The neo platonists a study in the history of hellenism

Page 290



on the particulars the unity of the universal*. The priest, it is true, in his insistence on the claims of age, has hold of the principle that the elder, that


the ontologically prior cause,

that which preserves the stability of the whole. Yet, great as is this conservative order in the cosmos, the principle of


renewal figured by the creative action of Athena* goes back to a higher point of the all-inclusive causal series, in which fixity and alternating cycles alike have their source*. And he could put stress on this against what seemed too arrogant in the claims of the East while fully recognising the spirit of

admired by Plato as afterwards by Comte in its opposition to the dispersiveness of the new*. Nor is his Greek rationalism unaccompanied by a feeling for the importance of historic memory. To acquire knowledge unification in the old order,

of the past from the stable orders, where these have kept records, he remarks, contributes in the highest degree towards


human wisdom^- In a

later passage',

he dwells on

the value for scientific theory of the empirical results attained

by the long-continued observations of Eg5^tian and


daean astronomers; setting these against the mere agreement with hypothesis of what can at present be observed. A true conclusion, he points out, can be reached from false assumptions; and the consonance of phenomena with hypotheses is an insufficient test of the truth of these. When the priest reconstitutes from recorded history that memory of past cycles which had been lost by the younger world, Proclus finds this procedure to be imitated by the Pythagoreans,


set themselves to

show how


may restore the memory of their former lives. For the differr ent periods of a race may be compared to the different lives ^


103, 1: ri

lii...etdos irpojSiXXoittey.

' i.

103, 8-9 :



103, 30: t6 veilirepov if iwepHpas




viav Sriiuovpyiav

rip 'ABrivas avvexpnimiv.



104, 14—17 : aiix^oKov yap rb /iiv ttoXiox


yeviffeioi otf(n;s, to de v4ov

yiyvoiUvuv. ' i.

ripi iirb

xal i.xp^'^ov fir5s xal irbppa

t^s fiepLKuiripas yvtbffetas Kal

ttjs itpawTopLiyTfS

124, 11—13: o£ ti2v TrplxrBep irtpibSav iiTToplai iieylarqv

Xovrai avvTiXeLav, » iii.



Cf. 127, 23-27.


els <l>p6vriinv


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