Issue 9

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Nova Mentis INSIDE:



Get to Know Your New Cabinet


Alice Gouws

ewly elected President Cyril Ramaphosa announced, albeit an hour and half later than expected, the changes to his cabinet on 26 February 2018. While ten ministers were axed, the ANC expressed approval of Ramaphosa’s consultation with party members before announcing his new cabinet. Respective MPs will be sworn in on Tuesday , 6 March 2018. The deputy presidency was handed to controversial David ‘DD’ Mabuza, who is also Ramaphosa’s deputy in the ANC. This follows Mabuza’s tenacious lobbying that saw him selected over candidates Lindiwe Sisulu and Naledi Pandor. Mabuza’s resignation occurred mere hours before as premier of Mpumalanga. Sisulu has been moved to International Relations, while Pandor takes charge of

Gordhan has returned to parliament, but this time around sees him taking charge of the dishevelled portfolio of the Ministry of Public Enterprises. Formerly this position was held by Lynne Brown. Another returning hero is Nhlanhla Nene, who will once again hang the cape of Minister of Finance around his shoulders. Nene was fired from this position toward the end of 2015 and replaced with “Weekend Special” Des van Rooyen, the latter only occupying the role for some 72 hours. Van Rooyen was then replaced with Home Affairs minister Malusi Gigaba. The latest reshuffle now sees Gigaba moving back to Home Affairs. Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs sees Z w e l i Mkhize step up to the plate, replacing

Administration sees Faith Muthambi stepping out to make room for Ayanda Dlodlo, while Public Works will be heading by Thulas Nxesi, who has replaced Nkosinathi Nhleko. With Nxesi being moved from Sport to fulfil his role as head of Public Works; Sport will now be headed by Thokozile Xasa. Social Development sees Susan Shabangu taking over the lead while Nomaindia Mfeketo is now seen heading Human Settlements, and Rural Settlements will have Maite Nkoana-Mashabane at the head. Jeff Radebe, brother-in-law of President Ramaphosa, has taken his pace as head of Energy from David Mhlobo, who was axed with the reshuffle. Water and Sani- t a t i o n is now under Gugile Nkwinti. Mineral Resources also sees change with Mosebenzi Zwane being axed in favour of previous ANC

9de Uitgawe 5 Maart 2018


@nova_mentis nmtsza New mindsets, new ideas. Critical reports. IN HIERDIE UITGAWE:




Higher Education, replacing the beleaguered Hlengiwe Mkhize. Joe Maswanganyi was replaced by Blade Nzimande, formerly in charge of Higher Education, who will oversee Transport. While Derek Hanekom will take over Tourism. While the Women’s Presidency sees Bathabile Dlamini step up, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma has been appointed to head up Presidency Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. The Comeback-Kid, Pravin

the badgered Des van Rooyen. Fikile Mbalula was ousted in favour of Bheki Cele for Police. This move also sees Cele, who has previously held the Police portfolio, now promoted from Deputy Minister of Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. State Security likewise sees change with Dipuo Bertha Letsasi-Duba, also promoted from her position as a deputy minister, replacing Bongani Bongo. Changes in Public Service and

Secretary-General, Gwede Mantashe. Science and Technology is now under the leadership of Nkhensani Kubayi-Ngubane, while Communications now fall under the watch of another controversial appointment, Nimvula Mokoyane. All in all, these changes have been met with some skepticism and it remains to be seen what they’ll turn out to be: President Ramaphosa’s Dream Team, or his Worst Nighmare? 



Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018


NOVA MENTIS SE ROL IN 2018 TIAN ALBERTS Hoofredakteur | Editor-in-chief

2017 was ‘n goeie jaar. Op ‘n kampus, en in ‘n land waar daar meer ag geslaan word op narratiewe as op realiteite, is student gekonfronteer met kritiese, feit-gebaseerde analises en berigte wat aanleiding gegee het tot kritiese, feit-gebaseerde gesprekke oor

relevante vraagstukke. Nova Mentis slaag daarin om sy doelwitte te bereik. Die doelwitte vir 2018-19 is egter baie meer omvangryk en doelgerig: Nova Mentis gaan groei tot ‘n nasionale mediaplatform – die eerste een in Suid-Afrika wat hoofsaaklik in voeling sal wees met die behoeftes van die millennial-generasie en aktief hierdie mark gaan bedien. Hierdie uitgawe word reeds by drie verskillende universiteite en op 20 ander plekke in die

Wes-Kaap versprei. Ons sal binnekort ‘n nuwe webtuiste en ‘n slimfoon-toepassing bekendstel. Die ongekende vordering en groei van Nova Mentis is te danke aan die geesdrif van studente wat weier om blote bystander-figure by die dood van kritiese denke en vryheid te wees. Ons gaan graag daarmee voort om studentegemeenskappe en die jeug in Suid-Afrika te stimuleer met ons moderne, feit-gedrewe, kritiese aanslag.

Ek eggo graag hierdie woorde vanuit my destydse eerste redakteursbrief vir hierdie toekomstige media-reus: Die tyd het aangebreek vir ‘n eerlike evaluasie van dit wat ons elke dag hoor, sien en beleef. Die vermoë om krities te evalueer en om meedoënloos te onderhandel vir ‘n beter en vryer toekoms - dít sal die karakter van Nova Mentis bepaal. Ons evalueer meedoënloos voort. 

THE ROLE OF NOVA MENTIS IN 2018 2017 was a good year. On a campus and in a country where narratives trump realities, students have been confronted with critical, fact-driven analyses and reports that gave rise to critical, facts-driven discussions about relevant questions. Nova Mentis succeeded. The objectives for 2018-19 are, however, far more extensive and deliberate: Nova Mentis will develop SENIOR UK-STUDENTERAADSLEDE VAN TEISTERING BESKULDIG



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into a national media platform – the first one in South Africa that will be in touch with and catering for the needs of the millennial-generation. This edition is distributed at three different universities in South Africa and 20 other locations in the Western Cape. Soon, we will launch a new website and smartphone app. The unprecedented rate of the de-


1ste Uitgawe 17 Julie 2017

GRATIS @nova_mentis nmtsza

RHODA KADALIE A flight of white angels Page 4

ESWEE BOTHMA Blockchain: The potential of the breakthrough tech behind bitcoin Page 3

TIMELINE: How SU changed its language policy







ESWEE BOTHMA: SA government to regaulate cryptocurrency?



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Nova Mentis

2de Uitgawe 24 Julie 2017

GRATIS @nova_mentis nmtsza

New mindsets, new ideas. Critical reports.

New mindsets, new ideas. Critical reports.



Nova Mentis


The University of Cape Town The University of Stellenbosch

“Alleged perpetrators are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law or through a disciplinary process,” the statement continued. The SRC asserted its mandate to fight against gender-based violence. “the all black UCT SRC seeks to never be oblivious to the issues that affect all women, black women in particular.” 


SPECIAL! 2 x Grootboet Burgers @ R45.00 (Usually R68)

Nova Mentis

5de Uitgawe 28 Augustus 2017


@nova_mentis nmtsza



TiAn AlBerTS Hoofredakteur | Editor-in-chief


he University of Stellenbosch will have to defend their recently adopted language policy in the Western Cape High Court in August. This follows after Gelyke Kanse and and eight other applicants, among whom SU students, instituted a court application against the university to revise and set aside their new language policy. “Broadly speaking, the application is based on Article 29(2) of the Constitution - read along with other relevant articles thereof - which stipulates, inter alia, that everyone has the right to receive education in public educational institutions in the official language or languages of their choice where such education is reasonably practicable”, the Gelyke Kanse legal team told Nova Mentis last week.

This application comes just more than a year after AfriForum Youth brought an urgent application in the Western Cape High Court to force the University to implement and apply its own language policy correctly after it came to light that the university deviated from its internal policy. The Western Cape High Court issued an interim order in favour of AfriForum Youth’s application. Stellenbosch University will now have to answer to allegations that their new language policy diminishes Afrikaans instruction at the university. The university, in their answering affidavit, declared that the new policy doesn’t necessarily bring about a diminishing of Afrikaans instruction at SU. Gelyke Kanse also alleges that the process of accepting the new language policy was “procedurally inadequate”.

Nova Mentis SANDISIWE SHOBA Head of Reporting






isgraced London-based PR firm, Bell Pottinger is on the brink of closing down shop after losing major clients as a result of a racially divisive campaign it ran on behalf of Gupta-owned company Oakbay. The firm’s lost its most lucrative client HSBC, which is also Europe’s biggest bank, after it was expelled from Britains’ Public Relations and Communications Association on Tuesday. The expulsion is set for a minimum of 5 years. It’s second biggest shareholder, Chime, which held a 25% stake in the company, has also parted ways with the firm as well as Bell Pottinger CEO James Henderson who resigned last week. Other clients including South African investment bank Investec, luxury goods firm Richemont, UK construction company Carillion, mining company Acacia and UK bank CYBG have also ended their contracts with the PR company. According to the PRCA, Bell Pottinger was expelled from the association as the firm had knowingly manipulated volatile race relations in South Africa. “The view of the PRCA board


pierre vilJoen


sig voorbehou. Volgens EFF-verteenwoordiger Mbuyiseni Ndlozi het die EFF verskeie keer hul versoeke op skrif aan Speaker Mbete gelewer. Mbete het egter elke keer hulle versoeke van die hand gewys. “Die EFF het die Konstitusionele Hof gevra om vas te stel of Speaker Mbete dissiplinêre stappe teen Zuma moes neem vir sy oortreding van die Grondwet.” Die EFF se aansoek berus op artikel 89 van die Grondwet, wat verklaar dat die Nasionale Vergadering met ‘n twee-derde meerderheidstem

die president mag onthef indien die president die Grondwet oortree het. Die UDM en COPE ondersteun die aansoek, terwyl die DA op hulle beurt aansoek gedoen het om as ‘n bystander party aan te sluit. Speaker Mbete het die aansoek van die hand gewys. Voormalige Openbare Beskermer, adv. Thuli Madonsela, het tydens haar termyn bevind dat pres. Zuma die Grondwet oortree het toe hy openbare fondse gebruik het vir opgraderings by sy Nkandla-woning. Nadat pres. Zuma nie die remediërende stappe, soos aanbeveel



FF leader Julius Malema said that his party would consider entering into a coalition with the ANC in 2019 if Jacob Zuma is removed from the party’s presidency. The statement came from an interview with The Sowetan wherein he criticised Zuma for corruption and called for his arrest, essentially saying that Zuma should be charged and jailed for several allegations of corruption against him. Malema referenced the current campaign to replace Zuma in December this year, stating that the EFF would contemplate a coalition

government should the ANC receive fewer than 50% of the votes in the 2019 elections, but only if the if the ANC’s new leader publicly announces that he or she will “arrest Zuma for corruption before 2019”. He also criticised Cyril Ramaphosa and Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, front-runners for the ANC presidency, for not holding Zuma accountable. “Why has Cyril not opened a single case against corruption? Cyril and the SACP protected the Nkandla scandal. We challenge Cyril to go and open a case on corruption,” he said. In an interview with 702 radio, political analyst Ralph Mathekga said that the EFF is ‘flip-flopping’ on its position regarding the ANC.

