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Moving On

Move and Shake Librarian recognized for achievements Arts & life | Page 3

Tennis seniors prepare for final UNT matches Sports | Page 7

Thursday, April 5, 2012

News 1, 2 Arts&Life 3, 4 Sports 7, 8 Views 9 Classifieds 10 Games 10

Volume 99 | Issue 43


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Burggren talks future of UNT with SGA BEN PEYTON Intern

The UNT Student Government Association met with Warren Burggren, UNT provost and vice president for academic affairs, and appointed one senator during its meeting Wednesday night. President V. Lane Rawlins was originally scheduled to speak to the SGA but was unable to attend. Burggren spoke instead and discussed the future of UNT. “We are in the middle of taking off,” Burggren said. “In 2020, I bet this will be a fundamentally better university, and you will have had something to do with it.” Burggren assured the SGA that the tuition students pay is well worth the money, and UNT plans to improve its programs. “I can promise you we are plowing this [funds from tuition] directly into the endeavor to benefit students,” Burggren said. Tier One status and greater representation for UNT were

“Little Women” production to debut

“We are in the middle of taking off ...” —Warren Burggren Provost and vice president for academic affairs other topics Burggren addressed. “We have not made the entire community proud that UNT is here,” Burggren said. After Burggren spoke, the SGA appointed fashion design junior Ava Sharbaf to represent the College of Visual Arts and Design. Sharbaf gained interest in joining the SGA after attending meetings. “I really enjoyed how informative they were about things on campus,” Sharbaf said. “I thought why not come all the time, hear what’s going on, know what’s going on and represent.”

See SGA on Page 2


Left to right, Meg (Alexa Wessling), Laurie (Clay White) and Joe (Katelyn Branson) rehearse a scene from “Little Women” on Wednesday night. “Little Women” premieres at the Campus Theatre tomorrow night and will run for the next two weekends. The musical is directed by UNT alumnus Buster Maloney. See LITTLE on page 3

Rec Center to host climbing competition ETHAN HEALY

Contributing Writer


Pre-fashion design sophomores Heather Tang and Molly Jo Faught work on designs in a fashion drawing class in Scoular Hall. Scoular and Stovall halls are slated for demolition by 2014.

Relocation Study maps out CVAD future home NICOLE BALDERAS Senior Staff Writer

A “UNT University Union Relocation Study” released March 22 mapped out a plan for all university facilities that will be affected pending enough votes in favor of Union renovations. The plan would relocate the College of Visual Arts and Design as well as the Department of Dance and Theatre Arts to 42,800 square feet of space across Welch Street where the Church of Christ currently resides. “Up until just now, [last] week, it hadn’t been clear to me what would replace the buildings,” said Robert Milnes, dean of CVAD. “We talked for months about the possibility of modular buildings. What they’re doing is really quite wonderful.” The building will accommodate CVAD with about 4,000 square feet of additional classroom space in comparison to

the college’s space in Scoular Hall, where students are sometimes forced to leave cramped classrooms to work on projects in hallways. Though proposed as temporary buildings, the modular structures will possibly have a life of 20 to 25 years, Milnes said.

“I am worried for the future of the program.” —Ava Sharbaf Fashion design junior

“These buildings will not be like portable trailers,” Union Director Zane Reif said. “They will be specifically modeled to house CVAD and will be very

well-made. I don’t see these buildings going away even after CVAD moves out.” Students have expressed concern for programs housed in Scoular and Stovall halls after the buildings are demolished and abated – an $830,000 cost to be funded by Union fees. “Because t he [modular] buildings are temporary, I am worried for the future of the program,” fashion design junior Ava Sharbaf said. “It’s disheartening that Union plans are more solid than our plans. The Union is more for aesthetics, and our program is educational.” Scoular Hall is set to be demolished June 2013, with Stovall following two years after in June of 2015. Though Scoular Hall’s demolition would coincide with the groundbreaking of the new Union, demolition will take place regardless of the outcome of Union votes.

See DEMOLISH on Page 2

UNT Outdoor Pursuits staff members are hard at work remodeling the climbing wall at the Pohl Recreation Center, in anticipation of more than 100 climbers this weekend. O n S a t u r d a y, U N T Outdoor Pursuits will host the 8th Annual Red Point Riot Climbing Competition at the Pohl Recreation Center. The competition is a part of the Collegiate Climbing Series, which UNT had a hand in starting in 2009. The series was started for students who competed in USA Climbing in high school and had no way to continue with competitive climbing in college. “Expect to have fun and be welcomed in and be challenged,” said Rebecca Salsman, an Outdoor Pursuits staff member. Last yea r’s compet ition featured more than 100 competitors from nine different Texas schools including UNT, according to Assistant Director of Outdoor Pursuits Ben Hanisian. After the climbing wall closes Wednesday, the UNT Outdoor Pursuits staff will take all the holds off the climbing wall and clean them and the wall before adding about 40 new routes for the competition. Each new route can take anywhere from two to four hours to add. “It’s really impressive they put this on and do it so successfully,” Hanisian said. Since many of the staff members have experience with outdoor climbing, the routes are usually comparable to outdoor conditions. The routes from the contest will also be up for a while after the competition so climbers can come back and try them.


Geography junior Marcio DaSilva installs new routes on the Pohl Recreation Center climbing wall Wednesday afternoon. “When the old routes come down, we have to wash the routes and reset them,” DaSilva said. The competition will have two sessions, the first starting at 9 a.m. and the second starting at 1:30 p.m. Climbers will be divided into three groups by their level of experience. They will be awarded points for climbs completed without falling, with more points being awarded for more difficult climbs completed. There is a $20 fee for the competition, which includes a T-shirt and a chance to win prizes. Climbers must be at least 16 years old and have to sign the UNT Indoor Climbing Facility Participant Waiver. Climbers also run the risk of being turned away

if they don’t preregister. “The wall is only so big, if we’re slammed we may have to turn people away,” Hanisian said. Fol low i ng t he s e c ond climbing session, t he top three climbers in each division are decided by who has the most points from their top five climbs. The top three finishers will receive certificates, and all the climbers will be able to win door prizes in a raffle featuring products from the sponsors. More information on the event can be found at recsports.unt.edu.

Inside Denton plans for expanding population News | Page 2

Key players for weekend softball series Sports | Page 8

Burmese elections and peaceful rhetoric Views | Page 9


Page 2 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors

Thursday, April 5, 2012 ntdnewseditors@gmail.com

Photo by Anthony Caraway / Staff Photographer

Photo by Tyler Cleveland/Visuals Editor

Warren Burggren, provost and vice president for academic affairs, speaks during the Student Government Association meeting in Room 120 of Terrill Hall. “We’re in the middle of taking off,� said Burggren about reaching tier-one status.


“modular� buildings until permanent housing can be determined. SGA elections are taking place this week to determine next year’s president, vice president and senate. Students can cast their votes until Friday at 5 p.m. The voting poll is online only, and a link can be found at sga.unt.edu.

Continued from Page 1

Sharbaf said she hopes to monitor the status of Stovall Hall, which houses CVAD and is slated for demolition. CVAD programs housed in Scoular and Stovall halls will be relocated to temporary

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Sean Gorman Managing Editor .............................................Paul Bottoni Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Alex Macon Scene Editor.......................................Christina Mlynski Sports Editor ...................................................Bobby Lewis Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Tyler Cleveland Visuals Assigning Editor ..............................Chelsea Stratso Multimedia Editor....................................................Daisy Silos Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ............................................... Stacy Powers Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Holly Harvey, Brittni Barnett, Ashley Grant, Brett Medeiros, Alison Eldridge

Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Taylon Chandler, Elisa Dibble

NTDaily.com GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353

Fax: (940) 565-3573

Traffic comes to a stop at the intersection of Highway 288 and I-35, representing a growing population in Denton even after recent reconstruction of Highway 288.

City plans for population increase Justin Bright

Contributing Writer The Denton City Council h a s p a r t ner e d w it h t he Cha mber of Commerce to develop and plan for a denser, less sprawled cit y for t he future. T he Denton E c onom ic Development Pa r t nersh ip Board allows city and private industr y to plan economic development toget her t hrough reg ular meetings. A n up c om i ng up d ate to The Denton Plan, a 20-year economic development blueprint passed in 1999, w i l l consider the slowing economy in future planning.

