Programme Nocturnal Unrest

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You will get access to them on request by sending a message to In the Digital Safer Space there are podcasts and music for further learning, empowerment and well-being, as well as tips for self-care. LANGUAGE & WAYS OF SPEAKING It is important for us to be tolerant of errors in our discussions and still make it clear that we actively intervene when we encounter discriminatory and exclusionary language. We therefore ask all participants to observe their speech and speaking behaviour and to shape it in such a way that discrimination and other violent effects are avoided. AWARENESS AS A PROCESS We understand Awareness and our confrontation with discrimination as a process in which we as a majority white cis team are trying to become aware of many of our own entanglements in discriminatory structures using our privileges to fight discrimination. Despite the provision of an Awareness Team and our attempts to prevent and avoid violent behaviour, we cannot rule out the possibility of abuse happening at our festival. We therefore have included funds in our budget to provide support services to those affected in these cases. 12

ANTI-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE In our contracts we have included the anti-discrimination clause drafted by the director Julia Wissert and the lawyer and dramaturg Sonja Laaser, that serves to protect participants in a contractual relationship from discriminatory statements and attacks by organisers or employees of an institution. FEEDBACK If there are any comments or criticisms, e.g. about gaps in the awareness concept published here, we expressly ask you to send feedback to the following e-mail address:

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