ArtSocial 805 Creative Campus, 631 Spring St., Paso Robles.

SESSION 2 SUMMER ART CAMP Summer won’t be complete without some creative fun. Join ArtSocial805 for a fun week at art camp catering to ages 7 and up. Enjoy drawing, painting, clay, mixed media, and more. July 8 -11 $140-$40. 805-400-9107. ArtSocial 805 Creative Campus, 631 Spring St., Paso Robles.

STUDIOS ON THE PARK: CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS Check site for a variety of classes and workshops offered. ongoing Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St., Paso Robles, 805-238-9800.

WESTERN ART EXHIBIT Featuring the meticulously handcrafted mosaic and painted cow and coyote skulls of guest artist Ernie Bentley, along with original paintings, unique jewelry, sculpture, ceramics, and so much more. Through Aug. 31 Free. 805-286-4430. Park Street Gallery, 1320 Park Street, Paso Robles,


ACT SUMMER THEATRE CAMPS Visit site for more details on this summer camp series. Through Aug. 5 slorep.

org/education/act-theatre-camps/. SLO Rep, 888 Morro St., San Luis Obispo, 805-786-2440.


Actor’s Edge offers film and television acting training in San Luis Obispo, plus exposure to Los Angeles talent agents. All ages and skill levels welcome. Classes available in SLO, LA, and on zoom. ongoing $210 per month. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.


BEING This exhibition will feature several works made throughout the artist’s career as sort of a mid-career retrospective. Adam Parker Smith has a unique ability to address complex themes in a whimsical, light-hearted way that makes his work incredibly accessible. Through July 7, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-543-8562. sloma. org/exhibition/adam-parker-smith/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.

APRIL BANKS: OUTLANDISH Los Angeles-based artist April Banks is a creative strategist working across visual art, social engagement, and exhibition design. Her practice sits intentionally between image, space, and experience. Through July 29, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-543-8562. april-banks/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.


CENTRAL GALLERY Schumacher’s work is pensive and introspective, inspiring one to take a solitary walk on a cloudy day. Wander in to reflect on her “delicious, wistful landscapes.” Mondays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, 12-4 p.m. Free. 805-747-4200. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.


Featuring the world’s finest in circus acrobatic and aerial artistry presented with the magical voice of Johnathan Lee Iverson. Through July 8 $25-$80. Madonna Inn, 100 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo.

DATE NIGHT POTTERY Bring your date and throw a cup on the pottery wheel. Next, texture a clay slab and press into a form creating a personalized piece. Guest are welcome to bring drinks; venue provides aprons. Pieces are fired, glazed, and ready in two weeks. Saturdays, 6-6:30 p.m. $140. Anam Cre Pottery Studio, 1243 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.


ACRYLIC WITH LINDA CUNNINGHAM In this three-hour class, you’ll be instructed step-by-step to paint an acrylic desert landscape. Beginners are welcome and no experience is necessary. July 13 , 1:30-4:30 p.m. $40. 805-478-2158. Art Central, 1329 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo.

IMPROV COMEDY SHOW Hosted by Central Coast Comedy Theater. July 6 , 6-8 p.m. The Bunker SLO, 810 Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo.

IMPROV SHOWS Hosted by Central Coast Comedy Theater. Second Friday of every month SLO Public Market, 120 Tank Farm Road, San Luis Obispo.

THE MAMA TEMPLE Includes contributions of art, stories, and experience that challenge the narrative of motherhood. This collaboration of art and story has a message of healing and reconciliation for ourselves and others. Motherhood events/workshops are held during July. July 5 -31 themamatemple. org/work/julyevents. The Bunker SLO, 810 Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo.

RJ WILLIAMS: HIP-HOP IMPROV WORKSHOP Hosted by Central Coast Comedy Theater. July 7 1-4 p.m. Central Coast Comedy Theater Training Center, 2078 Parker Street, suite 200, San Luis Obispo, 805858-8255.

SLO NIGHTWRITERS: A COMMUNITY OF WRITERS SLO NightWriters supports local writers with monthly presentations, critique groups, contests, and other events. Second Tuesday of every month, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. 805-703-3132. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.

WALT WHITMAN GAY MEN’S BOOK CLUB This club reads, studies and discusses books chosen by the group which relate to their lives as gay men. All are welcome. Second Monday of every month, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Online, See website, San Luis Obispo.

WHOSE WATERS? This Gray Wing exhibition will build upon the photojournalistic work of Southern California artist Gabriella Angotti-Jones whose I Just Wanna Surf book highlights Black female and non-binary surfers and other unseen or outright ignored communities that ride the waves off the Golden State. July 13- Oct. 20 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 805-543-8562. surf-show/. San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, 1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.

SOUTH COAST SLO COUNTY DANCE FITNESS ART AND CULTURE FOR ADULTS Discover dance as a form of artistic expression and exercise, using a wide range of styles and genres of music (including modern, jazz, Broadway, ethnic). Tuesdays, 4-5 p.m. $10 drop-in; $30 for four classes. 510-362-3739. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach. DISNEY’S NEWSIES Leap into the heart of New York City with this high-energy musical that brings to life the true story of the 1899 Newsboys Strike. Join Jack, Katherine, Davey, and Les as they rally the city’s newsboys against the biggest publishers for their rights. July 11 7-9:30 p.m., July 12 7-9:30 p.m. and July 13 2-4:30 & 7-9:30 p.m. $10-$20. 805-4899444. Clark Center for the Performing Arts, 487 Fair Oaks Ave., Arroyo Grande. FIND WALDO LOCAL 2024 Where’s


Waldo? In Arroyo Grande, of course. Waldo is hiding at 20 local businesses in July. Grab your stamp card from Monarch Books on July 1 and start your search. Collect 20 or more stamps and you could win a prize in the grand-prize drawing. Through July 28 Free. 805-668-6300. Monarch Books, 201 E. Branch St., Arroyo Grande.


USED BOOK SALE Arrive at 10 a.m. for the best selection of adult fiction/ nonfiction, children’s books, jigsaw puzzles, and CDs/DVDs. FONL members get tickets for two free books at every sale. July 13 , 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 805-929-3994. Nipomo Library, 918 W. Tefft, Nipomo.

GUNSMOKIN’ July 12- Sept. 7 Great American Melodrama, 1863 Front St., Oceano.

MOSAIC ART WORKSHOP Make mosaic art for your home and garden at this weekend workshop. All skill levels welcome. Learn how to use basic tools and proven techniques to complete your project. Choose your project online. July 13 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and July 14 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $205. 805-440-3054. passifloramosaics. com. Passiflora Mosaics, 330 N. 10th St., Grover Beach.

PIRATES OF PISMO A-GO-GO The plot follows a young “junior pirate” who plans to celebrate his 21st birthday by breaking away from the grip of his master, the Pirate King. Comical complications arise because of his Feb. 29 birthday, as it only comes around every four years. Through July 6 Great American Melodrama, 1863 Front St., Oceano.


THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS The hit sci-fi horror comedy, with songs by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken. Presented by PCPA. July

12-28 Solvang Festival Theater, 420 2nd St., Solvang, 805-686-1789.


NORTH COAST SLO COUNTY 4TH OF JULY FREEDOM TO GROW SALE AT CAMBRIA NURSERY Celebrate the 4th of July with spectacular savings at Cambria Nursery’s “Freedom to Grow” sale. Enjoy 20 percent off store-wide and a special 30-40 percent off select plants. Transform your garden with these amazing deals and enjoy a lush, vibrant outdoor space all summer long. July 4 -7, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 805-927-4747. Cambria Nursery and Florist, 2801 Eton Rd., Cambria.

ADOPT A KITTEN EVENT Hosted by Feline Network of the Central Coast. Come see beautiful kittens for adoption and bring home a forever pet. All are fixed, vaccinated, and microchipped and include a free vet visit. July 6 , 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 805-550-9064. Los Osos Valley Nursery, 301 Los Osos Valley Rd., Los Osos.


MARTIAL ARTS This class for ages 18 and over is a hybrid of yoga, active isolated, resistance stretching, and more. Breath work is incorporated throughout. You must be able to get down onto the floor and back up again. Please bring a mat and some water to stay hydrated. Sundays, 9-10 a.m. $15 session. 415-516-5214. Bayside Martial Arts, 1200 2nd St., Los Osos.


CELEBRATION With a barbecue, music, and family-friendly events all day long. Fireworks start at dusk. July 4 , 11 a.m. Shamel Park, 5455


Glasshead Studio in Atascadero hosts its Glass Shard Collage Class on Wednesday, July 10, from 10 a.m. to noon. Attendees will create their own sun catcher using colorful shards of glass and are welcome to bring their own images for inspiration if desired. Admission to the workshop is $55. Call (805) 464-2633 or visit to find out more about the event.


PARADE Organized by the Cayucos Lions Club. Front Street Faire runs through 6 p.m. July 4 10 a.m. cayucoschamber. com/july4th. Cayucos Beach, 10 Cayucos Dr., Cayucos.

CENTRAL COAST UECHI-RYU KARATEDO Uechi-Ryu Karate-do is a traditional form of karate originating from Okinawa, Japan. Focus is on fitness, flexibility, and self-defense with emphasis on self -growth, humility, and respect. Open to ages 13 to adult. Beginners

and experienced welcome. Instructor with 50 years experience. For info, call 805-215-8806. Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m. Morro Bay Community Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay, 772-6278,

CENTRAL COAST WOMEN RAISING CIRCLE Join in Morro Bay Beach for deep connection, empowerment, and holistic growth. Experience guided meditation, breath work, dance, and more. Theme: Confidence and Inner Authority. RSVP required. Hosted by Tami Charvet, Certified Health, Life Coach, and SisterShip Facilitator. First Thursday of every month, 10 a.m.-noon through July 12 Suggested $10-$15; donation or what you can pay. 805-235-7978.

Grateful Body, 850 Shasta, Morro Bay.


There will be four Monday meetings. July 8 , 10:30 a.m.-noon Free. 626-422-1431. Daisy Hill Estates Clubhouse, 1595 Los Osos Valley Rd., Los Osos.

FIREWORKS FROM THE PIER Cayucos Chamber takes on the effort to produce and fund this annual fireworks show, reported to cost more than $50,000, according to the chamber’s website. July 4 , 9 p.m. Cayucos Beach, 10 Cayucos Dr., Cayucos.

HIKE-IN OPEN HOUSE Enjoy the scenery on a 4-mile round trip hike to the Piedras Blancas Light Station. Park at the elephant seal viewing area 1.5 miles south of the light station or the vista point 1 mile north. July 10 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free; suggested donation $5 per person. 805-927-7361. piedrasblancas. org/hike-in-open-house. Piedras Blancas Light Station, 15950 Cabrillo Highway, San Simeon.


Prizes for adults and kids. July 4 , 4-10 a.m. Cayucos Beach, 10 Cayucos Dr., Cayucos.

JULY 5 CLEANUP The Morro Bay National Estuary Program is hosting a beach cleanup after the Fourth of July. Major summer holidays bring the most litter to our beaches and waterways. Join MBNEP staff and community members to pick up litter and debris around Morro Rock. July 5 10 a.m.-noon Free. Morro Rock, Coleman Drive, Morro Bay. MAIDEN TO CRONE SISTER CIRCLE

Experience the undivided love, support, and attention of a group of women who are fully present to you in that moment. July 7 9-10:30 a.m. From the Roots Up Healing Studio, 2055 9th St., Los Osos.

NEW MOON CACAO, SOUND, AND REIKI HEALING A magical evening of sound healing, cacao, and Reiki energy. July 5 6:30 p.m. From the Roots Up Healing Studio, 2055 9th St., Los Osos. SAUNA AND COLD PLUNGE SESSION

Please select an available time slot for your session. Sessions can accommodate up to two people at one time in the sauna and can share the cold plunge for 5 minutes or split the 5 minutes between the two. July 6 From the Roots Up Healing Studio, 2055 9th St., Los Osos.