“Cha nge happens,â€? Cit y Councilman Dalton Gregory s a id . “Pe ople a re pr oud Denton has a unique identity, and we want to keep it and build on its aut hentic character.â€? The North Texas region has seen a great deal of growth in the past 10 years­. Ten-yea r nu mbers f rom the 2010 U.S. Census show the population of the City of Denton went from 80,537 in 2000 to 113,383 in 2010, a 40.8 percent change. The Denton EDPB is made up of t w o C it y C ou nc i l members, two members from the Chamber of Commerce,

two of the top 20 taxpayers and t hree ot her members, including UNT President V. Lane Rawlins. T he boa rd a l low s c it y and private industry to plan econom ic development toget her t h roug h reg u la r meetings. The council spearheaded work to contain areas on the outskirts of the cit y limits through annexation to avoid sprawling urban areas cities like Frisco must deal with. “The next plan will call for more urban density between the downtown area and the t wo universities,� Gregor y said. “There’s a great deal

of land not being used, and mu lt i-f a m i l y loc at ion s, tow n hou ses a nd z ero-lot homes will reduce possible sprawl.� The growth rate for next year is expected to increase by 1.5 percent in 2013, according to Erica Sullivan, an economic development analyst with the Denton EDPB. Gregory expressed concern for industrial growth. “Another thing we work on is diversif y ing our ta x base. If we have just one or two manufacturers or industrial companies here and one leaves, you’re looking at a lot of jobs being taken away.�

Demolish Continued from Page 1

“Plans for the buildings’ demolitions have been set since August 2005 as part of the school’s master plan,� Reif said. “These buildings are coming down because we have to make room for the Union’s southward expansion.� The more t ha n 100,000 square foot expansion mapped out in Union f loor pla ns will not overlap with either Scoular or Stovall locations, Reif said. The earth underneath the buildings will most likely be used as site to create geothermal energy to power a sustainable Union. The possibility of a new Art Building has been discussed by administration and faculty, and would provide space for CVAD. “We’re waiting on the state to approve tuition revenue bonds,� Milnes said. “It’s all

Photo by Chelsea Stratso/Visuals Assigning Editor

Pre-fashion design sophomore Molly Jo Faught colors a design sketch during a fashion drawing class in Scoular Hall. based on the economy and the legislature.� In 2011, the state received 74 Tuition Revenue Bond project

applications for new construction, repair and renovation projects, said Lilia Gonzales, UNT System director of plan-

ning and development. A new CVAD building was ranked as one of 13 highly recommended projects.

Families, friends mourn victims of Oakland college shooting

LUKE A. WILLIAMS Attorney At Law

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Driving While Intoxicated Alcohol & Paraphernalia Tickets Personal Injury Criminal Offenses

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(MCT) OAKLAND, Calif. – At a memorial for the victims of the mass shooting at Oikos University in Oakland, devastated family and friends prayed, shed tears and mourned for the seven whose lives were lost. Nam Soo Woo, the small Christian university’s vice president, recounted a conversation he had earlier in the day to mourners who filled the pews of the dimly lit, stained glasslined hall Tuesday night. The devastated father of Lydia Sim, a 21-year-old nursing student from Hayward, told him of how he had lived for his daughter, Woo said. “For 35 years after I came to the U.S., I lived to raise my daughter as someone who

would serve society, and that dream has been quashed,� the father said, Woo recalled. “I can’t understand.� “I told him, ‘I can’t understand it either,’� Woo said. Reflecting the diversity of those who were killed, the prayers were in Korean and English with a smattering of Tibeta n a nd Hebrew. Jean Quan, the city’s mayor, remarked Oakland was a place that “prays in 130 different languages.� Tenzin Tsedup, president of the Tibetan Assn. of Northern California, remembered his friend Sonam Choedon, 33, as a “simple, kind� woman. She worked in India for the Tibetan government in exile for five

years before coming to the U.S., Tsedup said. Choedon, he said, was one of two Tibetans killed in Monday’s shooting rampage. “We all must unite as a community and teach compassion and love,� he said. Quan spoke in fierce defense of the city of Oakland. The violence could have happened in any other U.S. city, she said. “This is America, where you can find a gun easier than mental health services,� she said, to resounding applause. “These are people who came together at the school because Oakland is a city of dreams,� Quan said of the victims. They are what “makes the city and

makes it vibrant,� the mayor said. The memorial was held soon after six of the seven shooting victims were identified by the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office Coroner’s Bureau. The victims included Sim, Choedon, Bhutia Tshering, 38, Judith O. Seymore, 53, Kim G. Eunhea, 23, and Doris Chibuko, 40. The suspect, One L. Goh, 43, is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday. Authorities say Goh had been expelled from Oikos this year for behavioral problems, including anger issues. He allegedly ordered the students inside the school to line up against the wall Monday morning. When some refused, he opened fire, officials said.

Arts & Life

Thursday, April 5, 2012 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor

Page 3 alexdmacon@yahoo.com

Little Women take the stage at Campus Theatre Brittni Barnett Senior Staff Writer

Since it was first published more than 130 years ago, the classic novel “Little Women� has sold millions of copies worldw ide, spaw ning t wo sequels, a movie and most recently, a musical. The t imeless stor y w i l l come alive through song and dance when the musical opens tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Denton Campus Theatre. “I read the book when I was little, and I have always loved the story,� said Buster Maloney, the musical’s director. “It is an icon of American literature.� The musical tells the timeless tale of the March women: sisters Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth and their mother, Marmee. “Little Women� is set during the Civil War when the girls’ father is away serving as a chaplain in the Union army and is narrated by Jo, the second oldest sister. Jo is something of a tomboy who has big dreams of being a writer. “Jo is a character,� said development a nd fa m i ly studies junior Katelyn Branson, who plays the character of Jo. “She is stubborn and stands her ground. I have always been drawn to characters that stand up for what they believe in,

Tickets and Times April 6, 7, 13 and 14 at 7:30 p.m. April 8 and 15 at 2 p.m. Adults - $20 Seniors (62+) - $18 Students/Children - $10 Tickets are available at the Campus Theatre Box Office (214 W. Hickory St.) between 1 and 5 p.m. or can be purchased over the phone at 940-3821915.

“A lot of the story is told through the songs, and the music highlights some of the big points in the story.�

—Maria Harris Actor and UNT alumna

who know what they want and go out and get it.� UNT alumna Maria Harris plays the character of Marmee. She acts as the glue that keeps the family together, Harris said. As a mother herself, Harris said the hardest part of the role was acting through the death of Marmee’s daughter Beth. “Ma r mee is ver y st rong d u r i n g t h e l o s s of h e r

daughter,� Harris said. “She si ngs a song to Jo about keeping Beth inside of her. It was hard to sing through the song without relating what I would really feel if I ever lost a child.� Musical numbers include bot h ba l l ad s a nd d a nc e numbers, Maloney said. “The music is absolutely beautiful,� he said. “A lot of the story is told through the songs, and the music high-

Photo by Stephanie Mulcihy/Staff Photographer

Left to right, Rodrigo (Jamie Rodriguez), Braxton (RTVF freshman Christopher Scott) and Clarissa (theatre arts freshman Ronden Perron) rehearse a scene from “Little Women� on Wednesday night. “Little Women� premieres at the Campus Theatre tomorrow and will run for the next two weeks. It is directed by UNT alumnus Buster Maloney. lights some of the big points in the story.� The cast has been pract ici ng for t wo mont hs to prepare for the large production, he said. The group is working on a large and complex set, and each of the characters will be wearing elaborate period costumes f rom t he 1860s, Maloney said. Cast and crew said t hey were excited to be part of such a large, respected production. “I think people misinterpret the story when they hear the title,� Harris said. “They think it will be boring because it takes place during the Civil War, but it’s really got a lot of meat to it. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did.�

Photo by Stephanie Mulcihy/Staff Photographer

Beth (Maddie Webber) sings and plays piano while Mr. Lawrence (Johnny Williams) stands near and critiques her playing during the “Little Women� dress rehearsal Wednesday night.

Photo by Ashley King/Staff Photographer

Mark Phillips, assistant dean for UNT’s Digital Libraries, was named by the Library Journal as one of its “Movers and Shakers 2012� March 15 for his work in restructuring UNT’s Digital Library.

Librarian, tech leader recognized for work Christopher G. Lewis Contributing Writer

Mark Phillips, assistant dean for UNT’s Digital Libraries, was recently named one of Library Journal’s “Movers and Shakers 2012� in the tech leaders category. Phillips, who earned a master’s degree in library science from UNT in 2004, received the award for helping restructure UNT’s world-renowned digital library system. He will be honored at a luncheon during the American Library Association’s summer conference in Anaheim, Calif. this June. The Library Journal began recognizing individuals for their work and innovation in the field of library science in 2001. Categories include community builders, advocates, change agents, innovators, recession busters and tech leaders. Out of about 500 nominated candidates in 2012, 53 were selected as “movers and shakers� by the popular trade publication. “It’s a cool thing to be one of their peers,� Phillips said. “Then you get that brief period where everyone congratulates you.� Phillips, the sixth librarian in his family along with both parents, two aunts and a cousin, calls being a librarian “kind of a family business.� He said he finds it interesting to see where libraries interact with people’s lives and how users

access the content. “Information doesn’t organize itself,� Phillips said. “For me, it’s exciting to see how the web allows us to reach new audiences with services.� Phillips earned his bachelor’s degree in music performance from Oklahoma City University in 2002 and plays bass with the Fort Smith Symphony in Arkansas, performing about seven concerts a year. Phillips enjoys the outdoors, whether he’s hiking, kayaking or seeing nature from behind a camera as a photographer. He said he’s currently learning English-style horseback riding and contemplating picking up polo. Hannah Tarver, department head of the UNT libraries’ digital projects unit, has worked with Phillips since August 2007. “I wasn’t terribly surprised when he was named a mover and shaker,� Tarver said. “He’s very involved in library science, not just thinking about how to improve but how we can be leaders in the field.� Phillips said the biggest challenge has been the hard work involved in structuring the electronic system and the sheer volume of information to be digitized. The digital projects unit has already transferred more than 60,000 items into the digital collection. “It takes a lot to get people

to collaborate,� Phillips said. Daniel Alemneh, digital curator of the UNT libraries’ digital projects unit, said that naming Phillips a mover and shaker was long overdue. Alemneh has been a colleague of Phillips’ since they were both students. Their first project was providing electronic access to government documents for the U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. The ACIR was established in 1959 to study ways to improve efficiency in relations between federal agencies. UNT is now an archive for state and national digital resources and was also the third university in the world to mandate electronic copies of these documents. “[Phillips] has grown exceptionally fast over time,� Alemneh said. “He has a rare technical skill, not common for librarians. He bridges the gap and can communicate the libraries’ needs with the programmers.� Because of the work of people like Phillips, the future of UNT’s digital libraries is wide open. “There’s so many opportunities,� Phillips said. “We have infrastructure in place, and now we can focus on content.�

april 2012 DATE




Street Foods from the Hot Zone: MOROCCAN

Kerr Cafeteria

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.


