ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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Nor Or February 9, 2017, No 6_N.O. Blank 2/8/17 6:23 PM Page 1

Vol. 95, # 6, Thursday, February 9, 2017

www.noror.org èÙÏíñ ïÏ ÎáõëÏóáõû ñ»õÙï» Ù»ñÇÏÛÇ äßïûûñÃ

èÎá°ãáõÕÕÏÇ»õá°ãÉùÕùÏ ÏÙÁïñÏßÇù»ñáõÙÇçáóõ åÇïÇÙëÏóÇÛéçÇÏÛåñÇÉ 2017-ÇÛëïÇÙ¿çï»ÕÇáõ»ÉÇù ËáñÑññÏÁïñáõÃÇõ»ñáõ             ,          ,  ,  7-,                  (),   3   ,    1921 `         .     ,    1885-,    1921-     -         ,                   : , 95       

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ÚÚîàôÂÆôÜ  2016-      27-         -,          ,       :         .            ,         :       ,            ,      :         «  »          95-    :          

, 6  2017

.   

95ñ ïñÇ« ÃÇõ 6, Ç·ßÃÇ! 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

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Nor Or February 9, 2017, No 6_N.O. Blank 2/8/17 6:23 PM Page 2


Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

ìéÏÙáõÃÇõ+ÇÙñÏáõÃÇõ=ï·ñáõÃÇõ »õêáõñÇ+èáõëÇ=É¿å äàÚÚ.ÔäºÜ    ,  (  , , )    ( , ,  )   (, ) ,     ,  ,   ,  , ,                ,     ,   ,          ,            «»  , ,        ,    ,       ,  ,    ,   «»,                     ,        ,     -

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èÎá°ãáõÕÕÏÇ»õá°ãÉ... .  1-

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 :     , 95- -       (       27-   ) 4  2017-    (   1) ***        ,            ,      ,        ,      ,     -:  , ,      ,      ,          :       ,

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ÇÙáõÍ 1922-Ç (üñ»û) Established 1922 (in Fresno) äîúÜº èØÎì îÎÜ ÎàôêÎòàôºÜ ØÆòºÈ Üܶܺàô ºôØîºÜ æÜÆ An ADLP Publication

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017


Æãá±õèáõëÇÇùíñáõÃÇõéçñÏ»ó ÑÇõëÇëÛÇêáõñÇáÛùÇõñï»ñáõÑÙñ       ,   -        , « »   -   ,      ,    - ,                  ,      ,     24-            27-,       ,          ,                                 ,      ,          ,        ,    ,        ,    7 ,              ,               ,   ,     (compromise)               .  ,          ,   ,              «  

    ,       ,      ,     ,        ( )     « »,     ,    ,       ,         (        ), ,     «-

    ,         (caveat)       ,     ,    «» , «                ,  ,      ,              ,               ,    »  , «,        .   ,   ,    »

-    ,     «   »   ,   (ISIS),   «  »      (YPG) ,  -       ,  ,    ,  ,   , PKK-     YPG-      ,  ,    ISIS-     ,        ,      PKK-     ,     ,     

     ,    , ,      «  »  ,     «   »

»   , ,          ,       ,       ,      ,           , ,   ,    ,   , , ,          , , ,       -

   ,      ,  (egalitarian),        ,          ,    ,          kurmanji ,         ()                 ,           (Taleyah )         (laboratories)       1978-,      PKK- ,        ,    , ,      ,   ,     ,       (communalism),        ,                    ,   ,     ,       ( )        ,    PYD- ,       .  ,        ,      KDP- 3000 ,         ,  DYD         ,       ,    

   «»   ,    ,  ,         ,    ,    , ,           ,      ,   ( )  ,  ,  ,   ,      (   ),    ,       ***    

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

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   « »  www.noror.org

Nor Or February 9, 2017, No 6_N.O. Blank 2/8/17 6:23 PM Page 5

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017



îñ»ñÓ»ñáíÑñáõëï2017ïñÇ ìâêºØºÖºÜ   100            1914  28- ,             ,  , , ,           ,    «    »,        ,  1917  6-      ,           ,     ,      , -,    ,      ,              1918-  11-,          100-

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      1917  2-         125    ,                            ,                       .

     Chinese Theatre        1927  18-          .         ,    …                             ,       - ,  ,

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Nor Or February 9, 2017, No 6_N.O. Blank 2/8/17 6:23 PM Page 6


Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

«ÇõëÇë-ñ»õ»É»ØÇç»ñÏñÏÇÑÛÏíÛñ»ñÁ» ÅáÕáíÍáõ ( ArmenianCommunitiesoftheNortheasternMediterranean,MusaDagh,Dort-Yol,Kessab) ÊÙ·ñáõûÙªöñá.èÇãÁñïÚáíÑÇë»Ç ¸ëËûëáõÃÇõª»ñÏÛóáõÍ26Úáõáõñ2017-Ç, «åñÇÉ» ·ñïÙ¿çï»ÕÇáõ»óÍ·ñÏÑÇåáõÙÇÁÃóùÇ ¸àÎî.ØÆÜê¶àÖÚºÜ     .  14-  ,   ,   ,         «   »  (Armenian Communities of the Northeastern Mediterranean)       ,   -  -  ,   , ,   -        Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces,     1997-   UCLA-                     – MRI, CATSCAN, Ultra Sound –   ,                                 ,   .                   ,         ,      , , ,       . .   ,         ,  ,           , , , , , , , ,              ,                 ,               -