“In past statements they have said that the whole of the ANC has been captured and the removal of Jacob Zuma is not enough. Now they’re saying they’re willing to work with the ANC,” he criticised. “Do they have a problem with the policies of the ANC or a problem with Mr Zuma?” he continued. Mathekga also highlighted that the EFF has worked with the DA in the past. The relationship was built on a shared negative outlook towards the ANC instead of a ‘common vision’ between the parties. He added to this by stating that a coalition between the EFF and ANC would be a ‘much more workable relationship’ than with the DA. The EFF turned 4 years old on Wednesday, 26 July. 



stitutional right to mother tongue instruction and specifically mother tongue instruction in Afrikaans will be totally disregarded at the university”. Gelyke Kanse also expressed their concern that the new language policy primarily benefits white English students and terminates prospects of the academic development of other indigenous languages like Xhosa at the University. Gelyke Kanse enjoys the support of, amongst other public figures, Helen Zille, FW de Klerk, R.W. Johnson and Emo Adams. The court case has been scheduled to be heard in the Western Cape High Court on the 14th, 15th and 16th of August. 

6de Uitgawe 11 September 2017




4de Uitgawe 14 Augustus 2017 @nova_mentis



New mindsets, new ideas. Critical reports.










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was that Bell Pottinger’s actions were deliberately intended to create exactly the result that they did – stirring up racial hatred in a very sensitive area of the world,” Francis Ingham, PRCA director general said. In July, Henderson released an apology on behalf of the firm and fired the lead partner involved in the campaign and suspended another partner and two employees. Opposition party the Democratic Alliance, called out the apology as ‘unacceptable’ and described the campaign as a bid to “divide and conquer” the public. The DA laid the charge against Bell Pottinger which led to their dismissal from the PRCA. DA spokesperson Phumzile van Damme called it “one battle that was won in a greater war.” She says that, not only Bell Pottinger needs to endure the consequences for their actions but also the people who briefed them for the work. “It is outrageous that Bell Pottinger has been held accountable, but the people who hired them haven’t.” An unnamed Bell Pottinger spokesperson confirmed with Eye Witness News that the company may indeed be up for sale. “I can confirm that we have appointed BDO to look at all options for the business including a possible sale,” said the source. 

EFF WIL HÊ HOF MOET ZUMA VERVOLG ie EFF het by die Konstitusionele Hof aansoek gedoen vir ‘n vervolgingsbevel teen president Jacob Zuma. Die party se aansoek versoek dat die hof die Speaker van die Nasionale Vergadering, Baleka Mbete, dwing om Zuma aanspreeklik te hou en te vervolg vir sy rol in die Nkandla-debakel. Hierdie aansoek is op die 5de September by die hof ingedien. Die Konstitusionele Hof het hul uitspraak rakende die parlement se verantwoordelikhede in hierdie op-




New mindsets, new ideas. Critical reports.


The University of Stellenbosch initiated a process in March 2016 to change the language policy of the university. This process delivered a new language policy that was approved by the Council and Senate of the university in June 2016. “The revised Language Policy acknowledges SU as a national asset and reaffirms our commitment to the users of Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa, being the three official languages of the Western Cape,” Mr George Steyn, Chair of the Stellenbosch University Council said in a statement in June 2016. Gelyke Kanse, a resistance group established in an effort to persuade Stellenbosch University not to do away with the equal status of English and Afrikaans instruction at the university, was not satisfied with the new language policy. “If SU is allowed to maintain the new language policy, the Con-



Head of Reporting


3de Uitgawe 31 Julie 2017

mindsets, EFF AND ANC TO JOIN New new ideas. Critical reports. FORCES IN 2019? SAnDiSiWe SHoBA

The university also expressed its concerns over the naming of the alleged perpetrators. “We view this as contrary to the principle of fairness and justice and may actually interfere with the legal proceedings,” read the UCT statement. This was followed by an appeal to the UCT community to allow legal and disciplinary procedures to deal with such matters.

publication of this approaching media powerhouse: The time has arrived for honest evaluations of that which we hear, see and experience every day. The ability to critically evaluate and to negotiate relentlessly for a better, freer future will determine the character of Nova Mentis. We proceed with our relentless evaluations. 

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n July 5th, the UCT Student Representative Council (SRC) announced that it was suspending two of its members from office following allegations of rape and sexual harassment. The allegation came to light when the alleged victim reported the matter to fellow students. The decision to suspend the members was taken during the council’s weekly standing meeting. In a statement released to the student body, SRC President Seipati Tshabalala, on behalf of the Representative Council, stated that the SRC had reported the matter to the university’s Discrimination and Harrasment Office (DISCHO) and the SRC was offering supportive services to the affected student. The statement also revealed the identities of the two alleged perpetrators, however, no charges have been filed against them. On July 6th the University released a statement saying the matter was under urgent investigation.

velopment and growth of Nova Mentis is owing to avid students who refuse to be mere bystanders at the death of critical thinking and freedom. With contentment, we proceed to stimulate student communities and the youth in South Africa with our modern, facts-driven and critical approach. I find it suit to echo these words from my first editor’s letter in the first

in Madonsela se verslag, nagekom het nie, het die Konstitusionele Hof in Maart 2016 tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat pres. Zuma versuim het om sy plig na te kom om die land se Grondwet te eerbiedig, te beskerm en te respekteer. Die EFF se aansoek by die Konstitusionele Hof dui onder andere aan dat pres. Zuma homself verryk het ten koste van die nasie, en dat die Nasionale Vergadering versuim het om hom verantwoordelik te hou daarvoor. President Zuma het in Augustus ‘n agtste mosie van wantroue teen sy presidentskap oorleef. 



ast week KPMG CEO, Trevor Hoole, resigned along with six other executives as the auditing company withdrew its controversial “Rogue Unit”-report. The resignations come as a result of wide-ranging board clean-up in the aftermath of several revelations linking the company to the controversial Gupta-family, including an internal investigation by the global firm, which found that work done for the Gupta family in South Africa “fell considerably short” of KPMG’s standards. The most recent developments follow a review of the company’s work with the Guptas and The South African Revenue Service (SARS). KPMG made a striking admission, saying that the findings, conclusions and recommendations of its SARS report should be withdrawn because it created the false impression that former finance minister Pravin Gordhan knew about a so-called “rogue unit” at the tax authority. This was the exact report that National Prosecuting Authority Head, Shaun Abrahams, used to charge Gordhan in October of last year. Among other scandals being uncovered, it also came to the light that KPMG failed to raise the issue that businesses controlled by the Gupta family diverted R30m of public money to pay for a family wedding. It was revealed that a total of R106m was transferred from Estina, a dairy farm outside Vrede funded by the Free State government, and then laundered through a complex web of Gupta front companies, before being used, inter alia, to settle the account for Vega Gupta and Aakash Jahajgarhia’s lavish wedding, at Sun City in 2013. According to Bloomberg, KPMG was also aware that the family’s

companies were categorising the wedding costs as business expenses, meaning they would not have to pay tax on them. In addition to Hoole’s resignation, Ahmed Jaffer has resigned and stepped down as chairman of the board. Other partners who will be leaving the firm are Mike Oddy, head of Audit and board member, Muhammad Saloojee, head of Tax and board member, Herman de Beer, former

head of Forensic and board member, John Geel, head of Deal Advisory, and Mickey Bove, risk management partner for Deal Advisory. Hoole has been replaced by replaced by Nhlamu Dlomu, who was previously KPMG South Africa’s Head for People and Change. “This has been a painful period and the firm has fallen short of the standards we set for ourselves, and that the public rightly expects from us,” Dlomu said in a statement. “I want to apologise to the public, our people and clients for the failings that have been identified by the investigation.” In a move applauded by many, KPMG said it would donate the R40 million it earned in fees from Gupta-controlled firms to charity and refund R23 million it earned by compiling a controversial report for the

South African tax service. KPMG is the latest international firm to become embroiled in factional battles within South Africa’s political establishment after British PR firm Bell Pottinger collapsed this month following a scandal over a racially-charged political campaign it ran on behalf of the Guptas. It seems that KPMG South Africa might share Bell Pottinger’s fate as it enters into a period of unprecedented

alienation and reputational blows. Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba has requested South African law enforcement agencies to investigate KPMG after the firm’s relationship with the Guptas came to light. As a result of the Gupta revelations, KPMG has already lost three major clients - Sasfin Holdings Ltd., a financial-services company, Cape Town-based money manager Sygnia Ltd., and lobby group Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA). “BLSA recognizes the considerable steps announced by KPMG to change its leadership and commence a process of cultural change,” BLSA said in a statement. “It cannot, however, look past the gravity of their

7de Uitgawe 26 September 2017

GRATIS @nova_mentis nmtsza

New mindsets, new ideas. Critical reports. conduct which is completely inconsistent with the values of BLSA,” continued the BLSA statement. Several other major companies, including Barclays Africa and Investec, are now reconsidering their use of the firm, plunging KPMG South Africa into a state of uncertainty and instability. The reputation and future of KMPG suffered further blows when Finance Minister Gigaba called on companies and other stakeholders to join hands and “(root) out bad elements” that undermine the South African economy. “It is therefore, warranted and critical that the relevant law enforcements and bodies such as the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors look into this matter to identify and sanction those responsible for any wrong-doing,” Gigaba said in a statement. Shortly after Gigaba’s statement, the National Assembly’s medical-insurance plan also said it had decided to drop KPMG. While Finance Minister Gigaba called on government departments to review their work with KPMG, the Democratic Alliance has also vowed to review KPMG’s contracts in the municipalities that it runs. KPMG International said last week that it would approach legal help to conduct an independent investigation into the work its South African firm did for the Gupta family. “The investigation will determine if there is any evidence to suggest KPMG South Africa partners or staff were complicit in illegal activities by the Gupta family and their businesses,” KPMG International Chairman John Veihmeyer said in a statement to Reuters. 