SHAKTI: EMBODYING THE GODDESSES OF YOGA Visit site for more info and tickets to this event. July 11 , 6:30 p.m. 9th Limb Yoga, 845 Napa Ave., Morro Bay, 415-852-1787. SUCCULENT MUSHROOM WORKSHOP AT CAMBRIA NURSERY Discover the art of creating stunning succulent mushroom arrangements in this exciting workshop led by the talented Shana and Patty. This hands-on event is perfect for both beginners and experienced gardeners looking to add a unique touch to their plant collection. July 6 11 a.m.-2 p.m. $25. 805-927-4747. events/. Cambria Nursery and Florist, 2801 Eton Rd., Cambria.

CULTURE & LIFESTYLE continued page 16






Hot Dates

SUMMER SPECTACULAR: SUCCULENT PLANTS AND POTTERY SALE Four local plant vendors and a master ceramicist collaborate on a great outdoor event, with an amazing lineup of succulent plants, house plants, and gorgeous handmade pots. Benefits both Feline Network and Shiloh’s Pet Rescue. July 6 , 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and July 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. 805-6027817. Los Osos Valley Nursery, 301 Los Osos Valley Road, Los Osos.

VIBROACOUSTIC MEDITATION AND SOUND IMMERSION SESSION Choose a session sitting up on the cushion or laying down on the bed when purchasing ticket. July 6 From the Roots Up Healing Studio, 2055 9th St., Los Osos.



Lavender Farm Yoga

SATURDAY, JULY 20 California Lavender Honey Farm, San


4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION The event includes a family fun zone, two live bands, food trucks, free RV parking overlooking the festival area, and more. July 4 2-10 p.m. Barney Schwartz Park, 2970 Union Road, Paso Robles.

BALANCE FLOW Suitable for all levels. This class is meant to benefit the mindbody connection while emphasizing safe and effective alignment as well as breath awareness and relaxation. Please call to register in advance. Tuesdays, Thursdays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. $16-$22; $50 membership. 805-434-9605. yoga/. Templeton Tennis Ranch, 345 Championship Lane, Templeton.

KID’S SUMMER CAMPS 2024 Make it the best summer yet with Templeton Tennis Ranch’s summer camps. Kids ages 5-12 will enjoy playing tennis, pickleball, bocce, and more. Eight weeks to choose from. Camps begin June 10 and start at $90. Sibling discounts available. Learn more online. July 8 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $90-$240. 805-434-9605. ttrtennis. com/tennis/kids-camps/. Templeton Tennis Ranch, 345 Championship Lane, Templeton.


DISTILLATION Immerse yourself in farm life as you walk about the farm to learn about the varieties of lavender. End the class bottling your own handcrafted lavender essential oil and hydrosol to take home. Light snacks and drinks provided. Bring a picnic to enjoy on the farm after the class. July 6 , 9 a.m.-noon Hambly Farms, 1390 Grana Place, San Miguel.

MAKERS MARKETPLACE An indoor event free and open to the public. Brunch open at 10 a.m. Features vendors, live music, and more. July 13 , 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Templeton Mercantile Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main St., Templeton.

MONTHLY PAINT YOUR PET AT ARTSOCIAL 805 Listen up, animal lovers. You can get your paws on a paintbrush and create a one-of-a-kind work of art of your furry friend. All the supplies are ready and waiting for you to unleash your inner Picasso. Every fourth Saturday, 5-7 p.m. through Aug. 10 $55. 805-400-9107. ArtSocial 805 Creative Campus, 631 Spring St., Paso Robles.


CENTRAL COAST DIALYSIS ORGAN TRANSPLANT SUPPORT GROUP Not faith based. All are welcome. Please wear a mask. First Saturday of every month, 9:30-11:30 a.m. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church SLO, 650 Pismo St., San Luis Obispo.

CIRCUS GYMNASTICS CAMP With gymnastics, themed crafts and games, and educational trivia. Dare to fly high on the trampolines, bars, beams, foam pits, and more. Ages 4-13; no gymnastics experience necessary. July 8 -12, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $40-$360 depending on which options you choose. 805-547-1496. Performance Athletics Gymnastics, 4484 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.

FREE FAMILY DAY: TRAINS, CRAFTS, AND ACTIVITIES This month, enjoy a partnership event with the Central California Coast Garden Model Railroad Society; a fabulous day in the Garden

for exploring trains and nature. No ticket needed. July 14 , 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. 805541-1400. San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden, 3450 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo.

PARK PALOOZA Features a color run, car show, food and drink vendors, and more. July 13 , 11 a.m. Dairy Creek Golf Course, 2990 Dairy Creek Rd., San Luis Obispo, 805-782-8060.



memorabilia such as challenge coins, patches, photographs, and historical displays from law enforcement and fire agencies. Exhibitors from throughout California will be on hand with many historic displays. This family-friendly event is free, but donations are appreciated. July 6 , 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. 805-441-4936. Veteran’s Memorial Building, 801 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo. SLO BLUES BASEBALL 33 summer home games held. Go to for full schedule. Tickets available from My805Tix. Through July 27 $10 adults; 12 and under free. 805-512-9996. my805tix. com. SLO Blues Summer Collegiate Baseball, Sinsheimer Stadium at 900 Southwood Dr., San Luis Obispso.



PARADE All dogs must be registered to walk in the parade. Also includes a costume contest. July 4 11 a.m.-noon Avila Beach Promenade, 404 Front St., Avila Beach.

BEGINNER GROUP SURF LESSONS AND SURF CAMPS Lessons and camp packages available daily. All equipment included. ongoing Starts at $70. 805835-7873. Sandbar Surf School Meetup Spot, 110 Park Ave., Pismo Beach.

BEGINNING BALLET FOR ADULTS Enjoy the grace and flow of ballet. No previous experience needed. Wednesdays, 5:156:15 p.m. $12 drop-in; $40 for four classes. 510-362-3739. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach.


CAMPS The Central Coast Aquarium is excited to announce that summer camp registrations are now open. Each week-long camp session will include: interactive lessons and activities, outdoor field trips, animal encounters, and more. Mondays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. through Aug. 5 Central Coast Aquarium, 50 San Juan St., Avila Beach, 805-595-7280.

JULY 4TH CELEBRATION AND CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Enjoy local vendors in the Pier Plaza starting at 9 a.m., music from Epic Entertainment from noon to 9 p.m., and “the best fireworks show on the Central Coast” at 9 p.m. July 4 9 a.m.-10 p.m. experiencepismobeach. com. Pismo Beach Pier, West end of Pomeroy, Pismo Beach.


FOR ADULTS Experience dance from continents around the earth, including from Africa, Europe, and more. Described as “a wonderful in-depth look at the context and history of cultures of the world.” Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. $10 drop-in; $30 for four classes. 510-362-3739. Grover Beach Community Center, 1230 Trouville Ave., Grover Beach.


Oceano is proud to present the Oceano Seabreeze Market featuring handcrafted artisanal goods and exclusive collections from local makers, artisans, and curators. Enjoy shopping, food, drinks, music, and an afternoon of fun at the historic Oceano Depot. July 13 , 12-5 p.m. Free admission. 805-779-1414. Oceano Train Depot, 1650 Front St., Oceano.


A docent-led tour of the buildings and grounds of the historic Point San Luis Light Station. Check website for more details. Wednesdays, Saturdays Point San Luis Lighthouse, 1 Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach.

SOCIAL GROUP FOR WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS Call for more details. Second Saturday of every month, 10 a.m. 805904-6615. Oak Park Christian Church, 386 N Oak Park Blvd., Grover Beach.


NORTH COAST SLO COUNTY MORRO BAY MAIN STREET FARMERS MARKET Get fresh and veggies, fruit, baked goods, sweets, and handmade artisan crafts. Come have some fun with your local farmers and artisans and enjoy delicious eats while enjoying the fresh breeze of Morro Bay. Saturdays, 2:30-5:30 p.m. Varies. 805-824-7383. Morro Bay Main Street Farmers Market, Main Street and Morro Bay Blvd., Morro Bay.


46 WEST ENDLESS SUMMER BLOCK PARTY Visit site for tickets and more info on this upcoming block party event. July 6 6-9 p.m. Peachy Canyon Winery, 1480 N. Bethel Road, Templeton. BEER YOGA AT ANCIENT OWL ATASCADERO Enjoy a yoga session with a beer during this hybrid class. More details on website, along with tickets. July 13 10 a.m. Ancient Owl Beer Garden, 6090 El Camino Real, suite C, Atascadero, 805-460-6042. CLUB CAR BAR TRIVIA WITH DR. RICKY Teams of 1 to 6 people welcome. Visit site for more info. Wednesdays, 7-10 p.m. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542. THE DOWNTOWN VIBE 2024 The Paso Robles Downtown Wine District is throwing its big annual event. More than 20 downtown wineries will pour and snacks will be provided by some of your favorite downtown food purveyors. July 6 10 a.m. Park Ballroom, 1232 Park St., Paso Robles.

TACO TUESDAYS La Parilla Taqueria will be in the courtyard serving up their delicious tacos and tostadas. Menu typically includes barbacoa, chicken, and pastor tacos, as well as shrimp ceviche tostadas. Tuesdays, 5-8 p.m. 805-4606042. Ancient Owl Beer Garden, 6090 El Camino Real, suite C, Atascadero.


DOWNTOWN SLO FARMERS MARKET Thursdays, 6-9 p.m. Downtown SLO, Multiple locations, San Luis Obispo. PIÑATAS ON THE PATIO What is more festive than a piñata? Join for some brunch drinks and a couple of good hits to a piñata (or two). Good times and goofy prices promised. Turns will be determined on a first come, first served basis. First Sunday of every month Free. Rambling Spirits, 3845 S. Higuera St. (inside SLO Public Market), San Luis Obispo,

SLO FARMERS MARKET Hosts more than 60 vendors. Saturdays, 8-10:45 a.m. World Market Parking Lot, 325 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo.


BREAKFAST Join the SLO Grange Hall for a good old-fashioned pancake breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, juice and coffee; all for a low suggested donation price of $10, with proceeds to benefit SLO Grange Hall 639. Second Sunday of every month, 8-11 a.m. $10. 805-543-0639. San Luis Obispo Grange Hall, 2880 Broad St., San Luis Obispo.

TRIVIA NIGHT Reservations are no longer required to play. Reservations are now for teams who want to guarantee a table to play. Tables available first come, first serve. Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. Bang the Drum Brewery,

JULY 13 Charles Paddock Zoo, Atascadero
Porch Concerts: Adam Ezra (solo) and Mary Scholz
JULY 14 Peter Strauss Ranch, Agoura Hills The Comedy Roast of Mat Salud
Libertine Brewing Company, SLO
Sadie Jasper: Album Release Party
JULY 19 Humdinger Brewing, SLO Terminal Presents Deadstock II FRI-SUN, JULY 19-21 Dark Nectar Coffee, Atascadero
Slow Flow & Somatics with Caroline of A Stone Was Shown Doula Care
JULY 20 The Bunker SLO
The Midiri Brothers & Barrelhouse Wailers
JULY 20 Pismo Beach Veterans’ Hall
“The Goonies” Morro Bay in Bloom Fundraiser
JULY 20 Bay Theatre, Morro Bay

1150 Laurel Lane, suite 130, San Luis Obispo, 805 242-8372.




Enjoy a delicious pancake breakfast prepared by members of the Board of Directors of the Avila Beach Civic Association and volunteers that consists of pancakes, bacon or sausage, fruit, orange juice, milk, and coffee. July 4 , 8:30-11 a.m. Avila Beach Community Center, 191 San Miguel St., Avila Beach.


New topics each month with a thorough demo and explanation of the process that creates non-alcoholic, probiotic, and nutrient-dense fermentations. Leave the class confident and prepared with recipes to make your own at home. Limited seating; reserve spot prior to class by phone/email. Second Sunday of every month, 3:30-5 p.m. $30. 805-8016627. Kulturhaus Brewing Company, 779 Price St., Pismo Beach.



4TH OF JULY FAMILY FUN DAY WITH RIFF TIDE Enjoy a fabulous day with a patriotic bike parade, exciting lawn games, food, drinks, and live music from Riff Tide. July 4 2-5 p.m. Free concert. 805-210-9698. Tidelands Park, 339 Embarcadero, Morro Bay.