International/Sustainability Art Show Reception

Union Gallery

3 p.m.


International Food Fair

Baptist Student Ministry


Street Food from the Hot Zone: CUBAN

Kerr Cafeteria


Coffee and Culture

Discovery Park


Street Foods from the Hot Zone: BRAZIL

Kerr Cafeteria


German Film: “Four Minutes� (2006)

Language Building 107A


Dinner Diversity

Golden Eagle Suite, Union


Afro-Cuban/Brazilian/Latin Jazz Ensemble

Voertman Hall


Street Food from the Hot Zone: ASIAN

Kerr Cafeteria


Spanish Film: “Romero� (1989)

Language Building 107A


Street Food from the Hot Zone: INDIA

Kerr Hall


WorldFest by TAMS

McConnell Hall Lawn


Easter Celebrations Around the World

McKenna Park



Language Building 107A


Coffee and Culture

Discovery Park


Japanese Film: “The Professor’s Beloved Equation�

Language Building 107A

11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 3 - 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 11 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 - 4 p.m. 3 p.m.


Traditional Indian Cuisine

Bruce Cafeteria


French Film: “OSS 117: Lost in Rio�

Language Building 107A

11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 4 p.m.


CAMCSI Film “The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam� (2005)

Chilton Hall

4 p.m.


Japanese Drummers


7 p.m.


International Dance Party

Library Mall


College Business Distinguished Speaker Series: Jeff Gisea, CEO and Co-Founder of Best Vendor

Business Leadership Building 170

8:30 - 10 p.m. 10 a.m.


African Cultural Festival

Voertman Hall

8 p.m.


International/Diversity/Sustainability Banquet w/ Ambassador Harriet Elam-Thomas

Apogee Stadium tickets required

7 p.m.


Coffee and Culture

Discovery Park


German Film: “The Edge of Heaven� (2007)

Language Building 107A


Vegan Thai Cuisine

Mean Greens


Korean Festival

Library Mall


Italian Film: “TBD�

Language Building 107A


University Day and Native Dress and Flag Parade

Library Mall


Global Rhythms: Mixed Percussion Ensembles

Voertman Hall


Coffee and Culture

Discovery Park


French Film: “Let it Rain� (2008)

Language Building 109


Traditional Moroccan Cuisine

Champs Cafeteria


Arabic Film: “Caramel� (2007)

Language Building 107A


EarthFest and International Fair and Market

Library Mall


African Fashion Show “We are the Voice�



Basant Kite Festival

North Lakes Park

NT Daily Listing.indd 1

3 - 4 p.m. 3 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 2 - 6 p.m. 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 8 p.m. 3 - 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 - 8 p.m. 6 p.m. 11 a.m.

4/2/12 11:45 AM

Extreme Midget Wrestling -8:00 pm @ Rockin! Rodeo Jim Tunnell -9:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf

students perform “The Itch,â€? choreographed by dance Anna Olvera, at-7:30pm a rehearsal@for the New Choreograalso decided to dance. Cushman Dance senior projects class are required Wert’s “The Television is Watching North Staff Writer Trivia Night withsenior Norm Amorose Public House 2010: the film. “I tried working in Austin, front. American Skull Splitter Tour phers Concert. Student Discount 20% off on Haircuts allowed students to perform if to choreograph or perform in the Me Againâ€? and Cassie Farzan Skeletonwitch/Withered/Landmine Marathon/ “It’s a small part, but he was “I thought to myself, I love Though radio, telev ision but it was just so big I couldn’t theySpectacle-8:00pm were up for the challenge. concert. They also can complete a Panah’s “Gravity of Deception.â€? The @ Rubber Gloves rea76201 lly ga in a ny t hing from movies so much that I wanted nice enough to offer me the and film graduate Stephen 415 S. Elm St. #102 Denton, TX RachelFinger-9:00pm Caldwell choreo“I set out with this image of a Crooked research study in fieldwork. feeling of dance with touch and ence of being blind by wearing harmonies. @ Public House part,â€? he said. “It was a great they were made,â€? he to know how Young can’t say he’s headlined their film department,â€? L:M5=NO6$P<8QMR graphedBach “Certain Uncertaintyâ€? “Their work is a culmination to motel. I was interested in doing Denton Caldwell said her piece is about sound rather than with sight,â€? blindfolds. InCafĂŠ 28 rehearsals, the Society-7:00pm @ The Hydrant major films, he has made the said. “Transferring to North he said. “I figured I’d do that experience and I learned a lot and is also performing in “GuessSnack/Goldilocks demonstrate the knowledge they something different,â€? Wert said. MillionYoung/Teen four dancers adapted to their blindness as an experience, not Caldwell said. Daze/Old from him and the other actors big screen. Who’s Not Coming to have acquired through the course “I thought about the idea of why & The Rock-9:00pm @Dinner,â€? Hailey’s inhearing The concert will also be held at and touching senses to a handicap. the movie.â€? Young, who plays a small Queberaphed Sisters/Will @ through Dan’s Silverleaf choreog by Johnson-8:00pm A n na help them people would want to stay at a The of their study,â€? Cushman said.Editor 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. “I was in my modern class last alexdmacon@yahoo.com the modern Alex Macon, Arts & Life UN T busi ness a lu m nus role in the film “Like Crazy,â€? Lumpkin-7:00pm @ The Boiler Room Womack. Cushman, the artistic director motel and wondered what they Fatty piece. Caldwell also worked with semester and we would lie on Sunday in the University Theatre. Russell Petty said he’s known which opened on Halloween, Reindeer Romp-7:30pm @ South Lakes Park Ryan Pivovar to the ground and shut our eyes. For more information, visit www. In Caldwell’s choreography, of the concert, is known for felt.â€? music student Young since seventh grade had previously racked up a dancers explore the experiWert’s modern piece includes her background in dance. She compose a song of looped cello I wondered if I could capture a danceandtheatre.unt.edu. and said he thinks this is just series of TV credits in shows Saturday, December 4th start of Young’s career. such as “Murder by the Book,â€? La Meme Gallery opening: Sally the Glass/Oh Lewis!/ “When it came to drama, and A-B$C1/%,?+1$A%C1 “Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Murdocks/Jon Vogt-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves N ADIA HILL heRockin’ always seemed steal the sales, waited tables and set up to the homeless and residents Kenda.â€? Angel Tree Fundraiser-8:00pm Rodeo met. No matter how to you choose another, an essential key @ hunger,â€? McCoy said. “These one —Victoria Armstrong Staff show in whatever he was in,â€? booths outside grocery stores to who may have jobs but cannot “I Writer always kind of lived in my students can make a positive toThe Contingency @doThe to it, Hydrant it keeps CafĂŠ our society civic engagement.Clause-9:00pm Theater sophomore he said. “I always thought he raise funds. imagination and liked A“I’ve Spune Christmas 2010: Telegraph Canyon/Monahans/Birds afford food after paying bills accountable and truly demoalways been fascinated The lights come up onplaying a teary- difference and impact on the had the drive and ability to & Batteries/Seryn/Dour Burr/Glen Farris-7:30pm @ Hailey’s different characters,â€? he said. other costs. According Their efforts sent $11,821 to cratic.â€? by how people engage with their world. We tell them they can eyed woman standing in front BY M ARLENE GONZALEZ Creative Art STUDIO, onetoof wife, Leslie Kregel, thought little more visibility and have the and Disc Golf Winter Open: Amateur Team Tournamentmake it.â€? “Movies were always my big Dechavez, about 300,000 meals the North Texas Food Bank, Quinn, whose group donated community and, more impormake a difference, and we give of 40 UNT students. In a shaky Intern would be great to increase public more aware of art culture the businesses that has been 10:00am @ North Lakes Disc Golfit Pett Course y has seen Young in an undergraduate and then Texas and working to fordontTV escape.â€? would be necessary feedit 3,951 to SOS so.â€? as voice, she explains humbled

