October 2012 Church in Hiawathaland

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Church In Hiawathaland

October 2012

Diocesan Convention plans, continued... Conitnued from front page... will be able to attend a variety of presentations and talks, including various outreach ministries, finance, fun and well-being, and General Convention. Two resolutions for changing diocesan canons will be voted upon. First, a change that allows congregations to choose to operate with a Vestry that is a “committee of the whole.” This allows a congregation to hold regularly scheduled meetings for the business and planning of the church, rather than elect a specific number people to sit on a vestry. Several of our congregations have received permission from the diocesan council to operate in this way, and they are finding it supportive. Secondly, leadership of the diocese have noted in the past that while our canons were changed years ago to reflect various aspects

of mutual and baptismal ministry as it is shaped in this diocese, some other aspects still need to be updated. A major missing part is the role of the ministry developer. Some changes are being proposed to bring our canons into line with the practices and language that we have developed over the years. Resolutions will be available at the diocesan website, www.upepiscopal.org. Convention will also address all the business that normally comes before it: electing officers and leadership, hearing reports and passing the 2012 budget. Packets have been mailed from the diocesan office to each congregation. The convention eucharist will be Sunday morning at St. Paul’s, Marquette, 10:30 am, 201 E. Ridge St. For more information, please contact Jane Cisluycis at jane@upepiscopal.org

Take Time for Self Care

The Council on diaconal ministry sponsored an evening of learning about self care on September 14 at St. Paul’s, Marquette, before the advocacy conference the next day. Participants learned about nutrition and self care, and created a reminder bracelet that outlines the foods that keep an advocate healthy. Above, Rayford Ray listens to Teena Maki describe nutrition reminders while Jan and Jere Fritsche start putting together their beadwork.

Send us your pictures!

A slide show is being created to showcase ministry in our diocese that shows the five Marks of Mission in action. Please send in your pictures of outreach events, Sunday School, mission trips and service work, projects that protect and preserve creation Email digital photos to risetf@gmail.com OR Mail photos to Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan, attn: Rise Thew Forrester 131 E. Ridge St. Marquette, MI 49855

Giving for the Good News Each week we come together in our various Episcopal churches to sing, worship, pray, and serve. People come to grow, to share, to be a part of a faith community. We do not all share political, economic, family or personal opinions and backgrounds, yet we are bound by a covenant of love in our baptism. So many around us hunger for this kind of community, this kind of journey with others of like mind and spirit. How do we as part of the Body of Christ offer God’s love? How do we share our story and faith? The Communications Committee of our diocese is continuing a project to help us do just that: to share the Episcopal church with the many people who haven’t even heard of us. This Advent we will once again be placing billboards around the Upper Peninsula, to raise awareness of the welcome that we offer to all people. Will these billboards bring people to our doors? While some congregations have had people attend who are glad to say they saw our billboards, it is likely that what the billboards do mostly is raise awareness of the message of the Episcopal church in Northern Michigan, which many people have never heard of. We are seeking donations to continue our billboard campaign. Each billboard costs about $140 to make, and about $275 a month to rent the billboard space. Will you help with this project, to share the great gift that is the Episcopal Church in the Upper Peninsula? Thank you for your support. You can send your donation to The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan, 131 East Ridge St., Marquette, MI 49855 Please note on your check that it is for advertising support.

Engaging advocacy and service: October 19 workshop planned

The Council on Diaconal Ministry is developing an afternoon of learning around diaconal ministry. Diaconal ministry is one of the names for what we are talking about with the Five Marks of Mission: “4. To seek to transform unjust structures of society.” All Christian communities are called to engage the world around them, seeking and serving the needs of those who are trampled down by life and circumstances. Each baptized person promises to act to further the reign of God, and each person has opportunities to do this ministry in their daily lives. The role of the deacon is to be an icon, a window, of what it means to be a Christian advocate for peace and justice. Diaconal coordinators’ role in the congregation is to facilitate the church’s action in

this ministry. On Friday, October 19, 2pm – 4:30pm, before the beginning of diocesan convention in Marquette, please join in an exploration and development of your baptismal, servant and advocate ministry. Registration forms and flyers coming to your congregation and the website soon!

Save the date! Women’s Winter Respite at Marygrove will be January 25-27, 2013

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