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     ,            ,          ,       ,           ,       .-        ,     ,  ,      ,         .            19-   20-             ,         «   »,                                   «   »  «   »            ,  ,   ,         ,             ,           ,                    , ,                  -

   «    1909-1922   »       1909-    (Mandate)               ,    , ,             «   »            «»        ,                              ,            ,   UCLA-   ,  ,    , 2014-   ,                ,                 ,                 ,        

(  )

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Thursday, February 9, 2017 Vol. 95, #6


Congressional Armenian issues caucus announces leadership team for the 115th Congress WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Congressional Armenian Issues Caucus announced its leadership team for the 115th Congress. Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Congresswoman Jackie Speier (DCA) and Congressman David G. Valadao (R-CA), will be joined by Congressman David Trott (R-MI) to serve as the four cochairs of the Caucus. The Caucus is also pleased to announce that Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) will be joining as a vice-chair, serving alongside current vice-chair Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA). The Congressional Armenian Issues Caucus also wishes to thank Congressman Robert Dold (R-IL) for his incredible service and leadership on the Caucus and wish him well on his future endeavors. Representative David Trott (R-MI), the new co-chair of the Congressional Armenian Issues Caucus.

Representative Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), the new vice-chair of the Congressional Armenian Issues Caucus. In the 115th Congress, the Congressional Armenian Issues Caucus will continue to work to strengthen the ties

between the United States and Armenia and keep members engaged on Armeniarelated issues. The caucus continues to advocate for increased economic ties and assistance to Armenia, self-determination and a peaceful resolution for Nagorno Karabakh and supporting U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian Assembly of America welcomes and congratulates the new and returning leadership of the Congressional Armenian Issues Caucus, and looks forward to closely working with all caucus members to advance U.S.-Armenia relations throughout the course of the 115th Congress. The Armenian Assembly wishes to express its gratitude to former co-chair, Robert Dold (R-IL), for his exemplary and dedicated service on issues of concern to the Armenian-American community.

New appontments at the Western Diocese

The following two appointments have been made by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America. Effective February 1, 2017, the Very Rev. Fr. Pakrad Dz. V. Berjekian, Diocesan Vicar General, will serve as the Parish Priest of St. John Garabed Armenian Church of San Diego. The Very Rev. Fr. Yeremia Abgaryan,

who has been serving at the Western Diocese at the Primate’s invitation since September 2016, will be assigned to Holy Resurrection Armenian Church in Seattle effective March 1, 2017. He will also be assigned as the visiting priest to St. Kevork Armenian Church in Portland until a permanent priest is assigned to the parish. Concurrently, Father Yeremia will be pursuing his education. 

Blogger Alexander Lapshin brought to Baku Blogger Alexander Lapshin, who was extradited from Minsk upon the request of Baku, has been brought to Heydar Aliyev Airport accompanied by the workers of the Prosecutor General’s Office, RIA Novosti reports, citing the head of the press-service of the Azerbaijani Prosecutor General’s Office, Eldar Sultanov. “The plane transporting Lapshin has landed in Baku,” the latter said. Earlier on Tuesday, the Supreme Court of Belarus upheld the decision of the Prosecutor General on extraditing Alexander Lapshin to Azerbaijan. After his visits to Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) in 2011 and 2012, Alexander Lapshin was “blacklisted” by Azerbaijan. In June 2016, however, he paid a visit to Azerbaijan, but with a Ukrainian passport. Subsequently, he issued several articles

criticizing the Azerbaijani authorities. Afterward, the Azerbaijani authorities issued an international search for this famous blogger. And on December 15, 2016, he was detained in the Belarus capital city of Minsk, and based on this international search. On January 26, the Minsk city court dismissed the complaint of blogger Alexander Lapshin over the decision of the Belarusian prosecutor’s office to extradite him to Azerbaijan. The Supreme Court of Belarus on Tuesday dismissed the complaints filed in the case of blogger Alexander Lapshin. According to the experts and human rights defenders, Lapshin’s case may become a horrible precedent limiting the freedom of speech of foreigners and freedom of movement of Armenian citizens.

THE ARMENIAN RIGHTS WATCH COMMITTEE (ARWC) OF THE ARMENIAN BAR ASSOCIATION FINDS THE EXECUTIVE ORDER ISSUED ON JANUARY 27, 2017 MAY THREATEN ESTABLISHED UNITED STATES LAW AND INTERNATIONAL LEGAL OBLIGATIONS The United States government is obligated—under both US. Law and international law—to allow for the application of the asylum claims by non-citizens presenting themselves at U.S. borders and ports of entry. The Immigration and Nationality Act provides, in no uncertain terms, that “[a]ny alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States. . . irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum.” Under U.S. statutory law as well as human rights conventions, the U.S. may not return (“refoul”) a non-citizen to a country where she may face torture or persecution. See 8 US.C. § 1231(b); United Nations Convention Against Torture (“CAT”), implemented in the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (“FARRA”). Consistent with these statutory and international law obligations, individuals arriving at U.S. ports of entry must be afforded an opportunity to apply for asylum or other forms of humanitarian protection—and be promptly received and processed by United States authorities. Procedural due process requires that the government be constrained before it acts in a way that deprives individuals of liberty interests protected under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment. After careful review, the ARWC fears that the Executive Order issued on January 27, 2017 (the “EO”) may threaten procedural due process rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment by denying persons presenting at U.S. borders and ports of entry the opportunity to apply for asylum. The ARWC is also concerned that there may not be sufficient justification for the country of origin distinctions announced in the EO. To be clear, two troubling public declarations concerning the EO raise particular alarm as to its intended purpose: the first, by President Trump, who in a recent interview with

