Oklahoma Mortgage Professional Magazine October 2013

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while as the head of the MBA. “It’s an inter-

lending. The President walked in, having read all the information

“People see us

esting dynamic working in Washington. I

and started off the meeting by saying, ‘I’ve read the documenta-

as a unified voice

found it relatively easy. Taking a job in the

tion ... can someone explain what a warehouse line is?’ Everyone

for the mortgage

middle of a fairly significant storm that has

started going through their rote answers, and, these are Ph.D.

industry as

taken over Washington, when there was

guys from the finest universities and the ability to talk about glob-

a whole.

such an emphasis on fixing the housing mar-

al financial systems. When it came to a warehouse line, they did-

At a time when

ket,” Stevens said. “Just weeks before the

n’t really know. Someone looked down to me and said ‘Dave, can

the industry was

election in 2008, both candidates stated we

you explain what a warehouse line is?’”

scattered, we

weren’t in a recession. Home prices were

“I looked up and there’s the President staring intently at me,”


dropping like crazy. That storm we walked

Stevens said. “The important lesson here is that these are

helped America

into had everyone paying attention to hous-

incredibly smart, well-intentioned people in Washington trying to

and helped

ing. I quickly became ‘the mortgage guy’ in

deal with the housing and financial crisis. Knowledge matters to


them. Knowing how a very technical industry operates is impor-

hammer together policy to help

“I’ll tell you a story. Three weeks into

tant and from that moment on, I was thrust into economic meet-


accepting the job with the MBA, I was called

ings regularly, working on every policy issue possible, working

—David H. Stevens,

into a meeting at the White House to meet

with Congress to resolve issues.”

President and CEO,

with the President,” Stevens said. “I walked

Mortgage Bankers






Stevens, years later, cites many of the Washington decision-


makers and people he worked with on resolving housing issues

President’s meeting room and took a seat

with the President as close friends. “We spent so much time

on one of the back couches lining the wall.

together that we became comrades in working together,”

One of the President’s senior aids told me to said ‘No, Dave, sit

Stevens said. “We may not have always agreed, but everyone

at the table,’ so I did and it was there that I realize the topic of

respects one-another. Ultimately, that became very beneficial.

the day would be a subject, very technical, about warehouse

You know people, you know how policymaking works and how



OCTOBER 2013 n Oklahoma Mortgage Professional Magazine n




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