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November/December 2022

Starting in 2021, Real Producers started doing mini-magazine release parties! In attendance for these events, we will have those real estate agents and businesses featured in that issue, along with a few non-featured advertising partners.

Last month’s party, like all of our parties, was an absolute blast! At this event, we showcased the November and December 2022 issues. These events are a fun way to debut the magazine and connect with a smaller group of incredible people.

Event Recap

Our team feels very grateful to have had the chance to share your stories and celebrate with you.

We look forward to continuing these smaller celebrations in the months and years ahead!

on day one has become the sweetest story of perseverance, grit, and now friendship. That’s what makes being in real estate so beautiful. Every day is a new opportunity.”

Hart attributes her dedication to providing top-notch customer service from her days working at Sewell Lexus in Dallas. She began working for Sewell after graduating Magna Cum Laude from Texas Tech University with a double major in Marketing and Management. “I began my career as a Service Advisor and quickly learned the intricacies of a commission-based career. Carl Sewell wrote a book, Customers for Life, that rocked my world. Everything that I do today is fundamentally rooted in the principles that I learned from Mr. Sewell,” said Hart.

In 2015, she left Sewell to run the Dallas market of an architectural programming firm, Facility Programming and Consulting (FPC). “During my time at FPC, I was given the opportunity to build partnerships with many of the large design architecture firms in the greater DFW market. I was still working at Facility Programming when I began my transition into real estate and continued to work both careers for a little over two years. When you tie a bow around sales, customer service, marketing, and architecture, you have a pretty clear path to real estate. While real estate was never in my sights, I was building the foundation for it all along,” Hart said.

While her career in real estate has never been boring, there have been times when things seemed darkest before the dawn. It took her a full year before closing her first transaction. “There were times when I was completely crushed, but I never gave up,” Hart said. Her husband, Jason, is a professional race car driver, and when COVID19 hit, the professional sports industry ground to a halt. “We went from a comfortable life to a moment of panic, almost overnight,” she said. But she remembered that God’s timing is always perfect. Her family was there for her, and her brother Austin was lighting her path. “My phone rang with a potential client on the other end. Then it rang again. And again. And as quickly as the world had seized up, my calendar filled up. God was closing doors but opening windows,” said Hart.

Hart truly believes that everything she’s been through up to this point has helped her be exactly where she needs to be to lead her family and her new team. “These six little eyes are always watching and always learning, and they drive me to be the best mom and leader I can be. Being a business executive comes with sacrifice, but my prayer is that my family believes with the right amount of passion, drive, and faith, they too can become whatever they want to be.”

“I started my team six weeks ago. I have two licensed assistants who are training to become amazing agents. We are in the infancy of the team, and together we are building a solid foundation so that one day in the very near future, they can hit the ground running,” she said. “They support me, believe in me, and cheer me on even on my toughest days. I hope my legacy is to mentor and create opportunities for them and other future agents to be blessed by real estate in the same way that real estate has blessed my family and me.”