2016 NNSWF Club Resource & Information Manual

Page 65

Silver Circles (refer Progressive lotteries) Social Housie Social housie can be conducted for the purposes of social entertainment and/or raising funds for a charity. Social housie cannot be conducted on the premises of a registered club or licensed premises. Cash prizes are permitted. Total value of an ordinary game cannot exceed $40 and the jackpot cannot exceed $200. A permit is not required for this lottery.

Sweeps/Calcuttas A sweep is a game in which a person (a player) buys a ticket for a chance to win, by lot, a participant in an approved event. A calcutta follows the same method as a sweep up to the completion of the draw. On completion of the draw, an auction takes place at which all ticket purchasers are entitled to bid for each participant as it is offered. Players who were successful in the draw may choose between selling the participant and receiving half of the proceeds of the sale, or retaining the participant by making (and paying half of) the highest bid. Anyone may conduct a sweep or calcutta for social entertainment or raising funds for a prescribed organisation. View the list of approved events. A permit is required when the total ticket sales will be more than $20,000. An Application to Conduct a Sweep or Calcutta must be lodged. Persons under 16 are not allowed to play or assist in a sweep or calcutta lottery.

Tipping Competitions A tipping competition is whereby a participant predicts or forecasts the outcome or results of a sporting or other contingency, where points are awarded for successful predictions. The prize pool is distributed to the people who accumulate the most number of points over a stipulated period. If conducted for the benefit of a charity, the promoter or organiser must also comply with the requirements of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991. No trade promotions permit is required if the prize pool comprises the total amount paid as entrance fees less any costs and expenses properly incurred in connection with the conduct of the tipping competition or the prizes are less than $20,000. A trade promotions permit is required when there is no entry fee or the prize pool exceeds the total amount paid as entrance fees less any costs and expenses properly incurred in connection with the conduct of the tipping competition or the prizes are more than $20,000.


2016 Club Resource and Information Manual

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