Nova Mentis

8ste Uitgawe 9 Oktober 2017

GRATIS @nova_mentis nmtsza

mindsets, KAAPSE WATERVOORRAAD New new ideas. OP TEEN MAART 2018 Critical reports.


PiErrE VilJoEN

ie burgemeester van die Stad Kaapstad, Patricia de Lille, het Woensdag gesê dat die stad se munisipale watervoorraad teen Maart 2018 uitgeput sal wees. De Lille het by die by die bekendstelling van die stad se kritiese watertekort rampprogram gesê dat indien verbruik nie daal tot 500 miljoen liter per dag nie, krane teen Maart 2018 sal droog loop. Waterverbruik staan egter tans by ongeveer 620 miljoen liter per dag. De Lille het ook gesê dat sy optimisties is nadat sy Woensdag met die Minister van Waterwese en Sanitasie, Nomvula Mokonyane, vergader het. “Ek wil al ons inwoners verseker dat ons nie hierdie stad sonder water sal laat nie.”

Indien damvlakke steeds daal, sal fase twee van die rampbestuurplan geïmplementeer moet word. Fase twee is die sogenaamde “ramp fase”. Die tweede fase van hierdie plan behels dat watertoevoer beperk sal word tot openbare punte vir waterversameling, wat deur polisiebeamptes en weermagslede beman sal word “om die veiligheid van die publiek te verseker.” Polisieteenwoordigheid sal ook in die middestad opgeskerp word. Die derde fase van die rampbestuurplan sal geïmplementeer word indien “dag

dui dat damvlakke jaarliks geleidelik daal: • 102.9% in 2014 • 65.3% in 2015 • 53.1% in 2016 • 27.9% in 2017 Die bogenoemde persentasies verteenwoordig die algehele damvlakke in die Wes-Kaap op die 31ste Julie van elke jaar. Op Maandag 2 Oktober was die gesamentlike vlakke van bruikbare water in Kaapse damme 27.6%. Wes-Kaapse Premier Helen Zille het in Mei 2017 die provinsie tot ‘n amptelike rampgebied verklaar. Die

Die Stad se waterplanne De Lille het verskeie nuwe waterskemas beskryf wat na verwagting in Desember of in Januarie in werking sal tree. Tydelike ontsoutingsaanlegte sal in Monwabisi en Strandfontein opgerig word en sal teen Februarie ten volle operasioneel wees. Tesame met ontsouting, sal aanvullende water by ondergrondse ontginningsaanlegte in Atlantis en Silverstroom geput word. Hierdie aanlegte behoort teen Februarie operasioneel te wees. Volgens De Lille het die Stadsraad reeds die eerste fase van die rampbestuursplan, naamlik om waterdruk te verlaag ten einde verbruik te verminder, geïmplementeer.

nul” - die dag wanneer die watertoevoersisteem nie meer water kan voorsien nie - aanbreek. Sarah Rushmere, een van die stadsbeamptes wat besig is om ‘n noodplan te finaliseer, het verduidelik dat die Stad hard aan die werk is om sogenaamde “dag nul” te vermy, maar dat hulle ook besig is om strategieë te beraam wat geïmplementeer kan word in die geval dat “dag nul” wel aanbreek.

Damvlakke Op hulle amptelike Twitter-profiel het die Stad Kaapstad met behulp van ‘n diagram aange-

provinsie ervaar tans sy ergste droogte sedert 1904.

Wie is te blameer vir die waterkrisis? Die Departement van Waterwese het in 2012 reeds ‘n waterkrisis voorspel. In ‘n jaarlikse verslag het die Departement aangedui dat die land vir die afgelope 16 jaar bo-gemiddelde reënval ervaar het, en dat dit onwaarskynlik is dat dit só sal aanhou. Dit is ook in 2013 bepaal dat wateraanvraag met 50% sou styg in die volgende 30 jaar, terwyl watertoevoer skerp sou daal. Ten spyte van hierdie inligting het die Wes-Kaapse regering in Junie gesê hulle verwag dat damvlakke tot 75% sal styg. Nedbank blameer die wanbestuur van die waterkrisis op politiese onverskilligheid.

Die Hoof van Infrastruktuur, Energie en Telekommunikasie by Nedbank, Mike Peo, het in ‘n verklaring gesê dat aardverwarming duidelik ‘n aansienlike impak het, en dat onlangse droogtes al hoe erger word. Die verklaring lui dat die waterkrisis verder gekompliseer word deur onvoldoende instandhouding van infrastruktuur en swak bestuur van waternetwerke wat lei tot geweldige waterverlies. Peo het privaatbesighede aangemoedig om met die publieke sektor kragte saam te span om ‘n groter impak te maak.

Kaapstad versoek inwoners om water te bespaar Die Stadsraad van Kaapstad het verlede week weereens ‘n beroep op inwoners gedoen om nie meer as 87 liter per persoon per dag te gebruik nie. Die Stadsraad vergelyk die waterkrisis met die elektrisiteitstekort van 2015/2016 en die beurtkragstelsel wat daarmee gepaard gegaan het. “Die elektrisiteitskrisis en daaropvolgende tariefverhogings het mense gedwing om minder krag te gebruik, en nou moet dieselfde gebeur met water.” Die Stadsraad probeer ook om inwoners bewus te maak van die verskeie metodes wat aangewend kan word om water te bespaar. Die gebruik van reënwatertenke word onder andere ten sterkste aanbeveel veral op geboue met groot dakareas. Die Wes-Kaapse regering moedig alle inwoners van die provinsie aan om water te bespaar op enige moontlike wyses, en om hul onderskeie munisipaliteite se waterbeperkings te eerbiedig. 


Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018 NEWS



Albert Brand

resident Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent announcement about land expropriation without compensation came as a shock to a considerable slice of the South African public. The announcement made by the brand new president during his maiden State of the Nation address even send ripples of alarm through portions of the international community. During the address on 16 February President Ramaphosa stated that the expropriation of land without compensation will form part of his agenda to redress the wrongs of the past and to address the current questions of inequality.

The implications of such a course seems vast and, as expected, was received with mixed opinions - and emotions. Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), made it clear to the president that such a statement will not go without proper accountability to see results. Malema went on to warn the leader of the DA, Mmusi Maimane, that his approach to this issue will go a long way in determining the DA’s results at the ballot come election time. In a radical statement he said that, “anyone opposed to the expropriation of land without compensation is the enemy of our people.” This is, according to Malema, because when the lands were taken from black people

during the time of Apartheid, there certainly was no compensation. On 27 February, this was taken a step further when the EFF put forward a motion to establish an adhoc committee to amend section 25 of the Constitution which pertains to land expropriation without compensation. This motion was received with high levels of support, with 241 MP’s - predominantly from the ranks of the ANC, EFF, UDF and a number of smaller parties - voting for the motion. Only 83 MP’s - mostly from the DA - were in opposition of the motion. The party based their opposition to the amendment on their believing that it will weaken property rights and scare potential investors. The


party is of believe that black farmers have not been adequately trained and this motion is merely diverting the attention away from the ANC’s failure to address this issue in the past. The EFF’s zeal, and support from the ANC, has made land owners in South Africa extremely anxious. The consequences of such an amendment seems far reaching - and the economy has already reacted. The Rand, which strengthened considerably with the announcement of Ramaphosa as president, weakened after the announcement of appropriation of land without compensation. The currency fell from R11.55/$ at Monday evening to R11.77/$ at Wednesday afternoon. 

The national government’s failure rate of land reform projects is currently standing at 92%



Alice Gouws

n 19 February 2018, Stellenbosch joined the city of Cape Town in Level 6B water restrictions, which limits residents and visitors each to 50 liters of water daily. This coincided with the Stellenbosch Municipality implementing steps to no longer rely on water sources supplying Cape Town. To adjust to the water management plan implemented on 20 February 2018, the Stellenbosch Municipality has utilized local water sources for the town in an ongoing project to lessen the burden on Cape Town’s diminishing water resources. This forms part of the Water Management plan approved in June 2017 for the WCO24 region. By end of March 2018, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, and the Dwarsrivier Valley (Kylemore, Pniel, Lacquedoc, and Johannesdal) will be removed from the Wemmershoek dam, currently at 46.6% storage capacity, and placed onto local water resources. The greater Stellenbosch region will therefore be dependent on various boreholes and groundwater sources supported by the municipality, reservoirs, as well as the local dams in the Ida’s Valley area. To date, Stellenbosch has been reliant on the Theewaterskloof, Steenbras, and Wemerhoek dams for two thirds of its water requirements, with only a third coming from local resources. It is unclear at this point whether the town will be able to cope with its current water needs with these new restrictions. Stellenbosch has, however, seen a substantial decrease in water usage

thus far this year for the same period last year with residents, students, and visitors contributing to saving water through various proactive means. In March, seven residences linked to the University of Stellenbosch will change to a water recycling system whereby the grey water is collected at a central, single filtration point, filtered and treated, before being returned to the residences for flushing toilets. The University has also implemented the use of seven boreholes for watering certain sports fields, filling the campus swimming pool, and maintaining select historic gardens. Where borehole water is not in use, the university relies on water pumped from the Ertjies and Welgevallen dams. Residents of Stellenbosch have further contributed by adopting bucket systems to recycle water for various purposes. To encourage water saving, hefty fines have been given as a warning for non-compliance and the Municipality reserves the right to install meters that can limit household usage. Households exceeding four members and businesses with higher water usage needs have the opportunity to apply directly for higher usage allowances directly from the Municipality who will determine whether or not to allow additional usage. One can also apply to the Municipality to drill for borehole water and residents are also requested to register grey water systems with the Municipality. As water levels are consistently dropping in the dams, with the final 10% of water being difficult to use and substantial loss through evaporation, it appears that Stellenbosch may need to prepare for its own Day Zero. However, the Municipality feels that with current measures in place and

