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President’s Report

Preseident's Report

If it seems like we just had an issue come out, you’re right about that! We changed editors, and now that we’ve got the kinks worked out a bit, we should be able to get the FLUFF back onto its usual schedule.

We’ve just come off of our National show in Stillwater, Minnesota, hosted by the Great Plains Jersey Wooly Rabbit Club. The show was very well attended, with 242 entries and 39 exhibitors in Open, 64 entries and 7 exhibitors in Youth. These are very encouraging numbers, after these years of Covid and RHDv2 diminishing our shows! I’d like to Congratulate all of the exhibitors, especially our winners: BOB to Helene Achgill with a Pointed White doe, BOS to Kathy Moerbe with a Broken buck in Open; BOB to Makayla Wallock with a pointed white doe, BOS to Max and Jocelyn Byers with a shaded buck in Youth. It was a nice weekend for pointed whites! It wasn’t a very nice weather weekend, but we all made the best of it, and we all enjoyed the river boat cruise and banquet. We had many comments that it was the best banquet yet.


Our current sweeps year ends on June 30, and the new one starts on July 1st. Final points for this sweeps year will be tallied by early September. Almost immediately, we will turn our attention to planning for Convention in October. The club begins work on the many events we participate in at convention, not the least of which is the Golden Fleece Auction. In regards to that, if you are doing well in sweeps, you may be asked if you’d like to donate a rabbit to the GFA. You’ll want to be thinking about a nice animal to donate, perhaps holding back an animal you might have sold before Convention. The GFA is a 50/50 auction, with 50% of the proceeds going to the NJWRC, and 50% to the donor. It’s a huge honor to be asked to donate, and I speak from experience in saying that there is also huge pressure to donate a nice animal that will both be in coat, and represent the breed well. It’s also great fun to see the animal you donated help out another breeder on the table, or in the nest box. We are also preparing for our annual Board elections. This year, even-numbered district directors, Secretary, and Vice President positions will be up for election. You’ll see candidate bios and photos elsewhere in this edition of the FLUFF. The actual election takes place in August and early September, with the new board slate taking up their positions at Convention.

CHERYL LOESCH momdeplume@comcast.net

"The show was very well attended, with 242 entries and 39 exhibitors in Open, 64 entries and 7 exhibitors in Youth. These are very encouraging numbers, after these years of Covid and RHDv2 diminishing our shows!"

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