the Christian Broadcasting Network indicated a “preference to prioritize Christians” and, the second, by Mr. Rudy Giuliani, who in an interview with Fox Network revealed that Mr. Trump had first referred to what eventually became the EO as a “Muslim Ban” and asked Mr. Giuliani to devise a legal framework for it—which Mr. Giuliani later did, basing it on “danger” instead of religion. The ARWC has been monitoring closely, with grave concern, developments following the issuance of the EO. To be clear, our interest is not to issue any opinion in support of, or against, a particular political agenda. However, as lawyers, we strive to ensure that the rule of law is upheld, that due process is afforded consistent with legal requirements and that government action reflects firm adherence to constitutional principles. The EO, we are concerned, raises substantive apprehension as to these legal issues. Accordingly, the Armenian Bar Association has mobilized a task force ready to actively address matters involving any deprivation of rights resulting from enforcement of the EO. To that end, we are co-hosting to a town hall meeting at 8pm on February 9, 2017, at 2242 E. Foothill Blvd. in Pasadena, California in collaboration with the Armenian National Committee of America, Western Region (ANCA-WR), the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF), the ARF Shant Chapter, the Armenian Law Students Association (ALSA), and the Syrian Armenian Relief (SARF). We have also invited the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to join us. Of course, we welcome the participation of other stakeholders to discuss these matters clearly impacting the discourse of human and civil rights in this country. Armenian Rights Watch Committee— ARMENIAN BAR ASSOCIATION Los Angeles, California

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« February 9, 2017

The revolutionary leader: Mihran Damadian By Ara Aharonian Mihran Damadian was born in Constantinople in 1864. He was the fifth child of Serope Damadian. He received his elementary education at the local St. Hagop and Vienna Mekhitarist Schools. Subsequently, his parents sent him to the Mourad-Raphaelian School in Venice. The young Damadian soon showed his aptitudes, writing literary articles in the school publication Bazmavep. His first poems were published in 1878. While a pupil of Fr. Ghevont (Leo) Alishan, Mihran learned about the Armenian Question from him, whereupon he and his classmates began to inquire further into the matter. In 1880, after graduating from MouradRaphaelian, Damadian returned to Constantinople. Once he became informed about the sad developments having occurred in the Congress of Berlin, he became more involved with the Armenian Question. Until 1883, Damadian held teaching positions in Constantinople and, in between jobs there, he taught for a short while in Adana. The United Armenian Association, whose founders were Megerdich Portugalian and Arpiar Arpiarian, had already opened a series of schools in various provinces of Western Armenia. Their goal was to ensure the intellectual development of the Armenian youth, while imbuing them with aspirations for national liberation at the same time. One of the Association’s principal schools was the Mersisian in Moush, whose principal’s position was filled by Damadian in 1884. There, Damadian soon became acquainted with the first teacher, Hairabed Janigian of Van, who would subsequently become the founder of the Moush branch of the Armenagan Party. The national liberation ideology, which was gradually crystallizing in Damadian’s mind, received new content in Moush, and he formed the desire to visit Van with Janigian, where the trend-setting school of the Association, the Normal School, where the fire of desire for national liberation in Vasbouragan was fueled through the inspirational teaching of Portougalian. In a short period of time, Damadian who was receiving a steady stream of reports on the important developments affecting the Turkish Armenians from his brother in Constantinople became famous as a sought-after intellectual and he adopted a revolutionary orientation, driven so by various events that occurred in the region. Thus, in 1886, together with Janigian and Kegham Der Garabedian, the secretary of the local diocese, he laid the foundation of a secret organization. This organization in Moush had a pact of secrecy. Its members would be strangers to one another, except for those by whom they were recruited. A great deal of excitement over this organization was created among the local population, and the number of those who wished to join it was great. Those who undertook the formation of this organization, perplexed by this reception and fearing that it would be difficult to keep a large organization secret, temporarily suspended the acceptance of new members, in order to recognized internally. Those who were jealous of Damadian’s increasing fame resorted to betrayal in 1888. Damadian was forced to leave the Nersisian School and return to Constantinople and take up a teaching position in the Catholic school of Ortakoy. After joining his family, Damadian noticed that much had changed among the Armenians of Constantinople in the intervening few years, and the solution of the Armenian Question appeared to be farther from becoming a reality. The incidents in Van and Taron had begun to have an adverse effect on the Armenians of Constantinople. It seemed to Damadian that the reason had to do with the Patriarchate and National Administration. He was convinced that the major revolutionary movement had to start from Constantinople and radiate toward the Armenian provinces. It was during this period that Damadian became acquainted with Hampartsoum Boyajian (The Great Mourad), and together they formed a group of ideologues, which was joined by revolutionary youths from Western Armenia having settled in Constantinople. It was through th latter that it would be possible to establish contact with the provincial regions engulfed in darkness. In 1890, the Kum Kapu demonstration occurred, as a result of which large number of Armenagan and Hunchak youths were arrested. Damadian managed to find refuge in Athens, where he contined his revolutionary activity together with Greeks. Before the year was out, Damadian set out for Western Armenia under the pseudonym of Merlkon Khurshid. First, he passed through the towns of Cilicia, where he became familiar with the local situation, and then reached Sassoun, where he found fertile soil for revolt, particularly since a significant number of revolutionaries had gathered there. However, Damadian was arrested shortly thereafter, in 1893, by the Turkish government. He was taken to Constantinople as a dangerous revolutionary. He was injured in the right leg during transit. After spending a year in a Constantinople jail, he managed to escape and, in 1895, he or-