BEACHSIDE LIVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES Enjoy free live music by the beach in Cayucos. Showtimes are Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. Also featuring live music on holiday weekends, and on select Fridays and Saturdays in the summer. Check out @ schoonerscayucos on Instagram for band updates. Sundays, 1-8 p.m. Free. 805995-3883. Schooners, 171 North Ocean Ave, Cayucos.

STEVIE NICKS ILLUSION A tribute to Stevie Nicks. July 6 , 8 p.m. The Siren, 900 Main St., Morro Bay, 805-225-1312,

UP IN THE AIR PLAYS IN THE MERRIMAKER BEER GARDEN Up in the Air plays its unique blend of upbeat original music along with some danceable familiar favorites in the Merrimaker Beer Garden by the bay. July 7, 3-5 p.m. Free. 805-439-1735. The Merrimaker Tavern, 1301 2nd Street, Los Osos.



FESTIVAL Celebrate Independence Day lakeside under giant shady oaks with three great musical acts, food and drinks, and more. July 4 , 8 p.m. Atascadero Lake Park, 9305 Pismo Ave., Atascadero.

BARREL ROOM CONCERT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Visit site for tickets to this upcoming concert. July 14 , 5-7 p.m. Cass Winery, 7350 Linne Road, Paso Robles.

BURLEY THISTLES Burley Thistles plays guitar-woven music that has an indie attitude a tough beat and generates curiosity with original songs July 12 6-9 p.m. Free. Derby Wine Estates, 525 Riverside Ave, Paso Robles, 805-238-6300.

EASTON EVERETT Easton Everett plays guitar-woven music that is easy to listen to but also surprises. July 5 , 5-7:30 p.m. Free. Outlaws Bar, Grill, & Casino, 9850 E Front St, Atascadero, 805-466-2000. Easton Everett plays guitar-woven music that is easy to listen to but also surprises July 13 , 1-4 p.m. Free. Dark Star Cellars, 2985 Anderson Rd., Paso Robles.

MELODIOUS FUNK: CLASSIC JAZZ AND FUNKY FUSION The product of Ron McCarley’s jazz program at Cuesta

College. Enjoy an evening of classic jazz and funky fusion. July 11 6-9 p.m. Free. Club Car Bar, 508 S. Main Street, Templeton, 805-400-4542.


NAIL Enjoy live music, food, wine, and s’mores by the fire pit. Bring your own seating, and don’t miss this evening under the stars. July 6 6-9:15 p.m. $25. 805-369-6100.

Tooth and Nail Winery, 3090 Anderson Rd., Paso Robles.

PRIMUS LIVE July 7 Vina Robles Amphitheatre, 3800 Mill Rd., Paso Robles, 805-286-3670,

PUNK ROCK MATINEE With For Closure (from LA), Wasted Elder Orchestra (from Paso Robles), PLOT (from Lompoc), and Up Your Guys (from Santa Barbara). July 14 2-6 p.m. Free entry. The Pour House, 525 Pine St., Paso Robles, 805-239-1000,


A unique performing arts group that performs across the state for deaf festivals, service organizations, churches, fairs, and other outlets. New members always welcome. Registration open weekly. Mondays, 5-6:30 p.m. $45 tuition per month. Singing Hands Children’s Choir and Performing Arts, 1413 Riverside Ave., Paso Robles.


Community Band has been playing free weekly concerts in the bandstand for almost 40 years. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and picnics and enjoy these free events. Tuesdays, 7-8 p.m. through Aug. 20 Free. Atascadero Lake Park, 9305 Pismo Ave., Atascadero.


ALL AGES OPEN MIC NIGHT Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m. Liquid Gravity, 675 Clarion Court, San Luis Obispo.

BRASS MASH: FIRST FRIDAY First Fridays are magical nights filled with the vibrant energy of our all-horn band. Join the festivities at Liquid Gravity and immerse yourself in the unique fusion of your favorite rock and pop songs. First Friday of every month, 6-10 p.m. my805tix. com. Liquid Gravity, 675 Clarion Court, San Luis Obispo.

THE BROOK’S BURGERS BOOGIE WITH THE CLIFFNOTES The Cliffnotes are bringing their Buns of Fun Boogie to Brook’s Burgers on Tank Farm Road in SLO. Their New Orleans-flavored rock music is bound to “get your buns shaking” on the dance floor. July 6 1-3 p.m. Free entry. 805-439-3093. brooksburgersca. com/. Brooks Burgers, 134 Tank Farm Road, San Luis Obispo.


C-Kan performing live at the Fremont Theater on July 9 with special guests Neto Peña, Yoss Bones, and Toser One. All ages. July 9 8 p.m. $30 to $75. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805546-8600.

EASTON EVERETT Easton Everett plays guitar-woven music that is easy to listen to but also surprises. July 6 , 7-9 p.m. Free. Benny’s Pizza Palace and Social Club, 1601 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-439-3838.

HOT 45 AND RAS DANNY: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Free live music. Familyfriendly. Food/drink available. Free bike valet parking. July 12 5-8 p.m. Free. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.

HOTEL CALIFORNIA LIVE AT THE FREMONT THEATER Hotel California is performing live at the Fremont Theater. All ages. July 13 , 8 p.m. $27.50 to $47.50. The Fremont Theater, 1035 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, 805-546-8600.

J-BIRD’S BURLESQUE BASH Tickets will benefit The Gala Pride and Diversity Center, which is near and dear to J-Bird’s heart July 13 , 7 p.m. my805tix. com/. Humdinger Brewing (SLO), 855

Send event information to or submit online.

Capitolio Way, suite 1, San Luis Obispo, 805-781-9974.

JAZZ WEDNESDAYS Spinning jazz records all night. Bebop, jazz funk, acid jazz, hard bop, nu jazz, jazz house, crossover, Latin jazz, and more. Featuring guest selectors. Music at a polite volume in an acoustically treated space. Vintage sound system, big warm speakers. Plenty of free parking. Wednesdays, 3-8 p.m. through Oct. 30 Free. 805-439-1544. Jan’s Place, 1817 Osos St., San Luis Obispo.

LIVE MUSIC FROM GUITAR WIZ BILLY FOPPIANO AND MAD DOG Join “Guitar Wiz” Billy Foppiano and his trusty side kick Mad Dog for a mix of blues, R&B, and more. Saturdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 805-544-2100. Bon Temps Creole Cafe, 1819 Osos Street, San Luis Obispo,

MUSIC ON THE FARM WITH MISS LEO (SESSION 1) Family involvement music classes with Miss Leo. Come enjoy an hour and a half of music education and nature connection with credentialed music educator, local musician, and nature lover, Miss Leo. With three classes for ages 3 to 7. Wednesdays. through July 10 $100. City Farm SLO, 1221 Calle Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, 805-769-8344.

RESINATION AND KENNY TAYLOR: CONCERTS IN THE PLAZA Free live music. Family-friendly. Food/drink available. Free bike valet parking. July 5 5-8 p.m. Free. Mission Plaza, Downtown, San Luis Obispo.

SURF ROCK SATURDAY Riff Tide is bringing the beach to Downtown SLO with some classic surf rock instrumentals mixed with familiar rock, funk, pop, and soul favorites. July 13 6:30-9:30 p.m. Free show. 805-439-4400. The Mark Bar and Grill, 673 Higuera St., Sal Luis Obispo.

SOUTH COAST SLO COUNTY 2024 LIVE AT THE LIGHTHOUSE CONCERT SERIES These Saturday afternoon concerts are limited and will sell out, so make your purchase early to secure your spot. Saturdays, 2:30-5 p.m. through Oct. 12 Point San Luis Lighthouse, 1 Lighthouse Rd., Avila Beach.

BRASS MASH AT RIBLINE BY THE BEACH A special night of brass, dancing, and singing mayhem. July 6 , 7:30 p.m. Ribline by the Beach, 395 W. Grand Ave., Grover Beach.

GROVER BEACH SUMMER CONCERTS 2024 Featuring some of best local and regional bands all summer long. Food, craft vendors, and activities for the kids. Free and all ages welcome. Sundays, 3-6 p.m. through Aug. 18 Free. 805-473-4580. Ramona Garden Park Center, 993 Ramona Ave., Grover Beach. LIVE ON THE ROCKS: INDEPENDENCE DAY WITH VINTAGE RENEGADES Celebrate the summer and America with the Live on the Rocks concert on the iconic Cliffs Hotel and Spa lawn. Join for great vibes and a few surprises to celebrate the 4th of July. July 4 , 1-5 p.m. Free. 805-773-5000. cliffshotelandspa. com/cliffs_events/. The Cliffs Hotel and Spa, 2757 Shell Beach Rd, Pismo Beach. PACIFIC BREEZE CONCERTS: MOTHER CORN SHUCKERS The City of Pismo Beach Recreation Division proudly presents the Pacific Breeze Concerts at Pismo Beach Rotary Amphitheater at Dinosaur Caves Park. This three show summer series will feature exceptional regional musical groups as well as special family activities. Food available for purchase. July 14 1-4 p.m. Free. Dinosaur Caves Park, 2701 Price St, Pismo Beach. ∆



Mid-July marks the debut of the Great American Melodrama’s Gunsmokin’ in Oceano

The Great American Melodrama in Oceano presents its production of Gunsmokin’, which opens on Friday, July 12. Performances of the new show are scheduled to run at the theater through Saturday, Sept. 7.

Set in the town of Rooster Punch, the play follows various locals who fear they won’t be able to afford tax increases in conjunction with an upcoming railroad project. With an aim to take advantage of the situation, saloon owner Perky Lapett offers to buy everyone’s land and rent it back to them at “an affordable rate.”

The citizens of Rooster Punch are hesitant to turn down Lapett’s offer, especially without the protection of any law enforcement, as the town has a repeated history of sheriffs getting murdered almost immediately after getting elected.

But a new hope emerges when a local woman named Kit sets to out to break this morbid trend by running for sheriff with a platform “to protect the good people of Rooster Punch and their land,” according to press materials.

Thirty minutes prior to each performance of Gunsmokin’ the Great American Melodrama’s popular snack bar opens for attendees to enjoy, and reopens during each of the show’s intermission breaks. The snack bar’s menu includes popcorn, hot dogs, nachos, soda, beer, and other offerings.

General admission to the play ranges between $32 and $38, with discounts available for children (ages 12 and under), students (ages 13 to 18), seniors (ages 62 and older), and active and retired military.

Tickets to Gunsmokin’ can be purchased online at or in person at the Great American Melodrama’s box office, which is open Wednesday through Saturday, from noon to 5:30 p.m., and every Sunday, from noon to 4:30 p.m.

To find out more about the theater and its rotating lineup of shows, call (805) 489-2499 or visit

Other upcoming productions at the Great American Melodrama include Werewolf of Arroyo Grande (Friday, Sept. 13, through Saturday, Nov. 9) and The Holiday Extravaganza (Friday, Nov. 15, through Tuesday, Dec. 31).

Oceano Seabreeze Market highlights local artisans, crafters, and more

Discover Oceano hosts the Oceano Seabreeze Market on Saturday, July 13, from noon to 5 p.m. at the Oceano Train Depot.

Attendees will have the chance to buy or browse selections of handcrafted goods and other items from local artists and curators. Admission is free. Visit for more details. ∆ Caleb Wiseblood

Finesse flytrap

PCPA’s Little Shop of Horrors is big, bold, and bloody brilliant

Few artists are more synonymous with Disney’s Renaissance period than composer Alan Menken and lyricist Howard Ashman. e Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin owe much of their lasting impact to this duo’s music.

Before sweeping audiences o their feet with songs of magic carpet rides and gizmos aplenty, however, these collaborators were best known for their stage work. One of their most enduring oBroadway musicals has a lot of bite to it, and is currently playing at the Solvang Festival eater thanks to the Paci c Conservatory eatre (PCPA).

In the same vein as Sweeney Todd, Little Shop of Horrors is full of morbid melodies, dark humor, and buckets of blood. Audiences witness a small potted plant grow into a gigantic esh-eating monster all within the con nes of a oral store in an urban skid row.