part of First Friday to since Denton that Children’s isn’t always a aday awareness of the communi- $in On Friday, thehow shops off the them an opportunity gave me the expe- go to an acting conservatory action during their college Villages, $1,100 to the Veterans all the homeless and needy in Yoisuby n g their , w hwork o i nand i t i athe l l y definitely Pathways to Civic Engagement she started. ty’s artistic talent and culture, recognized,� Kregel said. Denton Square will stay open Sunday, December 5th together and has even Association Red Cross, about North Texas, but with education rience that I course needed.� attended the Universit ythe of is a required for public or go into sketch and improv years impact they have made on Huttash said her main goal Merchants join with artists Kregel said. later than usual. Sundress/Final Club/Land Mammals/ seen some of the work he’s $1,000 to the Denton Bible and small donations, hunger W hen he ca me to UNT, comedy.� Texas at Austin, said he transcommunity. Inhave a classroom Drawe contacted sources to help promote art and busi- is providing music for the event Denton will its monthly affairs and community service The River Mouth-9:00pm @ Hailey’s After graduating from UNT done at Groundlings. Young but saidstudents his goal was to ferredthe to hall, UNTanother because of the majors, at a month. local and international $1,000 the – each of various down woman nesses.and Forabout example, antoartist and created the website first- Church First Friday on the Square and !"#$%&$'()*+,-.$/+012+01$/%12+1$3$456789:45:;5<9&=8>$ V ic t or i a A r m s t r on g , a Ashbury Relief Ministry. learn the insenroll. and outs behind in 1998, Young said he worked oppor tunit y to ga in more disciplines level – could oneAlex day Riegelman, be a thing Although is making a similar speech. Friday, to display fridaydenton.com to establish looking for a place Industrial Street area. Monday, December 6th *Bring this ad for freeOn chips/queso with purchase. for KDAF in Dallas as a camera t he ater s ophomore, s a id of the past. “With that money, we will the class provides an idealistic Lecturers April Fehler and Trivia Monday with Norm Amorose -7:30pm @ Public House his or her work could contact a local guitarist and blues the event. Live music, sculptures, stained operator and graphics artist. k now ing t hat people who provide over 35,000 meals,� said “I learned bit at Brenda McCoy recently guided will that play ainlittle A Creative “First Friday has noQuinn boss, no a coffee shop owner willing to singer, glass, appetizers and art will be syllabus detailing ways to give —Heather I n 20 0 0, he move d to were in her shoes before are Karla Dechavez, development a time really makes a differback to the community, not their 72 civic engagement Tuesday, December 7th Art STUDIO. president. I’msciences just in charge of host the artist, Kregel said. available until 9 p.m. instead of Applied artssome and successjunior motiL.A. and enrolled into The said. “W hen for North Texas Food ence,� everyone starts off willing to students in a three-week project Pearl Harbor Memorial Day having Keri Quinn Zimlich, a journalism Heath Robinson, a pharmacy the website and building it into coordinator the regular 6 p.m. vates her for the future. Groundlings theater school, combined with the rest of event the Bank. “That makes a significant lend a hand. to raise money for local and PHOTO BY TARYN WALKER/INTERN something because I started it,� junior, thinks the event will junior, said she thinks the For First Friday, art galleries “Even if it’s a small part aThursday, prestigious improv school class, the impact was immense. impact on the community. Even to the Denton Bible Church’s tantly, why they don’t,� applied With this in mind, both Fehler national hunger charities. When December 9th in First Friday Drawe said. bring attention to the creativity is a great opportunity to have and businesses stay open longer Robin Huttash, owner of A Creative Arts STUDIO, will participate like his, it’s a big where stars such as Heather Kristen Iffun. we see anTHE issue in EXPRESS the world they were Cattle Ministry, setmovie upCimarrona, theirthat’s own the arts and sciences junior and McCoy designed the project it to was all said and done, they had Josh Abbott Band/Rob Baird/ William Clark POLAR Denton. The studio will stay open until 9 p.m. on Friday. thefact community haseducating to offer. Kregel’s business, give shoppers an opportunity gotten tog collect reat rev iews,� and she people about hunger will make we shouldn’t be Wiig and Will Ferrell have intimidated website donations Quinn said. “Civic engagement Green-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo so that students can choose their amassed a total of $18,816.07. weekend of “It’s not just one shop, but “I think it’s a good way to sells hats, scarves and warm to admire and buy art. said. “There isn’ttosuch thing gone. interacting with your explain 12/2 to try to solve it, because one a big difference.� the cause family and means own groups, charities and fund“We teach the importance of getting together Several communities and month, which is where the idea pher and UNT alumnus, said he clothing recycled from old increase the exposure of the arts all the Pshops HOTO C OURTESY OF S TEPHEN Y OUNG as a sma ll pa rt as long as It was December whilemake he was Friday, 10th really can make aofposiNorth Robinson Texas Food Bank person Other groups used social surethere you friends. techniques in order to community civic engagement and THE WARRIOR’S WAY [R] their 11:40am problem 2:05pm 4:55pm 7:30pm raising 10:05pm to rekindle that love inThe Denton,� said. clothes. countries have own First helped startto Denton’s First Friday came from. 1998 radio, television and fi lm graduate Stephen Young has played parts inart,� TV you ga in some ex perience that Young met “Like Crazy� Burial/Wild Tribe/xunit 21’s first show/Wiccans/ tive impact.� provides 90,000 meals a day media, held car washes and bake and your neighbors’ needs are hold students accountable to solving, but with a focus on BURLESQUEor [PG13] 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:00pm 9:50pm Robin Huttash ow ns A Zimlich said. “What we hope is [to gain] a Friday First Thursday each Shannon Drawe, a photogra- in in February 2010. He and his shows such as “Murder by the Book� and “Homicide Hunter.� Rotundus/Youth Agression-8:00pm Rubber Gloves director Drake Doremus, who from@it.� DUE DATE [R] 11:45am 2:20pm 4:50pm 7:15pm 9:40pm



940.380.0955 Page 4 outbackhair.com

Arts & Life

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Friday, December 2

thingLighting as a Festival Holiday N e c k p a “There i n ? isn’t such -5:30pm @ Denton Square

small part as long as you gain Reindeer Romp (Register by some from it.� FF experience Dec. 1) -6:30pm @ South Lakes

Happy Hour 4 - 7P.m. $1 Domestic - longneck $2 Imports - longneck

'+,?%@+0%,$A++2? Civic engagement classes raise more than $18,000 DE#F Monthly event promotes art purchases in Denton Park, 556 Hobson Ln. Sundress/ Roy Robertson/ Soviet/ New York City Queens/ Ghost Town/ Retro Run -8:00pm @ Hailey!s Luna Solarium -10:00pm @ Banter “I’ve always been fascinated by Brave Combo -10:00pm @ Dan!s howSilverleaf people engage with their

Tuesday/Thursday $.99 Tacos Friday $5.99 Fajita Platters

community, and...why they don’t.�

Saturday, December 3

FASTER [R] 11:15am 1:45pm 4:30pm 7:05pm 9:35pm HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 [PG13] 1:40pm 5:10pm 6:30pm 8:30pm 9:45pm HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 - DIGITAL [PG13] 11:55am 3:40pm 7:25pm 10:45pm LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS [R] 11:20am 2:10pm 5:00pm 7:55pm 10:40pm MEGAMIND [PG] 1:10pm 4:00pm

