Volume 20 Issue 26

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The Student-Run Newspaper of Nova Southeastern University March 30, 2010

Volume 20, Issue 26



News The Important Lessons in Life

The Real Party is the Only Party

Page 4

Features Women to Remember

Page 5

Sports Women’s Softball Crushed Panthers, but are Stunned by Sailfish Page 8

Arts & Entertainment A New Home for Your Coffee Fix Page 10

Opinions Get Off Your High Horse Verizon and Take on the iPhone Page 11


Voting season has commenced. Banners are up and flyers are being distributed around campus announcing the names and platforms of the Undergraduate Student Government Association candidates. SGA elections enable students to contribute to the management and coordination of NSU by electing individuals who listen and act on their behalf.


NSU may need to buy more desks for their graduate-school classrooms. A record-breaking 675,000 students registered for the GRE last year. This broke the 2007 record by nine percent. The number of students registering for the GRE, a standardized test used to measure readiness for graduate-level work, has grown both domestically and internationally, according to Educational Testing Service, which administers the GRE.

The executive board and the various senators who compose this organization aspire to be effective representatives of the students’ opinions. The 2010-2011 ticket consists of Anthony Campenni, Sara Stevens, and Raineir Regueiro. Together they form The Real Party, which envisions igniting more campus traditions and Shark pride. “SGA is all about the students’ voices and input,” said Anthony Campenni, SGA

president and junior economics major. As a member of the Real Party, Campenni currently seeks re-election as SGA president. “We, as officers, are mere vessels that connect the students’ ideas and materialize them,” he said. Stevens is running for vice president of judicial and Regueiro for vice president of legislation. “I am looking forward to combining my skills with my desire to help people,” said Gawish. She hopes to fulfill

her appointment as public relations director if the Real Party wins re-election. Although this year’s running ticket only includes one party, The Real Party will not win by default. Instead, students must vote each candidate into office. Therefore, each vote counts. “The importance of taking the time to vote lies in understanding the great deal of power that SGA holds,” said Terry Morrow, director of Student Leadership and Civic SEE SGA ELECTIONS 2

Beyond a Bachelor’s Degree CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Photo by Y. Sanchez

(From left to right) Members of the only running party, The Real Party: Sara Stevens, Anthony Campeni, and Raineir Regueiro.

The Labor Department reports that students with graduate degrees earn more money than those with a bachelor’s degree. Mark McNutt, ETS public relations manager, said that students with graduate degrees are also more employable. “As landing the perfect job becomes increasingly challenging,” he said, “students need to position themselves for success in the job market.” McNutt added that graduate degrees give students a competitive advantage. “So, it’s not surprising that GRE volumes continue to grow.” SEE BACHELOR’S DEGREE 2

The Earthquakes That Shook their World ANNARELY RODRIGUEZ NEWS EDITOR

On Jan. 12, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Caribbean country of Haiti; less than a month after, an 8.8 magnitude earthquake shook Chile. The two countries were affected by, and are expected to recover very differently from the catastrophes. Although the earthquake in Chile was stronger than the earthquake in Haiti, Haiti lost more lives and had more damage. This is because Chile suffered strong earthquakes — including

Courtesy of www.static.guim.co.uk

The aftermath of the Chile earthquake on Feb. 22, 2010.

the strongest earthquake in recorded history, a 9.5 magnitude quake in 1960. Chile’s construc-

tion standards require buildings meet certain criteria to withstand an earthquake. SEE EARTHQUAKE 2


March 30, 2010




Engagement and advisor of SGA. “This organization has the loudest voice on campus, the voice of the students.” In an effort to reach out to students, last Thursday, at the Don Taft University Center Pit, the

Real Party held a panel discussion to express their views. Allocation of budgets, future traditions are some of the concerns expressed by the students. Voting will take place this week online from Monday,

March 29 to Thursday, April 1. All undergraduate students will receive an e-mail with the photos and biographies of the candidates. Voting results will be announced at a celebration on Thursday at 5 p.m. in the Fight Deck.

3301 College Avenue Athletics and Student Affairs (ASA) Building, Room 105 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796 (954) 262-8455 nsunews@nova.edu


At NSU, graduate school applications have also increased. Applicants to the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship increased from 3,761 in 2007 to 4,285 in 2009. The College of Optometry’s applicants increased from 746 in 2009 to 963 applicants in 2010. Joanna Bouzi, freshman biology major, believes that making more money is a motivator for going to graduate

school. “You get paid more,” she said. “$40,000 a year doesn’t cover [the costs of feeding] a family.” The price tag of graduate school doesn’t appear to be stopping students from applying. “Even with the rough economy,” said Kim Urmaza, freshman athletic training major, “it might be hard to pay for grad school, but the outcome outweighs the amount that you pay.”