Plant ahead

The Pacific Conservatory Theatre (PCPA) presents its production of Little Shop of Horrors at the Solvang Festival Theater through Sunday, July 7. Visit or pacificconservatorytheatre, or call (805) 922-8313 for tickets and more info. The Solvang Festival Theater is located at 420 2nd St., Solvang.

ere isn’t an enchanted castle or talking candlestick in sight, yet the downtrodden setting of Little Shop feels lively enough to t Disney’s rubric thanks to the show’s punchy songs—made up of rock, doo-wop, and Motown melodies—and, in PCPA’s case speci cally, a vibrant set that’s both bombastic and eerily intimate.

Scenic Designer Joe C. Klug’s silhouettes and shadows of scraggly high-rises—which tower just above the oral shop—light up in colorful ways throughout the production, probably most memorably so during ashes of a thunderstorm. Props (pun intended) to Lighting Designer Cody Soper and PCPA’s creative team for expertly immersing us in this dismal yet inviting landscape.

ere’s actually a disclaimer to warn attendees of theatrical haze and fog in the show, which is recommended for ages 12 and

over due to its dark subject matter. Spoiler alert: e singing plant that eats people is just the tip of that iceberg.

e musical’s most terrifying character is Orin Scrivello (played by George Walker), a sadistic dentist who takes pleasure in pulling his patients’ teeth without anesthetics and abusing his girlfriend, Audrey (Molly Dobbs), a kind woman who works at the oral shop alongside the show’s meek protagonist, Seymour Krelborn (Alexander Pimentel).

Early in the show, Krelborn mistakes Audrey’s black eye for eyeshadow, which he cluelessly compliments. e more he learns about her abuse though, the more he narrows down Scrivello as the perfect person to o er up to his new pet project.

Krelborn is secretly feeding his own blood to the shop’s most unique plant (voiced and eventually personi ed magni cently by Diva LaMarr), as it seemed to be the only way to get it to grow. But the larger the plant creature, dubbed Audrey II, grows, the less Krelborn’s bandaged ngers su ce.


Send gallery, stage, and cultrual festivities to

Whether you’re a fan of the musical’s 1986 lm adaptation (with Rick Moranis as Krelborn and Steve Martin as the deranged dentist) or a newcomer to this material (which itself was adapted from a 1960 B-horror ick),

In the show’s program, director Keenon Hooks summed up Little Shop as full of camp and toetapping music, “but underneath it all comes a lot of heart from the characters. … You might surprisingly nd a little bit of yourself onstage at times, and I urge you to embrace those feelings.” Δ

One of Calendar Editor Caleb Wiseblood’s family dogs was named after Seymour Krelborn. Send comments to

PCPA’s Little Shop of Horrors promises a devilishly fun time.
SUPPERTIME The cast of PCPA’s Little Shop of Horrors at the Solvang Festival Theater includes Diva LaMarr, Billy Breed, and Alexander Pimentel (from left to right).
THE NEED TO FEED Diva LaMarr both voices and portrays a personified iteration of Audrey II, a flesh-eating plant with mysterious origins.
FROM LAUGHTER TO SLAUGHTER A sadistic dentist (George Walker, right) shows Seymour (Alexander Pimentel, left) his favorite laughing gas mask, in PCPA’s Little Shop of Horrors
ROSE-TINTED Romance sparks between floral shop co-workers Seymour (Alexander Pimentel, left) and Audrey (Molly Dobbs, right), who dream of living “somewhere that’s green,” far from skid row.

Getting to know you

Writer-director Christy Hall in her feature-length debut helms this introspective drama about a woman (Dakota Johnson), simply listed as Girlie in the credits, engaging in a surprisingly deep conversation with her old school cab driver, Clark (Sean Penn), as he drives her from JFK to her midtown apartment, normally a short trip prolonged by an accident on the freeway. (101-min.)


What’s it rated? R

What’s it worth, Chuck? Full price

What’s it worth, Glen? Full price

Where’s it showing? The Palm, Stadium 10

Editor’s note: Anna Starkey took the week o , so Glen’s friend Chuck Maxie stepped in.

Glen For me, the oddest thing about this lm is coming away with the feeling that I really liked both these characters, because they’re both deeply awed. She’s having an a air with a married man. He’s sort of a knuckle-dragging man’s man. She likes to believe she can stand up for herself, but we see her capitulate in her text message interactions with her needy and frankly gross lover. He believes he’s a sage dispenser of wisdom, but what passes for insight often amounts to misogyny. And yet these two strangers have redeeming qualities, and in their own ways, they truly help one another work through their respective emotional baggage. e message seems to be, “people are complicated,” and Christy Hall’s debut delivers a compelling dissection of two particular human beings’ many contradictions.

Chuck To me, it’s interesting that the lm just hits the gas, and the characters develop as the lm carries on. It’s shot at night in NYC, within a cab, and they’re in their own bubble for the most part. Yet, there is so much internal energy that counters their banter with a score card of sorts. Dakota Johnson, as the female lead, is fantastic! She


What’s it rated? TV-MA When? 2024

Where’s it showing? Hulu

When Redding, California, wife and mother

Sherri Papini went missing while out on a run, the world took notice. After all, Sherri was just the kind of missing person that gets media attention—a fairly affluent white woman with a seemingly healthy family life.

Sherri’s husband, Keith, soon becomes the focus of the investigation, with seemingly erratic and emotional interviews with police and media.

The truth lies much deeper than an easy story

showed depth and is quite funny, which is a tough act to balance. Sean Penn is a cinematic American icon, and he delivers again and again. He’s just interesting to watch and listen to as he pulls her out of her comfort zone, to put it mildly. It felt like the audience was witnessing a therapy session on wheels with the meter running and a destination that will end the session.

Glen A rolling therapy session is a good way to put it. Clark gures out pretty quickly that she’s texting with a married man, and though reluctant at rst, she realizes she needs to talk about her mixed feelings, and who better than with a cabbie she’ll most likely never see again? As their conversation continues and deepens, they begin to challenge one another to reveal their hidden feelings—feelings perhaps even hidden from themselves. e acting is what sells this oneset drama. You can see the paternal concern in Clark’s eyes as he watches her from the rearview mirror, and when the camera focuses on her face as she reacts to his words and thoughts, you see a ood of complicated emotions wash over her. I knew going in that

of a husband covering bad deeds, however. What happened to Sherri, and what didn’t, unfolded after she showed up on the side of the road, tied and claiming to have been kidnapped by two Hispanic women who held her captive for 22 days. While the world assumed she was the victim of a trafficking kidnapping scheme, detectives began to circle in on the truth of her time away and what really happened to the woman who seemed to be slowly returning to her old self.

In three parts, this series relies heavily on interviews of those around Sherri, including Keith and her sister Sheila. The well-known but still baffling tale unravels Sherri’s pathology and the truth behind her crafted story, which proves to be a wild ride. (Three 52- to 61-min. episodes)



FICTION In 2016, a 34-year-old housewife disappeared during a jog, only to turn up 22 days later with a tale of abduction.

Hulu’s Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini reveals the truth.

Penn is masterful, but watching Johnson was a revelation. ere’s nothing for these two actors to hide behind. It’s a remarkable debut lm.

Chuck ankfully, there’s no culminating event that bonds them for eternity or even tomorrow. at would have cheapened their time together and the lm. I also appreciate that there was no FX or CGI. Just two people hashing out their baggage on a dark city night. A sort of psychological excavation where characters unearthed bygone treasures and heartbreak. Both characters hold back for some time, but when pressed, both characters eventually pony up. When they do spill the beans, they’re actually helping themselves and each other. It’s not really one-upmanship, yet an attempt to clear the deck and cleanse some of their psyche’s clutter. In the end, yes, they are still awed. Aren’t we all. ∆

Senior Sta Writer Glen Starkey and freelancer Anna Starkey write Split Screen. Glen compiles listings. Comment at


What’s it rated? R When? 2024

Where’s it showing? Colony, Downtown Centre, Fair Oaks, Park, Stadium 10

’m a sucker for a good Western, and Kevin Costner is without question an icon of the genre.

From Silverado (1985) to Dances with Wolves (1990) to Wyatt Earp (1994) to Open Range (2003), Costner proves to be an engaging storyteller of this most romanticized period of American history.

In Horizon he tackles a 15-year period of the pre- and post-Civil War era, focusing on westward expansion and manifest destiny.

Like Dances with Wolves he tells the story from

both the white colonizers and Native Americans’ perspectives, and thanks to its enormously long runtime—three hours in chapter 1 with three more chapters to go—it takes it time getting there. Heck, Costner’s character, horse trader Hayes Ellison, doesn’t even show up until the end of the first hour.

Trying to summarize the sprawling plot would be a fool’s errand, but suffice it to say, there are good and bad guys, distressed damsels, romance, wagon trains, frontier towns, gunfights, chases, and a lot of glossed over questions about how utterly awful and unfair colonizing America was. It’s history, now, and Horizon isn’t interested in moralizing on such a grand scale. Instead, it’s about people making their way as best they

SWEEPING EPIC Kevin Costner directs, co-writes, and stars in his fourpart western, Horizon: An American Saga—Chapter 1, screening in local theaters.

TALKING POINTS Dakota Johnson stars as a woman taking a cab into NYC, who engages in a surprisingly frank conversation with her cabbie, in Daddio, screening in local theaters.


Under the Moon

Moonshiner Collective brings their popular off-the-grid concert series to Tooth & Nail Winery

Pure magic is the best way to describe Moonshiner Collective’s Under the Moon concert series. Using powerful battery generators to run lights and their high-end PA system, the band performs offthe-grid in outdoor settings.

“Whether in the middle of a vineyard or next to the ocean, the ambience set by the band’s music, vintage lanterns, fire pits, and globe lights creates an unforgettable experience that blends campfire nostalgia with a high-end professional concert experience,” organizers explained. “These settings inspire the band to perform and tell stories with a different type of excitement and passion that only the outdoors with a group of good humans can summon.”

I went to one of these shows at Edna Valley Vineyard a while ago, and it was an amazing night—a stunning sunset, great music, wine, and a bunch of likeminded music lovers.

“Between these concerts and our other shows in the Central Coast region, we’ve had 20 sold-out shows now since COVID quarantine times ended,” frontman Dan Curcio said. “We’re so grateful for this beautiful community that supports us and always brings such a great energy to our shows. I’ve had some of the best nights of my life with these Under the Moon concerts and feel like it’s the perfect fit for our music and fanbase.”

The next one—the first in Paso Robles— takes place at Tooth & Nail Winery on Saturday, July 6 (doors at 6 p.m.; 21-andolder; $25 at

“Tooth & Nail winemaker Jeremy Leffert, who also happens to be a damn good musician, is opening the show and is gonna jam with us on a few songs,” Curcio added. “Also, our good friend Tyson Leonard [of Tropo and Elysian Moon] will be joining us on violin for a handful of songs, and it’s always an incredible time when he plays with us.

“[Tooth & Nail is] gonna have some fire pits and s’more stuff available along with their great wines and food, and it’s going to be at a spot where they’ve never held a show before—where their winery crush pad meets the vineyards. We chose this space because of its unique location and beautiful vineyard backdrop. To also have Jeremy, their winemaker, playing his music and telling stories where he makes the wine is gonna be pretty cool.”

Moonshiner Collective is one of our area’s best Americana and folk acts featuring two other amazing musicians: eight-string guitarist Gary Wooten and drummer Tracy Morgan Curcio’s songs center on family, love, optimism, nature, and the power of community.

“We’re able to play a mix of our more introspective singer-songwriter style work, our party jammers, and everything in between that doesn’t always connect the same at loud venues/bars,” Curcio finished.

“I’m obviously biased, but our fans/friends that come to these shows are some of the best humans out there, and the feeling of singing and dancing together outdoors with a bunch of good people is pretty special.”

Vina Robles Amphitheatre

Vina’s just got one show this week, but it’s a barnburner because frontman and bassist extraordinaire Les Claypool takes no prisoners. Yes, Primus returns on Sunday, July 7 (8 p.m.; all ages; $49.50 to $99.50 at, with Guerilla Toss opening.

In 2022, Primus released their first new music in five years, their Conspiranoid EP, but since their 1984 conception, they’ve recorded nine studio albums, meaning they have a very deep catalog from which to draw, and hits such as “Too Many Puppies,”

“Jerry Was a Race Car,” “My Name Is Mud,” “Wynona’s Big Brown Beaver,” and more. This one’s going to rock.

