Nordic Projects to Combat School Dropout

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Facts about Ungt fólk til athafna Where: Iceland, national project. Actor responsible: Ungt fólk til athafna (Youth in Activity) was a project run under the auspices of the Icelandic Social- och välfärdsdepartementet (Ministry of Welfare), by the Vinnumálastófnun (Directorate of Labour), and was managed in collaboration with the education services, civil society and the labour market. When: January 2010 – May 2011. Objective: Young people who registered as jobseekers at the employment office were to be entered in the programme and, within three months, be offered a job, a place on an educational programme, or some other meaningful activity. The project was indirectly a measure to encourage more young people to complete upper secondary education. One objective of the project was to develop new methods to prevent dropout. Target group: Young jobseekers aged 16-29 who received unemployment benefit. Young people without an upper secondary qualification were prioritised. Budget: Approximately ISK 596 million in 2010, and ISK 550 million in 2011. Background: An unexpected rise in youth unemployment due to the global financial crisis in 2008. Method: Young jobseekers consulted a special youth counsellor who would help them find a suitable activity. The programme comprised a broad spectrum of measures within the labour market, education, work training, and self-esteem. Participation was obligatory if the young person was to retain unemployment benefit. Evaluation: The programme was evaluated by the Social Science Research Institute at Háskóli Íslands (University of Iceland). Helgadottír, E. (2012), Ungt fólk til athafna: Atvinnuleit, virkniúrræði, stjórnrót og vinnuviðhorf ungs fólks á atvinnuleysisskrá. Heilbrigðisvísindasvið Háskóla Ísland Contact: Vinnumálastófnun (Directorate of Labour)


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