Whitney Brown, career advisor in the Office of Career Development, said that graduate school should be viewed as a stepping stone on the path to a desired profession. She cautions that graduate school may not be for everyone and should not be used as an alternative to entering the job market. “The reality is that while the market is tough, it is not impossible.”

said Clarke. “Haiti doesn’t have any major industries.” These factors also influence the international view of the situation in each country. For Haiti, concerts and fundraisers were organized and medical help was mobilized. Less international help has been offered to Chile. Clarke said this because Haiti cannot rebuild itself. It needs the intervention and help of the international community. “That is not the case for Chile. People can send help but they do not necessarily need to get involved in the redevelopment,” she said. “Haiti is a huge infrastructure project that will take years.” “Haiti’s infrastructure before [the earthquake] wasn’t solid. It’s the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Chile, on the other hand, is not the richest but it is definitely better off when compared to

Haiti,” said Aisha Syed, senior biology major. “Also, although Chile’s earthquake was higher in the Richter scale, it wasn’t as damaged.” Students have donated to both countries, but believe the media have focused more on Haiti than on Chile. That is part of the reason more people are not donating to the South American country. “I donated to Haiti through music [concerts], but I have not heard of anything like that happening for Chile. With Haiti, there were all these options to donate like Web sites, and texting, not with Chile,” said Tamera George, second year M.B.A. graduate student. To donate to either country through the Red Cross log on to www.redcross.org.


A day after the earthquake in Chile, The New York Times reported 1.5 million people had lost their homes. “It has obviously affected individuals, especially in the coast, but the economy as a whole will recover fairly quickly,” said Ruth Clarke, Ph.D., associate professor of International Business in the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship. Haiti, on the other hand, is not expected to recover as quick-ly. The country’s capital, Port-au-Prince, due to the lack of insufficient building codes. The country also has a weak economy, which will hinder the rebuilding process. “The major difference is that Chile has a sound economy. The present government has been keeping a reserve of money from the copper industry, the wine industry and other industries,”

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The Current serves Nova Southeastern University from its location in Room 105 of the Athletics and Student Activities (ASA) Building. The Current is NSU’s established vehicle for student reporting, opinion and the arts. All community members are invited to contribute anything they desire to The Current. Editorials, commentaries and advertisements in this publication reflect the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University or its officials, The Current staff or other advertisers. The Current will not publish unsigned letters except under special circumstances at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The Current reserves the right to edit. Contributing writers must not be directly involved with their coverage. Coverage by contributing writers must be meaningful and of interest to the NSU community. The Current reserves the right to edit, publish or deny submitted works as it sees fit. The Current shall remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility or otherwise create a bias, real or perceived.



March 30, 2010




March 30, 2010



“I was going to talk about my career, but I have been thinking about more important things in the past few days,” said Anton Gotlieb, associate professor of prosthodontics in the College of Dental Medicine has given his “last lecture.” Gotlieb will continue to lecture about dentistry, but last week’s lesson was part of Spiritual Life’s Last Lecture series. The series was inspired by Randy Pausch’s last lecture after he was diagnosed with cancer. Students nominate and vote for the professor they wish to hear speak and answer the question “If you only had 30 minutes to live, what would you say?” With his mother in the hospital, Gotlieb decided to pay tribute to her in his last lecture. “She taught me to never give up,” he said.

He also spoke of his life growing up in Bangor, Maine, and all the things he has learned from his parents, children, friends, and colleagues. “Confidence is important. Confidence allows you to stand up in front of any crowd and talk about life,” he said. Through anecdotes and pictures, he shared lessons he learned growing up. One of the stories he told explained how when he was a kid, he wanted to climb a stand-pipe that was full of water with his friend. His parents told him not to do it since he would have to walk through the forest and would get lost. However, he and the “fiveyear-old delinquent,” as he affectionately called his friend, went anyway and climbed to the top of the pipe. But as his parents predicted, they got lost on the way home and had to be rescued by the town’s police chief. “The lesson here is to be

confident and take a chance, but listen to the people who love you,” he said. Gotlieb thanked his mentors, friends and the room full of students for everything he had learned from them and left them with a few pieces of advice. “I want to give back what I have gotten.” Jason Wetmore, fourth year dental student, said, “He is one of the few professors who spends a lot of time with the students, although he doesn’t have to. He doesn’t do it because he gets paid, but because he wants to and enjoys it. He cares about the students.” When speaking about his own friends and mentors, he recommended people to have at least one friend who makes you laugh and with whom to have fun. “You have to have somebody to be humorous with,” Gotlieb said. He also spoke about his wife and how supportive she has been.


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Write a Letter to the Editor Want to say something about what you have read? Have an opinion about something we covered? Do you have an idea that you think would be great in The Current? Then send a Letter to the Editor at nsunews@nova.edu. You can also comment on our articles at www.nsucurrent.com.

Photo by A. Rodriguez

Kevin Saberre, graduate assistant for Spiritual Life (left) Anton Gotlieb (center) and Terry Morrow (right) director of student leadership and civic engagement, pose for a picture after Gotlieb’s “last lecture.”

“You all need a Susan,” he said. “He has helped us out a lot for the past four years. It was nice to learn more about him,” said Barbara Wetmore, fourth year dental student.

To view previous lectures or learn more about the Last Lecture series, visit www. nova.edu/studentleadership/ spirituallife/last_lecture.html.