Sacramento alternative rock act Cake plays on Thursday, July 11 (8 p.m.; all ages; $54.50 to $94.50 at vinaroblesamphitheatre. com) with Ukrainian folk music quartet DakhaBrakha opening. Cake is wildly original and pens relentlessly catchy songs like “The Distance”: “He’s going the distance/ He’s going for speed/ She’s all alone (all alone)/ All alone in her time of need// Because he’s racing and pacing and plotting the course/ He’s fighting and biting and riding on his horse/ He’s going the distance.”

As their bio cleverly explains, “If Hank Williams Sr. and Sly Stone were having a party together, and they played AC/DC records backwards … that would be this band.”

They’re reportedly working on a new album, so there might be new music.

Numbskull and Good Medicine

Rising country star Emily Nenni on her Drive & Cry tour plays Club Car Bar on Friday, July 5 (7:30 p.m.; all ages; $17 at When I’m listening to Charley Crockett radio on Pandora, her songs keep popping up, and they always have me reaching for my phone to see who’s singing. And to think, she never thought she’d be a performer.

“I thought I was just going to be a songwriter,” she admitted in press materials, but instead she’s emerged as one of Nashville’s freshest new voices. She’s currently touring in support of Drive & Cry, her third full length studio album.

“I love to be on the road,” Nenni said. “I love to be with my buds, I love to play shows, and I love to make people happy and make people cry with my music. That’s what truly makes me happy, too. So, I maybe never thought I’d be a performer, but I sure am glad that I am.”

Teddy and the Rough Riders opens.

Dave’s Not Here, a Foo Fighters tribute, plays Club Car Bar on Saturday, July 6 (8 p.m.; all ages; $10 presale at or $12 day of show), with Murder Hornets and Three4All opening. Rock and rollll, baby!


Siren Central Coast staple Lu Lu and the Cowtippers has been around since the 1990s, fronted by dynamic singer Donna Lu and featuring original stand-up bassist Tyler Mitchell as well as new members Dustin Willis (Blimp Pilots) and Todd Andrew (The Small Kicks, Teamheadkick). They’re known for their “bombastic re-imagining of country staples” as well as originals, which you can hear on Friday, July 5 (7:30 p.m.; 21-andolder; free).

Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac fans, prepare yourself for the return of Stevie Nicks Illusion on Saturday, July 6 (8 p.m.; 21-and-older; $25 at, a show that seems to sell out every time it returns to The Siren. This authentic sounding tribute features Diana Grace, a spot-on interpreter of ’70s and ’80s-era Nicks. She’s got a great live band behind her, so she doesn’t resort to using backing tracks. Killer tribute.

Rod & Hammer Rock

All-Maori roots reggae act Katchafire, hailing from New Zealand, will play a SLO Brew Live show this Wednesday, July 10 (doors at 7 p.m.; 18-and-older; $29 at They formed 25 years ago

SUMMER VIBES Local folk and Americana ensemble Moonshiner Collective plays another one of their off-the-grid shows, this time at Tooth and Nail Winery on July 6
‘WYNONA’S BIG BROWN BEAVER’ Alt-rock heroes Primus plays Vina Robles Amphitheatre on July 7, featuring bassist/ vocalist Les Claypool.
COWGAL DELUXE During a stop on her Drive & Cry tour, up and coming country sensation Emily Nenni plays a Numbskull and Good Medicine show at Club Car Bar on July 5
‘GOLD DUST WOMAN’ If you want to see tribute act Stevie Nicks Illusion on July 6 , in The Siren, buy advanced tickets. Diana Grace’s show always sells out.
STARKEY continued page 28

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Central Coast bands, BBQ, and beer on our outdoor patio from 12-4pm


7/4 Jill Knight

7/6 Quadratones

7/7 Noach Tangeras

7/13 Tap Roots

7/14 Roughouse

7/20 Spanky Paul

7/21 Joi Polloi

7/27 Earls of Tuesday

7/28 Jill Knight

and recorded six successful albums, enjoyed platinum sales and hit singles, and have a massive worldwide fanbase.

“Their sound is built on the foundations of classic roots reggae with an R&B and funk rub, fusing modern dancehall with slinky pop, cool grooves, and uplifting vibes,” their bio explains. “Built on a family movement, it all started when lead guitarist Grenville Bell, father of lead singer Logan Bell and drummer Jordan Bell, moved into an apartment building in town with his then-teenage sons where they could make music all night, and the rest is history. After countless jams and sold-out concerts, they swelled to an eightpiece collective of multi-talented songwriters and musicians and became a staple on Pacific roots scenes around the world.”

Fremont Theater

Journey USA, a tribute to ’70s and ’80s-era Journey, comes to downtown SLO on Saturday, July 6 (8 p.m.; all ages; $32 to $50 at Journey had so many massive hits, from “Don’t Stop Believin’” to “Open Arms,” “Separate Ways,” “Any Way You Want It,” and many more. This band executes these songs with absolute precision.

Mexican singer-songwriter and rapper C-Kan on his “Cualquier Parecido con La Realidad” tour hits SLO Town on Tuesday, July 9 (8 p.m.; all ages; $30 to $75 at with special guests Neto Peña, Yoss Bones, and Toser One. Este será un increíble concierto de música en español.

More music …

Vintage Renegades play a Live on the Rocks outdoor concert on the bluffs overlooking the beach at The Cliffs Resort this Thursday, July 4 (1 p.m.; all ages; free). The Central Coast band specializes in favorite rock, pop, blues, and country cover songs. There’s limited seating, so bringing low back chairs or blankets is recommended.

Beloved local reggae act Resination headlines Concerts in the Plaza this Friday, July 5 (5 to 8 p.m.; all ages; free), with singersongwriter Kenny Taylor opening. I caught Resination at Live Oak last month, and they were on fire. After his health scare, I was worried about frontman Vance Fahie, but I’m happy to report he turned in a powerhouse performance and the band is sharp as ever. Don’t miss this rootsy reggae ensemble.

Brass Mash—the horns, bass, and drum band that mashes popular songs together—

has a slew of upcoming shows this month.

“We’ve been busier than ever,” bandleader and arranger Colin Dean said. “We have had our highest attended shows in the last six months and things just keep getting better. We have a great crew of musicians right now, and I’m super proud of the live recordings we’ve been able to release.”

See Brass Mash on Friday, July 5, at Liquid Gravity Brewing Company (7 to 10 p.m.; all ages; $20 presale at; Saturday, July 6, in Ribline by the Beach (7:30 to 10:30 p.m.; all ages; $15 presale at; Saturday, July 13, in The Siren (8 to 11 p.m.; 21-and-older; $15 presale at; and Saturday, July 20, at Castoro Cellars (7 to 10 p.m.; all ages; $20 at

Bandleader Cliff

“Crawdaddy” Stepp wrote to tell me “The Cliffnotes are bringing their buns o’ fun New Orleansflavored rock’n’roll to Brook’s Burgers” on Saturday, July 6 (1 to 3 p.m.; all ages; free). This fun boogie blues and beyond band has a powerhouse lead singer in Valerie Johnson. Jazz-informed R&B and pop act The Damon Castillo Band plays a Mulligan’s beach party in Avila Beach on Saturday, July 6 (5 p.m.; all ages; free). “It’s beach party time,” announced Castillo. “There will be food and drink specials, lawn games, and good times. Bring your people out and party with us!” ∆

Contact Senior Staff Writer Glen Starkey at

STARKEY from page 26
ALL MĀORI New Zealand roots reggae act Katchafire plays a SLO Brew Live show at Rod & Hammer Rock on July 10
DESDE GUADALAJARA Mexican singersongwriter and rapper C-Kan performs at the Fremont Theater on July 9


Savor enigma

Hope on Park brings

curated curiosity to wine tasting in downtown Paso Robles

The Hope Family Wines ancestral tree grew another branch with the debut of a walk-up tasting bar and guided sampling experience in downtown Paso Robles.

Called Hope on Park, the eye-catching structure beckons passersby from right across the downtown city park with sleek black doors and bright red cursive letters that pop against the pristine white front wall.

A custom wooden bar created by Deadwood Revival Design greets strollers right off the street. Servers behind the mammoth counter pour tastes of the six brands of Hope Family Wines: Treana, Quest, Liberty School, Troublemaker, Austin, and Austin Hope.

“The ones [spaces] I looked at in the past were not on the park, and I wanted to see the grass,” Owner-Winemaker Austin Hope announced at Hope on Park’s June 21 launch party. “I grew up here, and it’s where the

LIMITED THREE Comprising a Santa Rita Hills pinot noir, a Santa Barbara County chardonnay, and a Paso Robles cabernet sauvignon, Discrete is Hope Family Wines’ most exclusive brand that’s only available to sample and purchase from Hope on Park’s Discrete Lounge.

Saunter or secure

Hope on Park’s walk-up friendly tasting bar is open daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 1140 Pine St. in Paso Robles. Tastings in its three creative spaces require reservations. Visit to fill out a reservation form or call (805) 591-0744.

businesses were, and everything is all around the square. It’s a special vibe.”

Hope on Park is more than just a noreservations sidewalk tasting bar. A mysterious door beside the bar opens into a different world made up of three rooms with distinct styles. Wine aficionados can only step in here with reservations.

The first is a Summer of ‘69 space marked by a psychedelic accent wall covered in sketches of camper vans, mushrooms, guitars, peace signs, and abstract swatches of red, yellow, green, and black paint. Burnt orange couches offset the wall. Side tables with golden storks for legs and goose feathercovered chandeliers dot the room.

“I love water birds and waterfowl, and that’s another cool touch,” Hope told New Times on June 26. “We wanted to give a different feeling in each space. That’s just something we like to do as far as with hospitality: Make people see different things, feel different things.”

The winery achieves its hospitality goals through what Hope labels the “dream campus”—a callback to when the company referred to its members as dreamers. Hope Family Wines calls its staff members “dreamweavers,” underscoring its mission to offer personalized experiences for anyone who wants to enjoy wines at the original Austin Hope and Treana Tasting Cellar and now Hope on Park.

“We try and tailor it to everybody’s desires. That’s why we call them ‘dreamweavers,’” Hope explained. “You would call them, and ask them questions, and tell them what you like, what you want to do, and want to see.”

Only weeks old, Hope on Park has already made curious gastronomic dreams comes true, especially in its second creative space that resembles a classic dining club complete with red leather booths.

Director of Hospitality Jo Armstrong told New Times that during opening week, a group of guests talked to a Hope on Park dreamweaver about pairing chardonnay with popcorn. Armstrong and her team stepped in.

“We had someone run down to the movie theater and come back with some popcorn so they could do that pairing,” she said. “We had other guests who were truly in the mood [for] a Diet Coke. We actually DoorDashed a Diet Coke for them.”

While visitors of the sidewalk bar can sample the usual gallery of Hope Family Wines available for distribution and at the tasting cellar, the customized experiences offered in the creative spaces include additional wines like verticals of the Austin Hope brand’s iconic cabernet sauvignon from the years 2015, 2016, and 2017; library wines from the Treana brand collection like the 1999 and 2008 reds and the 2001 white; and vintage bottles, too.

Guests can amp up their time by reserving a black glass tasting. It’s an elevated game night experience that puts the senses to the test. Each person receives a trio of wines served in jet black wine glasses. The dreamweaver then gives hints and clues

about the identity of the three wines. Finally, the guests jot down their best guesses on comment cards after sipping and sniffing the contents of each glass.

“Maybe you have friends coming in and you don’t want to hop from wine bar to wine bar,” Armstrong said. “We have snack baskets available too and we use the word ‘snack’ loosely because they’re caviar, duck pâté, and different types of local cheeses.”

The third room inside Hope on Park is sandwiched between the psychedelic and dining club arenas. Influenced by Asian art, the intimate section is called the Discrete Lounge that’s scheduled to serve an extremely limited collection of wines starting in September.

“These are a culmination of my 30 years of making wine and trying everything under the sun from wine-making practices to decisions on how we use barrels and how we ferment,” Hope said.

