News Press Extra 080812

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012 thing with them to college wall plug-ins can mask that they feel represents who musty odors. Decorative they are and what they like, door stops allow residents not only to help others get to to meet their neighbors durknow them, but also as com- ing the day by propping open By BROOKE VANCLEAVE forting reminders of home,� their doors and creating an Clothing, sheets, towels, toi- put out by retail stores is to St. Joseph News-Press says senior Ashley Slawson, inviting atmosphere. letries and office supplies get people to spend money. a community coordinator at It might seem like a lot to are a must. Large and small Among the “essentials� on Truman State University. remember, but packing for Bedding: check. School storage containers for food one major retailer’s list are Posters, framed pictures college doesn’t have to be supplies: check. Clothes: and personal items are a a cherry bookcase, a Magic from home, indoor holi- stressful. Keep it simple, cocheck. Hello Kitty toaster convenient way to make up Bullet blender and a 16-piece Optional Some items aren’t neces- day string lights, bulletin ordinate with your future for lost drawer space and are cookware set. Although and microwave set: huh? A student’s freshman year easily stashed away under these things seem nice to sarily a must-have, but can boards and other wall and roommate and be prepared of college is a year full of the bed. Extension cords and have, they are expensive and do wonders in transform- window decorations help to make extra trips to stores firsts — first time living in power strips are necessary hard to store. These would ing a stark dorm room into soften a dorm’s rough edges. after moving in. And rea new city, first roommate, to keep up with the number be better suited for apart- something that reflects a Although open flames and member that having a great student’s own personal style. warming plates aren’t al- college experience comes first crack at personal re- of electronics being used in ment living. “College freshman should lowed, flameless LED wax from what you do there, not Some items gracing unisponsibility and first taste the room, like computers versity-sponsored checklists be encouraged to bring any- candles, oil diffusers and what you own. of independence from mom and lamps. Abbey Riley, coordinator are outdated or unnecesand dad. Magazine covers and teen movies try to ro- of first-year residential ex- sary. Most schools still offer manticize the idea of living perience at Northwest Mis- students the option of havw w w. r r t s t j o e . o r g ‡ 8 1 6 - 2 3 2 - 1 7 7 8 ‡ w w w. j o m o t i c k e t s . c o m in a dorm room, but college souri State University, says ing a telephone landline in residential life is a tricky students should bring just their room and encourage road to master. One of the the staples when they first them to pack a phone. This first obstacles a new student arrive to campus. Anything comes with an additional fee, must conquer is deciding they forget then can be pur- though, and in the age of cell chased or retrieved when phones, most students opt what to bring to college. out. Items like desks, rolling University websites share they visit home again. “I have seen students desk chairs and sets of drawpacking tips and suggestions, but the lists often are come with a furniture truck ers are unnecessary because incomplete and leave out from Nebraska Furniture dorm rooms already provide important items students Mart and others come with that furniture. Buildings on campus also provide ameniand parents might not think one bag,� Ms. Riley says. The most important thing ties like printers that stuabout on their own. On the other hand, retail stores tout to remember is that a stu- dents won’t necessarily need packing checklists full of dent will almost never have in their room. Other unneeded items dorm room “essentials� that a dorm room to themselves. are sometimes not so essen- When sharing an already include plants, bean bag tial after all. New students small space with another chairs, irons and ironing also must realize that many person, especially if that per- boards. When a student items that seem normal in a son is a stranger, students wakes up late and has less regular household might not must learn to plan ahead. No than 10 minutes to get to be allowed in campus hous- dorm room needs two refrig- class, wrinkly clothes are ing. Here are some basic tips erators or shower curtains. the last thing on their mind. Keep in mind that many to keep in mind when pre- Contact future roommates and make a packing plan dorm facilities prohibit comparing to leave for college. before school starts to deter- mon household items. StuVKRZ RQO\ WLFNHWV ‡ GLQQHU VKRZ WLFNHWV Must-haves mine who will bring large dents and parents should JURXS UDWHV DYDLODEOH ‡ ODQGLQJ VHULHV ‡ UHVHUYDWLRQV UHTXLUHG Many of these items are a items that can be shared. check their school’s website E\ -DVWRQ :LOOLDPV -RH 6HDUV DQG (G +RZDUG no-brainer. Students need to to determine what isn’t albring any items they can’t Leave at home lowed. A few of these items SURGXFHG WKURXJK VSHFLDO DUUDQJHPHQW ZLWK 6DPXHO )UHQFK ,QF Unsurprisingly, the main might include hot plates and live without for long weeks or months away from home. goal of packing checklists hot pots, candles, halogen

College packing essentials

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lamps and other things that could pose a fire hazard. “Many students show up with toasters, which aren’t allowed,� Ms. Riley says. “If you are second guessing something, ask if it glows red; if so, we wouldn’t want it in a residence hall.�

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