March 30, 2010



Since the 19th century, women have been eager to become great leaders. Here’s a few that have changed history and paved a new path for women everywhere. • Marian Anderson was the first AfricanAmerican singer to perform with the Metropolitan Opera. An international star, Anderson was a brilliant musician whose talents helped shatter the color barrier for other African-American performers. • Amelia Bloomer was the first woman to own, operate and edit a newspaper for women, The Lily. First published in 1849 in Seneca Falls, New York, it became a recognized forum for women’s rights issues. • Beatrice A. Hicks was an engineer, inventor and business owner. She helped gain recognition for women engineers at a time when less than 1% of all U.S. employed engineers were women. She was a founding member and first president of the Society of

Women Engineers, which now has more than 16,000 members. • Dorothea Lange was a pioneer in documentary photography. She is remembered for her photographs of Americans during the depression and the Japanese-American internment during World War II. She put a human face on political issues at that time, such as poverty and social injustice. • Belva Lockwood was the first woman to practice law and argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court. Lockwood became a lawyer when she was 40 and used her knowledge to help secure women’s suffrage, property law reforms and pay equity. • Margaret Sanger was a nurse and social reformer. After seeing countless poor women in New York City damaged and dying from attempts to end unwanted pregnancies, she fought for reform. Sanger was arrested and

jailed for distributing information on birth control and contraception. • Former Brigadier General Wilma Vaught, USAF, broke through many gender barriers to achieve a series of “firsts” that paved the way for military women serving today. She may be best known for her 12 year quest to permanently honor women in the military by raising over $45 million to build a major national memorial at the Arlington National Cemetery. • Madam C. J. Walker, a black entrepreneur, is considered the first African-American woman to become a millionaire. She did this by devising a hair care and grooming system for African-Americans. As the daughter of former slaves, Walker became an advocate for positive social change, as well as a philanthropist.



March 30, 2010


Men’s Golf Fall Women’s Golf Short as Arch Rivals Finishes One Stroke Claim Victory Back in Tough Field CRAIG HEENIGHAN SPORTS EDITOR


The seemingly unbeatable NSU women’s golf team came up short as they were narrowly defeated at the Dr. Donnis Thompson Invitational on March 17. The reigning national champions finished second overall for only the second time this year and for the first time since October. Competing against a number of NCAA Division I programs, the Sharks equipped themselves admirably. It took a red-hot final round from Rollins to come from behind to defeat the Sharks at the death by a single stroke. Junior All-American Sandra Changkija led the way for the Sharks as she finished second with a 221, five shots behind the individual champion. Fellow AllAmericans Taylor Collins and Maria Garcia-Austt produced impressive dis-plays finishing

Courtesy of Sports Information

Sandra Changkija led the way for the Sharks at the Dr. Donnis Thompson Invitational.

with scores of 223 and 228 for fifth and eleventh place finishes respectively. Junior Fredrika Hakansson carded a 234 for a 23rd place finish while freshman Abbey Gittings rounded out the Sharks line up in 27th place with a 235. Junior Nicole Whitmore finished in 46th place competing

Women’s Rowing Continues to Glide

Courtesy of Sports Information

Women’s rowing continue their great start to the season.


The NSU women’s rowing team continues to go from strength to strength after they claimed six first place titles at the 2010 Governors Cup on March 20. In total, the Sharks claimed three Varsity 4 victories, two Varsity 8 victories and a Freshman/Novice 8 victory. The Varsity 4 boat claimed its first victory of the twoday event with a victory over Philadelphia. The Sharks clinched the race by almost thirty seconds. The Sharks backed it up with two more impressive victories. The second victory of the event came over Central Oklahoma by 23 seconds and the third Varsity 4 success came courtesy of a 26 second victory over Dowling. The first of the two Varsity

8 victories was over Philadelphia with the margin of victory coming at less than a second. The Sharks looked more comfortable in their second success with a seven second victory over Dowling. NSU’s greatest margin of victory in the two-day event came in the Freshman/Novice 8 boat as they defeated Central Oklahoma by 37 seconds. Head Coach John Gartin praised the Sharks with NSU athletics. “The Varsity 4 showed great improvement and depth from last week. They were very consistent. I liked the way the Varsity 8 raced. They showed strength racing in a strong headwind against a good Philadelphia crew.” The Sharks will be trying to maintain their solid start to the season as they head into the Division II Duals in their next regatta.

as an individual as she shot 239. The Sharks will be hoping to get back to winning as they head to their next tournament in Maryland for the Hoya Invitational in their next tournament.

The NSU men’s golf team finished in tenth place overall at the Bobcat Invitational hosted by Georgia College and State University on March 22. Sunshine State Conference adversaries and fierce rivals, Lynn University took home the championship with a total team score of 881. The Fighting Knights of Lynn claimed the tournament by two strokes over Belmont Abbey with West Florida and Lander rounding out the top four places. The Sharks struggled to find their groove in either round as they finished the tournament 18 strokes back. NSU was led by senior Michael Moore who carded a 222 to finish 15th place overall, lying only eight strokes behind the winner. Junior Bobby Bode produced a stellar final round carding a two-under par 70 to finish in 18th place with a 223 total. Junior Jack Bartlett finished third

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Bobby Bode had a stellar final round to place second for the Sharks.

on the team for the Sharks as he carded a 228 for a 46th place finish overall. Rounding out the Sharks line up were senior Byron White and sophomore Ben Vertz, who finished in a tie for 68th after finishing with scores of 235. The Sharks will be looking for an improved finish in their next game at the Buccaneer Invitational hosted by local rivals Barry University.



