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Arabic–English | 

ishriin illa ifa, yifi ind iyaada / iyaadaat udhur / adhaar (S/P) umla / umlaat (S/P) umla saba unwaan / anaawiin (S/P) unwaan il-mursil unwaan il-mustalim

twenty illness (also see haruf) to forgive has, have, at the place of (see lesson ) clinic/s excuse/s currency/s hard currency address/es address of sender address of addressee

GH ghaali / ghaalyiin (M) ghaalya / ghaalyaat (F) rikhiis / rikhiisa / rkhaas (M/F/P) ghada ghalat gheer ghidab, yigh dab ghurfa / ghuraf (S/P)

lunch wrong other, different from, unlike, nonto become angry room/s

G gaabal, ygaabul (RV) gaal, yguul (HV) gaam, yguum gabul gabl iz-zuhur bad iz-zuhur gabul-ma gahha gariib / garaayib (S/P) gass, yguss (DV) gass, shaawirma gamaarig, gamaarik


expensive expensive cheap, inexpensive


to meet, to face (see lesson ) to say (see lesson ) he stood up. he began to before, ago before noon, A.M. afternoon, P.M. (also see baad) before (conjunction, see lesson ) a cough relative/s to cut (see lesson ) grilled chopped meat customs

ɀ ŸȾ ǜƁǍƪȮ ǀdžȮƴȮŸȾ ǠƱȮƯɀ ȾȮƁ ȆƾȼȮƱȮŸȾ NjɀȮƶȮŸȾ ȝȚȢƾƸȮŸȾ / ȜȢƾƸȮŸȾ ȤȚnjȮŸɀ Ȗ / ȤnjȮŸȽ ȝǾƵɀ ȮŸȽ / ǀȼȮƴƵɀ ȮŸȽ ǀƃȮ ȼ ǀȼȮƴƵɀ ȮŸȽ ȼ Ưɀ ǧ ǜƁȶƾƶȮŸȼ / ȴȚǞɀȮƶȮŸȽ ǚŴ Ⱦ ɀǍƵȽ ɀȮŽȚ ȴȚǞɀȮƶȮŸȽ ǛȮȾƴȼȮƄƉ ɀ ƵȽ ɀȮŽȚ ȴȚǞɀȮƶȮŸȽ ƞȮȾȮƸɀȮŽƾŹ / ǠŽƾȮŹ ȝƾƸɀȮŽƾŹ / ǀƸȼ ɀȮŽƾȮŹ / ǀƫƸų ȼ Ⱦ Ȥ / ǑƸȮųȾȤ ȨƾȮųɀȤ ȚNjȼ ȼȮŹ ǓȼȮƴȼȮŹ ǍȮƸȮŹȾ ƿƬ ȼ ɀȮưȾȮƁ ȆƿƬȮ ȼ ŹȾ ȯȼǍȮŹ Ƚ / ǀȼȮźɀǍȮŹ Ƚ ǚȽŮƾǦɀƁ ȆǚȮȼŮƾǬ ȲǞǦȮɀƁ ȆȲƾǬ ȳǞǦȮɀƁ ȆȳƾȮǬ ǚȮƃȮ Ƚ ȼȮǬ ǍƷȽ ȮƮŽȚ ǚȮ ƃɀ ȼȮǬ LJ ǍƷȽ ȮƮŽȚNjȮ Ưɀ ȮȼŮ LJ ȳȼ ǚȮƃ Ƚ ȼȮǬȼ ǀȮƇdž ȼȮǬ ƿȾȮƁȚǍȼȮǬ / ƿȮƁǍȼȮǬ Ǒ ȿ ȮǦȮ ȿ ȼȮǬ Ƚ ɀ Ɓ ȆǑ ǀȮžȼ ɀ ȤȾȶƾŵ ȆǑ ȿ ȼȮǬ ȱȾȤƾƵȼȮǬ ȆɆȾȤƾƵȼȮǬ

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