The Discrete Lounge will introduce visitors to Hope Family Wines’ latest brand called Discrete comprising a Santa Rita Hills pinot noir, a Santa Barbara County chardonnay, and a Paso Robles cabernet sauvignon. Each dark bottle bears the golden imprint of its respective winegrape variety’s leaf.

TRAIPSE IN TO TASTE Hope on Park’s sidewalk wine tasting bar is the latest addition around the downtown Paso Robles park where people can walk up and taste Hope Family Wines classics.

Discrete wines can only be savored and purchased from inside the Discrete Lounge. They’re markedly different from the richer and more “showy” Paso Robles wines of Hope Family Wines. According to Hope, they’re less “supercharged” and made more in the old-world style.

“With the Discrete project, we wanted to make them in a very refined and subdued manner,” he said. “With the cabernet, it’s more like a California Bordeaux. With the pinot noir, it’s more like a Burgundy and a Chablis type, the way we make them taste.”

The Discrete collection also celebrates the American Viticulture Area of neighboring Santa Barbara County.

“We really believe that the Santa Barbara County chardonnay has an exemplary profile where we can make wines that resemble white Burgundy if they’re made in a proper way,” Hope said. “That goes the same for the Santa Rita Hills for pinot noir. I think that’s a great place to grow those grapes. So that’s why we chose that region.”

Interested to taste Discrete wines this fall? Contact a dreamweaver to get on the sign-up list and be notified closer to the debut date.

Hope on Park’s menu also caters to wine drinkers looking for a change. Currently, they can choose from seasonal cocktails like the Rosa-rita that’s a Tajin-infused rosé drink, the coconut cream and chardonnay-filled Celestial Dreams, and a sprightly coffee and

chardonnay concoction. There’s something for everybody, according to hospitality leader Armstrong.

“The sidewalk bar’s been booming since May 18! People are enjoying being able to walk up to the bar without reservations,” she said. “With the creative space, we’re fast and furiously booking all the reservations we are getting.”

Staff Writer Bulbul Rajagopal is getting schooled by the black glass experience. Send flashcards to



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To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: JOHN THOMAS PEERY, JR.


FOR PROBATE has been filed by STEPHEN M GARCIA in the Superior Court of California, County of SAN LUIS OBISPO.

THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that STEPHEN M. GARCIA be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.

THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court.

THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.

A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: December 10, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in Dept.: D-4 in person at the Superior Court of California, County of San Luis Obispo, located at 1035 Palm Street, Room 385, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408.

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.

IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law.

YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a formal Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Bruce A. Pence III PO Box 6570 Los Osos, CA 93412 805-214-8292 July 4, 11,



RADIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC CENTER, 1310 Las Tablas Rd. #103, Templeton, CA 93465. San Luis Obispo County. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed in San Luis Obispo County on 06/14/2024. The following person(s) has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: California Managed Imaging Medical Group, Inc., (2320 Bath Street, #203 Santa Barbara, CA 93105). This business was conducted by a Corporation /s/ California Managed Imaging Medical Group, Inc, By: Timothy Auran, M.D., CEO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo on 02/24/2024. I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the statement on file in my office. (Seal) Elaina Cano, County Clerk. M. Stiletto, Deputy Clerk.

June 20, 27, July 4, 11, 2024.


NEW FILE NO. 2024-1185 OLD FILE NO. 2021-0174

PEDROLO REPAIRS, 3940 Broad Street #7179, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. San Luis Obispo County. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed in San Luis Obispo County on 01/21/2021. The following person(s) has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: Marcello Pedrolo, (5266 Hollister Ave, Ste. 102, Santa Barbara, CA 93111). This business was conducted by an individual, /s/ Marcello Pedrolo, Owner/Operator. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo on 06/03/24. I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the statement on file in my office. (Seal) Elaina Cano, County Clerk. A. Trujillo, Deputy Clerk. June 13, 20, 27, July 4, 2024.


NEW FILE NO. 2024-1352

OLD FILE NO. 2023-1564



Attorney for Administrator: Dustin M. Tardiff In re the Estate of J. Carl Treise, aka John Carl Treise Decedent. Case No. PR040209

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Kim Treise Mathis, aka Kim Marie Martel, as Administrator of the Estate of J. Carl Treise, aka John Carl Treise, deceased, will sell at private sale under the terms and conditions specified below, the real property of the estate situated in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, with the following physical address:

4555 Las Pilitas Rd Santa Margarita 93453 (APN: 070-351-031)

The property contains a house with 3 beds, 2 full baths, 2,216 sqft on a 20 acre(s) lot, $405.69/sqft. for $899,000 with a minimum deposit of $10,000 required. Written offers for this property will be received by Wayne Lewis, realtor for Administrator Kim Treise Mathis, aka Kim Marie Martel, 800 11th Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 9756330 on or after November 19, 2021. The sale will be made on or after May , 28, 2024 to the person making the highest and best offer for said real property. The minimum overbid is $944,950.

[See: C.C.P. §873.740] The terms and conditions for sale are cash in lawful money of the United States of America with a minimum nonrefundable down payment of three percent (3%) of the final purchase price being immediately due upon Court confirmation. The remaining purchase price shall be paid on close of escrow not later than ten (10) days after entry of the order confirming this sale.

A hearing regarding the sale of the property is scheduled for July 16, 2024 at 9:00 am in department 4 of the San Luis Obispo Superior Court, 1035 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 whereby prospective buyers can place their bids.

The personal representative reserves the right to reject any bid that is less than the appraised value of the property listed above. For Further information, please contact Dustin M. Tardiff, attorney for the personal representative at (805) 457-4578.

Beach, CA 93449. San Luis Obispo County. The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in San Luis Obispo County on 01/01/2021. The following person (s) has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: California Managed

WILLOW THERAPY GROUP, 1407 Garden Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. San Luis Obispo County. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed in San Luis Obispo County on 06/28/2023. The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: Karen A Akre (391 Sequoia Street, Unit 8, Morro Bay, CA 93442). This business was conducted by an Individual /s/ Karen A Akre. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Luis Obispo on 02-2424. I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the statement on file in my office. (Seal) Elaina Cano, County Clerk. By M. Stiletto, Deputy Clerk. July 4, 11, 18, 25, 2024.

All sales are subject to confirmation by the Superior Court and no sale may be consummated and no deed may be recorded and delivered to a purchaser until Court confirmation has been acquired by the personal representative.

Date: April 1, 2022

/s/ Kim Treise Mathis, aka Kim Marie Martel

ADMINISTRATOR of the Estate of J. Carl Treise, aka John Carl Treise June 20, 27, & July 4, 2024




SEALED BIDS will be received by the City Clerk, or designee, of the City of El Paso de Robles until August 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. for the AMI Water Meter Retrofit Project, Project No. UD23-04. Please be certain that any bid submitted is sealed and addressed and noted as follows:

City Clerk

City of El Paso de Robles

1000 Spring Street

Paso Robles, CA 93446


Project No. UD23-04

Following the closure of the bid submittal period, bids will be publicly opened and read for performing work as follows: Furnishing all labor, equipment, materials, and performing all work necessary and incidental to the construction of the project known as the AMI WATER METER RETROFIT PROJECT, PROJECT NO. UD2304, according to Plans and Specifications prepared by the City of El Paso de Robles and according to the Contract Documents. The work shall include but is not limited to replacement of 10,901 manually read meters with AMI water meters. New AMI water meters, electronic encoding registers, endpoints, and lids have been pre-purchased by the City and will be furnished to the Contractor as described in Contract Documents. Materials that are required for completion of the Work but are not furnished by the City shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor’s attention is directed to the fact that the existing service lines are fragile and may be prone to breaking. The Contractor should anticipate service line replacements will be necessary for some locations, particularly those involving replacement of existing meter bodies

The City has prequalified contractors for this Project, and this Notice Inviting Bids is issued only to those contractors who have been prequalified as bidders. The City will not accept bids from non-prequalified bidders. Project is to be completed within Two Hundred Fifty Nine (259) WORKING days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall pay to the City of El Paso de Robles the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00), for each and every calendar day’s delay in completing the Substantial Completion milestone.

A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 10:30 A.M. which will be held virtually. Representatives of the City and consulting engineers, if any, will be present on the video call.

The California Air Resources Board (“CARB”) implemented amendments to the In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulations (“Regulation”) which went into effect on January 1, 2024 and apply broadly to all selfpropelled off road diesel vehicles 25 horsepower or greater and other forms of equipment used in California. A copy of the Regulation is available at Bidders are required to comply with all CARB and Regulation requirements, including, without limitation, all applicable sections of the Regulation, as codified in Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations section 2449 et seq. throughout the duration of the Project. Bidders must provide, with their Bid, copies of Bidder’s and all listed subcontractors’ most recent, valid Certificate of Reported Compliance (“CRC”) issued by CARB. Failure to provide valid CRCs as required herein may render the Bid non-responsive. Copies of the Bid Documents are now on file and available for public inspection at Public Works Department at 1000 Spring Street, El Paso de Robles, California. Interested bidders must obtain copies of the documents electronically.

The Contract Documents will be available electronically, at no cost, at

Information posted to may change and any changes will be emailed to the pre-qualified bidders during the bid period. The City of Paso Robles will email notifications to ONLY those contractors that have been pre-qualified for the project

Substitution requests shall be made within 35 calendar days after the award of the contract. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 3400(b), the City may make findings designating that certain additional materials, methods or services by specific brand or trade name other than those listed in the Standard Specifications be used for the Project. The City has designated the following items described in the Technical Specifications as “no equals”, and the sources of these items are limited to the listed Brand and products, and no like item or substitution will be permitted.

• Badger Meter AMI Products

• Nicor AMI-compatible lids

Bidding procedures are prescribed in the Contract Documents. Each bidder must submit bid security in one of the following forms: cash, cashier’s check payable to City, a certified check payable to City, or a bid bond in the form included with the bid documents, executed by an admitted surety insurer, made payable to City in an amount equal to at least 10% of the total amount of the bid or proposal.

Pursuant to Section 22300 of the Public Contract Code of the State of California, the successful Bidder may substitute certain securities for funds withheld by City to ensure its performance under the contract.

Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1773, City has obtained the prevailing rate of per diem wages and the prevailing wage rate for holiday and overtime work applicable in San Luis Obispo County from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) for each craft, classification, or type of worker needed to execute this contract. Specifically, the City obtained a Special Wage Determination from the DIR, a copy of which is included in the Contract Documents. More information may be obtained via the internet at:

The successful bidder will be required to furnish a payment bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, as well as a faithful performance bond, in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price. The bonds shall be on the forms included in the Contract Documents.

City reserves the right to reject any or all bids; to make any awards or any rejections in what it alone considers to be in the best interest of City and waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids. The contract will be awarded, if at all, to the responsible bidder that submits the lowest responsive bid. City will determine the low bid.

Date: July 4, 2024

Publication Dates: 7/4/2024 - 7/11/2024

Housing Authority to Accept Names for the Interest List for Housing Choice Voucher Program (known as Section 8)

An interest list will be developed from names submitted on-line from:

Opening Date: Monday, August 12, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. through

Closing Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.

Online applications will be accepted at Persons who are hearing impaired can dial 711 with questions or to apply during the timeframe above. If you are a person living with a disability, or Limited English Proficiency (LEP), or with limited computer access, call 805-543-4478 to apply over the phone during the timeframe above. After the interest list closes, HASLO will conduct a random lottery to select 250 names. Those selected will be added to the waiting list.

Preference will be given to those applicants who: 1) live or work in the County of San Luis Obispo; and 2) eligible United States Veterans. Preferences will be verified.

Income Limits are generally restricted to incomes that are below 30% of Area Median Income as in the following chart, based on family size:

The waiting list will remain open for referrals for set-aside vouchers, Mainstream voucher-eligible applicants, VASH, and Family Unification Program applicants.

If you are unable to apply at this time or you are not selected in the lottery, we anticipate opening the waiting list again next year (subject to funding).


La Autoridad de Vivienda va Aceptar Nombres para la Lista de Interés para un Elección de Vivienda (Conocido como sección 8)

Una lista de interés será desarrollada a partir de los nombres presentados en línea durante:

SE ABRE: El lunes, 12 de agosto de 2024 a las 9:00 de la mañana

SE CIERRA: El jueves, 15 de agosto de 2024 a las 4:00 de la tarde.