March 30, 2010

Women’s Tennis Endures Mixed Week on the Court


8-3 success at number two. The number three slot was much more hotly contested as Bauer and Longo were made to work for their 9-7 victory. Leeder claimed victory at number one singles 6-4, 6-2 while Porizkova won at number two 6-2, 6-4. The Sharks only defeat came at the number three slot as Feaster found herself on the wrong end of a 6-1, 6-0 score-line. Lindsley crushed her opponent 6-1, 6-0 at the number four slot. Bauer came from behind to claim her victory at number five with a 4-6, 6-2, 119 while Longo also came through a three-set battle with a 6-1, 6-7, 10-6.


Columbia The NSU women’s tennis team succumbed to NCAA Division I powerhouse Columbia by a score of 8-1 on March 19. The encounter against Columbia was the last time this season the Sharks would have to face Division I opposition. NSU struggled to find any rhythm in doubles play as they lost all three matches. At the number one doubles slot, senior Elisa Leeder and sophomore Justine Feaster were dispatched 80. Senior Mary Crider and junior Paige Lindsley also dropped into the number two slot as they went down 8-2. Freshmen Blake Bauer and Federica Longo showed some resistance in an 8-3 defeat. In singles play, Leeder was defeated at the number one slot 6-1, 6-0. Despite winning the opening set, Feaster went down at number two singles in a nail-biting encounter 7-5, 1-6, 7-10. The drama continued at the number three slot as Bauer also pushed her opponent to three sets but ended up on the wrong side of a 3-6, 6-4, 4-10 score line. Crider

s U’

Courtesy of Sports Information

Karolina Porizkova, Mary Crider and Elisa Leeder are celebrated as NSU seniors.

and Lindsley both went down in their singles matches, as Crider lost 6-0, 6-2 and Lindsley lost by default. The Sharks only success of the day came at number six singles as Longo ground out a hard fought victory 6-3, 6-1. Trinity The Sharks got back to


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as Porizkova and Feaster won 86. At number two doubles Leeder and Bauer were defeated 8-6. Crider and Lindsley ground out a hard fought victory as number three doubles, clinching victory 9-7. NSU struggled to perform in singles play winning only two of the six matches. Porizkova claimed one of the Sharks victories at number two singles with a 6-3, 6-4 success. Lindsley garnered a hard fought match winning out 7-6 (7-5), 7-6 (9-7). The Sharks failed to win the other four singles as Leeder went down at number one 6-1, 6-2. Crider lost at number three 6-2, 6-0 while Feaster came up short at number five 6-3, 6-1. Longo rounded out the Sharks line up with a 7-5, 6-2 loss at number six. Starting at Eckerd, the Sharks will play out their remaining games on the road.

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winning with an 8-1 thrashing of NCAA Division III outfit Trinity College on March 23. NSU was not ruthless in the victory as the team swept all the doubles matches. Senior Karolina Porizkova and Feaster claimed victory at the number one slot 8-2. Leeder and Lindsley maintained the Sharks momentum with an

Tufts NSU found themselves on the wrong side of a 5-4 score-line as they were defeated by Tufts on March 24. The Sharks came up short against the NCAA Division III #12 nationally ranked. It was also seniors’ day for the team as seniors Karolina Porizkova, Mary Crider and Elisa Leeder were congratulated for their commitment to NSU athletics. The Sharks claimed their first point at number one doubles

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March 30, 2010


Men’s Baseball Starting to Gain Momentum

Brayan Valencia led by example as the Sharks came out on top in a slugfest against Southern New Hampshire.

season. The Sharks were led at the plate by senior Rhys Roberts and junior Dusty Maggs as they each claimed two hits and a home run. In the second game, it was, again, Roberts who was the catalyst. Down 2-1, the Sharks regained the lead courtesy of a two-run hit from Roberts. Maggs hit a home run in the fourth while senior Matt Fisher hit an RBI double in the same inning to give the Sharks a 5-2 lead. Sophomore pitcher Chris Hamper was tagged with the win as he pitched four innings allowing just two runs. Head Coach Michael Mominey said, “We’ve found ourselves. Everyone is playing within their abilities and not trying to do too much.”

run of victories to five with two victories over #20 nationally ranked Franklin Pierce on March 20. NSU claimed the crucial back-to-back games by scores of 6-1 and 5-3. In the first game solid pitching from junior Nick Avila was the cornerstone to the Sharks success. Avila gave up only one run in the second inning, as he struck out eight batters and allowed only four hits to claim his third victory of the

Southern New Hampshire The Sharks’ sixth straight victory came courtesy of a 54 victory over Southern New Hampshire on March 22. With the game tied at 4-4 the Sharks finally scored the goahead run in the bottom of the seventh inning. Roberts, again, led the Sharks with an impressive display at the plate going 3-for-4 with a run scored and two RBI. NSU had a number of players


