Impact Report 2022-2023

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How we work We help the people of Norfolk to preserve health and work for the relief of poverty, sickness and distress. We help tackle the "social determinants of health". These are factors outside of medical conditions that affect our health. For example, stress from debt or housing problems can lead to mental and physical health issues, or if someone's income is low they might not be able to afford healthy food or to heat their house adequately. Our guidance helps people navigate these complex problems and empowers them to take control of their lives which greatly contributes to mental wellbeing. By resolving the nonmedical issues that people face, we help to improve the overall health of people in Norfolk.

John's Story John* is a single, self-employed man in his 50’s, with limited digital skills and a reliance on prescription medication.



We have changed John’s name but his story shows how social determinants directly impact mental and physical health.

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2018 In 2018, John lost a key source of income and this

placed a strain on his family relationships. We helped him speak to a solicitor to handle a legal challenge to help his financial situation.

2019 He returned to us in 2019 for help in addressing repairs to his council house which was

causing a great deal of anxiety. Our colleagues in Shelter advised John and we assisted with formal correspondence to the council.

Later that year, John’s financial difficulties had worsened again and led him to seek a food voucher. John really didn't want support from social services, but our advisor helped him to gain this key vital support. It was growing clear that John was socially isolated and we encouraged him to contact some local groups which may be of interest to him.


In 2020, he returned needing help with another legal query and we secured Legal Aid support. He also reported feelings of persecution and showed high anxiety levels. Our advisor was very concerned and helped make formal contact with John’s GP to find mental health support.

2021 John returned in 2021 with new issues but was so unsettled that he was unable to complete

the interview with our advisor. He returned several times over the next year but his distress had increased into delusional behaviour and he had become a safety risk to himself and others. This led to a referral to local police and clinical care for mental health support.


*The client mentioned on this page has been anonymised for their protection.

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