ganized the Bab Ali (Sublime Porte) demonstration. A day before the demonstration, however, his colleagues decided to send him to Bulgaria and Romania, to expand political party efforts there. This time it was Romanian government, which arrested him and deported him to Constantinople. Owing to his cleverness, he again managed to flee and take refuge in Athens, permanently staying away from his birthplace. In 1896, Damadian went to London as member advisor of the Hunchak Party’s Central Committee, and as contributer to the Hunchak paper. Meanwhile, dissension had broken out among the party’s leaders, as result of the conduct of the Nazarbegians and socialism. Preferring to remain aloof from the concept of socialism, Damadian joined Arpirian and Mihran Svazlian. Together with them a few other partisans, the formed the Reformed Hunchak Party in London and became members of its center. In 1898, Damadian went to Alexandria, where he endeavored to spur an increase in the membership of the Reformed Hunchaks. Having gotten married in 1900, he decided to settle in Egypt and began working as a customs agent. Disagreements having broken out among the Reformed Hunchaks caused him to cease political activity for a while, during which he wrte articles in the interest of national service. In 1904, Damadian assumed the position of accountant in the Alexandria office of the Mantashev oil company, which he held until 1917. On October 31, 1908, following the provlamation of the sham constitution, together with a group of fellow ideologues, Damadian founded the Armenian Constitutional Democratic Party, in which members of the Armenagan Party and the moderate wing of the Reformed Hunchak Party came together. The radical Reformed Hunchaks then adopted the name Liberal. Among the founders of the Constitutional Democratic Party were Vahan Tekeyan, Vahan Malezian and other prominent intellectuals as well. Having a mastery of seven languages, Damadian often traveled on business to various cities of the Middle East, including Aleppo and Beirut. He was always involved with national issues, to the extent that his time allowed. He also visited various regions of Cilicia, establishing clubs of the Ramgavar (Democratic) Party. In 1915, Damadian became one of the founders of the Ramgavar organ Arev (sun), which is still being published today in Cairo. The Armenian National Union was founded in Egypt in 1916 with Damadian’s participation. The purpose of this Union was to organize an Armenian volunteer movement. In this connection, he went to Paris and met with Boghos Noubar, the president of the Armenian National Delegation. Subsequently he, along with the HUnchak Stepan Sapah-Gulian and the Dashnak Ardavazt Hanimian, headed for the United Stated, where an Armenian National Union was formed likewise for the purpose of supporting the volunteer movement. In 1917, Damadian was sent to Italy as a representative of the Armenian National Delegation to the Italian government. In 1918, when the delegation for a Complete Armenian came into existence, Damadian was appointed the plenipotentiary representative of Cilicia, as one who was eminently familiar with the region. In that position, he went to Cilicia with the mission of organizing a general revolt, which the allied powers would assist. Damadian succeeded in bringing together the Armenians, Greeks, Syrians and Arabs, and on August 4, 1920, the independence of Cilicia was declared, owing to his efforts and with him as prime minister. However, that dream and excitement didn’t even last a day, because the French government pursued a policy of betrayal, impending the entrance of General Antranig and Armenag Yegarian to Cilicia, and dissolving the Armenian volunteer regiments. Damadian remained in confinement for a year, after which he returned to Egypt in 1921. The founding meeting of the Democratic Liberal Party was convened in Constantinople on October 1 of the same year. Damadian was elected member of the party’s central committee and, later, president. In 1922, the Mantashev Company sent him to Beirut as its director. He remained there for approximately eight years. During the period of his residence in Lebanon, he established a tobacco factory and became a force giving impetus to the national life. It was there thsat he became a participant in the formation of the AGBU Armenian Youth Association and concerved the plan of founding the first ADL daily, which would become a reality later on 1937, when Zartonk (Awakening) daily began publishing. In 1936, Damadian’s health deteriorated and, as a result of surgery, lost his right leg, which had been wounded 43 years earlier. Damadian returned to Cairo, where he spent the last years of his life. His last accomplishment was participating in the erection of the Armenian National Fund. This inimitable leader, who was so devoted to our national liberation movement and was one of the most brilliant intellectuals and revolutionary figures of that period, passed away in Cairo in 1945.

