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Serbia Parliament MPs Propose Resolution On Armenian Genocide

Austria Recognizes Armenian Genocide Vienna (A.W.) - The Austrian Parliament adopted a resolution on April 21 condemning the Armenian Genocide and calling on Turkey to face its history. According to sources, all six factions of the parliament supported the resolution, which also acknowledges the role of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in supporting the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The news comes a day after Germany announced its plan to “stand behind” a resolution affirming the Armenian Genocide, which will be voted on April 24. Germany’s Parliament is set to use the term genocide in a resolution, and the government said on April 20 that it will support the motion sponsored by the ruling parties. A draft of the German resolution notes the Armenians’ fate is “exemplary for the history of mass destruction, ethnic cleansing, expulsions and genocides by which the 20th century is marked in such a terrible way.”

Germany Agrees To Call 1915 Events “Genocide” Serbia’s Parliament MPs proposed a resolution on the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide, Serbian newspaper Blic.rs reports. The draft of the resolution was proposed by the MPs of the New Party, specifically ex-PM Zoran Zivkovic and Vladimir Pavicevic.

History Has Already Decided: Genocide

Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German government agree to describe the 1915 events as “genocide”. The ruling coalition decided not to take into account Turkey's pressure, Die Welt reported. Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert said the government would support a resolution containing a term “genocide”. The resolution says that “the fate of the Armenians during World War One serves as an example of the history of mass murders, ethnic cleansings, expulsions and, yes, the genocides during the 20th century.” He said President of Germany Joachim Gauck made his contribution to the process

Turkey has to hold many discussions on the Armenian Genocide and Turkey’s apology: Reiner Morell

The chief editor of Agos Armenian bilingual weekly of Istanbul, Yetvart Danzikyan, has harshly criticized Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his words against Armenians, and in connection with the European Parliament resolution on Armenian Genocide. Danzikyan, recalling Erdogan’s statement that, “The decision by the European Parliament enters from one of our ear and comes out from the other,” stressed that this shows that Turkey continues its denialist and racist policies. “Another time Erdogan had said, ‘Let the historians decide [whether it was genocide].’ Yes, history has already decided: Genocide. “Next, Erdogan said Armenians have fled Armenia and have come and are living in Turkey [today]. Armenians [from Armenia] have not fled, they work here [in Turkey]; Erdogan offends with this. In addition, most residents of Armenia are the descendants of those who went to Armenia from these lands. “Erdogan used the word ‘deportation’ in connection with expelling the Armenians [from Turkey]. In English, this has the meaning of ‘displacement,” Agos’ chief editor specifically said. Armenia News - NEWS.am

Germany wants to help the Turkish and Armenian societies normalize their relations. At the same time, Germany understands that this is a very personal and sentimental matter for both countries. This is the evaluation of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Armenia Reiner Morell. As “Armenpress” reports, during a short briefing held at Komitas Museum-Institute, Morell said that the main issue now is whether Turkey is ready to apologize or not.“Turkey has to hold more discussions on this issue. We see that the Turks are discussing the issue, but there have to be more discussions. Nobody can force anyone to apologize. It has to come from the inside,”Morell said.

Yerevan To Host 4 Presidents, 60 Delegations Sargsyan said delegations from over 60 countries are expected to attend the centennial events. Presidents of Cyprus, France, Russia and Serbia are expected to visit Yerevan on that day. The traditional candlelight vigil will start at 8.15 pm. An international orchestra comprising 123 musicians from 43 countries will performs a concert titled “Revival.” Works by Armenian composers of the past 100 years will be performed.

Kremlin Confirms Putin’s Visit To Yerevan On April 24 By the invitation of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will visit Armenia to participate in the events, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. Armenpress reports that the press service of the Kremlin informed about it.

Obama Excludes ‘Armenian Genocide’ From His Genocide Centennial Statement President Obama's Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes confirmed to Armenian American leaders, during a White House meeting, that the President has decided not to recognize the Armenian Genocide in his April 24th statement.

April 16, 2005 President Serzh Sargsyan Republic of Armenia Mr. President: It is with deepest sympathy that we write to you on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Words fail to adequately express the magnitude of our sorrow for the loss of 1.5 million innocent Armenian men, women, and children in one of the most horrific chapters of the 20th century. We firmly believe that there can be no genuine or durable reconciliation in the region without an honest acknowledgment of the crimes of the past. Indeed, the Government of Turkey’s obstinate denial of a truth the world has long known continues to wound. In the U.S. Congress, we will continue to promote recognition and reconciliation as the most appropriate means to honor those whose lives were taken or forever altered by these atrocities. We believe this is the only way to realize a just and prosperous future that is the hope of citizens in every nation. Please accept this letter as a token of our profound respect for the Armenian people and an expression of our solidarity with them on this solemn memorial. Sincerely, ED ROYCE Chairman Committee on Foreign Affairs ELIOT ENGEL Ranking Member Committee on Foreign Affairs

Nevada Recognizes Armenian Genocide The House of Representatives and Senate of the U.S. state of Nevada have adopted a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide. The document says that the crime perpetrated against the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1923 was the first genocide of the 20th century. It urges the U.S. President and Congress to acknowledge this political fact, the press service of Armenian Foreign Ministry reports.

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