Saturday, December 11th Dead Week Print Show: Pan Ector/Gutterth Productions/ MORNING GLORY [PG13] 11:30am 2:25pm 5:05pm 7:45pm 10:30pm La Meme/ Pants-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Thursday, December 2nd Thursday, AprilSam 5, 2012 TANGLED [PG] 12:45pm 3:20pm 6:05pm 8:45pm Jessie Frye, with Robertson-8:30pm @ The Hydrant CafÊ Hares on the Mountain -5:00pm Roger Creager/Zach Walther-8:00pm @Civic Rockin’ Rodeo Voltrevolt/Daniele Markham/Roy Robertson TANGLED ?-%REAL , T ( 1 DK $3D / % 1 2[PG] + 1 11:25am 2:00pm 4:40pm 7:20pm 9:55pm Arts &Dark Crafts Show-8:00am @ Danton Center A%?2$0%?2%,1$?'+@$(1 The Side of Oz -9:00pm Till They’re Blue or Destroy-7:00pm @ The Hydrant CafÊ –The 10:00 pm @Dan’s Silverleaf THE NEXT THREE DAYS [PG13] 12:50pm 3:55pm 7:10pm 10:20pm Dan!s Silverleaf Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal ?(1)%$EF#U 1+,2'$2%SC? @ Denton Holiday Lighting Festival-5:45pm @ The Square Discipline – 10:00 pm @Rubber Gloves Theater UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:35am 2:15pm 4:45pm 7:35pm 10:10pm Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus @ Dan!s Silverleaf One O’clock Lab Band with The Denton High School Friday, December Beaujolais More Wine and Food Jazz Bands – 7:30&pm3rd @Denton High School North American Skull Splitter Tour 2010: ?2,C0$G$H%I2$'C2? Tasting Tween Twilight Egg Hunt – 7:30 pm @Denia Recreation Center -5:30pm @ Denton Civic Center Skeletonwitch/Withered/Landmine Ambramblers/ Lonesome 25 Death and Dessert Mystery Book ClubMarathon/ –Heroes The Spectacle-8:00pm @Thieving Rubber Gloves Bart TheLibrary Birds 7:00 pmCrow/ @Emily Fowler -7:00pm@ Dan!s Silverleaf Crooked Finger-9:00pm @ Public House National Theatre Live: The Immortals [R] 103 Mins American Reunion October Baby L:M5=NO6$P<8QMR Dr. RobertBach Huizenga – 7:00 pm @ @UNT UniversityCafÊ Union Collaborators LIVE 195 Mins RealD 3D | 4:10pm R113 Mins Digital Cinema PG-13105 Mins 1:30pm Digital Cinema Denton Society-7:00pm The Hydrant -8:00 pm @ Rockin! Rodeo Digital 7:00pm Midnight Cinema Showtimes (Late Thursday Night) 2:00pm | 4:40pm | 7:15pm | 9:50pm Denton is Burning -10:00pm Thursday Night Music at UNT on the Square J. Edgar [R] 137 Mins MillionYoung/Teen Daze/Old Snack/Goldilocks Rascal Flatts: Changed [PG] 97 Mins 21 Jump Street Arthur Christmas Digital Cinema 12:40pm | 3:50pm PG115 Mins Cinema| 4:35pm R109 Mins Digital –&7:00 pm @UNTGloves onPVC the Square RealD 3DDigital 1:40pm | 7:10pm | Cinema 10:20pm Pterodactyl/ Street Gang/ The Rock-9:00pm @ Hailey’s 7:00pm 2:10pm | 4:50pm | 7:35pm | 10:15pm @ Rubber | 7:25pm | 10:10pm Wildwood Food and WineJohnson-8:00pm Tasting – 6:00 pm@@Wildwood Inn Digital Jack and [PG] 91 Mins Titanic 3DCinema 3:15pm | 8:50pm Dr. Seuss’ TheJill Lorax The Quebe Sisters/Will Dan’s Silverleaf Digital 2:00pm | 4:25pm PG-13194 Mins PG86 MinsCinema Digital Cinema GeistHeistler/ Midnite Society Boxcar Bandits -10:30pm RealD 3D 2:05pm | 4:35pm | 7:00pm | 9:25pm Hugo [PG] 127 Mins | 7:00pm | 9:25pm Annual High school Art Show – 1:00 pm @Center for Visual Arts Fatty Lumpkin-7:00pm @ The Boiler Room 1:55pm |3D 6:05pm | 8:10pm | 10:10pm RealD 1:45pm | 4:45pm Cinema Act of Valor |Digital 7:45pm | 10:40pm A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas [R] 85 Mins Easter Bunny Photos – 12:00 pm @ Reindeer Romp-7:30pm @ South Lakes Park -9:00pm @Rubber Gloves 4:00pm R101 Mins Digital Cinema @ Dan!s Silverleaf Digital Cinema 5:45pm RealD 3D 9:45pm 2:15pm Golden Triangle Mall in Denton Mirror Mirror PG106Muppets Mins Digital[PG] Cinema This Means War [PG-13] 115 Mins The 120 Mins Tower Heist 1:10pm | Cinema 2:35pm | 4:00pm | 5:25pm | 6:50pm PG-13120 Mins Digital Cinema Digital 1:50pm | 3:20pm | 4:40pm Digital Cinema 2:25pm | 5:05pm Saturday, December Merging Vision Exhibit –4th 1:00 pm @Emily Fowler Library | 9:40pm | 10:40pm 10:10pm || 8:05pm 6:05pm | 7:30pm | 8:55pm | 10:20pm | 7:50pm | 10:30pm La Meme Gallery opening: Sally@Perennial Glass/Oh Lewis!/ Spectacular Blooms – 10:00 am Path Plant farm Wrath of the Titans Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Happy PussMins in Boots [PG] 90 Mins PG-1399 Feet Mins Two [PG] 105 Mins PG94 A-B$C1/%,?+1$A%C1 Murdocks/Jon Vogt-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves RealD 3D 1:20pm | 4:05pm | 7:05pm Digital RealD 3D RealD 3D Cinema 1:05pm | 3:25pm The Toadies w/The Phuss/Sea Lion/Oddlot @Rockin’ Rodeo 2:20pm |Cinema 3:40pm | 2:45pm 4:55pm | 6:20pm 1:55pm | 4:25pm Digital | 5:25pm | 5:40pm | 8:00pm | 10:25pm | 9:00pm | 10:20pm AngelRound Tree Fundraiser-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo || 7:40pm 8:05pm | 10:45pm Big Spectacles/ Loose Milkdrive -7:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf Digital Cinema The Vow 1:00pm PG-13104 Mins The Contingency Clause-9:00pm @ The Hydrant CafÊ The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Digital Cinema Friday, April 6, 2012 -The Part 1 [PG-13] Hunger Games 117 Mins 6:55pm | 9:35pm Fit -10:00pm @ Banter Chris Rivers Band -8:00pm A Spune Christmas Telegraph Canyon/Monahans/Birds PG-13142Cinema Mins Digital 12:40pm | 2:05pm Brave Combo – 10:002010: pm @Dan’s Silverleaf Cinema | 4:50pm | 6:20pm |Digital 3:30pm | 1:45pm | 2:50pm| | 10:35pm 3:55pm | 5:00pm | & Batteries/Seryn/Dour Burr/Glen Farris-7:30pm @ Hailey’s |12:40pm 7:40pm | 9:10pm 6:05pm | 7:10pm | 8:15pm | 9:20pm | 10:25pm Neff Rockin! @Denton Garage @ Rodeo Back toWinter the 90!sAmateur @ The Denton Garage Disc Golf Open: Team TournamentConnie & The Blackbirds Debut & Birthday Party: The 10:00am @ North Lakes Disc Golf Course Dust Congress/ Welcome

Fishboy/ Blackbirds Featuring Connie Salsman/Artificial Baby/ Signs/ The Kerry Davis Jr. Band – 9:00 pm @Haileys Seth Sherman/ The Diamond Sunday, December 5th Nevada Hill and Chili Com Carne Presents: Futuro Primitivo with Sundress/Final Club/Land Mammals/ Age -9:00pm @ Congress Hailey!s Cerulean/Giallo/Ulna/Dust – 9:00 pm @Rubber Gloves The River Mouth-9:00pm @ Hailey’s Little Women – The Musical – 7:30 pm @Campus Theatre !"#$%&$'()*+,-.$/+012+01$/%12+1$3$456789:45:;5<9&=8>$ Indian Jewelry/ Prince Rama/ Monday, December 6th Darktown Strutters/ New-7:30pm Fumes Trivia Monday with Norm Amorose @ Public House Saturday, April 7, 2012 Susan Gibson @ – 9:00 pm/Dan’s Silverleaf and Little Guy’s Movers -9:00pm Rubber Gloves Tuesday,Boil December Crawfish – 3:00 pm7th @Dan’s Silverleaf @Dan’s Silverleaf PearlScott Harbor Memorial Day Brian @Denton Garage Denton Babe Bash + Sol Tax CD Release/Mary Walker/ Thursday, December The Red Death/Sol Tax –9th CD Release/Queens of Noise Josh Abbott Band/Rob Baird/ William Clark (RunwaysDoggie Tribute Band) – 9:00 pm @Haileys Bone -8:00pm $ 99 Green-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo @ Banter Peopleodian/Two Knights/Deep Snapper/ DHAW!!! Pickin! andGloves a Grinnin! Old SnackDecember – 9:00 pm 10th @Rubber $ 99 Friday, THE WARRIOR’S WAY [R] 11:40am 2:05pm 4:55pm 7:30pm 10:05pm Little Women –Tribe/xThe Musical – 7:30 for United Way -5:00pm & Theatre Burial/Wild unit 21’s first@Campus show/Wiccans/ BURLESQUE [PG13] 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:00pm 9:50pm Merging Visions Reception – 3:30 pm @North Branch Library Rotundus/Youth Agression-8:00pm @ Rubber Gloves DUE DATE [R] 11:45am 2:20pm 4:50pm 7:15pm 9:40pm 9:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf Meet the Author: Ladykiller – 2:00 pm @Emily Fowler Library Dirty City Band -9:00pm @ Public House FASTER •[R] 11:15am 1:45pm 4:30pm 7:05pm 9:35pm Special Hibachi Worldfest 2012 11:00 am The @McConnell Hall’s New Riders of–the Purple Sage/ Violent SquidField Dayat UNT Droo D!Anna @ Denton Garage HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 [PG13] 1:40pm 5:10pm 6:30pm 8:30pm 9:45pm • Fresh Sushi Everyday Easter Eggstravaganza – 9:30 @Civic Center vs. Night Achtone-8:00pm @ pm Dan’s Silverleaf HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 - DIGITAL [PG13] 11:55am 3:40pm 7:25pm 10:45pm Rocketboys/ The Winter Sounds/ Israel Guided Tour ofShepherds’ the North Texas Horse Country The Second Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal • Fresh Seasonal Fruit LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS [R] 11:20am 2:10pm 5:00pm 7:55pm 10:40pm Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater – 9:00 am @Denton Historical Park • [PG]Oven Nash @ Hailey!s MEGAMIND 1:10pm 4:00pmRoasted King Prawns Saturday,Gripka December-9:00pm 11th MEGAMIND - REAL [PG] 11:50am 2:35pmEveryday 5:15pm 7:50pm 10:15pm &D 3DOctopus Dead Week Print Pan Ector/Gutterth Productions/ Pinkish Black/ Vulgar Fashion/ Sunday, April 8,Show: 2012 MORNING GLORY [PG13] 11:30am 2:25pm 5:05pm 7:45pm 10:30pm La Meme/ Pants-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves • No M.S.G. Hareson The Mountain – 5:00 pm @Dan’s Silverleaf TANGLED [PG] 12:45pm 3:20pm 6:05pm 8:45pm Zavod/ Meme Gallery @Presents: JessieWomen Frye,UR/ with Sam Robertson-8:30pm TheTheatre Hydrant CafÊ • Over 100 Items Daily Little – The Musical 2:00 pm @Campus TANGLED - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:25am 2:00pm 4:40pm 7:20pm 9:55pm Arts & Crafts Show-8:00am @ Danton Civic Center The Works of Rob Buttrum •THREE DAYS Crab Sat Dinner Only THE NEXT [PG13] Legs 12:50pm 3:55pmFri 7:10pm & 10:20pm The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Monday, April 9, 2012@ TheGloves UNSTOPPABLE 4:45pm 7:35pm 10:10pm • [PG13] All 11:35am You2:15pmCan Eat Farce & Feaste-7:30pm Campus Theater -9:00pm @Rubber Denton is Burning – 10:00 • Wi-Fi Hotspot pm @Rubber Gloves