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY ANNOUNCES GALA “CELEBRATING THE FUTURE” TO HONOR FORTY YEARS OF INTERN ALUMNI Featuring Keynote Speakers Katherine Sarafian and Michael Agbabian WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) is pleased to announce a joyous evening "Celebrating the Future" at a special gala in Newport Beach, California on Saturday, March 4, 2017 that will honor our TerjenianThomas Assembly Internship Program alumni over the past forty years. This event will take place at the Newport Beach Country Club, beginning at 5:30 PM, and will include cocktails, dinner, speakers, and music. Special keynote speakers are former Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Intern alumni Katherine Sarafian (Assembly intern class of 1991) and Michael Agbabian (Assembly intern class of 1990). Sarafian is currently the Producer and Vice President of Production at Pixar Animation Studios. Agbabian is an award winning TV producer, as well as Executive Producer of NBC's Hollywood Game Night hosted by Jane Lynch. Plan to attend the "Celebrating the Future" Gala and hear about how their experience with the Assembly Intern Program shaped their life goals. This upcoming summer will mark the 40th anniversary year of the Assembly's internship program for Armenian young adults in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1977, the Armenian Assembly Summer Internship Program was the first internship program offered by an Armenian organization in America. For eight weeks each summer, the program gives college students of Armenian descent an opportunity to gain exposure to the policy-making process in our nation's capital. Over 1,000 students have completed internships through the Assembly. From its earliest phases and over the past four decades, the Assembly Summer Internship Program has been celebrated and strongly supported by the Armenian community with major gifts from the Richard Tufenkian Memorial Fund, the John Hanessian Scholarship Fund, the Armen Astarjian Scholarship Fund, the Ohanian Memorial Fund, Ann Hintlian, Ann Nahigian, James and Connie Melikian, the Knights of Vartan, the Estate of Haig J. Boyadjian, and the Estate of George Judge Karabedian (George Kay), as well as generous contributions in memory of former Assembly Board Members Dr. Lionel Galstaun, Peter Kezirian, and John O'Connor. In 2003, the Armenian Assembly's Summer Internship Program was renamed in honor of Aram and Florence Terjenian and Annie Thomas after the announcement of their pace-setting $1 million donation to the program. The "Celebrating the Future" Gala is cochaired by Sosy Hachigian (Assembly intern class of 1991) and Diane Barsam (Assembly intern class of 1981). Tickets are $200 per person. RSVP and payment are due by February 24, 2017. Contact Assembly Western Region Manager Aline Maksoudian at (626) 577-0025 or email her at aline@aaainc.org to make your reservation or if you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the evening.

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Nazarian Family’s Million-Dollar gift takes the Diocese’s Endowment Campaign half-way to its $15 million goal By Florence Avakian “It’s all about the parishes,” explains Seta Nazarian. “The Eastern Diocese’s endowment campaign—‘Our Church, Our Legacy’—is about the crucial importance of the local, individual parishes.” Her voice rising with passion, she adds: “We need to bring the disconnected Armenians back home. And the church does that. We need to reconnect. The church is where we go when we want to feel like we’re home—to feel like Armenians.” The Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) launched its endowment campaign four months ago with an ambitious goal: to inspire every Armenian, strengthen their faith, and make the church a relevant part of daily life. To that end, the campaign set a goal of raising $15 million to support the Eastern Diocese’s ministries. In a short time, the campaign has reached the half-way point: $7.5 million in pledges—including a magnanimous pledge of $1 million from the Nazarian family. As the campaign title “Our Church, Our Legacy” suggests—and as Seta Nazarian ably explains—the key objective is to strengthen the Diocese’s local parishes. Faithful church members like the Nazarians are coming forward to help the Diocese provide the right tools for the church’s grassroots work in education, pastoral ministry, and community outreach. Recent initiatives to emerge from the effort revolve around digital education for youth and parishioners, and continuing training for parish clergy.

A Family Legacy Seta Nazarian is the daughter of legendary Armenian philanthropists Nazar and Artemis Nazarian. For decades, the couple has demonstrated their Christian faith, charity, and leadership to numerous Armenian educational, cultural, and religious institutions. Their generosity has extended to communities across the United States, and reached across the world to Armenia, Artsakh, and strongholds of the Armenian diaspora. Nazar Nazarian was one of the 35 original godfathers of St. Vartan Armenian

Cathedral in New York City, when it was consecrated in 1968. As a member of that distinguished group—and one of its sole survivors—Mr. Nazarian feels a special sense of devotion to the Armenian Church and nation. For their lifelong efforts, the Nazarians have been awarded with the highest honors from Catholicos Vasken I, Catholicos Karekin I, Catholicos Karekin II, Catholicos Aram I, Armenian Presidents Kocharian and Sargsyan, and the Ellis Island Medal of Honor committee, among many others. And the Nazarian family legacy of supporting the Armenian Christian heritage has been passed down to their daughter Seta, to their son Dr. Levon Nazarian, and to their five grandchildren, William, Nicholas, Matthew, Daniela, and Gregory. “My parents have always had a strong modern vision, coupled with a deep respect for our traditions,” relates Seta. “This endowment campaign addresses issues that will take the church into the future, and make sure it stays relevant in the next generation.” What attracted her family, Seta explains, is the way the “Our Church, Our Legacy” campaign is “geared toward local parishes—where one’s church experience starts, where it’s maintained, and where results can be seen and felt.” “Parishes are where the connections happen, where family life begins,” she says with emphasis. “We haven’t given the parishes enough support—but this campaign re-ignites the connection.” The generous donation by the Nazarian family is meant “to inspire others; to be an example to others; to say: This is important for our survival. If we all don’t come on board, if we don’t strengthen our faith and church, we could lose the relevance of the church,” she warns.

