Impact Report 2022-2023

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are at the centre of what we do. We believe we are all equal through our common humanity and we have a duty to support each other. Our employees rely on this shared ethical and moral code; we live our values well and they serve as a unifying thread that runs through our organisation. We value and embrace the diversity of our clients, staff and volunteers and we work to eliminate discrimination. We understand that culture and society is always evolving and we work to change alongside it.

Future of Advice EDI goals

Our EDI Trustee, Mary Anne Massey (above), assists us in continually reflecting on our values as society changes in order to maintain our high standards.

Our advice services will be accessible and relevant to all our diverse clients whose experiences and outcomes will be more positive. Our technology will respond to user needs and will improve access to our services, including face to face. Our culture will be more inclusive and we will continue to make our whole service more diverse with better equality of opportunity for all. In terms of sustainability, our service will be designed and costed, taking account of the needs of those facing disadvantage, detriment or harm. Our advocacy services will speak up for hose who face intense disadvantage, detriment or harm to their wellbeing and we will improve how we identify and consider those needs.


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