the ongoing cooperation of residents and businesses, the effects of the drought can be mitigated. The Municipality has further stated that contingency plans exist and will be implemented swiftly if required. The City of Cape Town has further implemented various water augmentation projects, the majority of which are nearing completion (statistics as of 26 February 2018). Desalination plants will make up the bulk of alternative water sources, with stations being built at Cape Town Harbour, Strandfontein, Monwabisi, and the V&A Waterfront as well as other coastal communities. Ground water will service the Cape Flats and Atlantis, while Zandvliet will be placed on a water recycling programme. Although these are viable solutions, greater costs can be expected with the running of the desalination plants. There is no information available currently at to how much Cape Town residents may be expected to pay for water. It is also not certain if these water augmentation systems will afford Stellenbosch the opportunity to rely on the City’s water sources as per usual. Farmers have been requested to rely on private dams, boreholes, and water storage systems to water their crops. These measures have negatively impacted many farmers in the area and they have been forced to lessen or abandon their annual production, thereby impacting employment figures in the area as less labourers are required. The economy has also been negatively affected as the Western Cape contributes extensively to the total GDP of the country. Residents, students, and visitors are encouraged to continue saving

water wherever possible. The low rainfall over the past three years (2015-2017) and increased population numbers as well as higher temperatures have all contributed to the current crisis. To keep track of dam levels, developments in water restrictions, and overall usage, you can visit the following sites: Dams are currently at the following levels: Berg Rivier: 51.9% Steenbras Lower: 36.6% Steenbras Upper: 92.6% Theewaterskloof: 11% Voëlvlei: 15.9% Wemershoek: 45.5% (Figures provided by capetown., as given on 28 February 2018) Water Saving tips: • Collect shower and laundry water for flushing • Have a sponge bath most days, shower every second or third day for 2 minutes only • Wipe dishes down before washing, if you rinse your dishes, repurpose the rinse water for plants or the toilet • Save laundry for one big load – wash heavy items only when necessary • Fill a spritz bottle with water, a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda, and a pinch of detergent, mix and spray on clothes to freshen them up • Report leakages and wastage to the local Municipality at 021 808 8230 / 8236 

Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018



In the heart of the Stellenbosch University campus, a mysterious office called the “Transformation Office” is meddling in campus affairs and has vowed to “redesign” the campus - using their bleprint of American identity politics and critical race theory.


ne of Africa’s leading universities is systematically embedding denounced American identity politics in the minds of its students; Prescribing social rules at what used to be fun, social activities and aiding lecturers and students with reference cards that impose critical race theory. These are among the many troubling discoveries that Nova Mentis has made during our extensive investigation into what is called the “Transformation Office” on the Stellenbosch University campus. For a period of three months, researchers at Nova Mentis have investigated the affairs of the SU Transformation Office, consulted with experts in different countries with regards to the nature of the agenda of this office, and consulted with student leaders to hear their stories. We now present our readers with an illustration of some of the discoveries that were made during our ongoing investigation. This exposition is a limited selection of information that we have, that will form part of a more comprehensive report.

Complementary Studies Third-year engineering students now have to attend a 1 hour, 30 minutes class per week as part of the module Complementary Studies, which is a “transformation competency programme”. This module weighs 4 credits. An SU Report to the Commission for Gender Equality mentions Complementary Studies: “Advancing gender equality is also part of a specific focus in a compulsory Complementary Studies module for all engineering students.” According to the SU Transformation Plan (submitted by inter alia the Head of the Transformation Office), gender equality and sexism should be addressed “within the framework of intersectionality.” Intersectionality, the theory that consideration must be given to the interactions of the different types of discrimination that a person experiences, is a division or form of modern identity politics and third wave feminism. Author and philosopher Christina Hoff Summers describes intersec-

tionality as “the reigning philosophy in today’s campus diversity movement” and “an illiberal doctrine that views society as a network of interlocking, mutually reinforcing oppressions (racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism—the list keeps growing).” Christina Hoff Summers, feminist author and philosopher and winner of NWPC’s 2013 Exceptional Merit in Media Award Sommers expresses concern that when intersectionality is being taught to students, “Ideals like free expression or due process are dismissed as ploys used by oppressors to maintain power.” During consultation with students in the Engineering faculty and on campus, it became visible that many students seem unable to express themselves freely on campus as a direct result of the injection of intersectionality theory into the curriculum and welcoming programmes. It remains to be seen what the aftermath of Complementary Studies and other “transformation competency programmes” will be. Sommers is of the meaning that “campuses will remain hostile environments for freedom until that theory (intersectionality) goes out of style”.

Transformation Indaba: Establishing the new normal The SU Transformation Indaba, hosted by the Transformation Office during the last days of November, 2017 was divided into themes of presentation, each dealing with separate points of interest – laying down the institution’s mode of the groundwork for the audience - which consisted of academic staff throughout every faculty. The purpose of this conference was to explore the future ambitions of the Transformation Office and to exhibit the values that embody them. These values would collectively constitute the “new normal” at Stellenbosch University. The first speaker told the audience about how popular Marxism is amongst students and the youth,

followed by a nodding of agreement by the audience. (Marxism is the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis of communism.) Sources within the Transformation Office, who attended the Indaba, raised concerns about the particular agenda that the Transformation Office pushed at the Indaba. Some of the themes discussed at the Indaba were Visual Redress, Thinking Decolonisation and Gender-Based Violence and Rape Culture. The aim of visual redress is to procedurally rename, remove, replace, or overshadow the historic symbols, statues, names of faculties, artwork, busts or any other reminder of Stellenbosch’s past for a more inclusive environment. One speaker insisted the university should put indigenous African knowledge at the center of this visual reformation, while another suggested the installation of television screens throughout the campus and residences broadcasting lectures on racism, social justice, and transformation. At the Indaba, it was admitted that “white colleagues” feel “shamed and guilted”, but this state of affairs was dismissed as a “shock in the system”. It was also admitted that “some staff transform at the cost of themselves” as they are being “sidelined inside the department”. One speaker described the attendees of the Indaba as the “fingers” of the university management. At the Indaba, university lecturers were supplied with “Siyakhula Reference Cards” that provide definitions of terminologies that typically fall within the realm of critical race theory and modern identity politics.

Reference cards for staff Some SU staff members and student leaders have been supplied with a reference book, which is meant “to facilitate a basic understanding of the language used to describe and validate different identities and experiences.” Compiled by an unknown “group

of staff and students at Stellenbosch University”, the Transformation Office “accepts no responsibility or liability in part or whole for misrepresentations, omissions or shortcomings” and even introduces the reference book with a disclaimer that “[t]his is not an academic and definite grounded dictionary but rather a resource to be used as evidence for why it is important to interrogate our own language.” Some of the terminology discussed are: • allyship • intersectionality • racism • micro-aggressions • white privilege • symbolic oppression • gender non-binary • gender non-conforming • cissexism • patriarchy • rape culture • feminism Terminology and definitions in the reference book overwhelmingly stem from the theoretical framework of critical race theory. Critical race theory (CRT) is a theoretical framework in Western social sciences that uses critical theory to examine society and culture as they relate to categorizations of race, law, and power. The theory has been widely denounced by academics for its undermining of the liberal legal order, rejection of colourblind meritocracy, rejection of racial neutrality in the law and broadening of racial divisions. The Siyakhula reference cards distributed by the Transformation

Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018 SPECIAL REPORT

Office denotes, inter alia, that: • “racism is the systematic mistreatment of people of colour.” • white privilege is “institutional and social (rather than personal) set of unearned benefits granted to white people.” • ”cis-gendered people have cis privilege” • gender is “socially constructed roles, behaviour, activities and attributes that a particular society arbitrarily considers appropriate for men and womxn” • “the use of “X” in “womxn” and humxn are to linguistically show that womxn are not a subdivision of men as patriarchal society states”. Micro-aggressions are defined by the reference book as “brief everyday slights, insults, humiliations and degrading messages sent to people who are marginalised” Raising awareness of supposed “micro-aggressions” is an identity politics approach frequently critiqued by scholars for its promotion of so-called “victimhood culture” and because it may be used as a silencing tool. These reference cards, and the home-made definitions that it legitimises, guide critical engagement discussions on campus, tilting discussions from the outset in favour of those considered to be “oppressed”. The rest, we learned, have to “educate themselves” and adapt to the Transformation Office’s new normal of identity politics and North American social justice. In addition to the reference cards, the Transformation Office has released a List of Definitions, subtitled “Embracing a New Normal: Skills for Staff ”, elaborating on, amongst other concepts, whiteness, intersectionality, whitesplaining, mansplaining and patriarchy. Nova Mentis has not been unable to confirm the rationale behind establishing discredited 1980’s North American identity politics and social science experiments as the “new normal” at a what is supposed to be a 21st-century modern African university, but it seems that the drive comes from ideologues and radicalised students within the Transformation Office.

Welcoming of “newcomers” “Gender and rape culture-specific sessions during the Welcoming Programme for new students” were to form part of the welcoming of first-year students in 2018. So states an 2017 SU narrative report. We understand that Vensters (concerts by first years) scripts also had to be sent to the Transformation Office, and some residence HK’s reportedly had to send scripts back and forth between the Transformation Office numerous times because the scripts were not “inclusive”.

Topics for campus debating are also chosen by the Transformation Office this year.


Rape Culture, or EndRapeCulture is a sub-ideology of third wave college feminism in the United States of America. The embedding of EndRapeCulture “training” in the Welcoming Programme for first years comes as a result of an SU report, titled Recommendations on Addressing EndRapeCulture at SU, which concludes that “the explicit violence perpetrated by some of our students and staff and the implicitly held beliefs and attitudes that perpetuate this violent culture, is reaching crisis proportions.” By objective standard, the report is not factual, but dogmatic and lays down “strategies for institutional culture change” that are similar to popular approaches on North American college campuses. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), one of North America’s leading anti-sexual violence organizations, in a report detailing recommendations to the White House on combating rape on college campuses, argues that rape is the product of individuals who have decided to disregard the overwhelming cultural message that rape is wrong and that the use of the term ‘rape culture’ is counter-productive. According to the SU EndRapeCulture report, 4 instances of rape were reported on campus in 2016.


“Their relationship with the Equality Unit extends proximate power over staff, management, and students.” The primary function of the Transformation Office is to develop and facilitate what they label as “conversations about transformation,” and enact policies that will guide the path to equity as viewed through the lens of social justice. However, the discussions had at the behest of the Transformation Office are determined by the discretion of the officials organising the conversations. This means they are in direct control over what is spoken about and who is invited to speak, resulting in the insulation where opposition to the conclusions brought by these conversations is scarce and unattainable. I soon realised I was very naïve believing in the good faith of their open tables – there was only a single agenda of advancement, a single narrative that should be directed towards. Their objectives are not to transform our campus transparently, but only to fulfill the tenants of social justice. As one officer said, “As I see it, we have no reason to be impartial and we never will be”.