Keys to the Future With half of its $15 million goal already

achieved, the “Our Legacy, Our Church” campaign has been meeting with dedicated individuals throughout the Eastern Diocese. A key part of these meetings, led by the campaign Steering Committee co-chairs Melanie Dadourian and Oscar Tatosian, is to connect with people’s dreams and desires for the future of the Armenian Church in America. “In our travels, we’ve been asking people from different parishes about their needs, their wants from the church. People want the church to be truly relevant—to speak to their children the way it did to our parents,” says Melanie Dadourian. “People have been so generous—not only with their material support, but with their time, advice, and encouragement.” Seta Nazarian pays tribute to that approach, praising Melanie and Oscar for their “professional, solution-oriented methods,” emphasizing accountability and oversight. “There is so much competition for people’s time and money. But we all have to make the ‘Our Church, Our Legacy’ campaign a priority,” Seta says. She stresses that the project is very important to her parents, her brother and their children. And she notes that her sons Nicholas (age 25) and William (age 28) “are very excited about the goals of the campaign”—and how it’s being run with the

help of modern tools like social media. Still, it’s the personal outreach—the one-on-one conversations with sincere, caring Armenian Church members— that inspire co-chairs Oscar Tatosian and Melanie Dadourian to push forward towards the campaign’s ambitious goal. Seta Nazarian agrees. As someone who fundraises for non-profits, she knows that a goal of “$15 million is a big bite. But we can’t just sit back.” It was Seta who encouraged her family to make a contribution of the magnitude of a million dollars. “The lessons that my parents taught us were the Christian values of kindness, of generosity to others, of care for the needy,” she recalls. And with pride she adds: “Those lessons are now being lived by our children.” Indeed, her own son William, as chairman of the AGBU Young Professionals group, led the recent effort to raise $35,000 for Syrian Relief. Such expressions of generosity, of compassionate outreach, are hallmarks of the “human connection” that has always made the Armenian Church an important fixture in people’s lives. “People are so busy today; we risk letting machines and technology envelop us. We have lost a great deal about the human connection,” Seta says. “Therefore, the church is all the more important for all of us.” Regarding the Eastern Diocese’s “Our Church, Our Legacy” endowment campaign, Seta Nazarian’s message to her fellow church members is loud and clear: “Please join us on this crucial journey, and make a difference.” To join in this import effort, or to receive information on how to lend your support to the “Our Church, Our Legacy” campaign, contact Taleen Babayan of the Development department of the Eastern Diocese, at (212) 686.0710, ext. 144; or via email at taleenb@armeniandiocese.org.

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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

149 - Fatih Akin By Hambersom Aghbashian Fatih Akin (born 25 August 1973 in Hamburg to parents of Turkish ethnicity). He is a film director, screenwriter and producer. He attended the 'Hochschule fur bildende Kunste Hamburg' to study visual communication and graduated in 2000. He has been married since 2004 to GermanMexican actress Monique Obermüller and lives in Hamburg- Altona, where he also grew up. His brother, Cem Akin is an actor. Akin made his debut as director of a full length film as early as 1998 with ' Short Sharp Shock', which brought him the "Bronze Leopard" award at the Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland and the "Pierrot", the Bavarian Film Award for Best New Director in Munich the same year. Since then he has directed feature films such as 'In July' in 2000, 'We forgot to go back' in 2001 and 'Salino' in 2002. His fourth work, Head- On, was a major success in 2004 and received several prizes, among them the Golden Bear award at the Berlin Film Festival and the "Best Film" and the "Audience Award" at the 2004 Eoropean Film Awards. In 2005 he directed a documentary about the 'Istanbul' music scene, Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul. In 2007, Akin's 'The Edge of Heaven', a German-Turkish cross-cultural tale of loss, mourning and forgiveness, won the prize for best screenplay at the 60th Cannes Film Festival in 2007. On October 24, 2007, the same film was awarded the first edition of

the 'LUX prize for European cinema' by the European Parliament. His most recent film is the comedy 'Soul Kitchen' (2009). He has said he chose this more light-hearted film because he needed a break after making the "tough" films 'Head-On' and 'The Edge of Heaven' before making his next planned film The Devil. "But", he says, "now I feel ready to finish the trilogy". In 2012 his documentary film 'Polluting Paradis' was screened in the Special Screenings section at the '2012 Cannes Film Festival'. His film 'The Cu' t has been selected to compete for the 'Golden Lion' at the '71st Venice International Film Festival'. The Cut is a 2014 internationally co-produced drama film directed by Fatih Akın. It was selected to compete for the Golden Lion at the 71st Venice International Film Festival. The film is bout the lives and experiences of a young Armenian by the name of Nazareth Manoogian, in the light of the Armenian Genocide and its repercussions in different parts of the world. The film is completely dedicated to the Armenian Genocide and , through the life and experiences of the main character Manoogian it goes through many details and shows the behavior of the Ottoman Soldiers and the forced islamization of the Armenian inhabitants and the execution of those who didn't convert. Some soldiers and convicts, recruited solely to kill Armenians. The convict responsible for cutting the throat of

Nazareth could not go all the way with it and made only a small cut on his throat, which sufficed to cause Nazareth to faint, thereby survive the massacre. However, while saving his life, the cut also made him mute. This "cut" not only symbolizes Nazareth's becoming mute but also his being cut from his life and family and the Armenian society's silence about the Genocide at the time. "The Cut" which won at the Venice Film Festival (La Biennale), the world's oldest film festival, was written by Fatih Akin and Mardik Martin, an American screenwriter of Armenian descent. In an interview with "Open Democracy" on April 21, 2015, and answering a question: why did he, as a filmmaker of Turkish origin, choose to make a film about the Armenian genocide? Fatih Akin said: I’m a child of Turkish parents. The Armenian genocide is something very deep and immovable in our culture and history. It’s a blind spot where not so many people know about it, and not so many people talk about it. One of my main reasons for doing the film is to produce something where people come out and inform themselves, discuss, and start to create a room where they can reflect on their own history and trauma. And as an answer for 'How do you think it will be received in Turkey?'He said: 'I think the society is ready for such a film. I really do'. (1) On October 29, 2015, the Washington