Las aplicaciones en línea serán aceptadas en Las personas con problemas de audición pueden marcar el 711 si tienen preguntas o para presentar una solicitud durante el período de tiempo anterior. Si usted es una persona que vive con una discapacidad, o con dominio limitado del inglés (LEP), o con acceso limitado a una computadora, llame al 805-543-4478 para presentar su solicitud por teléfono durante las fechas y horas arriba indicadas. Después que se cierre la lista de interesados, HASLO llevará a cabo un sorteo al azar para seleccionar 250 nombres. Los seleccionados se pondrán en la lista de espera.

Se dará preferencia a aquellos solicitantes que: 1) vivan o trabajen en el Condado de San Luis Obispo; y 2) a los veteranos elegibles de los Estados Unidos. Las preferencias serán verificadas. Los límites de ingresos generalmente están restringidos a ingresos que están por debajo de 30% de ingreso promedio del área como en el siguiente cuadro, según el tamaño de la familia:

Tamaño de la Familia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Límite de Ingresos 26,750 30,600 34,400 38,200 41,300 44,350 47,400 52,720

La lista de espera permanecerá abierta para referencias para vales de “set-aside,” solicitantes elegibles para vales de “Mainstream,” solicitantes de VASH, y del Programa de Unificación Familiar.

Si usted es incapaz de aplicar en este tiempo o usted no es seleccionado en la lotería, prevemos abrir la lista de espera otra vez en un año (sujeto a financiación).

July 4, 2024








BID DATE & TIME: THURSDAY, JULY 18, 2024 @ 12:00 P.M.








Work consists of all existing roofing material to be removed and replaced with new PVC roofing system at both, Building 033 and Building 038. At Building 038, existing Guardian fall protection system to remain unchanged. At Building 033, contractor to provide and install new Guardian fall protection system. System to be engineered to meet CAL OSHA requirements. The University will be performing the following trades: Plumbing support for roof drain maintenance, Electrical and Engineering Services to support disconnect and replacement of existing mechanical equipment.



1. Subcontractors must be bondable and may be required to provide Payment and Performance Bonds.

2. Bid Bond is not required.

3. Safety Record is of the utmost importance. Subcontractors with aggregate EMR Rate of 1.5 over the past three years may be disqualified.

4. Prevailing Wage TO VIEW PLANS/SPEC:

Plans and specs may be downloaded from ASAP Reprographics at Plans and specs may also be viewed at the following Builders Exchanges:

- SLO County Builders Exchange –

- Santa Maria Valley Contractors Association –

- Central California Builders Exchange –

Maino Construction Company, Incorporated is an equal opportunity Contractor. It is the responsibility of each Subcontractor to view all pertinent information and documents prior to submitting a proposal.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Atascadero will hold a General Municipal Election on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the following Officers:

For 1 (one) Mayor with a full term of 2 (two) years

For 2 (two) members of the City Council with full terms of 4 (four) years

The nomination period for these offices begins on July 15, 2024, and closes on August 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

If nomination papers are not filed for an incumbent officer of the City by August 9, 2024, the voters shall have until August 14, 2024, to nominate candidates other than the person(s) who are the incumbents, for that incumbent’s elective office.

If no one or only one person is nominated for an elective office, appointment to the elective office may be made by the City Council as prescribed by §10229, Elections Code of the State of California.

Ballot drop-off locations for vote-by-mail ballots will be open beginning Tuesday, October 8, 2024, and polling locations will be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

/s/ Lara Christensen Deputy City Manager/City Clerk City Elections Official Dated: July 4, 2024


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT The City of Atascadero will receive bids for the “CDBG Santa Rosa Road Accessibility” at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA until July 18, 2024 at 1:30 P.M., when they will be publicly opened. Proposals received after said time will not be considered. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the project title, bidder’s name, and address. There will be a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting on July 9, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. on site at the corner of El Camino Real and Santa Rosa, Atascadero. The Contractor must possess a valid  CLASS A CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE at the time of award. This project is subject to the payment of Prevailing Wages, therefore the Contractor shall pay all wages and penalties as required by applicable law.  Per SB 854 (Stat. 2014, Chapter 28), no contractor or subcontractor may work or be listed on a bid proposal unless registered with the DIR.  Every bid must be accompanied by a certified check/cashier’s check or bidder’s bond for 10% of the bid amount, payable to the City of Atascadero.

This is a HUD Federally funded project subject to Davis-Bacon provisions, Prevailing Wages and Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) goals.

Bid packages may be downloaded for a fee of $22.00 on the City website, or at using project number eBid #9182278.

Question may be directed to the City of Atascadero at (805) 470-3456 or

June 27, July 4, 2024



The San Luis Obispo City Council invites all interested persons to attend a public hearing on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo. Meetings may be viewed remotely on Government Access Channel 20 or streamed live from the City’s YouTube channel at www. Public comment, prior to the start of the meeting, may be submitted in writing via U.S. Mail delivered to the City Clerk’s office at 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 or by email to


• The City Council will hold a public hearing to introduce an Ordinance amending Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 10.36 (Stopping, Standing and Parking for Certain Purposes or in Certain Places), of the Municipal Code to remove exceptions for the Dana Street Residential Parking District and to allow exceptions to be approved via Resolution. Additionally, the Public Works Director will be authorized to approve and implement temporary modifications to the Dana Street district via Resolution.

For more information, contact Donna King, Parking Program Manager for the City’s Public Works Department at (805) 781-7234 or by email,

The City Council may also discuss other hearings or business items before or after the items listed above. If you challenge the proposed project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing.

Council Agenda Reports for this meeting will be available for review one week in advance of the meeting date on the City’s website, under the Public Meeting Agendas web page: government/mayor-and-city-council/agendas-andminutes. Please call the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 7817114 for more information. The City Council meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20 and live streaming on the City’s YouTube channel July 4, 2024

WHO County of San Luis Obispo Planning Department Hearing WHEN Thursday, July 19, 2024 at 9:00 AM: All items are advertised for 9:00 AM. To verify agenda placement, please call the Department of Planning & Building at

WHAT A request by the San Luis Obispo Golf and Country Club for a Minor Use Permit (N-DRC 2023-00056) to modify the allowed fence height to 35 feet for safety netting between the existing golf course and tennis courts. This includes the replacement of 324 linear feet of existing safety netting with an extension of 121 linear feet for additional protection. Safety netting was previously approved by Minor Use Permit D940003P. The proposed project is located within the Recreation land use category and is located at 255 Country Club Drive, approximately 1.5 miles south of the City of San Luis Obispo. The site is in the San Luis Obispo Sub Area North of the San Luis Obispo Planning Area. Also to be considered is the environmental determination that the project is exempt from CEQA.

County File Number: N-DRC2023-00056

Supervisorial District: District 3

Assessor Parcel Number(s): 044-571-026

Date Accepted: 6/12/2024

WHERE Virtual meeting via Zoom platform.

Instructions on how to view and participate in the meeting remotely and provide public comment will be included in the published meeting Agenda and are posted on the Department’s webpage at: Planning Department Hearing - County of San Luis Obispo (


A copy of the staff report will be made available on the Planning Department website at You may also contact Shawn Monk, Project Manager, in the Department of Planning and Building at the address below or by telephone at 805-781-5600.


This matter is tentatively scheduled to appear on the consent agenda, which means that it and any other items on the consent agenda can be acted upon by the hearing officer with a single motion. An applicant or interested party may request a public hearing on this matter. To do so, send a letter to this office at the address below or send an email to by 7/12/2024 at 4:30 PM. The letter or email must include the language “I would like to request a hearing on N-DRC2023-00056.

If you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this public notice or in written correspondence delivered to the appropriate authority at or before the public hearing.

Ysabel Eighmy, Secretary Planning Department Hearing July 4, 2024


Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 25845 and 54354-54358 and Health and Safety Code Section 5473 et seq., by which delinquent charges may be collected on the general County tax bill, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo will hold a public hearing on July 16, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, regarding the proposed collection of delinquent charges on the FY 2024-25 tax roll.

All hearing items are scheduled for 9:00 a.m. To determine the placement of this item on the agenda, please contact the County Administrative Office the Thursday afternoon before the scheduled hearing date.

The accepted report describing the delinquent charges proposed to be collected on the FY 2024-25 tax roll is on file in the Office of the County Clerk and is available for public review.

Date: June 20, 2024


Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

By: /s/ Niki Martin Deputy Clerk



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, that a General Municipal Election will be held in the City of Morro Bay on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the following Officers:

MAYOR Full term of two (2) years

COUNCILMEMBER Full term of four (4) years

COUNCILMEMBER Full term of four (4) years

The Nomination Period for these offices begins on July 15, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. and closes on August 9, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. During the open Nomination Period an appointment to pull Nomination Papers may be scheduled by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (805) 772-6568 or via email at

If nomination papers for an incumbent officer of the City are not filed by 5:00 p.m. on August 9, 2024, the Nomination Period for that office shall be extended until August 14, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. for candidates other than the incumbent.

If no one or only one person is nominated for an elective office, appointment to the elective office may be made as prescribed by §10229, Elections Code of the State of California.

The polls will be open on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Dated: July 1, 2024

June 27, July 4, 2024 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS

/s/ Dana Swanson, City Clerk July 4, 2024


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Municipal Election will be held in the City of Arroyo Grande on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the following Officers:

For one (1) Mayor Full term of two (2) years)

For one (1) District 2 Member of the City Council Full term of four (4)years)

For one (1) District 3 Member of the City Council Full term of four (4) years)


To provide funding for Arroyo Grande city services, such as: fixing potholes, maintaining city streets, sidewalks, parks, aging infrastructure, and community facilities; providing local fire protection, police, and 9-1-1 emergency services; cleaning up litter/graffiti, and addressing homelessness; shall City of Arroyo Grande’s ordinance establishing a one-cent sales tax for 10 years be adopted, providing $6,000,000 annually for general government use that can’t be taken by the State, with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all money locally controlled?



WHO County of San Luis Obispo Planning Department Hearing

WHEN Friday, July 19, 2024 at 9:00 AM: All items are advertised for 9:00 AM. To verify agenda placement, please call the Department of Planning & Building at WHAT

A request by John Fratz for Amendment to the previously approved Minor Use Permit (DRC 2014-00069) to modify the following: 1) to increase the size of single-family residence from 2,562 sq. ft. to 4,415 sq. ft, 2) to expand the attached garage from 400 sq. ft. to 537 sq. ft, 3) to reduce the size of the covered patio from 608 sq. ft. to 145 sq. ft, 4) to remove the barn and trellis, 5) to add a new uncovered 1,500 sq. ft., 6) to revise the approved single-family residence color, 7) to revise the fire water storage requirements, 8) to resize the onsite wastewater treatment system, and 9) to relocate the driveway and modify the driveway approach from a B-1e standard to a B-1b standard. The project will result in the disturbance of approximately .80 acres and 892 cubic yards of cut and 260 cubic yards of fill on a project site totaling 612 acres. The project site is in the Rural Lands land use category located at 4455 Lopez Drive, approximately 0.5 miles west of Lopez Lake and approximately 7.8 miles (southeast) of the City of San Luis Obispo. The site is in the Huasna-Lopez Sub Area of the South County Planning Area. Also to be considered is the environmental determination. The Environmental Coordinator finds that the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration is adequate for the purposes of compliance with CEQA because no substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revision of the previous Negative Declaration, no substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstance under which the project is undertaken which will require major revision of the previous Negative Declaration, and no new information of substantial importance has been identified which was not known at the time that the previous Negative Declaration was adopted.

County File Number: N-DRC2024-00001

Supervisorial District: District 4

Assessor Parcel Number(s): 048-061-034, -035

Date Accepted: 2/29/2024


Virtual meeting via Zoom platform.


The nomination period for these offices begins on July 15, 2024 and closes on August 9, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. If nomination papers for an incumbent officer of the City are not filed by August 9, 2024, the filing deadline will be extended to August 14, 2024. This extension is not applicable to incumbents.

If no one or only one person is nominated for an elective office, appointment to the elective office may be made as prescribed by Section 10229, Elections Code of the State of California.