Sunday, December 4 Thursday, November 17

MEGAMIND - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:50am 2:35pm 5:15pm 7:50pm 10:15pm


Monday, December 5

Neck pain?




110 N. Carroll Blvd Denton, Tx 76201 940.891.1932

Pat Martino -6:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf Baloney Moon -8:00pm @ Banter Ryan Thomas Becker and Last Joke/ Bad Design/ Final Club/ Terrestrials/ Family Fiend -9:00pm @ Hailey!s Meme Gallery Presents : Inradius – Works City Band -9:00pm Elizabeth @ Public House ofDirty Andie Sterling, Hurtado, New Riders of the Purple Sage/ Violent Squid Day Hunter Wild/ Nick Groesch/Breathing vs. Night Achtone-8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Lines/ Northern-9:00pm @Rubber Gloves Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater

Friday, November 188 Thursday, December

Mon-Sat: 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. www.micasitafood.com

SHOWTIMES VALID FOR 12-03-2010 Sunday, December 12th

TANGLED 3D [PG] 11:15AM | 1:50 | 4:25 | HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: The1 Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas 7:00 | 9:55 Pie...A Madrigal PART [PG13] 12:00 | 3:20 | 6:30 | 9:40

Enjoy your holidays!

UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:45AM | 2:20 | MEGAMIND 3D [PG] 11:00AM | 1:25 | 3:50 | 4:55 | 7:30 | 10:15 6:15 | 9:00 Soothing Treatments Monday, December 13th 25% off Farce & Feaste-2:00pm @ The Campus Theater

The Gay Blades-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves -Massage Therapy Trivia Night-Personal with Norm Amorose -7:30pm @ Public House Fitness Training

Student Discount - 20% off on Haircuts DAILY DRINK SPECIALS

Monday Friday 76201 For UNT Students and Staff/Faculty 415Monday S. Elm St. #102 Denton, TX Margaritas $2.50 Well Drinks $2.50

940.380.0955 For more info: Saturday outbackhair.com House Wine $2.50 940-202-9118 | 940-465-1008 | completefm.net Raw Oyster Bar! Cuervo Shots $2.50 Mexican Beer $3.00

Tuesday Texas Tuesday Shiners $3.00 Well Drinks $2.50

Firemans 4 Draft $3.00

Neck pain 1/2 Priced? appetizers Sunday Bloody Marys $2.50 Mimosas $2.50 Bellinis $2.50

Wednesday Domestic Bottled Beers $2.00 Thursday Double Well Drinks $5.00

Everyday Drink Specials Jim Beam Shots $2.50 Tango Shots $3.00

Monday - Thursday 4-7 p.m.

Located in the Lively Historical Downtown Denton Square Area! 940.484.2888 | 115 S.BOOTS Elm Street, Denton LADIES www.wimgo.com and search CORRAL, DAN POST, ARIAT, TONY Sweetwater LAMA, OLD WEST, LAREDO, JOHNNY RINGO & ANDERSON BEAN

New China King Buffet Best price in Denton Sunday Lunch 7 Dinner Buffet 8

• •

Serving Alcoholic Beverages 25 Up To 120 Party Room Seats

Sunday, 20 Tuesday, AprilNovember 10, 2012

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 [PG-13] 117 Mins Digital Cinema Midnight Showtimes (Late Thursday Night) 12:01am | 12:02am | 12:03am | 12:04am | 12:05am | 12:08am | 12:10am | 12:15am | 12:20am | 12:25am

A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas [R] 85 Mins 4:25pm | 5:35pm | 7:05pm | 8:00pm

Twilight Saga: Marathon [PG-13]

In Time [PG-13] 109 Mins

Immortals [R] 103 Mins RealD 3D 1:00pm | 2:15pm | 3:35pm | 6:15pm | 7:30pm | 8:55pm

Puss in Boots [PG] 90 Mins RealD 3D 2:15pm | 4:35pm | 5:45pm | 6:55pm | 8:05pm | 9:15pm | 10:25pm

J. Edgar [R] 137 Mins

| 7:10pm | 10:20pm

Paranormal Activity 3 [R] 81 Mins

10 OFF %

Tower Heist [PG-13] 115 Mins

| 6:20pm | 7:50pm | 10:35pm

• With Student I.D. • A Group Of 8 Or More Plus a Free Cake

Special food requests available for graduation parties

Jack and Jill [PG] 91 Mins

3:10pm | 4:30pm | 5:40pm | 7:00pm | 8:10pm | 9:30pm | 10:40pm

Footloose [PG-13] 113 Mins

Real Steel [PG-13] 132 Mins


Dine-In or Take-Out 1008 W. University Dr. • Denton, TX 76201 Sun-Thur 10:30AM - 10:00PM Fri & Sat 10:30AM - 11:00PM Located in Retail Plaza on DCTA bus route 6 connect *Offers cannot be combined. We reserve the right to end offers at any time.

Movie Tavern New China King Buffet Chase Bank

Saturday, November 19

Kroger University Dive

90’s Night/DJ Questionmark DHAW!!! Pickin! and a Grinnin! for – 10:00 pm @Haileys United Way -5:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf Gutterth Live: Episode LV Presents: Lechuguillas Barcraft Denton: MLG Providence Terminator 2 Bludded Head Finals -8:00pm Ecootone Secret Cakes –@ Rubber Gloves 9:00 pm @Rubber Gloves Kings! Christmas CD N!Awlins Gumbo Discover Your Positive Release -7:00pm @ Sweetwater Grill Moods – 7:00 pm @ North Branch Library Free Yoga Classes for Breast Cancer Survivors/ Patients – 5:30 pm @ Hajime Yoshida/ Denton Regional Medical Evan Weiss Center, Education -7:00pm @ Building Sweetwater Grill

Tuesday, November 22 Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bug Fight! Improv Comedy – 9:00 pm @Dan’s Silverleaf 50 Cent wells w/Luke Wade @Denton Garage Hip-Hop Open mic Show: Braingang/Topic/ Hunter/Rudy the Mestro – 9:00 pm @Haileys Me Gusta with Yeahdef – 10:00 pm @Rubber Gloves County Rexford – 7:00 pm @Abbey Inn


THE POLAR EXPRESS weekend of 12/2



HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART 1 [PG13] 12:00 | 3:20 | 6:30 | 9:40

TANGLED 3D [PG] 11:15AM | 1:50 | 4:25 | 7:00 | 9:55

MEGAMIND 3D [PG] 11:00AM | 1:25 | 3:50 | 6:15 | 9:00 Monday Margaritas $2.50

UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:45AM | 2:20 | Drinks $2.50 4:55 | 7:30Well | 10:15


Cuervo Shots $2.50 Mexican Beer $3.00

Tuesday Texas Tuesday Shiners $3.00 Well Drinks $2.50 Wednesday Domestic Bottled Beers $2.00 Thursday Double Well Drinks $5.00

1/2 Priced appetizers Monday - Thursday 4-7 p.m.


Saturday House Wine $2.50 Firemans 4 Draft $3.00 Sunday Bloody Marys $2.50 Mimosas $2.50 Bellinis $2.50 Everyday Drink Specials Jim Beam Shots $2.50 Tango Shots $3.00

Raw Oyster Bar!

Located in the Lively Historical Downtown Denton Square Area! 940.484.2888 | 115 S. Elm Street, Denton www.wimgo.com and search Sweetwater


Thursday, April 5, 2012 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor

Page 7 blew7@hotmail.com

Series win could launch softball team Opinion BRETT MEDEIROS Senior Staff Writer


Junior Eric Stein prepares to pass the ball to junior Trevor Swift during UNT’s game against Texas Christian University at Fouts Field on March 7. The Mean Green lost 11-7 to the Horned Frogs.