Umit Kurt to examine Armenian Genocide perpetrators in city of Aintab in NAAASR lecture Dr. Umit Kurt, currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, will give a talk entitled “The Curious Case of Ali Cenani Bey: The Story of a Genocide Perpetrator During and After the 1915 Armenian Genocide,” on Thursday, February 23, 2017, at 7:30 p.m., at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) Center, 395 Concord Ave., Belmont, MA 02478. The lecture is co-sponsored by NAASR and the Kaloosdian-Mugar Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University. Within the scholarship on the history of Armenian Genocide, studies of the perpetrators have received and continue to receive special attention. Seen from a wider perspective, it is important to conduct research on the executors of the Armenian Genocide, for even when the agents of genocide are not explicitly mentioned, the consequences of their deeds remain all too visible. Yet case studies of individual perpetrators remain rare. In this lecture, Dr. Umit Kurt will focus on Aintab—situated on the boundaries of Cilicia and Syria, near both the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Alexandretta—and reveal the activities of the perpetrators and their involvement in the destruction of Armenians

at the local/provincial level. Presenting a wide range of people, functions, actions, and motives that highlight the complexity of the persecution process, but without neglecting the crucial element of personal responsibility, Kurt will explain who these perpetrators were and what their roles and motivations were. The lecture will focus especially on one major perpetrator, Ali Cenani Bey (1872-1934), his background, deeds, active and involvement in the 1915 Armenian deportation and genocide as well as his life story in the post-genocide period in modern Turkey. Umit Kurt received his Ph.D. in history at Clark University in 2016, with his dissertation focusing on the confiscation of Armenian properties and the role of local elites/notables in Aintab during the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1921. He is the author of numerous historical and political articles in scholarly journals and newspapers, several books in Turkish, and co-author with Taner Akçam of The Spirit of the Laws: The Plunder of Wealth in the Armenian Genocide. For more information about Dr. Kurt’s talk, contact NAASR at 617-489-1610 or hq@naasr.org.

post wrote "In an epic that stretches from eastern Turkey in 1915 to North Dakota eight years later, “The Cut” presents a haunting portrait of what has come to be known as the Armenian genocide and its aftermath. Written and directed by TurkishGerman filmmaker Fatih Akin — best known for his fervid 2004 romantic drama “Head-On” — it’s the first film by a director of Turkish heritage to candidly take on this historical tragedy." (2)

1.https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/alex-sakalis-fatih-akin/armeniainterview 2.https://www.washingtonpost.com/goingoutguide/movies/the-cut-tackles-thearmenian-gen

Azad Matian to present an Evening of Wine and Love with HAFEZ

Glendale, CA – Iranian Armenian poet, literatus, and translator, AZAD MATIAN will present an evening devoted to the famous poet of Iran, HAFEZ. With a glass of wine, we will enjoy the beauty of the gazel poems of Hafez translated into Armenian on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2017 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. AZAD MATIAN was born in 1942 in Tehran. For over 40 years, he was a professor of the National University of Isfahan in the Armenian Language and Literature Department. He has published books of his poetry, a study of Charents, a translation into Farsi of St. Gregory of Narek's masterpiece, and translation of Omar Khayyam and Hafez into Armenian. In 2014 he moved to Glendale. HAFEZ is considered to be Iran's greatest poet. He lived and wrote during the 14th century in the city of Shiraz. He is a master of the Gazel (Cantata). His writings contain the spiritual and ancient teachings and traditions which continue to live to this day among Iranians. Presented by Abril Bookstore.

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.  

.   

       «»        :

.-    .-    .-    .-     ( ) .-   ( ) .-   ( ) .-    ( ) .-  (    ) 2.-  3.-        4.-       1894-1896  1915-1925 : 5.-      ( ,  ,  ) 6.- Lifes lessons learned: The teachings of Father Mesrob Sarafian 7.-   () 8.-  9.- Reflections 10.-     :       . . ,  , 

  90-               90-     . .-        ,  .  . . , 2016: .- 100 Steps, 100 , 2016: .- 200  .  ,   . , 2016: .- 100  .  ,   . , 2016: .-   ( ): .-  ,   . : .-   ,   . :

  90-     2017- 1.-  .-  

 

Nor Or February 9, 2017, No 6_N.O. Blank 2/8/17 6:23 PM Page 8

Üáñ úñ

12 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017 (.    )       ` ,           ( 146-149):         100-      ,     ,     :   ’   : ,         ,  ’. «        ,    ...   ,                 » ( 185-187):          (, , ,   ):          :  ,          ,  ’. «     ,     »:         50-  100 `  ` «  ... »: 50-     :       . «             »:             `   ( 166169):   ’          :      :       `      ( 190-192):       ,      ,  ...   


