Use The Info Below To assist You To Stop Cigarette smoking

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Use The Info Below To assist You To Stop Cigarette smoking Smoking is one of the hardest habits to break. There are so many contraptions, patches, gum and other medications that claim they will help you get rid of the habit, but it is hard to decide on the right one. Hopefully, the advice in this article will help you decide on the right route for you to get tobacco free. Before you begin the process of quitting your nicotine habit for good, take the time to make a specific plan of action. Merely thinking that you can muster up the willpower when needed is a poor way to approach this very addictive habit. Write down a list of things that you will do instead of reaching for that cigarette. This can include going for a walk, calling a friend, making a fresh fruit smoothie, or any number of diversions. Commit yourself totally to your decision to stop smoking. If you are determined to quit smoking then put your whole soul into the effort. Announce to family and close friends that you are quitting and need support. Write down your specific goals and make them as detailed as you can. Also write down your individual reasons for quitting. Post both lists where you can easily see them - like the bathroom mirror. Join a support group and attend meetings, whether online or in person. Go all in and make this happen. Remember that your attitude is everything. When you are beginning to feel down, you need to try to make yourself proud that you are quitting. Smoking is bad for you and each time you conquer the urge to smoke, you should feel proud as you are taking vital steps toward a healthier you.

Stop smoking with a buddy. Having someone else with whom to commiserate and celebrate will make your success even sweeter. Choose a friend, relative, or co-worker who also wants to quit, or pair up with someone on an online support forum. Having someone by your side will make the process much easier to tolerate and will help you stay accountable. If you want to stop smoking, you need to identify factors that will motivate you to stop. Preventing

lung cancer, tooth decay, gum disease and emphysema, or protecting your family are strong motivators. Showing respect for your body and for the gift of life is also a powerful motivating force. Whatever reason you choose, it needs to be enough to prevent you from lighting up again in the future. Have true faith in the fact that you can stop smoking. You must believe it in order truly quit. You can't go into it half-heartedly. Consider all the tough things you have accomplished in other aspects of your life, and use those memories to fuel your full commitment to stopping smoking. To quit smoking for good, you'll get better results by gradually weaning yourself than you would if you tried to quit cold turkey. Nearly all people that try to quit cold turkey fail as a result of nicotine withdrawal. Cut back slowly and steadily, and if the cravings are still too powerful then subsidize your efforts with medication or other tools. As you work on quitting, steer clear of the things that you mentally link with smoking. For instance, change things like smoking when driving or reading so that you don't automatically think about your smoking habit. Come up with something that can distract you at those times. Avoid situations where you may be strongly tempted to smoke, especially places where alcohol is served. If you find yourself at a party, or bar, or similar place, it may be very tough to keep your determination not to smoke. If you drink alcohol, which lowers inhibitions, it will be much more difficult as well. Set a day that you plan on quitting your smoking habit permanently. Write down this date on your calendar, and plan on this day. Your mind should be ready for a new change that will last for the remainder of your life. You could even have a small party on the morning of the day that you're quitting. You can replace your smoking habit with positive coping habits instead. This means really looking inside yourself and examining your habits. If you smoke when you are stressed out, consider how you can diffuse the negative energy instead. Some people find solace in meditative and deep breathing exercises, but you can experiment with a variety of techniques to find one that suits you. Try giving yourself rewards when you reach important milestones. Plan out those rewards well in advance. Take some time to make a list of the rewards that you really want to enjoy. Make a promise to yourself that you will be granted one of these rewards after a week has passed, and then again after a month has passed. Make sure the list is in a place that you can easily refer to throughout the day. This will provide you with some extra motivation, and it might just keep you from caving in and smoking again. If you have an oral fixation associated with your smoking habit, find new ways to occupy your mouth. You might want to stock hard candy or gum in your desk drawer or keep it in your purse if you are trying to quit smoking. For other people, electronic cigarettes fit the bill. Don't turn back to smoking during a family crisis. Sometimes the most difficult times in our lives, turn into the easiest times to take a bad habit back up. While you might be tempted to do so, try to stay focused on all the reasons that you quit. Talk to a friend or family member about what you're going through or even seek counseling if you need to. Whatever you do, don't reach for that cigarette. Think about how good you felt before you smoked. Focus on how healthy, happy and active you were

as a smoke-free child. Think about the foods you loved, the scents you loved and how fit you were, this will give you added incentive to stop smoking. Check with your health department, local clinics, or doctor's office for information about local support groups for those who want to quit smoking. Talking to others who are quitting can provide valuable coping tips, support, and motivation. This may prove especially helpful if your friends and family are not supportive of your desire to quit. Abstain from alcohol when you first quit smoking. Many people associate smoking and drinking, so the temptation to smoke will be higher if you drink. If you don't want to stop drinking altogether, limit yourself to drinking in restaurants or bars so that you'll have to go outside if you want to smoke. You might decide it's not worth the effort if you have to leave the table to smoke. Nobody said that giving up cigarettes would be easy, but it is possible if you really want to. If you have already decided to stop smoking, you are probably wondering just how you will do it. Just remember to use the tips from this article and it will make your efforts much easier. Take it one day at a time, strengthen yourself with support and useful tips like the ones from above and you will find that becoming a non-smoker is within your reach.

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