Experts’ opinions Jonathan Haidt New York University Professor

In response via email to some of the internal documentation of the SU Transformation Office in 2017: “This kind of identity politics is the road to hell. Things will get far worse for the very people whom it claims to help.” Helen Zille Premier of the Western Cape

In her Daily Maverick column on the 25th of February: “The greatest irony of all, is that identity politics has its roots in precisely the same political philosophy as that on which the edifice of apartheid was constructed: Afrikaners, a small minority on the African continent, believed their cultural identity was threatened by majority rule; so Verwoerd developed a plan to balkanise the country so that, in theory at least, each ethnic group would one day govern itself.” 

An insider’s perspective An insider in the Transformation Office, who wished to remain anonymous, provided Nova Mentis with material and personal accounts that corroborate some˝of the statements in this report. With permission, we share the ‘lived experience’ that this individual has typed up:

Excerpts from SU document ‘Embracing a New Normal: Skills for Staff ’.

Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018




Staff Writer

emocratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane says they will fight the anti-poor tax increase on all fronts. The party has launched a national petition to gunner signatures from South Africans to oppose the 15% Value Added Tax (VAT) increase announced by former finance Minister Malusi Gigaba as he gave his last budget speak on Wednesday 21 February. Following the launch of the petition over 50 000 South Africans had signed it by Thursday, 1 March. Maimane says the speech was the first actual, tangible action taken by this government since the election of a new president last week. “It was the first opportunity to see this government’s plan in action, and access its priorities. Sadly, it represents no real change from the ANC in government. It is undoubtedly one of the most anti-poor budgets we have ever seen – and it amounts to an assault on the poor and the jobless,” he says. He went on to say that, instead of cutting the fat and waste in government – unnecessary expenditure and bloated departments – and focusing on growth, the ANC chose to

cut spending on services to poor people, including funding for housing, education, policing, and local and provincial government. “The raising of VAT by 1 percentage point in effect means that we will all be paying 7.14% more tax on every day goods and services. This, combined with a significant fuel levy increases, will make food and transport more expensive. It will now be more expensive to be unemployed in South Africa. Life will get harder for the most vulnerable in society over the coming months,” said Maimane. The DA has stated it clearly that it will oppose the tax increase. “We are making a call to all South Africans to join the fight against increased taxes for the poor and working class. The DA will oppose and fight the VAT increase and the transport levy increases on all fronts. We will not support a regressive and anti-poor policy by the ANC. I call on all South Africans to join this fight, and to add their voice in saying we will not accept things as is any longer,” says Maimane.



resident Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation Address affirmed the decision of free higher education, following former president Jacob Zuma’s surprise announcement in December last year. The former finance minister, Malusi Gigaba, also gave a green light to free higher education in his budget speech last week. Speaking in his maiden speech, as well as giving his swan song, Gigaba allocated R57 billion for higher education and training over the next three years. The education sector remained with the biggest budget of R792 billion in the next three years to basic education. Through expenditure reductions and tax measures (VAT tax going up to 15%), the former minister confirmed to raise an additional R36 billion in 2018-19 for funding higher education. “Providing free higher education was an important step forward in breaking the cycle of poverty and confronting youth unemployment,” added Gigaba.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) declared in parliament on Wednesday 28 February that it has received around 408 000 applications for full study. NSFAS also added that students from households earning less than R350 000 per annum will study for free through the eligibility procedure. They further added that free higher education will be phased in over a five-year-period for university students with a full cost of study being paid for students entering university for the first time. To answer concerns brought by MPs, NSFAS confirmed that current recipients will have their loans converted to bursaries, and no qualifying student will be required to pay upfront fees. Moreover, the Higher Education Department’s deputy director-general for university education, Diane Parker, told MPs that universities and TVET colleges should stick to their enrolment plans. She added that this funding is based on agreed-upon enrolment plans and tight management of these plans is vital. 

Maimane went on to say: “Instead of withdrawing from the New Development Bank, which would save an estimated R17.2 billion - the ANC decided to increase transport levies by 52c per litre. Instead of reducing the size of the executive, to 15 ministries, which could save R13.8 billion over the medium term – the ANC chose to cut police services by over 2000 personnel.Instead of selling government’s remaining shares in Telkom, which would raise an estimated R7 billion – the ANC chose to cut funding for building houses by R7.2 billion. Instead of implementing salary freezes for all highly paid fatcat head office staff, which would raise an estimated R7.5 billion – the ANC chose to cut funding for education by R3.6 billion.” Maimane says the first national budget of the President Cyril Ramaphosa administration is an onslaught on the poor and unemployed in South Africa. “This is not the change we wanted to see - it is more of the same from the ANC. Our fight will always be for the poor, the unemployed, the excluded, and the vulnerable in society. We will always oppose actions which bully the little guy, the ordinary South African



acques Pauw, journalist, and author of the controversial and nearly banned book, The President’s Keepers saw his private residence in Riebeeck-Kasteel raided on 28 February 2018 by the Hawks. Pauw’s book caused more than a stir when released in November of last year. The raid on his house in the town some 80km outside of Cape Town came as a surprise, however not totally unexpected. Newly appointed Police Minister, Bheki Cele, has urged that the Hawks be given space to investigate Pauw and that everyone should be investigated, not only select individuals. Pauw’s home was searched by three officers of the special investigative unit, who stated that the operation formed part of an investigation against Pauw, as initiated by the State Security Agency. The investigation against Pauw stems from his use

who is just trying to get by. We will always stand up to the interests of a few, for the benefit of the many – whether it be big government, big business, or big labour. And this budget is precisely that. It is big government bullying ordinary South Africans into paying for its misdeeds. The ANC cannot make the poor pay for their looting of public money,” he says. The petition will be tabled in Parliament, and “bring the voice of the people to the ears of the out of touch, self-serving ANC”. “We will also unequivocally oppose the passing of the Bill which will give effect to the VAT increase from 1 April 2018. We call on all MPs to vote against the laws that will give effect to these taxes, which will come before Parliament in the coming weeks. This includes the ANC’s alliance partners in Parliament. They cannot say they are against VAT increases in the media, but vote to support VAT increases in Parliament. The President has options. The ball is now in his court. If he chooses to stick by this anti-poor, anti-development budget, then his words of change and renewal will be nothing more than empty words - and more of the same from the ANC,” concludes Maimane. 

of allegedly confidential information in his book, which caused national fervor last year as it revealed various dealings involving former president Jacob Zuma and damaging claims against, among others, the South African Revenue Services. Pauw also exposed the individuals aiding in keeping Zuma in power at the time. Although video footage indicates the raid was initiated by ‘a rogue unit’, Pauw later reported that he had complied with the officers, who had followed correct procedures. Pauw added that although the officers were looking for secret state security files, nothing of interest had been found there, nor in his restaurant or guesthouse, which were searched as well. Pauw’s lawyer, Willem de Klerk, confirmed that the Hawks had obtained a legitimate warrant for search and seizure and confirmed Pauw’s full cooperation with the investigation. Hawks spokesperson, Hangwani Mulaudzi, stated that they were looking for any documentation related to the alleged violation of the National Strategic Intelligence Act, though nothing thus far has been reportedly found at the Pauw residence. Pauw, in response, also stated that nothing significant had been found. He added that he expected raids such as these for some time already. 

Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018




n 21 February, former Finance Minister, Malusi Gigaba delivered his first -and last - Budget Speech Address. Gigaba and his team definitely did not have an easy task in preparing the 2018/19 budget and faced a number of challenges including a massive R50bn fiscal deficit. Despite some tough announcements the speech was seemingly well received by foreign investors, with the rand strengthening against the dollar, the euro and the yen during its delivery. This is largely due to the decision made by Treasury to raise value-added tax (VAT) for the first time in 25 years, a decision that was welcomed by rating agency S&P Global. “It is good to see that the debt trajectory is getting back on track,” Ravi Bhatia a director in S&P’s sovereign analyst group told Reuters. The only rating agency which has not yet cut South Africa’s sovereign debt rating to junk, Moody’s, is set to review their rating on 23 March. It was, therefore, an important objective of the Ministry of Finance to ensure that the Budget Speech does enough to stave off a downgrade by Moody’s on the 23rd. According to FNB’s chief economist, Mamello Matikinca, this was indeed the case. “The budget has put government finances back on a trajectory that attempts to consolidate the fiscal position over the next few years. We believe it will be enough to delay a downgrade by Moody’s next month,” Matikinca said.

A number of wide-ranging tax proposals, generating an additional R36bn in revenue, were made by Gigaba. These include: • An increase in VAT of 1%, from 14% to 15%. This will come into effect on 1 April 2018 • An increase in the excise duty rate on luxury goods from 7% to 9% • Increases in the alcohol and tobacco excise duties of between 6 and 10% • A 52 cents per liter increase in the levies on fuel, consisting of a 22 cents per liter hike in the general fuel levy and a 30 cents per liter increase in the Road Accident Fund Levy.

Nova Mentis columnist Eswee Bothma (finalist) with Nedbank CEO Mike Borwn (left), former Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba and Old Mutual CEO Peter Moyo at the Old Mutual Budget Speech Competition

with VAT account for Treasury’s top three revenue streams, have both been raised considerably in the past few years. The one percentage point increase in the VAT rate seems small when looking at the bigger picture. South Africa is in a way catching up with other countries in the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) where the average VAT rate is around 19%.