St Michaels The NSU men’s baseball team continued their impressive form as they destroyed St Michael’s by a score of 17-0 on March 18. In what was a completely one-sided match, the Sharks garnered control in the opening set and continued to dominate the game throughout. The Sharks got off to the best possible start as they scored nine runs on six hits in the bottom of the first inning. NSU added a further run in the third, six more in the sixth and a solitary run in the seventh. Junior catcher Haven FitzSimmonds led the Sharks offensively as he went 2-for-4 with one run and six RBI including a grand slam in the sixth inning. Other top performers at the plate were freshman Alex Marrero who hit a home run and junior Matt Seese who had two runs on 3-for-5 hitting. A total of thirteen NSU batters had a hit and the Sharks had fourteen different scorers in the 17-0 rout. Franklin Pierce Doubleheader The Sharks extended their

Courtesy of Sports Information

with two hits including sophomore Nikko Echervarria, senior Eric McCans and FitzSimmonds. Sophomore reliever Jovahny Castaneda earned the win after pitching a scoreless seventh inning. Junior Anthony Nalepa pitched four and two-thirds innings allowing only one run on three hits en route to striking out eight batters. Palm Beach Atlantic The Sharks’ impressive run of form finally came to an end in comprehensive fashion as they went down 8-0 to the Palm Beach Atlantic Sailfish on Marrch 23. The opening three innings saw both teams unable to break the deadlock as both pitchers found themselves on top. The Sailfish ultimately found a breakthrough as they hit five runs on five hits in the bottom of the fourth inning. The Sharks struggled to find any rhythm and could not narrow the gap. Palm Beach added a further three runs in the bottom of the sixth inning. Junior pitcher James Martinez was tagged with the loss as he allowed eight runs on ten hits in five and two-thirds innings on the mound. Senior Brayan Valencia, junior Luis Penate, FitzSimmonds

and Fisher all earned hits for the Sharks despite the loss. Southern New Hampshire The Sharks showed no signs of a Palm Beach hangover as they got back to winning ways with a 13-8 victory of Southern New Hampshire on March 24. NSU eventually came out on top in what became a slugfest with a number of home runs scored by both teams. In a scoreless opening two innings, the Sharks finally caught fire as they scored four runs in the third inning. The floodgates opened and the Sharks scored five runs in the fifth, two in the sixth and two in the seventh. Valencia led the way for the Sharks, going 4-for-4 with three runs scored including a home run and three RBI. Roberts also excelled at the plate with three hits, three runs and two RBI. Junior reliever Isaac Hicks stole two runs. The Sharks host Rollins College in their next game and will be looking to claw their way back into contention in the SSC.

Women’s Softball Crushed Panthers, but are Stunned by Sailfish CRAIG HEENIGHAN SPORTS EDITOR

Florida Tech-Game 1 The NSU women’s softball team won against the Florida Tech Panthers, in the first of a three-game series, by a score of 10-2 on March 19. Despite the landslide victory, the Sharks worked for their runs early in the game. The Sharks were restricted to only one hit in the opening two innings. However, NSU finally got on the board in the third inning. The Sharks cruised into the lead in some style, courtesy of a four run inning. Fine play from freshman Laura Saladrigas brought home senior Jessica Hernandez for the final run of the inning. The Sharks continued to dominate in the fourth inning as senior Noemi Luciani hit a double to drive home two runs. The Panthers offered a brief glimmer of resilience with two runs in the fifth, but that was soon destroyed as Hernandez scored off an error in the same inning. The play of the day came in the sixth and final inning. Luciani and fellow senior Dani Caron were joined on base by sophomore Erica Barrabi with Hernandez next to bat. Hernandez clinched the game for the Sharks with a bases loaded, walk-off triple.

Hernandez was the stand out performer for the Sharks as she went 3-for-4 including two runs and four RBI. Junior Devin Higginbotham earned the win on the mound for the Sharks, as she allowed only three hits en route to striking out five batters. Florida Tech-Game 2 The second game of the series challenged the Sharks, but they eventually came through 4-2 after an explosive first inning. The game’s six runs were all scored in the opening inning as both teams struggled to execute their plays. The Panthers struck first, scoring two runs in the top of the first inning. The Sharks replied immediately with four runs in the bottom of the same inning. Luciani, Hernandez and senior Lauren Lopez loaded the bases as Saladrigas came into bat. The freshman pitcher smashed the first home run of her career for a first inning grand slam to ultimately give the Sharks the victory. Saladrigas led at the plate going 2-for-2 with one walk. Luciani and senior Dana Bergner also garnered multiple hits in the game. Senior Lexi Sarradet tamed the Panthers for the remaining five innings, as she allowed no more than one hit per inning to claim her eighth win of

the season. Florida Tech-Game 3 The Sharks completed a series clean sweep over the Panthers with a comprehensive 5-0 victory. Both teams remained scoreless through the opening two innings. However, the Sharks sparked into life with three runs in the third. Luciani, senior Patty Rivero and junior Rachel Talenfeld all garnered base. Hernandez earned her only RBI as she earned a walk. Senior Brittney Lamb stepped up to the plate, with two outs on the board, and hit a double up the middle to bring home two runners. The Sharks secured the victory with two runs in the fourth. Junior Sarah Hart was brought home courtesy of a Lopez single, her 22nd RBI this season. Luciani was then brought home by Saladrigas courtesy of a walk. Senior pitcher Dani Caron produced a stellar performance on the mound. Caron pitched a complete game shutout allowing only two hits en route to recording her tenth victory of the season. Luciani led the way for the Sharks with 3-for-4 hitting scoring two runs. Palm Beach AtlanticDoubleheader The Sharks fine run of eleven wins in their last twelve games

