Fusion Food Recipe

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Fusion food activity Recipe for fried salted cod served with Moroccan salad Ingredients: Portuguese salted cod Romanian polenta Croatian sweet red paprika Ground pepper Italian pesto Genovese sauce Italian parmesan 5- 6 tablespoons of Turkish bulgur 1 tablespoon of Greek olive oil 1 Spanish lime Spanish spicy chorizo red radishes Parsley 1 tablespoon of Mustard 1 tablespoon of Kalymnian thyme honey For the Moroccan salad Procedure: 1. Boil the bulgur 2. Make a vinegrette sauce: in a bowl, put the mustard, honey, olive oil, the juice and zest of a lime. Add salt, pepper, sweet paprika according to one’s taste. 3. Add finely chopped parsley and scallion into the bulgur and mix well. 4. Add thinly sliced chorizo and radish.

5. Pour the vinegrette sauce into bulgur and parsley mix, and mix well. For the salted cod (make sure the cod is desalted)

Ingredients for the tempura: 1 egg Romanian polenta Flour for all purposes Beer Salt and pepper Croatian red sweet paprika Olive oil

Procedure: 1. whisk all ingredients to form a batter. Make sure it is not too thick. 2. Preheat oil to 150-170 degrees. 3. Dip the pieces of cod into the tempura and fry until golden brown.

Plating Serve the Moroccan salad forming a wrath in the plate Place the pieces of cod in the middle Spread the pesto sauce over the fried cod pieces and sprinkle them with parmesan flakes.

Have a good appetite!

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