Learning and culture

R259.4 bn

Social development

R205.4 bn


R200.8 bn

Peace and security

R200.1 bn

Economic development

R196.3 bn

Community development

R194.2 bn


R64.0 bn

General public services

The 2018 Budget also included a “hidden wealth tax”, with below inflation increases in the personal income tax rebates and brackets, with greater relief offered for those in the lower income tax brackets. Although an increase in the VAT-rate seems drastic, especially given the fact that it hasn’t been raised since 1993, it was inevitable really. Personal income tax as well as corporate tax rates, which along

Most African countries also sport a higher than 14% VAT rate. “We have increased personal income tax significantly in recent years, particularly at the higher income bands, and our corporate tax is high by international standards. We have not adjusted VAT since 1993, and it is low compared to some of our peers. We, therefore, decided that increasing VAT was unavoidable if we are to maintain the integ-

rity of our public finances,” Gigaba said during his speech. Aside from the VAT-rate increases to counter the fiscal deficit, Treasury also managed to cut cabinet expenses by R85bn over the next years. This was a much-needed measure as new implementations like feefree higher education (amounting to R57bn over the next three years) and National Health Insurance (amounting to R4.2bn over the next three years) will weigh heavy on government’s wallet. TAX REVENUE (R bilion)



Personal Income tax






Corporate income tax






Fuel levies



Customs and excise duties



Gigaba has since been reshuffled from his position as Minister of Finance back to his previous post at Home Affairs. The hefty task of implementing this budget now rests on the shoulders of political heavyweight Nhlanhla Nene. Nene, who is viewed positively by the market and is seen as pro-growth, replaced Gigaba in President Cyril Ramaphosa’s much-anticipated cabinet reshuffle. 



Alice Gouws

ulius Malema, the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, has landed himself in hot water with the Democratic Alliance, who announced on Thursday, 1 March 2018, that they would be taking Malema to the Equality Court for actions they deemed as hate speech and inciting violence. Malema made headlines last week with his threat to remove the DA’s Mayor of Nelson Mandela Bay, Athol Trollip from office should the DA not

support the land expropriation without compensation proposal. The proposal is currently under review by the Constitutional Review Committee. In term of Section 10 of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, Malema has overstepped in terms of inciting violence, stating that the EFF is “going for your white man in PE. We are going to cut the throat”. According to the DA, this statement also falls under hate speech, which has long been the calling card of the red bereted leader.

Refiloe Nt’sekhe, spokesperson of the DA, finds these statements to be bigoted and misplaced with current South Africa. It is believed by the DA leadership that Malema is attempting to distort their own vision for the future of all South Africans, especially in light of trying to redress the land issues faced by the black populace This is not the first time Malema stands formally accused of hate speech. Last year he stood accused of saying “Indian people are worse than Afrikaners”. This saw the South Afri-

can Minority Rights Equality Movement (Samrem) filing charges of hate speech against him. Afriforum has likewise challenged Malema’s statements about them being “a group of Ku Klux Klan”. This statement followed Malema’s 2011 stunt in which he sang “shoot the farmer, kill the Boer”. It is uncertain at this point if Malema will indeed retract his statement and it remains to be seen if other DA towns or cities will face a similar threat as voiced against Trollip of Nelson Mandela Bay. 

Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018




Staff Writer

he South African Police Service (SAPS) says contingency planning to secure 189 Water distribution points is in place and that planning is co-ordinated across government spheres and Departments. SAPS briefed the Western Cape Provincial Parliament Standing Committee on Community Safety on contingency plans to ensure safety across the province in the event of Day Zero, which is now estimated to be on 9 July Mireille Wenger MPP, Standing Committee Chairperson on Community Safety in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament says they were told a further 53 Water Distribution Points have been identified within the Metropole but still needs to be categorised. “We were assured that in addition to the contingency plans, normal policing functions will continue. SAPS Provincial Management said that SAPS is ready to deal with any threat and that policing will be proactive from the get-go. The planned deployment to points of distribution includes SAPS officers, traffic officials and Municipal Law enforcement along with the South African National Defence Force (SANDF).” Wenger adds that they will continue to monitor in coming months

to ensure that sufficient personnel is available and that planning has been concretised. “With an unprecedented drought in the Western Cape and the lowest rainfall ever recorded, our province is undoubtedly facing a crisis. Day-Zero will take effect as soon as dam levels reach 13.5%. The current Dam-levels are currently at 21.3% as of 26 February,” says Wenger. On the other hand deputy mayor, Ian Neilson says the province is still in the midst of the worst drought we have experienced in recent times. “In order to successfully navigate the drought, the water supply system must not run out of water. This has required the City of Cape Town to implement various demand management measures to manage the water drawn down from the dams and to add additional water to the system through the City’s water augmentation programme. At the same time, we must continuously assess the risk of uncontrolled and unknown variables, such as rainfall.” Regardless of rainfall or water supply augmentation, Cape Town needs to continue striving to reduce average daily consumption to 450 million liters a day (MLD). This must be done not only to stretch supplies as far as possible but also because the National Department of Water and Sanitation has imposed a 45% restriction on the City’s wa-

ter use for the current hydrological year (1 November 2017 – 31 October 2018). “If we do not adhere to this restriction, there is a chance that the National Department may impose even more stringent restrictions on Cape Town in November 2018. Consumption over the past week averaged 516 MLD, with dam levels dropping 0.4% to 24%. The City needs to continue reducing consumption in line with Level 6B water restrictions if we are to avoid Day Zero. Our latest Day Zero projections take into account the continuing drop in urban consumption over the past weeks, the Groenland water transfer, and the discontinuation of the agricultural releases for this hydrological year,” says Neilson. Neilson says the City of Cape Town now also in a position to exer-

Theewaterskloof Dam (Source: Jon Kerrin Photography)



asic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, raised eyebrows last month, 27 February 2018, with another proposal to lower the minimum mark required for students to progress. Presently, students in Grades 7,8 and 9 are required to achieve a minimum mark of 50 % in their home language in order to advance. Motshekga would see this mark reduced to 40% and states that pupils should progress if they meet this mark along with 40% in three other subjects. Worryingly, it has also been stated that students who achieve 30% in three subjects within these grades would also be allowed to progress. This will be the first time that such low grades would be deemed sufficient for advancement.

Angie Motshekga

2016 already saw a controversial move by Motshekga and the department when pupils who received 20% for mathematics were advanced. Last year then saw mathematics dropped from the required subjects to advance to higher grades. Motshekga argued that not all students

cise greater control on the consumption side with the implementation of Level 6B restrictions, the increasing roll-out of pressure management across the City and the installation of water management devices to limit the consumption of high water users. “These interventions, along with the water savings efforts of our residents, have seen our consumption drop from an average of 1 200 MLD in 2015, to 900 MLD a year ago, to just over 500 MLD this year. This amounts to a reduction of 400 MLD in the past year. The increased rollout of pressure management interventions alone has resulted in savings of 50 MLD over the past two months,” he says Neilson concludes that: “In calculating Day Zero, we believed it would be irresponsible not to take a conservative approach which assumed the worst case scenario. Using a conservative projection meant that the date would shift out under more favourable conditions, but this was deemed less of a risk than assuming a less conservative approach, and then having the date move closer if conditions were less favourable.” 

would require mathematics later on in their schooling and therefore it made no sense to hold students back for failing mathematics. Although the department argues that they are not encouraging students to get the minimum marks, this move has brought the department under scrutiny. Both the SA Democratic Teachers Union and the National Teachers’ Union (Natu) have aired their fears as to how the continual lowering of grades would negatively impact students later in their schooling. Deputy president of Natu, Allan Thompson, told The Star that lowering the pass rate only lowers the standard and explained that it would better to bring in more teachers and reduce class sizes. In another move to progress learn-

ers in the basic education sector, Motshekga stated in January of this year that South Africa is in need of a change in curriculum, advocating mainly for vocational education to better prepare students in necessary trade skills. Motshekga also stated that she would be working with her successor over the next 18 months to ensure that vocational training is again prioritised in schools. Motshekga pointed out that there are students who are not coping with the current academic programme and would become more productive adults if vocationally trained. To fully implement these changes, Motshekga has also called on the government to increase the number of TVET colleges in the country. Although vocational education would see more students capable of entering the workforce upon completion of their schooling, the lower requirement for grades may see fewer students able to enter higher education programmes. 

Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018



‘n Toekomstige KKNK - maar met Stellenbosch-gees!


onderde Maties het op 29 Januarie vanjaar onder die akkerbome van Stellenbosch saam getrek en gedeel in die euforie van topgehalte Afrikaanse musiek, goeie sprekers, lekker kos en ‘n algemene lekker vibe. Die Nova Mentis Akkerfees het sy debuut in Matieland gemaak, en het alle verwagtinge oortref. Ondanks die feit dat Akkerfees vroeg

in die jaar - toe meeste studente nog met vakansie weg was - plaasgevind het, was die fees ‘n oorweldigende sukses. Die feesgasspreker, Dr Matthews Phosa, een van die ses kandidate vir president van die ANC in 2017 en voormalige premier van Mpumalanga, het studente toegespreek oor die waarde van Afrikaans as moderne taal. Dr Phosa is benewens

politikus ook ‘n gerekende skrywer en digter. Ander sprekers het ingesluit Frederik van Dyk, primarius van Helshoogte, en Kobus Louw, CEO van Digemy. Dié sprekers het oor die tema van ‘Sukses’ gepraat. Toesprake is afgewissel deur moderne kletsrym-treffers van Die Wasgoedlyn, Janine Blaq Pearl, Emile YX? en Quintin Jitsvinger.

Bekende musiekgroepe Spoegwolf en Die Heuwels Fantasties het die aand afgesluit met hoë-energie vertonings wat ongetwyfeld alle bywoners se studentejaar op ‘n baie hoë noot laat afskop het. Akkerfees het nou wortel geskiet en is hier om te bly. Studente kan dus uitsien na selfs ‘n groter en lekkerder Akkerfees 2019! 

Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018




Josephine Rey

ollowing a politically and economically turbulent 2017, this year’s “tough but hopeful” budget offers the promise of socio-economic betterment for the lives of all South Africans. However, to achieve this, certain economic reforms will need to be implemented. The effect these proposed policies will have on the student community is a bittersweet cocktail; blending the disadvantages of higher taxes with, among other benefits, the liberation of free tertiary education for the economically marginalised. Ultimately, the direct impact on students from the 2018 budget can be summarised into six major points.

Sin Tax Stricter taxes, namely “excise duties of between 6 and 10 per cent”, on tobacco and alcohol as well as duties on luxury goods- which have risen by 2%- have been announced for implementation. As a result, students who regularly consume these types of products will face higher expenses.

General Tax Increases Students who travel between home and their institution of study will need to pay increased fuel levies of 52c/litre. However, this does include a contribution to the Road

Accident fund. Furthermore, and for the first time since 1993, VAT has been raised to 15%. When questioned about this decision, Gigaba described it as an inevitable change if South Africa is to “maintain the integrity of our public finances”. These changes to general tax will see the cost of living increase in all spheres of student life.

