Transportation draft spread4

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enforcement and programs that enhance

Many communities in the united states

transit operations.

Tsm must account

are now exploring further measures

equally for the needs of all modes of travel,

beyond sidewalks that place pedestrians

and should ensure that bike, pedestrian

and bicyclists on a more even playing field

and transit movements and safety are not

with motorized traffic. These measures,

compromised in exchange for improving

collectively called traffic calming, use

roadway capacity.

physical design of the roadway to reduce automobile speeds. They are not

Prior to increasing lane capacity on a

intended for roads where the primary

roadway, the city of north bend should

objective is to rapidly move large volumes

ensure that existing capacity is utilized

of traffic, though in some circumstances

at maximum efficiency through the

efforts to slow traffic can actually improve

application of tsm investments. These

traffic flow. Most often they are used in

measures may include, but are not limited

residential areas where residents see

to the following:

the road as part of their neighborhood; or in downtown shopping districts

ROADWAY CONDITIONS AND LEVEL- OFSERVICE The purpose of this chapter is to describe and assess existing traffic characteristics, and the operational elements of the existing roadway system that include traffic




accident analysis.

TRAFFIC VOLUMES Traffic count data was assembled from several sources, and was supplemented by additional counts taken during April and May of 2011.

Historical counts

were obtained from King County Public

Roundabouts and traffic circles

where creating a pleasant pedestrian

versus signalization,

environment is critical to maintaining

Addition of turn lanes,

the economic vitality of downtown. The

One-way street system,

potential benefits of traffic calming include

Turning movement restrictions,

reduced traffic speeds, and reduced traffic

Channelization of turning

volumes, achieved by discouraging “cut-


through” traffic on residential streets.

Re-striping lanes,

Traffic calming techniques also typically

Raised medians,

improve the aesthetic quality of streets,

Signalization and signal

through landscaping of medians, bump-

coordination, and

outs, and traffic circles.

access points to I-90 to provide a detailed


(bikes, buses, cars, and trucks by number

• Tsm

Access management strategies. allows




transportation system with relatively

The city of north bend current six-year

minimum investments, and is a logical

transportation improvement program

component of a comprehensive, flexible

(tip) for 2012 through 2017 is summarized


in appendix c. The tip is based on the city’s


improvement plan.


transportation system needs considering both traffic service and maintenance of the physical street structure.

Works, Washington State Department of Transportation, traffic impact study reports provided by the City of North Bend,





conducted by TrafStats, Inc. and the City of North Bend. These counts addressed most of the important arterial locations in North Bend, and included 24-hour counts and vehicle classification counts on all the hourly breakdown of all vehicles by type of axles). Traffic counts demonstrate a number of variations from year-to-year, over different seasons of the year, hour-by-hour over the 24-hour day, and in the types of vehicles by area of the city. A comparison of traffic counts taken at the same locations in 2003 and in 2011 shows overall fewer vehicles in 2011. This comparison, included in Table 3: Historical Traffic Volume Change, 2003-2011, may reflect economic cycles and altered traffic control features, as well as societal changes such as increased telecommuting and flexible work hours.



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