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Noemi Luciani was amongst the Sharks’ top performers during the last week.

came to a crushing halt as they were swept by the Palm Beach Atlantic Sailfish on March 24. In a back-to-back doubleheader the Sharks were defeated in the first game 1-0 and 2-0 in the second game. Despite the series sweep, the Sharks performed admirably on the mound, but failed to execute at the plate. Higginbotham pitched in the first game allowing only one run, six hits while striking out five batters. The loss is the junior pitchers second of the season. The Sharks best opportunity to get on the board was in the seventh inning as Lopez

advanced to third. NSU failed to bring Lopez home as the Sailfish pitcher struck out her 11th batter. In the second game, the Sharks yet again had opportunities to score but failed to ultimately clinch that all important single. Caron also performed well on the mound allowing only two hits and a walk, while striking out five batters for her second loss of the season. The Sharks will be hitting the road to face Rollins College in their next game.


Arts & Entertainment

March 30, 2010


Robert Francis is not even 25-years-old, yet with the release of his second album, he has shown the musical genius of someone twice his age. His album “Before Nightfall” can be compared to works by other singer-songwriters like Dylan, Springsteen and Van Morrison. Francis’ music is blunt, heartfelt, passionate and gritty with a dash of hope and optimism. The son of a gifted musician, Francis was taught about music at a young age and in his home. He was always surrounded by it. He had a wealth of musical talent, but it was not until he dropped out of high school in the 11th grade that he realized he did not have much to write about. It was shortly after he lost that love that he found inspiration inspiration for two albums worth of music. The music on “Before Nightfall” is dramatically intimate. Francis said that this is the atmosphere that he wanted to capture on the album. His voice is so clear through the speakers, and soft at times, that if you close your eyes it feels like he is in the room with you. The opening track, “Darkness,” starts off soft and maintains a tranquil, harmonious arrangement throughout with a beautiful piano chiming in between verses. More instruments lay down over each other as the song progresses and climaxes into a triumphant crescendo that builds up as the drums pick up


“It was meant to be,” said Paolo Angulo, guitarist and producer for Miami indie/soul/ rock band The Real Easy, when asked how the four members of the band first met. The Real Easy, established in 2005, recently released their first album entitled, “as_we_vanish.” Guitarist and lead singer, Rick Gamez said that all music and lyrics on the album were a collaborative effort, all “products of the Real Easy.” The Real Easy draws influences from Guns N’ Roses, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead, the Rolling Stones, the Doors, the Beatles, the Killers, Coldplay and Pink Floyd. “David Gilmour [of Pink Floyd] is definitely my biggest influence,” said Angulo. Gilmour’s influence is evident in his songs, especially “Day Don’t Cry,” the band’s most theatrical

speed and ends with Francis’ lovely vocals. The song builds up again with Francis’ voice getting louder, and then disappearing to allow the instrumentals to shine. Finally, Francis ends the song with a verse sung over very little background music. The next track, “Junebug,” immediately changes pace with the strumming of an electric guitar and the steady one-two of the bass drum. This album is unique in that it triggers two different reactions. You can sit and just listen to it and be satisfied with the “ear bud-tickling,” pleasant melodies and sounds, or you can be analytical and carefully absorb and breakdown the poetry and literature that Francis sings in every chorus and verse. You will be moved either way. The best thing about “Before Nightfall” is how personal and emotionally driven it is and that makes it a great soundtrack to accompany your own sentimental journey. There are certain moments on the album, like on the tracks “Playground,” “Mescaline” and “Climb a Mountain,” where Francis allows you to view the heart that is bleeding there. Although heartache and loneliness are some of the recurring themes on “Before Nightfall,” it is not meant to cause anyone depression or sadness. In fact, the album is extremely hopeful and points more to the silver lining than anything else. “Before Nightfall” is perfect — a ten out of ten and an absolute must have.


Courtesy of www.connect.in.com

Robert Francis

track. As for Gamez’s influences, he said, “Guns N’ Roses’ “‘Appetite for Destruction’” is the reason I first picked up a guitar.” Recently, The Real Easy has been receiving more attention from the South Florida community, especially in Miami. “We are all Latinos,” said Gamez,. “but we play rock music in English. Miami can be a hard market for that sort of thing, but I think we are really breaking through it.” The band is made up of Cuban-American Gamez, Columbian Angulo, Uruguayan drummer Gabriel Beltran and bassist Ray Fernandez from Cuba. On Feb. 26, The Real Easy appeared on television for the first time on Telemundo Channel 51. Gamez said that the band was one of the first to perform English lyrics on this primarily Spanishspeaking station. One week later, on March 5, NBC Channel 6 reported on the

band, and The Real Easy played two songs broadcasted live to the South Florida community. The Real Easy’s album consists of powerful lyrics that Gamez said he hopes accomplishes “a musical mission.” The songs are mostly about healing and hope. The band is also participating in the disaster relief funds for Haiti and Chile. They have composed a new song called “Fate Is,” which will soon be available for download on their Web site. All proceeds from this song will go directly to the disaster relief funds. Tune in on Thursday nights from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on WNSU 88.5 FM for The Local Show with DJ Frizz, spinning all the latest indie hits from the local Fla. scene. WNSU also broadcasts live online at www.nova.edu/radiox. For more information on The Real Easy, check out www.myspace.com/therealeasy. If want to get your hands on a copy of their CD. Just bring this article to Radio X, located in the Rosenthal Building.

