Sociopathic hunting guide (cont.)

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Sociopathic Hunting Guide II by Derek Cantrell It usually takes less effort to oppress your competition, or enemies, than it takes to progress yourself. You will often find that both selfprogression and oppression of competition, is needed for success. Often times there are limited resources, time, etc., that can be applied to any one strategic move, thus when having to choose, know that it’s usually more productive to oppress than to self-progress. While absolute success cannot be achieved without self-progression, I am merely noting that when there are limited resources and/ or time, one can often achieve much more success by oppressing the competition. I find that females are more likely to use strategies and forward thinking, than their male counterparts. This can be observed in various things from higher school grades to more realistic retirement plans. The mentioned strategic mindset can also be examined when comparing males and females who explain their disdain for another of the same sex. Example: If you ask a guy how he feels he compares to his competition, he will likely begin to list his own favorable attributes. If you ask a female the same question, she will likely begin to list various features that her competition is lacking. Note that the strategically savvy females are likely to choose oppressing their competition, in lieu of self-advertising, or self-progressing their attributes, as the males commonly do. I would also like to add that females are generally all around, more psychologically savvy, so there is every reason to follow their lead, when it comes to eliminating competition.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that you must always over-train. I mean that while critical thinking skills are vital in conflict, you must also have plans and contingency plans, and you must train diligently, should you have to execute all preplanned actions and more, in order to succeed or survive. Any successor competitor of any kind will tell you the same. The advice is not some old-school motto that is soon to be outdated. As long as conflict involves expending effort to act against or counteract against an opponent, overtraining will give advantage in every conflict. So over-train, over-train, over-train. Your processes, actions, methods, etc. should become second nature. With that being said, you should never allow these processes, actions and methods to become habit. I’m aware that this seems a fine line to walk, but while things of second nature can be easily assessed in conflict, habits are often neglected, subject to unconscious deviation and commonly left to observation by the common public. In order to be effective in conflict, one must remain unpredictable to the opponent. Habits can be observed by your opponent, as well as, potential, future competitors and thus predicted by those opponents in future conflicts. So you must be diligent in constantly changing, streamlining and mastering your processes, actions, methods, etc., while also practicing diligence when keeping these things un-noticed by competitors, potential competitors and the mass public. Force and momentum are important in any conflict. I’ve found the most gratifying successes to come as I attack a target as he/she is being defeated by another competitor. Kicking a guy when he’s down, is frowned upon by society, but fuck society, when it comes to successes and failures, it’s the winners who write and re-write history.

Think of your favorite celebrity, politician, or athlete. Did they step on any throats, to reach their positions of fame? Did they immorally defeat competitors or potential competitors…who knows? Those possible existences are buried in time, by the conquerors. The conquerors in turn, will encourage others to abstain from illegal or immoral tactics. Why? Because they don’t want others to use such effective means to defeat them. Society tends to indoctrinate morals into its citizens, but while everyone claims to have good morals, a quick look at the corruption that fills our societies, reveal that vast amounts of people do not practice what they preach. And should they? If someone is highly successful and completely content with being immoral, should we blame him/ her? I’m in no way condoning the breaking of laws, as no one wants to suffer consequences, and many laws are practical and necessary. Morals however, are generally indoctrinated into the population, by the population and its leaders, to assure efficient control of the masses. It is policing and self-policing and most often nothing more. I find that the most efficient time to attack my target, whether it’s physical or psychological, is just after the target’s conflict with another. The target’s resources are depleted and his/ her guard is often down, or focused on the last competitor. Why would I wait for the target to find his/ her bearings or replenish resources, before attacking? To use the terms gentleman, or civilized and conflict in the same sentence is oxymoronic. True conflict is primitive and simple. Some are efficient at it and some are not, but morals have no place in conflict. Morals are great for those who have trouble distinguishing what society can survive and what it cannot. Morals are great for those with little experience in life, who would most likely be destroyed by a seasoned competitor, if they displayed immoral behavior toward the

competitor. Morals are a peace of mind for those who are inefficient at conflict, as it gives them the perception that morals are practiced by everyone and thus they are safe in the populous. Truth be told: most people project their beliefs on others. A person who considers themselves to be empathetic and good, often perceives the vast majority of their society as empathetic and good. Someone who is sexually promiscuous, due to self-insecurities, often perceives others as sexually promiscuous, whether there is sufficient reason, or not. When I use the term morals, I am referring to the indoctrinated beliefs that are propagated by societies and societal leaders. I myself, prefer to practice beliefs that are efficient for interaction between myself and various acquaintances. I evoke different beliefs and practices for different acquaintances. The beliefs and practices are determined by the success or efficiency in each relationship. I’ve titled these manuscripts with the term sociopathic, and while the term seems fit for the subject matter, I prefer to think of it as objective thought. Objective as opposed to subjective. We live in a society where various religious beliefs thrive, due to the fact that most people or empaths prefer to view the world through a skewed subjective perspective. I see no reason to entertain such childish thoughts as religious beliefs, and thus prefer to objectively view my environment and information with as much objective accuracy as possible. While I fully condone the complete annihilation of one’s enemy, such an attack is not always productive for your goals. Every time you unleash a barrage of attacks, you drain your resources and also alert future competitors of your resources. This not only allows future competitors access to privileged information, but also leaves you with depleted resources. Everyone is weakest just after his/her full-fledged

attack on a target. This will not only be apparent to you, but is also apparent to your competitor and other potential competitors as well. The last thing I’ll cover in this manuscript is presenting a strong persona or appearance, in times of weakness or times of little resources. Timing is essential in conflict and particular steps can be taken in advance to assure that you’re not overwhelmed in a time of weakness. During conflict, various resources are used up. Some resources are easily replenished, others are not. If a big enough conflict or great enough number of conflicts take place, you may find yourself with a lack of resources. It is important to understand that no one is impenetrable all the time, therefore, the best advantage one can have, is to prepare for times of weakness. Study your attitude, appearance and anything else you present at your times of weakness that may display telltale signs of your status, and do your best to mask these signs. Study your attitude, appearance and any telltale signs you display when you are in a time of strength and abundance, and mask your times of weakness with these signs of strength. It is also a good idea to have alliances in place that will protect or assist you in your times of weakness. I find boosting the morale of your alliances, during times of your own weakness, can be a highly successful tool, to assure your alliance offers up an impenetrable defense for you. Be sure your alliances can always be trusted, and even when you are confident in your alliance, you should always have contingency plans in place, if your alliance fails or betrays you. Following these simple steps adamantly will likely determine your success or failure. As time passes and you accrue more success, you will encounter greater numbers of competitors. Having alliances and

contingency plans in place for times of weakness or low resources, can allow you to avert disaster. Remember, the #1 rule is patience. Be patient, be prepared and be sure to incorporate overtraining and critical thinking skills in your conflicts. Use your resources wisely and revealing resources should be kept to a minimum. Note your strengths and weaknesses and take precautions, or incorporate practices to ensure your defenses, even during weak moments. Happy hunting.

I hope this manuscript offers clarity and progress. I can be contacted at nolenthebeckoning for any questions, comments, contributions or ideas.

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