Accessible Education Education, on all levels, has been presented as a priority in this year’s budget. Although not ideal, the inflated tax rates hope to facilitate better access to this essential resource. In terms of new policies, students from families earning less than R350 000 per year are in line to receive full funding for the duration of their tertiary studies. Furthermore, students currently holding NSFAS loans will have these translated to bursaries, which will relieve much financial pressure. Gigaba cites this decision as “an important step forward in breaking the cycle of poverty and confronting youth unemployment.” An effort to improve current circumstances in this regard has seen the allocation of R3.8 billion towards improvement of infrastructure within the basic education system by promoting access to water and sanitation, and replacing “inappropriate and unsafe schools”.

In addition, access to schools for learners nationwide will be ameliorated by an investment of R31.7 billion; a sum to be directed into the construction and maintenance of centres for education. R21.7 billion is to be funnelled into the National school nutrition program, which will oversee the provision of meals for approximately 9 million students per day. Future University students hoping to pursue careers as teachers for science, mathematics or technology will certainly have better access to bursaries, which are to be offered through the Funza Lushaka program. R3.7 billion is to be invested in this initiative.

Environmental Investment A new tax hoping to reduce South Africa’s carbon emissions is being considered for implementation in January 2019. This will work to discourage activities that damage the environment, while encouraging sustainable and ethical behaviour. Furthermore, new measures to “improve water resource management, mitigate the emission of pollutants and encourage recycling to reduce waste, such as plastic, which is polluting our oceans” are to be implemented.

Future Opportunities Unemployment should be tackled from multiple angles. Nurturing

a climate where entrepreneurship is encouraged, when paired with increased funding for better education, will be extremely effective in confronting this issue. The presented budget has reflected a movement of government support for youth-owned ventures, and has also recognised the need for young people to be “equipped with sufficient skills in business”. Through providing R2.1 billion of budgeted funding for start-ups, the future looks hopeful for students hoping to establish their own ventures. This promised governmental support will only benefit entrepreneurial-minded students. In addition, allocation limits for investors have been generally increased to facilitate a greater ease of doing business. The consequent predicted increase in investment will certainly “support job creation” and, therefore, make it much easier for students to find employment following graduation. The budget’s proposed strategy to “carve a path to prosperity” has been criticised as being too idealised, and lacking clarity surrounding specific plans to improve South Africa’s economic situation. Although the premise of the proposed empowering opportunities seems alluring, the majority of students and their families will remain more disadvantaged until these solutions are put in place. However, a message of hope for a stronger economic future remains. Although not necessarily convenient, the investment made today has the potential to ultimately empower and uplift our country. If this is achieved, it will have been worth it. 

STAATSREDE 2018: ‘N OORSIG Albert Brand 16 Februarie sal as geskiedkundige dag onthou word, waar nuwe president Cyril Ramaphosa die nasie vir die eerste keer aangespreek het in sy eerste amptelike staatsrede. Ramaphosa moes ‘n paar belangrike punte aanspreek met ‘n land wat kromrug dra onder gewig van armoede, werkloosheid, korrupsie en ongelykheid.

Armoede President Ramaphosa het dit van die begin af duidelik gemaak dat die fokus sal wees op die armes, werkloses en uitgeworpenes. Armoede, volgens die president, sal op twee maniere bestry word. Eerstens die voortdurende en verhoodge investering van die staat deur middel van maatskaplike toelaes, ‘n nasionale minimum-loon, en landherverdeling. ‘n Addisionele R2.6 biljoen is toegeken aan maatskaplike toelae in die onlangse begroting. Die tweede metode is deur middel van die samewerking

van die private sektor, insluitende nie-regeringsorganisasies, sowel as werkskepping deur private besighede.

Werkskepping Werkskepping word volgens die president as van kardinale belang gesien. Daar is beloof om ‘n werksberaad te hou, waar leiers van verskeie sektore hul insette kan lewer en waar ‘n gemeenskaplike pad vorentoe bevestig sal word. Die fokus was ook nie slegs op die staat om werksgeleenthede te skep nie maar ook op ekonomiese groei en hoër vlakke van produksie, wat op sy beurt sal lei na werkskepping. ‘n Groot fokus is ook om Suid-Afrika aantreklik te maak vir buitelandse beleggers, en dus om sodoende werk te skep as gevolg van buitelandse produksie in Suid-Afrika. President Ramaphosa het die probleem van jeug-werkloosheid telkemale beklemtoon, met bykans 29,7% van Suid-Afrika se jongmense (15-24 jaar oud) wat teen die vierde kwartaal van 2017 werkloos was.

Korrupsie Daar was ‘n verwagting dat die nuwe president ‘n redelike duidelike standpunt sal neem, met praktiese stappe op die onderwerp van korrupsie. Die president het dit duidelik gemaak dat die stryd teen korrupsie praktiese handvatsels moes kry om waarlik effektief te wees. Van die praktiese stappe wat uiteengesit is om die probleem van korrupsie in Suid-Afrika aan te spreek was om Eskom en die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens vir korrupsie te ondersoek. Leefstyl-oudits vir ministers, sowel as publieke verteenwoordigers, is ook voorgestel. Die stryd teen korrupsie sal ook nie eindig slegs by die Staat nie, maar ook private instansies sal onder die loep kom om ‘n tweede Steinhof-voorval te voorkom.

Landelike, ekonomiese en opvoedkundige transformasie Die herverdeling van grond en rassetransformasie was ‘n tema wat ook gereeld na verwys was. Grond

sal nie slegs herverdeel word nie, maar nuwe grond moet ook tot die beskikking gestel word van opkomende swart boere. Groot klem is ook geplaas om klein besighede in informele nedersettings, sowel as landelike gebiede, te ondersteun. Swart entrepreneurs, veral jong mense en vroue, kan ook van finansiële ondersteuning en subsidies van die regering te wagte wees. Jong mense van armer gemeenskappe sal ook bly wees om te hoor dat tersiêre onderwys gratis sal wees vir eerstejaars wie se ouers gesamentlik minder as R350 000 per jaar verdien. Daar word verder ook van publieke skole vereis om ten minste een Afrika-taal aan te bied. Die 2018 staatesrede van president Cyril Ramaphosa was in die algemeen met positiewe terugvoer ontvang - maar die werk begin nou. Doelwitte is gestel en die president het die rigting waarin hy die land wil ly duidelik gemaak. Die implementering gaan egter deur kritici en ondersteuners met valk-oë dopgehou word. 

Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018 OPINION 11



Albert Brand

ie land het op 15 Februarie ‘n ongekende vars lug van opgewondhenheid en optimisme ingeasem met die amptelike inhuldiging van nuwe president Cyril Ramaphosa. Is dié gevoel waarlik geregverdig? Is Cyril Ramaphosa maar weerens nog ‘n vals hoop? Of is hy waarlik die een wat Suid-Afrika gaan red uit ineenstorting?

Landswye ondersteuning President Ramaphosa is die eerste president sedert Nelson Mandela wat waarlik ‘n landswye ondersteuningbasis het oor alle rassegroepe heen. Die ouer garde onthou hom waarskynlik vir sy uitstekende werk as onderhandelaar saam met Roelf Meyer, wat saam Suid-Afrika na ‘n vreedsame verkiesing gelei het. Ramaphosa word ook beskou as die sogenaamde “eenheid-stem”, en daar word geglo dat indien daar

iemand is wat die nasie kan saambring as een, is dit Ramaphosa. Sy ondersteuning is gebasseer op die feit dat hy gesien word as ‘n “man van die mense”, maar ook as bekwaam en bevoegd om sy skoene as president vol te kan staan.

Positiewe staatsrede Die nasie het verder opgewonde geraak na Ramaphosa se onlangse staatsrede waar sekere groot onderwerpe nie van weggeskram was nie, soos wat ons aan gewoond geraak het, maar eerder direk aangespreek was. Ramaphosa het beloof dat sy agenda sal fokus op die armes, werkloses en uitgeworpenes van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, eerder as die versekering van luukse leefstyle vir ministers. Korrupsie is direk aangespreek, veral Eskom en SAL het deurgeloop onder kritiek. Landelike hervormings is beloof, sowel as ‘n eerste tree in die rigting van goedkoper tersiêre opleiding. Hy beoog om die lewenstandaarde

te verbeter van die wat vir jare lank nie ‘n stem gehad het nie.

Kabinet hervorming Die kabinet hervorming, wat op 27 Februarie aangekondigig is, het gemengde reaksie onder die publiek veroorsaak. Die terugkering van Nhlanhla Nene en Pravin Gordhan is verseker ‘n stap in die regte rigting. Dit dui aan dat ekonomiese groei en werkskepping verseker die nuwe president se grootste prioriteit sal wees. Verskeie individue soos Malusi Gigaba, Beki Cele, en Bathabile Dlamini is egter steeds behou na verskeie kontroversiële korrupsie aanklagtes. Dit het die publiek laat wonder of Ramaphosa waarlik sy woord sal nakom aangaande sy stryd teen korupsie of dit maar net weer leë woorde was.