Get Into Sudoku Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigit from one to nine inclusively.

Created by J. Calle


March 30, 2010


If I can say anything about the kind of music my parents listened to throughout my childhood, I can comfortably say my father is one of the biggest Billy Joel fans I have ever known. Even after starting college, meeting a countless amount of friends’ parents and family members, and working with people much older than I am, I still have yet to meet anyone who enjoys his music as much as my father does. So I think it’s safe to say that Joel’s music is almost hard-wired into my brain even if I didn’t want it to be there. Now that I’m older and more apt to appreciate and truly listen to all kinds of music, Joel’s music is more important to me now and it’s easier to see why my father loved him so much. Joel has released 13 studio albums (among various live and complication albums), since his debut in 1971. He inspired a hit Broadway play. Like any other musician, he has had some misses along the way. Regardless, Joel’s career has been shining for the most part since the early 1970s and he still continues to write music and tour

Arts & Entertainment

the world. When it comes to picking his best work to showcase for this column, it’s a difficult task, since his greatest work spans two albums: “The Stranger” and “52nd Street.” “The Stranger” showcases Joel’s theatrical side more than most other albums, but not in a campy, sing-song way. In fact, the best songs on “The Stranger” — “Movin’ Out (Anthony’s Song),” “The Stranger,” “Just The Way You Are,” “Only The Good Die Young” and “She’s Always a Woman” — are incredible for that very reason. He shows he has the ability to give listeners stories about love, lust, being stuck in the place you were born and the struggles regular people face every day without being


According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, 1.2 billion people are starving worldwide and millions of them live in the U.S. There is a Web site designed to help you help reduce world hunger at www.thehungersite.com. With merely the click of a mouse you can help donate food to starving men, women and children all over the world. Every time you click their “Click Here to Give — it’s FREE” button or play one of the games, the site’s sponsors pay for 1.1 cups of food. The more you play or click, the more they donate. You can choose from Solitaire, Sudoku, Memory, Tetris and other games. The site donates 70 percent of the advertising revenue to charity. You may also buy accessories, shoes, toys and t-shirts from the Web site’s store and donate directly to charities such as “Feeding America” and the

up with an instrumental package that will have your body moving one way or another. On “52nd Street,” though, Joel takes these theatrics and refines them for a less stage-influenced, more jazz and bluesinfluenced sound that probably took some listeners by surprise when it was first released in 1978. Here, the sense of drama that was present on “The Stranger” is tighter and more cohesive than its predecessor. Just as the best songs on “The Stranger” showed Joel’s ability to be theatrical without being completely sensational, “52nd Street” shows he can do all of Courtesy of Sony Music that and compose some killer instrumentals to go with it. The best tracks — “Big Shot,” melodramatic or over-the-top. “Honesty,” “My Life,” “Half On top of that, his lyrics are A Mile Away” and “Until The smart, sometimes witty, and even Night” — tell more than just optimistic at times — all wrapped stories about the aforementioned

Billy Joel




Haiti relief effort. Every time you buy something, the sponsors donate different amounts of food, as well as part of your money to charity. If you wish to do more, The Hunger Site also provides the opportunity to sign petitions or donate directly to the site. However, The Hunger Site is not only out to end world hunger. You can also support other causes such as breast cancer awareness, child health, literacy, the rain forest and animal rescue — all with the click of a button. The Web site also provides you with charts and graphs so you can monitor how much food (in cups, kilograms or pounds) people have donated each day for the past month. So, next time you are bored in front of your computer, click on The Hunger Site. You can become a fan of the Web site on Facebook through www.facebook.com/TheHungerSite.

topics, they tell stories about Joel’s knowledge, understanding and ability to compose different styles of music from different periods of time without faltering under the weight of that responsibility. Obviously, the music he composed and songs he wrote on “52nd Street” had to have seemed like a huge task to complete. However, he pulls it off and that alone shows why Joel’s music is as important today as it was when my parents were teenagers. While the quality of his music did sort of fan out in the late 1980s, Joel’s earlier recordings are not something that should be ignored because of that. Now, more than ever, popular music has taken on a sort of reckless attitude when it comes to listeners and fans. Artists like Joel, ones who truly love creating and performing and appreciate being a part of their fans’ lives, are few and far between. Joel’s music is good to have around on those days when the music on MTV and VH1 seems passionless and monotonous.