UNT ends season on the road Men’s Lacrosse A LISON ELDRIDGE Senior Staff Writer

A f ter its season sta r ted w it h much opt i m ism, t he Mean Green men’s lacrosse club (1-8, 0-3) will close out the 2011-2012 campaign with three games on the road. “Having all of our players t here w ill be a big adva nt a ge,” head c oach C ose y Carlisle said. “In our other road games I think we really beat ourselves up – more than the other team beat us even – and not making the one or two critical mistakes we’ve been making will be key.” Despite a 1-3 home record, bei ng able to play home ga mes at Fout s Field ha s been a benefit to the team, Carlisle said. In the past, the team has played its home games at the recreational fields on Bonnie Brae Street. Before the start

of this season, Carlisle gained permission to play the team’s home games at Fouts Field. In its only victory of the season, t he Mea n Green beat Rice 15-4 Feb. 4 at home. “It has definitely helped to have our games at Fouts,” he

its next game against conference opponent Texas Tech (1-11, 0-4) at 7 p.m. Saturday may bring an opportunity for it to move up in the Lone Star Alliance Conference standings. Texas Tech is in last place in the North Division,

“It’ll come down to who’s more consistent, doesn’t make critical mistakes and just tries the hardest.”

—Cosey Carlisle Head coach, men’s lacrosse

said. “It’s nice to have more fans show up, and knowing we get to play t here looks good for t he prog ra m a nd shows new recruits we’ve got a quality place to play.” W h i le t he club has lost each of its conference games,

one spot behind the Mean Green. T he tea ms have t raded wins and losses, with Tech up one victory over the Mean Green over t he past seven years. Last year, the Mean Green took a 9-4 w in, but

lost by one point in the 2010 matchup. “Tech is hav ing a dow n year as well,” Carlisle said. “It‘l l come dow n to who’s more c on si stent, doe sn‘t make critical mistakes and just tries the hardest.” A lt houg h t he tea m w i l l not make the playoffs for the first time in eight seasons, ever y team goes through a dow n season occasiona lly, Carlisle said. Last year the club competed in the conference final four. “We had some big injuries hurt us in the Baylor game,” he said. “And a number of the guys couldn’t afford or didn’t have the time to make it on our long road trip. It sucks for t he seniors, but it just happens sometimes.” Following Tech, the Mean Green will face New Mexico in Lubbock on Sunday and close out its season against Southern Methodist in Dallas on April 11.

Seniors lead Mean Green in many ways Tennis TYLER OWENS Staff Writer

Any senior on any team can say they provide leadership, but sen iors Pau la Di nuta, Irina Pa raschiv a nd Nadia Miller née Lee have plenty more to offer the UNT tennis team. “They’re the glue that binds the team together,” associate head coach Jeff Maren said. “T hey prov ide t he mat urity, the confidence and the composure, so those things make up a strong bond.”

Embracing change While it took time to adjust a f ter t ra nsfer r i ng f rom Lee College in 2010, Miller beca me ent h ra l led at t he chance to play for a Division I school. She now feels that she has raised her level of play and is having tremendous success. Miller immediately made a splash at UNT, as she finished her first season with a 20-13 singles record and received

t he C at a l i na C r u z Spi r it Aw a rd, a long w it h bei ng named Sun Belt Conference Player of the Week in midFebruary. This year has been anything but a letdown for Mi l ler, who has compi led an 8-5 singles record so far, including v ictories against two ranked opponents.

Team first T houg h Dinuta has received numerous accolades over her career – including Sun Belt Player of the Week honors t w ice – her biggest accompl ish ments were helpi ng her tea m w i n t he SBC Championship in 2010 and her performance in the classroom. “Winning the conference was a very good accomplishment, tennis-wise, but then in school I also have a pretty good GPA,” she said. For D i nut a , t he t e a m means as much to her as she means to it. “We had ups and dow ns like everybody has, but I can say I grew a lot over these four

years, and it changed me c om p l e t e l y f rom who I was before. Def initely t h e s e f ou r years had a PAULA big i mp a c t DINUTA on my life,” D i nut a s a id . “I’m m or e mature, more confident in myself, a better athlete and a better student.”

Captain’s accolades Though hindered by two injuries during her college c a r e e r, t e a m c a pt a i n Paraschiv has accomplished what most players can only dream of. A Recipient of Player of the Week honors as a freshman a nd t he Mea n Green M V P award twice, she has set the sta nda rd of excel lence for the team. Paraschiv was not available for comment. “They’re very valuable, not just for their ability to play tennis but for their personality and maturity as well,”



Maren said. “Coach [Sujay La ma] a nd I look at t hese girls like our daughters, so it’s tough to let them go out into the world, but we also know that they’re prepared to do that. We are sad to see them go, but we are confident that they can handle whatever lies in front of them.” U N T h a s fou r r e g u l a r season games left before it hosts the SBC Championships on April 19.. “The next goal for me is to help contribute to the team w inning conference. From there, we have great opportunities to go even further,” Miller said. “We take it one step at a t i me, a nd we’re look ing to go as fa r as we can.”

What do the 2004 Boston Red Sox, the 2011 Dallas Mavericks and t he 2011 New York Giants all have in common? A monumental, seasoncha ng i ng ga me i n t he re g u la r or post se a son made each a championship-caliber team. Last weekend, t he UNT softball team won a three-game series against Wester n Kent uck y a nd made a final inning comeback in each game after struggling late in games all season. I’m not saying last weekend’s comebacks against WKU will launch this team past the nationally ranked Louisiana-Lafayette Ragin’ Cajuns, but they may put the Mean Green in ULL’s rearview mirror – as long as UNT doesn’t take the comebacks for granted. Maybe it’s the fact the team finally got the ball to f ly its way, but t he Mean Green now has more momentum than ever. Look at this year’s NCAA men’s basketball runnersup in Kansas. That team played above its ta lent level all season, but the momentum it built up all season wasn’t enough to carr y the Jayhawks to a championship victory. If the Mean Green can harness its inner Jayhawk, it c a n bec ome a ver y dangerous team. Momentum is nothing new this season for a UNT team. This past season, the UNT men’s basketball team failed to reach 20 wins for the first time in six years,

Brett Medeiros but the team still came within seconds of making its third NCA A Tournament appearance since 2007. Now it is the softball team’s turn to become t hat underestimated tea m that surprises everyone. Just like the men’s basketball team did, the softball team has things to fix before thinking about making a run into the conference tournament. The pitching still needs some help. This team lives and dies by the long ball, but scoring about five runs per game doesn’t help much when the pitchers also give up about five runs a game. T h i s w e e k end’s s er ie s against the Florida Atlantic Owls gives UNT the perfect oppor t u n it y to ga i n even more moment u m for t he Mean Green. FAU currently sits in last place in the Sun Belt Conference and statistically has the worst offense in the conference, with a team batting average of .235 and just more than three runs scored per game. T here is not h i ng more t hreatening t ha n a young team growing confident. Keep in mind, the only senior that’s doing any damage at the plate is Caitlin Grimes. The Mean Green now has an opportunity to take its third series victory of the season against a mediocre team and continue its upward swing.


Page 8 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor

Thursday, April 5, 2012 blew7@hotmail.com

UNT vs Florida Atlantic Looking ahead to this weekend’s key players: Brett Medeiros / Senior Staff Writer

UNT Junior Pitcher

Junior Pitcher/Infielder

Simmons is the Mean Green’s go-to pitcher. She has accounted for half of the team’s total innings pitched. Her groundout style has treated her well this season, as she’s held opposing hitters to a .252 batting average. Simmons ranks ninth in earned run average in the Sun Belt Conference at 2.74 and has appeared in the most games of any pitcher this season.

Fawbush is one of the top hitters in the conference. Her ability to work the count makes her a tough out. Her on-base percentage of .462 is eighth best in the Sun Belt. She is also in the top 10 in walks and doubles. While being one of the Owls’ best hitters, she is also the team’s top pitcher. Her 63 strikeouts are ninth best in the conference and she has pitched in 100.1 innings this season.

Brittany Simmons

Caitlin Grimes



Taylor Fawbush Senior Catcher

Junior First Baseman

Grimes is the backbone of one of the most powerful lineups in the Sun Belt. Her nine home runs leads UNT and ranks second in the conference. Her ability to control the game from behind the plate is also pivotal. This season, Grimes has thrown out 11 runners attempting to steal a base, good enough for second in the Sun Belt. To be effective, Grimes will need to make sure pitches do not get past her, as she leads the conference with 10 passed balls.

Although she’s only hit three home runs this season, Call is considered the Owls’ power hitter. As a team, FAU has only seven home runs this season. With 18 walks and an on-base percentage of .419, Call constantly finds a way to get on base, but her fielding may be her biggest weapon. As a first baseman, she has helped start seven double plays and has a .965 fielding percentage.

Stephanie Call

Sophomore Outfielder

Senior Infielder

McCarroll is the newest addition in the field this season for the Mean Green, and she has already made her presence felt at the plate. With seven home runs this season, she joins three other UNT players as the top 10 home run hitters in the conference. Though her power numbers are among the best, she is tied for second in the conference with 30 strikeouts in 92 plate appearances.

An everyday starter for FAU, Barnes is the team’s speed demon. Along with a .327 batting average, she also has the most stolen base attempts with eight for the Owls, although she has been caught stealing three times. When hitting the ball in the gaps, her speed really becomes a weapon. Her four triples this season leads the Sun Belt Conference.