Die K-woord Daar is ook die addisionele kommer, soos leier van die DA, Mmusi Maimane, na verwys het, dat pres-

ident Ramphosa teenwoordig was ten tye van korrupsie binne die ANC. Die feit dat president Ramaphosa nooit dié onderwerp aangespreek het nie, laat my wonder of dinge werklik gaan verander nou nadat sy termyn as president begin. Baie argumenteer dat indien hy sou uitspraak lewer, hy moontlik sy pos en toekomstige presidensie sou verloor. Dit mag waar wees, maar is dit nie juis wanneer die integriteit van ‘n leier getoets word nie? Die nasie wag angstig om te sien of President Ramaphosa waarlik ‘n man van sy woord is. Net nog ‘n vals hoop of waarlik Suid-Afrika se redder? Net die tyd sal kan leer watter een Ramaphosa sal wees. Een ding is egter seker, President Ramaphosa het die ondersteuning en hoop van ‘n nasie wat dringend op soek is na iemand om op te staan en met oorgawe te lei. Die nasie hoop dat Cyril Ramaphosa waarlik meer as net nog ‘n vals hoop sal wees. 




he seemingly calculated world of the Engineering faculty might seem indifferent to, if not completely unaware of, campus politics. As a result, they are easily overlooked during the search for injustice on campus. However, leave a field unattended for long enough and the weeds will begin to grow. Enter Complementary Studies 311. This third year Engineering subject has the noble task of helping aspiring Engineers to “sensibly reflect on their experience during interaction with persons from the broad community” through the discussion of certain social issues in Stellenbosch and South Africa. I am first in line to agree that it is of vital importance for aspiring Engineers to be exposed to subjects other than integration and differentiation, for it will help to foster an engineering community with an understanding of the social impact of their work. It is for this exact reason that the Engineering Council of South Africa declared Philosophy and Ethics 314 a prerequisite for

any university that desires an ECSA accreditation. Why then would the Engineering faculty go out of their way to force Complementary Studies 311, which has no ECSA exit level outcomes, into an already packed engineering course? Some might call me a pessimist who is looking for a problem where none exists. My experience with the university is, however, that very few policies have been put into place without being accompanied by a specific agenda - especially when it involves the realm of social justice. In the light of this, I deem it necessary to scrutinize Complementary Studies and to look at the module from a student’s perspective. It is important to note that so far, each lecture has been facilitated by a different lecturer. The tone of the lecture is therefore set by the lecturer. I was for example extremely impressed by the lecture on “issues in South-Africa” since the lecturer was impartial, factual and articulate. This is unfortunately not the case with all the lecturers. Certainly, it is the lecturer’s job to provoke a conversation and to occasionally pose a counter-statement challenging a certain narrative. However, when

your counter-statement to a white student saying that she has experienced racism directed at her, is that “black people cannot be racist”, I am no longer willing to accommodate your narrative. Some might say that the students were given every opportunity to refute this statement, but then it is not the statement nor the lecturer I take issue with. I take issue with the structure behind this statement - a structure in which students are forced to partake in “perspective challenging” environments. Time and time again I find that only those not sitting on the left side of the class have a challenge worthy perspective. For reassurance, a lecturer is placed in front of the class, enabling the students to engage. The thing about structures is that they were built a certain way and no amount of counter opinions will change the fact that next year the same thing will have been said and the same ideas will be presented as facts. We have become the man complaining about taxes as he files his tax return for the 20th year in a row. A blatant example of this idea would be the topic of the semester group project: “How can engineers

close the gender gap in the engineering profession?” It is easy to claim that students are allowed to tackle the project from any political angle, yet they flagrantly chose not to phrase this highly debated topic in a neutral manner. They have made their stance clear and will not stray from it no matter how much students argue. I do not believe Complementary studies in itself is the weed that grows in the faculty. In fact, I honestly feel it could be an asset to many engineers if it were presented in a factual manner. I do however fear that at this moment the subject can easily be exploited by lecturers to push a leftist narrative by creating a false sense of neutrality. 

Nova Mentis

Maandag 5 Maart 2018




Albert Brand

assie Erasmus is amptelik aangewys as die nuwe Springbokbreier,. Dit volg die skeiding van paaie tussen SA Rugby en die voormalige afrigter, Allister Coetzee. Erasmus beskou dit as ‘n “groot eer” om die kans gegun te word om sy nasie na die 2019 Rugby Wêreldbeker te lei. Erasmus is aangewys na ‘n powere Springbok-termyn onder die leiding van Allister Coetzee. Coetzee het voorheen gedien as hulpafgrigter van die Sprinbokspan wat, met die afrigting van Jake White, die 2007 Wêreldbeker gewen het. Tydens Coetzee se termyn as hoofafrigter het Suid-Afrika egter slegs 11 uit hulle 25 wedstryde gewen en het gesak tot sesde posisie op die wêreldranglys. Sulke vertonings het gelei tot sy afdanking in Februarie vanjaar. Die nuwe breier van die Bokke, Rassie Erasmus, is ‘n bekende gesig in Suid-Afrikaanse rugby. Erasmus het onder andere in 36 toetse vir die Sprinbokke op flank en agsteman uitgedraf. Hy was ook breier by die Cheetahs en Stormers, en het

gedien as tegniese adviseur vir die Sprinbokke in die 2007 Wêreldbeker wat Suid-Afrika gewen het. Meer onlangs het Erasmus in Ierland die klubspan Munster afgerig waarna hy weer sy terugkeer gemaak het na Sprinbok-wêreld as Direkteur van Rugby in Suid-Afrika. Tesame met die aanstelling van Erasmus, is ‘n nuwe afrigtingspan ook aangekondig. Jacques Nienaber, wat onder Erasmus gewerk het by die Cheetahs, Stormers en Munster, vergesel hom weer in sy posisie as Springbokbreier. Nienaber is aangestel as die nuwe verdedigingsaftrigter. Voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse boorling wat vir Frankryk op stut uitgedraf het, Pieter de Villiers, sal dien as skrumkonsultant. De Villiers werk al vir ‘n geruime tyd in dié hoedanigheid vir die Springbokke. Mzwandile Stick, voormalige breier by die Oostelike-Provinsie, SA onder20-span, sowel as assistent-afrigter by die Sprinbokke, sal die agterlyn -en vaardighede-afrtigter wees. Erasmus sal dus steeds Direktuer van rugby in Suid-Afrika bly, sowel as die posisie as Sprinbokafrigter volstaan. Hy glo dat om beide ampte

te dra, nie te veel hooi op sy vurk is nie. Hy glo dit stel hom beter in staat om in beheer te wees van die proses om spelers van provinsiale en junior-rugby na internasionale vlak te bevorder. Erasmus het groot klem geplaas op die samewerking tussen hom as nasionale afrigter en provinsiale afrigters. Hy glo dat indien dié twee vlakke by mekaar kan leer en mekaar aanvul, kan die Sprinbokspan verseker daarby baat. Daar is tans minder as 600 dae oor voor die Rugby Wêreldbeker in Japan begin, maar Erasmus gee die versekering dat daar nie rede vir ondersteuners is om te bekommer nie. Hy glo Suid-Afrika beskik oor oorgenoeg talent, en met die regte strukture en afrigting in plek, behoort die Springbokke binnekort weer een van die top spanne in die wêreld te wees. Die eerste wedstryd van sy termyn as afrigter sal ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Wallis, in Washington DC wees. Die Bokke keer dan terug vir drie toetste teen Engeland, wat tans tweede in die wêreld is. Aangesien dit die jaar voor die Wêreld-

Rassie Erasmus (Source: Backpage Pix)

beker is, mag dit moontlik vir baie Suid-Afrikaners wat oorseë speel die geleentheid gun om hul vermoëns in ‘n Sprinboktrui uit te stal. Erasmus se kontrak verstryk in 2023, maar soos enige ander Sprinbokbreier s’n, hang dit af van resultate. Suid-Afrikaanse ondersteuners sal hoop dat Erasmus die man is om die nasie weer hul lippe te laat aflek vir goeie Springbokrugby. 



very football supporter knows the feeling of the end-of-season blues, months without competitive football can feel like years without the hustle and bustle of the English Premiership, the Champions League and the Europa League (for our Arsenal-supporters). This year however we will be treated to the greatest sporting spectacle of all, the Fifa World Cup. African teams have a rich history in the World Cup, from Roger Milla’s iconic celebration in Italy 1990, to the Senegal team beating France to reach the quarterfinals in South Korea and Japan in 2002, as well as Ghana coming within a Luis Suarez handball of being the First African team to reach the semi-finals in 2010. We here at Nova Mentis believe that Tunisia, Nigeria, Senegal, Egypt and Morroco will proudly fly the flag for our continent and one only needs to look at the Premier League to understand the vast talent our representatives possess.

Nigeria Victor Moses has seen somewhat of a revival since Antonio Conte’s switch to a new formation last sea-

son in a wing-back role and will provide plenty of pace, strength and experience to a strong Nigeria side at Russia 2018. Moses will be assisted by Alex Iwobi, who has had a somewhat underwhelming season for Arsenal, despite scoring the goal that booked Nigeria’s place in the World Cup, and Kelechi Iheanacho, who has failed to really progress since his move to Leicester City in August 2017. Iheanacho and Iwobi clearly have the potential to really impress at the World Cup having received the CAF Most Promising Talent of the Year Award and CAF Youth Player of The Year awards in 2016 respectively. Onyinye Ndidi was always going to have a tough time trying to replace Ngolo Kante at Leicester however Nigeria-supporters will be hoping that he can add steel and bite to their midfield with stalwart and ex-Chelsea star, John Obi Mikel. Nigeria Group D opponents: Argentina, Iceland and Croatia.

Senegal The Senegalese team can draw from a host of Premier League talents when the World Cup comes around, with the likes of Idrissa Gueye, Mame Diouf, Cheikhou Kouy-

ate and Oumar Niasse (amongst others) plying their trade in the English top division. Mohamed Diame has performed well for Newcastle recently, however Senegal’s hopes will rely on Liverpool frontman Sadio Mane. Mane holds the record for the fastest Premier League hat-trick, netting three goals for Southampton against Aston Villa in just 2 minutes and 56 seconds, as well as winning both Liverpool’s Players’ Player of the Year Award and Fans player of the Year awards for the 2016-2017 season. The speedy winger will need to be on form if Senegal are to advance from a well-matched group. Senegal Group H opponents: Poland, Colombia and Japan.

Egypt To call Egypt a one-man team would do a disservice to the talents that could form a part of The Pharaos World Cup squad. The likes of Mohamed Elneny and Ahmed Hegazi have been solid, if not spectacular for club and country and will provide much needed experience to the side, so that youngsters like Ramadan Sobhi, can flourish and show the potential that Stoke fans believe he has. The Goal burden will how-

ever lie largely on the shoulders of the potential Premier League Player of the Season, Mohamed Salah. The Egyptian has netted 22 Premier League goals whilst provide 7 Assists this season and has terrified defences since his re-arrival in England. Egypt Group A opponents: Russia, Saudi Arabia and Uruguay.

Tunisia and Morocco Tunisia and Morocco may be ranked above the likes of Egypt and Nigeria; however, many expect them to be little more than cannon-fodder for the tournaments high-rollers. Morocco will have to battle past a formidable Spain side and a Ronaldo-inspired Portugal in order to reach the knockout stages. They will need Southampton’s Sofiane Boufal to be at his best if they are to challenge their opponents at all. Morocco Group B opponents: Portugal, Spain and Iran. Tunisia have some very talented players, however most play their club-football outside of England. Leicester’s Yohan Benalouane, could provide some depth off the bench, as Tunisia tackle England and Belgium. Tunisia Group G opponents: Belgium, Panama and England. 

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