General Dental Problems of Children

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General Dental Problems of Children

Kid’s teeth are delicate and thinner compared to adult teeth, and can be easily exposed to dental disease leading to damage. Helping children in taking good care of their teeth and gums could set up good oral hygiene practices for life. Parents prefer to have best available care for their kid's teeth. Once the teeth erupt, it’s vital to maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine to prevent common dental problems. Dental-related issues are common in children of all ages, this is the reason preventative and proactive care is so significant. Tooth decay is an illness that is mostly seen in childhood and young age. It's easy to ignore our children’s oral health needs. Here are the most common dental problems that children experience:

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the most common dental disease that influences children of all ages. Oral cavity has bacteria this bacteria breaks down sugars of food and drinks into acids weakening the teeth over time, resulting in cavities. Tooth decay may be treated in its initial phase with the help of fluoride treatments and improving oral hygiene. If a cavity is already existing, your dentist can restore it with a white filling. If decay is left unaddressed, it gets to a point where it cant be saved and it may need extraction. Young children aren’t skilled at brushing and flossing without guidance. Parents should guide and help their kids to brush their teeth until they control a toothbrush on their own. Ensuring removing plaque, bacteria, and food particles from teeth daily will assist to stop initial tooth decay.

Gum Disease

You may have believed that gum disease is a dental problem found in adults. Unluckily for parents, this is not the case. Gingivitis and gum disease can take place in children and are actually quite normal in pediatric dental patients. If your child’s gum seems to be red or swollen, feel itchy, bleed when brushed, these could be indications that gingivitis exists. Gum disease is

more aggressive in children with bad oral hygiene. It includes pain in the mouth and areas of swelling. In most instances, gingivitis and gum disease can have been prevented if more care was taken during brush and floss daily.

Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can occur at any time. While playing sports, riding a bike, playing in the park dental-related accident can occur. These accidents can lead to the fracturing of teeth. If your kid’s permanent tooth has fallen out, quickly call the dentist for an appointment. The custom mouthguard is a better choice to help prevent sports-related injuries.

Orthodontic Problems

Children often don’t have perfectly straight teeth. Fortunately, there are many orthodontic treatments to aid your child to gain a smile with confidence. Common Orthodontic problems include the size and shape of teeth size of the jaw and their alignment. Some general misalignment problems found in kids include overbite, underbite, open bite, and spacing problems. Orthodontic problems can mean more than just a crooked smile. Significant overcrowding and malalignment of your child’s teeth can result in jaw problems, sleeping disorders, and oral hygiene issues.

Talk to a family dentist in Northpoint, Toowoomba

If it’s time for your child’s dental check-up or you need to talk to a dentist Toowoomba, contact us today. Call our Northpoint dental on (07) 46383384 or book an appointment at our clinic.

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