A New Home for Your Coffee Fix JUAN GALLO


The “Sein-feld” gang had a coffee shop, the “Friends” bunch had their coffee spot and now you and your friends can have a place of your own, minus the hilarious anecdotes. That place is Stork’s Bakery & Coffee Cafe. Located at 3325 S. University Dr. in Davie, right across from NSU’s Health Professions Division, Stork’s is conveniently located near campus. Although it has not been open for long, the charming and cozy nook snuggled next to Buca di Beppo, where the Roasted Bean once was, is alreadydrawing attention. This is because its scrumptious sweet treats and a strong reputation preceding it from its longstanding popular locale in Wilton Manors. People are constantly walking through the front door to attain var-

iety of thirstquenching or energy producing beverages in-

cluding smoothies, lattes, shakes, cappuccinos and, even, beer

and wine. Stork’s also caters to the hearty appetite, offering sandwiches, salads and wraps. A change of pace from typical places like Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts, Stork’s is a refreshing version of coffee shop hang-out spots. It allows you to get lost within its spacious area, lime green walls and modern light fixtures that create something of a mirage away from the hustle and bustle of the day’s routine. If you want to stay for a while, go ahead, doors open at 6:30 a.m. on weekdays and 7 a.m. on weekends until midnight. The only thing missing is a comfy couch, but even that sets it apart from the cliché of the traditional coffee shop.




As an avid Apple product user, anyone who knows me will tell you that I want an iPhone more than anything. As a current Verizon Wireless user, I was extremely disappointed when Steve Jobs, at the Apple product unveiling event in January , did not reveal a Verizon iPhone. Although there had been much talk about the hype of an e-reader — now known as the iPad — Apple has been known to show-

case their newest upgrades for other products at these events as well. My discouragement increased when Apple and AT&T announced their exclusive 3G pre-paid data plans for the iPad. At that point, I lost all hope for the iPhone coming to Verizon within the next few years. Doesn’t Apple realize that they could make so much more money if they release a Verizon version of the iPhone? Apple could be a wireless powerhouse with one of the best smart phones and the “number one network in the U.S.” It should be a perfect match. Yet Apple has stood by AT&T throughout their battles with Verizon in the “There’s A Map For That” commercials, even though customers constantly complained about AT&T’s

dropped calls and static service. Many blogs have been buzzing about the launch of a Verizon 4G network and how the iPhone could possibly be announced in conjunction, but the odds of that are highly unlikely as well with Verizon and Apple’s constant conflicts. For those of you who are Verizon customers and cannot switch your service, PC Mag just released an article last week about how Verizon will be launching their V CAST Apps store on March 29. According to Leroy Williams, Verizon’s developer community liaison, the app store will be compatible with the BlackBerry Storm2 and additional devices in the “the next few weeks and months.” This is just one more announcement that makes the iPhone seem like it will never leave AT&T. Many people I know would love to have an iPhone, but they are either binded to other carriers by their contracts or refuse to switch networks. In the meantime, it looks like we’ll have to find substitutes for our smart phone options.

March 30, 2010



Two weeks ago, I traveled to New York with a few other business students from the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Entrepreneurship. The trip was organized to network with a group of highly experienced and well known business entrepreneurs, financial experts, and CEOs. At an informal meeting in our contemporary, dimly lit hotel lobby with one of those business men, a fellow female student asked the question, “What advice do you have for me, as a woman, entering the business world?” The man asked her to elaborate on what she meant or what kind of advice she was looking for. She explained, “I am a woman and, when I look around at networking groups or highlevel CEOs, I see fewer women than men. It seems like I am at a disadvantage.” For a moment, the business man did not respond. However, I interjected and stated how I felt that women are present within corporate America. Although, they may not be as prevalent as men, we are a growing minority. The group continued the conversation and the female student remained adamant on making a point on how she was at a disadvantage. I looked into the situation further and saw that the repre-

sentation of men and women in management and professional roles is similar in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor. However, although women make up half of the U.S. workforce, they held only 15.2 percent of board seats in Fortune 500 companies. I guess I have to take off my rose-colored glasses and see that the glass ceiling has yet to be completely shattered. March was International Women’s month and The Current has highlighted some of the accomplishments of women in history. Read our Features story “Women to Remember” by Amanda Cazacu for the full article. Got something to say? Submit your opinions, concerns, and letters to the editor. at nsunews@nova.edu. The Current is listening.

Courtesy of www.mobilewhack.com


Do you think women have equal employment opportunities in the U.S. or do you think there is still a glass ceiling? “I think there is equal opportunity. Yes, there are a lot of jobs that women, as nurturers, may be more qualified to do such as nursing, but there are more and more male nurses in the field. The field of medicine, specifically being a doctor, was usually associated with being male, but more and more women are in the field.” Mickey Diaz, freshman biology major

“Yes, there is a glass ceiling. This is due to the fact that we still live in a male dominated society. Until our societal views change, women will still face discrimination in the workforce.” Shelina Persaud, senior psychology major

“I think it depends on the type of job you want. A construction job or any job with manual labor may be given to a man before a woman. However, in an administrative job or the business world, women have equal opportunities.” Yira Puello, junior psychology major

“Yes, there are inequalities because a woman has more responsibilities such as maintaining the household and managing children. These roles are traditionally the responsibility of a woman. Although men are helping out more and more these days, in the eyes of the employer, things have not changed. With maternity leave and similar gender related issues, I feel that women have limits on how much they can grow within their companies because of the amount of time they may need to take off because of their motherly duties.” Vishal Chotai, master’s in business administration

March. 30-31, 2010

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