Ashley McCarroll

Heather Barnes

White, Dietz get conference honors Brief

Want to be the editor? Publications Committee seeks Summer and Fall NT Daily Editor. Applications available online at www.ntdaily.com and in GAB117. Applicants must submit a resume and two letters of recommendation (one recommendation letter shall be from a faculty member and one recommendation letter from a faculty, staff member, or professional journalist outside of the NT Daily) along with the completed application. Completed applications should be emailed no later than Monday, April 16th at 5pm to Dr. Jay Allison, jay.allison@unt.edu

Want to be the Editor? Applicants must be able to meet with the committee at 12:30pm, Wednesday, April 18th in GAB114. *Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.

Bobby Lewis Sports Editor

Fo u r d a y s a f t e r t h e y recorded a top-10 f i n i sh at the Texas Relays, junior hurd ler Steven W hite a nd senior distance runner Sara Dietz each received conference honors Wednesday. White received the Sun Belt Conference Men’s Athlete of the Week after becoming the f irst member of t he Mea n Green to win a Texas Relays event since 1981. He won the 400-meter hurdles event with a time of 50.53 seconds, the best time in the conference and the fourth-best time in the nation. His t ime was a lso good enough for a “B” cut for the



Olympic Trials. He will go to Eugene, Ore., in June to try to qualify for the 2012 Olympic Games. Diet z, t he SBC Women’s Athlete of the Week, finished eighth in the 1,500-meter run in 4:30.48 minutes. The time was good enough for the top time in the conference. The team will be back in action Saturday when it hosts the North Texas Spring Classic at Fouts Field, its only home meet of the season.

Mean Green Trivia After one season at UNT, Karen Aston has officially left the Mean Green, accepting the head coaching position at Texas on Tuesday. The coach’s brief stint was impressive, as UNT enjoyed a 10-game improvement in wins from last season and earned its highest win total since the 2005-2006 season. How many wins did Aston lead UNT to last season? Answer: Aston led the Mean Green to 15 wins, including a first round victory in the Sun Belt Conference Tournament against Troy. For more Mean Green Trivia and the latest updates on UNT athletics, follow the North Texas Daily Sports Twitter, @ NTDailySports!


Thursday, April 5, 2012 Ian Jacoby, Views Editor

Campus Chat

How often do you use the Rec Center and why?

“Now that exams are coming up, not often, but when we [my best friend] don’t [have exams] we try to go three times a week.”

Maria Hernandez

General business senior

“[I go] four times a week to stay healthy. Diabetes runs in my family, so for health reasons I try to prevent it.”

Mario Lewis

Pre-biology sophomore

“I probably go biweekly. I’ve done the rock climb a couple times, but I don’t go there too often.”

Kadey Kneller

Education sophomore

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The Editorial Board and submission policies: Sean Gorman, Paul Bottoni, Valerie Gonzalez, Alex Macon, Christina Mlynski, Bobby Lewis, Ian Jacoby, Tyler Cleveland, Daisy Silos, Jessica Davis, Stacy Powers. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an email to ntviewseditor@gmail.com.

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Staff Editorial

Burmese elections a good sign for peace While the past 10 years have been defined by America’s military acting as a global police force, this week’s parliamentary election of the National League for Democracy in Myanmar (also known as Burma) over the ruling military party, known as the State Peace and Development Council, came about as a product of global sanctions on a non-democratic government. On Wednesday, in light of the election, President Obama announced that the U.S. would lift a travel ban on some of the country’s senior leaders and ease sanctions on American investments. This demonstrates a strong example of the United States’ ability to place sanctions on a country and then help facil-

itate a peaceful transition to a democratic government. Outright military rule in Myanmar ended last year when former military general Thein Sein took over as president. Since then, the outlook for a country that has been devastated by civil war since the late 1940s and military rule since 1990 has improved drastically. This week’s election marks the first free election the country has seen in 22 years. The NLD won 43 of 44 chairs it contested in the country’s parliament, and in a reassuring message to the world, President Sein said he was happy with the outcome of the election. While this is a positive step for

Myanmar, it’s important for the world to remember that Burma’s future remains unsure and that the country is still in the midst of violence. According to a New York Times report from January, this year saw the end to a 17-year cease-fire between the Kachin Army – an opposition force from Northern Burma – and the Burmese Army. Despite President Sein’s efforts to rewrite oppressive policies and commands for the army to reinstate the cease-fire, the Burmese Army continues its offensive upon the opposition fighters. Talks to reinstate the cease-fire have gone on the past few months, and hopefully the NLD’s victory will bring prog-

ress in those negotiations. The point is this; the world must not demand a democratic government, oversee the revision of some draconian laws and then turn its back to Burma while allowing a bloody civil war to continue in its northern parts. The election of President Sein and the addition of 43 NLD members in Parliament prove that sanctions and peaceful rhetoric can lead to positive change. America, the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations should continue to exert their positive influence on this impressive new government to guarantee an end to violence in Burma.


Digital interface can’t replace oldfashioned dating Dating has changed so much in just the last few years with all of our new-fangled contraptions; text messaging, Skyping and Internet dating are just a few examples of digitally enhanced courting rituals. Whatever happened to the timehonored tradition of flowers and holding a door open? Can text messaging replace face to face intimacy? Is traditional romance dead? In search of some answers, I asked a few random students on campus about what they want in the dating world today and what they feel is important to them. Kristin Parra, a 20-year-old single junior, states that the last time she received flowers was a Valentine’s Day present about two years ago. While she does not dislike flowers, she would rather be treated to a casual date than anything more formal. When speaking about the last date she went on, she says, “He picked me up [for the date] and opened the door for me each time I went in and out of the car.” She would also prefer to be contacted through text rather than on the phone when meeting with a potential suitor. Richard Wilkinson and Gerard Panther, both 21-year-old juniors, are currently in relationships. Both Wilkinson and Panther like to treat their girlfriends to flowers and feel that f lowers are necessary when they’ve “done something to make her mad.” They both prefer to talk on the phone rather than text. Lea Sarodjo, a 22-year-old senior, is a bit less orthodox when it comes to dating. She says she does not like receiving flowers because she

wants “someone to be genuinely sweet and not [get her] f lowers because someone else told them to.” Sarodjo prefers to correspond through text in the initial stages of courtship. “I think there’s something different when it comes to the phone rather than texting. Maybe just because I’m really awkward when it comes to t he phone,” Sarodio said. All in all, it seems that many women are afraid of being cliché with respect to receiving flowers and going on an old-fashioned date. You know, dinner, movie, soda pop and being walked to the front door. Men seem to genuinely enjoy giving f lowers to show that they care. Texting is OK, but so is picking up the phone if you really mean it. Being more personal and intimate upfront may shed new light where otherwise there was only darkness and confusion. Who knows, maybe you’ll feel a rare romantic spark: a spark that a computerized device simply cannot compare with.

Amira Ansari is a pre-journalism senior. She can be reached at amiraansari@my.unt.edu.

Speaking against the war on women’s health In an attempt to push his anti-abortion agenda on all Texans, Governor Rick Perry implemented a law that bans funding from the state’s Medicaid Women’s Health Program from going to Planned Parenthood clinics, even though no federal funding is allocated towards abortions, a basic medical procedure. His decision violates federal Medicaid rules by discriminating against qualified family planning providers, thus the Department of Health and Human Services cut off Medicaid funding for family planning in Texas, a total amount of $40 million, 90 percent of the entire program’s budget. The state has now lost the entire program that serves 130,000 low-income women by providing basic health care, including cancer screenings and contraceptives. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated attack on reproductive health. With a slight glance back at 2011, one can see a long list of legislative and cultural attacks on the reproductive and sexual rights of working-class individuals and families. Often times, under the mask of “budget balancing,” politicians cut funding from programs that directly affect our health and well-being, such as public education, healthcare and environmental conservation, all the while funneling billions into imperialist wars and bank bailouts. In a system of institutionalized racism, sexism and homophobia, it is no wonder that minority communities have been hit the hardest by the economic crisis and the austerity that follows. The good news is that there is something we can do about it. If you think back to the events of 2011 once again, you will recall a growing intolerance for the bigotry and hatred coming from politicians and mainstream

cultural currents. There were movements against slut-shaming and victim blaming; Walk for Choice demanded full funding of Planned Parenthood and the right to obtain an abortion; the Occupy movement sparked discussions about exploitation and oppression, and motivated direct action in uniting the struggles of oppressed groups. And now we are continuing that fight by building a stronger movement and showing our resistance to the attacks on our livelihood. On Saturday at 2 p.m., the Radical Alliance for Gender Equality, the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance and the International Socialist Organization are hosting a rally on the Square in response to the defunding of the Texas Medicaid Women’s Health Program. We want to invite anyone who supports reproductive justice to join us for this public speak-out, “Unite Against the War on Reproductive Healthcare.” In the spirit of building a broad grassroots movement, several local DFW activists are building in their cities for a statewide march and rally on April 28th in Austin at the Capitol.

Natalie Johnson is a sociology senior. She can be reached at njohnson0506@ aol.com.

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