The polls will be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Jessica Matson, City Clerk

Publish 1T, The New Times, Thursday, July 4, 2024

Post:City Hall, 300 E. Branch Street City website:

July 4, 2024


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., the Pismo Beach City Council will hold a regular meeting in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 760 Mattie Road, Pismo Beach, during which it will consider the following:

Address: Citywide

Applicant: City of Pismo Beach


Details about ways to participate in this meeting will be provided on the agenda posted for the meeting online at agenda, and on the bulletin board at City Hall. The agenda will be posted in the afternoon of July 11, 2024.

You have a right to comment on these projects and their effect on our community. Interested persons are invited to participate in the meeting or otherwise express their views and opinions regarding the proposed projects. Emailed comments may be submitted to; staff cannot guarantee that emailed comments submitted after the start of the meeting will be given full consideration before action is taken. Written comments may be delivered or mailed to the City Clerk’s Office at 760 Mattie Road, Pismo Beach, CA 93449, prior to the meeting, or hand-delivered during the meeting no later than the comment period for this item. Oral comment may be provided prior to the meeting by calling 805-773-7005 and leaving a voice message. Please state and spell your name, and identify your item of interest. Oral comment may also be made during the meeting, either by joining the virtual meeting using the link provided on the agenda document, or by attending the meeting in person in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Please refer to the agenda for this meeting for specific instructions for participation.

Staff reports, plans and other information related to these projects are available for public review from the City Clerk’s Office, by emailing City Clerk Erica Inderlied at einderlied@pismobeach. org. The meeting agenda and staff report will be available no later than the Thursday before the meeting and may be obtained upon request by mail or by visiting The Council meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20 and streamed on the City’s website.


If you challenge the action taken on this item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public meeting described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Pismo Beach at, or prior to, the Council’s consideration of the item.

For further information, please contact Erica Inderlied, City Clerk, at or 805-773-7003.

Erica Inderlied

City Clerk

July 4, 2024


The Templeton Community Services District will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, beginning at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of affording any individual who has street light assessments, delinquent weed abatement fees, Community Facilities District (CFD) 2017-1 assessments, Measure A Parcel Tax, or delinquent water and/or sewer charges/administrative orders, together with penalties thereon, as shown on the report filed with the District Board of Directors, to be heard by the Board regarding such assessments, delinquent fees and/or charges, and their collection on the County tax roll.

On, June 28, 2024, the San Luis Obispo County Assessor delivered the 2024-25 secured and unsecured assessment roll to the County Auditor-Controller. Interested parties are welcome to review the assessment roll during regular office hours at the County AuditorController’s Office. An assessment appeal application is available online at the County’s website Administrative-Office/Clerk-of-the-Board/Clerk-of-the-BoardServices/Assessment-Appeals.aspx. Applications for the regular roll year shall be filed within the time period from Tuesday, July 2, 2024 to Monday, September 16, 2024, with the Clerk of the Assessment Appeals Board. Said application must be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Assessment Appeals Board by 5:00 PM on Monday, September 16, 2024, or postmarked on or before Monday, September 16, 2024 to the following address: County Administrative Office Attention: Clerk of the Board 1055 Monterey Street, Suite D430 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408

The Assessment Appeals Board holds monthly meetings, excluding April, May, and June, at the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Chambers at 9 am. Agendas for these meetings are posted on the County’s website.

MATTHEW P. PONTES Ex-Officio Clerk of the Assessment Appeals Board

By: Sandy Currens, Deputy Clerk of the Assessment Appeals Board July 4, 2024


Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 5473 and County Ordinance Nos. 3209 and 3413, by which service charges may be collected on the general County tax bill, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, regarding the collection of sewer service charges on the FY 2024-25 tax roll for the Los Osos Sewer Service Area.

All hearing items are scheduled for 9:00 a.m. To determine the placement of this item on the agenda, please contact the County Administrative Office the Thursday afternoon before the scheduled hearing date.

The report describing the service charges proposed to be collected on the FY 2024-25 tax roll is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Board and is available for public review.

Date: June 20, 2024


Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors

By: /s/ Niki Martin

Deputy Clerk June 27, July 4, 2024

Instructions on how to view and participate in the meeting remotely and provide public comment will be included in the published meeting Agenda and are posted on the Department’s webpage at:

Planning Department Hearing - County of San Luis Obispo (


A copy of the staff report will be made available on the Planning Department website at You may also contact Elizabeth Moreno, Project Manager in the Department of Planning and Building at the address below or by telephone at 805-781-5600.


This matter is tentatively scheduled to appear on the consent agenda, which means that it and any other items on the consent agenda can be acted upon by the hearing officer with a single motion. An applicant or interested party may request a public hearing on this matter. To do so, send a letter to this office at the address below or send an email to by 7/12/2024 at 4:30 PM. The letter or email must include the language “I would like to request a hearing on N-DRC2024-00001.”

If you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this public notice or in written correspondence delivered to the appropriate authority at or before the public hearing.

Ysabel Eighmy, Secretary Planning Department Hearing

July 4, 2024

All interested parties are invited to join the meeting inperson, or call in via Zoom to participate in the hearing, provide comments, or be heard: Public Call in # to Participate is as follows: ZOOM Phone #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 810 9626 1127

Passcode: 003276

Or Join the Zoom Meeting at: GRhSXlQUzVoWlFwZGFaUT09

At the public hearing on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, the District will consider any and all comments and objections to the authorization of collection of street light assessments, CFD 2017-1 assessments, and delinquent fees and charges, together with penalties thereon, on the tax roll pursuant to Government Code Section 61115(b). Any questions regarding the information in this notice may be directed to Natalie Klock, Finance Officer of the District, at (805) 434-4900. All information and documents regarding the assessments, and delinquent fees and charges are available for inspection at the Templeton Community Services District office located at 420 Crocker Street, Templeton.

OTHER PUBLIC COMMENT OPTIONS: The public may also provide comment via e-mail or letters that will be distributed to the Board of Directors. E-mails may be sent to the Board Clerk at Letters may be mailed to the District Office at P.O. Box 780, Templeton, CA 93465. Letters may also be dropped-off at the District’s Drop-Box located outside the District Office at 420 Crocker Street, Templeton. People may also call the District Office at (805) 434-4900 to leave a message concerning items on the agenda. Public input using one of these methods must be received by Tuesday, July 16, 2024 by 3:00 p.m. July 4, 11, 2024

Free Will Astrology by Rob

Homework: Who is the most important person or animal in your life? I invite you to give them a surprising gift.


(March 21-April 19): The “nirvana fallacy” is the belief that because something is less than utterly perfect, it is gravely defective or even irredeemably broken. Wikipedia says, “The nirvana fallacy compares actual things with unrealistic, idealized alternatives.” Most of us are susceptible to this flawed approach to dealing with the messiness of human existence. But it’s especially important that you avoid such thinking in the coming weeks. To inspire you to find excellence and value in the midst of untidy jumbles and rumpled complexities, I recommend you have fun with the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi It prizes and praises the soulful beauty found in things that are irregular, incomplete, and imperfect.


(April 20-May 20): You are coming to a fork in the road—a crux where two paths diverge. What should you do? Author Marie Forleo says, “When it comes to forks in the road, your heart always knows the answer, not your mind.” Here’s my corollary: Choose the path that will best nourish your soul’s desires. Now here’s your homework, Taurus: Contact your Future Self in a dream or meditation and ask that beautiful genius to provide you with a message and a sign. Plus, invite them to give you a wink with either the left eye or right eye.


(May 21-June 20): Last year, you sent out a clear message to life requesting help and support. It didn’t get the response you wished for. You felt sad. But now I have good news. One or both of the following may soon occur. 1. Your original message will finally lead to a response that buoys your soul. 2. You will send out a new message similar to the one in 2023, and this time you will get a response that makes you feel helped and supported. Maybe you didn’t want to have to be so patient, Gemini, but I’m glad you refused to give up hope.


(June 21-July 22): The Fates have authorized me to authorize you to be bold and spunky. You have permission to initiate gutsy experiments and to dare challenging feats. Luck and grace will be on your side as you consider adventures you’ve long wished you had the nerve to entertain. Don’t do anything risky or foolish, of course. Avoid acting like you’re entitled to grab rewards you have not yet earned. But don’t be self-consciously cautious or timid, either. Proceed as if help and resources will arrive through the magic of your audacity. Assume you will be able to summon more confidence than usual.


(July 23-Aug. 22): All of us, including me, have aspects of our lives that are stale or unkempt, even decaying. What would you say is the most worn-out thing about you? Are there parts of your psyche or environment that would benefit from a surge of cleanup and revival? The coming weeks will be an excellent time to attend to these matters. You are likely to attract extra help and inspiration as you make your world brighter and livelier. The first rule of the purgation and rejuvenation process: Have fun!


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): On those rare occasions when I buy furniture from online stores, I try hard to find sources that will send me the stuff already assembled. I hate spending the time to put together jumbles of wood and metal. More importantly, I am inept at doing so. In alignment with astrological omens, I recommend you take my approach in regard to every situation in your life during the coming weeks. Your operative metaphor should be this: Whatever you want or need, get it already fully assembled.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): When Adragon De Mello was born under the sign of Libra in 1976, his father had big plans for him. Dad wanted him to get a Ph.D. in physics by age 12, garner a Nobel Prize by 16,

get elected president of the United States by 26, and then become head of a world government by 30. I’d love for you to fantasize about big, unruly dreams like that in the coming weeks—although with less egotism and more amusement and adventurousness. Give yourself a license to play with amazing scenarios that inspire you to enlarge your understanding of your own destiny. Provide your future with a dose of healing wildness.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Your horoscopes are too complicated,” a reader named Estelle wrote to me recently. “You give us too many ideas. Your language is too fancy. I just want simple advice in plain words.” I wrote back to tell her that if I did what she asked, I wouldn’t be myself. “Plenty of other astrologers out there can meet your needs,” I concluded. As for you, dear Scorpio, I think you will especially benefit from influences like me in the coming weeks— people who appreciate nuance and subtlety, who love the poetry of life, who eschew clichés and conventional wisdom, who can nurture your rich, spicy, complicated soul.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The coming weeks will be prime time for you to re-imagine the history of your destiny. How might you do that? In your imagination, revisit important events from the past and reinterpret them using the new wisdom you’ve gained since they happened. If possible, perform any atonement, adjustment, or intervention that will transform the meaning of what happened once upon a time. Give the story of your life a fresh title. Rename the chapters. Look at old photos and videos and describe to yourself what you know now about those people and situations that you didn’t know back then. Are there key events from the old days that you have repressed or ignored? Raise them up into the light of consciousness.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In 1972, before the internet existed, Capricorn actor Anthony Hopkins spent a day visiting London bookstores in search of a certain tome: The Girl from Petrovka Unable to locate a copy, he decided to head home. On the way, he sat on a random bench, where he found the original manuscript of The Girl of Petrovka It had been stolen from the book’s author George Feifer and abandoned there by the thief. I predict an almost equally unlikely or roundabout discovery or revelation for you in the coming days. Prediction: You may not unearth what you’re looking for in an obvious place, but you will ultimately unearth it.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarius-born Desmond Doss (1919–2006) joined the American army at the beginning of World War II. But because of his religious beliefs, he refused to use weapons. He became a medic who accompanied troops to Guam and the Philippines. During the next few years, he won three medals of honor, which are usually given solely to armed combatants. His bravest act came in 1944, when he saved the lives of 70 wounded soldiers during a battle. I propose we make him your inspirational role model for the coming weeks, Aquarius. In his spirit, I invite you to blend valor and peace-making. Synergize compassion and fierce courage. Mix a knack for poise and healing with a quest for adventure.


(Feb. 19-March 20): What types of people are you most attracted to, Pisces? Not just those you find most romantically and sexually appealing, but also those with whom a vibrant alliance is most gracefully created. And those you’re inclined to seek out for collaborative work and play. This knowledge is valuable information to have; it helps you gravitate toward relationships that are healthy for you. Now and then, though, it’s wise to experiment with connections and influences that aren’t obviously natural—to move outside your usual set of expectations and engage with characters you can’t immediately categorize. I suspect the coming weeks will be one of those times. ∆

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