äñáÛñÕåß». «¸ÇïñÏáõÙ»ñ»õïáõÙ»ñ» îåñ«ø»ëï¿»»,ä¿ÛñáõÃ,2016,369¿ç ÚàôÂÆôÜÆêÎîºÜ :      ’ . «   ’. , ... » ( 192194):       «    ,    ’»: «`    »    ( 198-200)   ’             ` ,        :    ’        «   »:   ’    `  : «       ...» ( 218),-   :           ,       :  ,  ’ `   ,    «  ,      -     ,         »:        ,          ,  «   »     :  .      -    :          `         :

ÌÊàôºêîÜàò Deluxe Auto Body & Paint Body•Frame•Paint Servicingallmakesandmodels

            « `  »  «  »:  «»  .          (      ,          ,     «»  «», «»   « » ,  «»     ):               «   »:       `        ( 246-248):    ,  ’,  -       «    » `    :     -

   :        `  2009  (  251):              :  `    ,          :   ,        «  `     » ( 353):      ,      : , «  `   `  »   ( 354-356)   . «              ,         »:        «  »   ,              :   `   ,  `   ,         :        , ` -  : -,          ,    

  

 -   

   

.     , 26  2017-   5:00-,      (1901 N. Allen Ave., corner of New York Dr.)

21417IngomarSt.unit1 CanogaPark,CA91304


 


Nor Or February 9, 2017, No 6_N.O. Blank 2/8/17 6:23 PM Page 9

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017


ñáÛó«ºñëïÕ»ñ»íÛñÁÏáõÙ» ÑïáñÇÑ»ÕÇϪ üÉáñêñ»ÇÑ»ï      «    »   :       ,  «»        , ,         :            :     ,     1987    :  .-    :  .-    11 :     ,    «» :           5  ,    20          :    7- ,         :        ,    «»:    ,      : ,   ,                 1978-                           21    18  39                  ,                  ,  ,  . ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  . , .  ,  ,  ,     2016- ,       .

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ÈáÛëï»ëõ¿ù¿»ØßÏáõÃÛÇ ØÇáõûÑñïñÏãÏÇ ·ñÏ»õë»ñÏáõ·Çñù .  40-             « », 350   ,           25      ,          ,    , ,          « »,    ,         .  41-          .  « »     ,

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           ,       ,   ,                , ,                        ,                      .  ,             .

Tekeyan Cultural Association 755 Mt. Auburn Street Watertown, MA 02472-1509 Phone: 617-924-4455 E-mail: tcadirector@aol.com

Nor Or February 9, 2017, No 6_N.O. Blank 2/8/17 6:23 PM Page 10

Üáñ úñ

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      ,       ,   , 3  2017-      ,  13, 2017-,   1230-, Hollywood Hills- Church of the Hills-  (White Church) 6300 Forest Lawn Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068,                  ,            , ,    ,          “Phoenicia”   (343 N. Central Ave., Glendale, CA 91203) ***      . AGBU Scouts 6844 Oakdale Ave., Canoga Park, CA 91306 ` ARS LORI Chapter 17422 Chatsworth St., Granada Hills, CA 91344

òõÏóÏ     ,          ,    ,              « »    

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    .  ,     ,  12, 2017-,   .   , 17231 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91406,  .                                    ()      - ()        ,    ()     : ***           :

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3  ,     NBA-,  1                   20                       - -  «»  -    ,          ,   ,      3  ,          ,  . , «»   ,     ,      ,  , -  ,      -     ,

Nor Or February 9, 2017, No 6_N.O. Blank 2/8/17 6:23 PM Page 11

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017


ØñÏ Ï»ù ÛÏÏáõÃåáÉÛÇËÏñ •  «»               26-          « 11»     ,             ,       «» ,  «»                  «»,            •  31- «»         «»                24 ,      ,                  «»  4   «»     13- • «»   0-2     «»  6- «»     «»     1-1   9- «»    «»   11- «»                    «»  , 42-           ,  3-           3-0         -           ,        ,

,     5  ,    ,               ,   «»    ,      ,     5     ,           …  ,       ,            1   ,    

  «..»     «»    •   « »   1/8-    «»      17-20-   •       .  11- «»   «»,    «-» «»      25-  26- • «»            43-       «»,    1993-    ,  1996-97      «»     ,         1992-     ,      53 ,  6   2010-11 .    «» •  «»    ,      «»     «» «»     «»    ,       -  «»

ÛÏÏÙñÏËÏñ • 2017 .  29-   8-       28-  ,    57   2000             10 .  27.04      10.  4-  •           ,   15-    27        48 .    85 . , 53 .   116 ., 58 .   151 ., 63 .   192 ., 69 .   166 ., 75 .   217 ., 90 .   213 .,

              ,                        ,           3           ,    ,          ,   ,    ,         ,     …

+90 .   205 .    ,        ,                4-10-  ()    ,       ,                ,    

ËÙïÛÇËÏñ • -   2017 .    15  ,    ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , ,  ,    9        «»   ( 17-28- ,  11-22- ,  5-16- ,  15-26-   ,    24      3     2              -          -     • -            9-    7-     , , , ,  , , ,       .  62- , .  67-, .  86-

ØñÏ Éáõñ»ñÁ ÏÁ ÑÙñ¿ª ôºîÆê ´ÚغÜ

   ,      -1-        - «»     -      ,  «»                    ,    -      , «»   -  2017    - 16  18         .

  20      .        ,               ,  « »    .  NBA-        ,    ,     ,   «»            20        ..

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Üáñ úñ

16 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 9 ö»ïñáõñ 2017


ØÙÉáÛÕáñ·ñáõÃÇõ            ,  «  »   ,                ,          ,  . , 11  , 18    8:00- , 12  , 19    6:00-        -

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