The Dangers of Antibiotic Misuse

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infected with “superbugs, “as these resistant bacteria are called. Presently, Super bugs are capable of causing pneumonia, skin infections or urinary tract infections. This scenario is likely to worsen, should similar conditions prevail.

The presence of natural flora (probiotics) in the gut is absolutely necessary in aiding digestion, synthesizing vitamin K and in keeping away yeast and other pathogens. A well- balanced gut, with a healthy supply of natural flora, is the foundation of a healthy immune system. Overuse of antibiotics lowers immunity and decreases the number of white blood cells that are required to fight infection. This results in the growth of Yeast, a type of fungi, which is capable of changing the topography of the intestine. During the course of its growth the tendrils of yeast can perforate intestinal wall resulting in a condition called the “leaky gut syndrome,” where the patient suffers from food intolerance, bloating and allergies.

Also, the presence of Yeast in the intestine creates a craving for carbohydrates, which eventually results in obesity. Weight gain is suspected to be the main reason for the overuse of antibiotics in cattle feed. A major cause of concern is the exposure of humans to drug –resistant bacteria through dairy products and meat. The health of anyone who partake of dairy products from such cattle is likely to be compromised.

Stronger antibiotics are prescribed to counter resistant bacteria and these drugs in turn create more resistant ones. Antibiotics are capable of killing good bacteria along with the bad ones, thereby providing an ambience for grave illnesses to develop. Please remember that it takes at least one year for the beneficial flora to recolonize the intestine.

It is also good to limit the use of food with preservatives, which are “hidden antibiotics,” as they control microbial growth. It’s a vicious cycle and physicians need to understand the gravity of the Frankenstein they are unleashing on unsuspecting patients. Perhaps we may need to turn to nature’s anti-microbial agents, such as turmeric, raw honey, ginger, garlic, apple cider vinegar and many more, to deal with minor problems and invent prudent methods to deal with major problems at hand.

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