Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity: A Sikh Dharam Perspective

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th all your Heart will allow your...

Mind Flou

Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity Working together for a World of Compassion, Peace, Justice and Sustainability

‘A Sikh Dharam Perspective’

Participation at the Sixth Council Parliament of the World’s Religions 15-19 October, 2015

Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha

Man jeetai jag jeet By conquering your mind. You conquer the world man thoo(n) joth saroop hai aapanaa mool pashhaan O my mind, you are the embodiment of the Divine Light - recognize your own origin. man asaadhh saadhhai jan koe The mind is uncontrollable; how rare are those who subdue it.

Foreword The world’s seven billion people face a global crisis. In September 2015, The United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, along with a set of 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), hailed as a universal, integrated and transformative vision for a better world. How can we ensure the success of these goals, and that this new vision is achieved? This booklet humbly attempts to answer these questions, using inspiration and guidance from Guru Granth Sahib Ji – the sacred scripture of the Sikhs. This booklet has been created by the Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (GNNSJ), a Sikh faith based, not-for-profit organisation with its headquarters in Birmingham, UK. Due to a long history of interfaith engagement, in 2015, our chairman, Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh was presented with an OBE on behalf of Queen Elizabeth for work to promote peace and coexistence by bringing people of different faiths together to contribute to the common good of humanity. Reclaiming the Heart really means reclaiming the mind, for the heart is merely a biological pump. The longest distance is the distance from the heart to the mind! We believe the solution to the SDGs and our global crisis lies in a transformative process which begins in the minds of all humans. In order to construct the defences of peace in our mind, we need a new mindset, a new consciousness. God has given us guidance through sacred scripture on how to undertake this transformation. However, only through a commitment to ones faith, can one access the toolkit to enable the change necessary. Initiation is the planting of the seed; in a three fold process of creating this new consciousness. Through prayer, meditation and contemplation we can grow thicker roots to anchor our minds. We can then nurture the mind through earning a pure and honest living. Full transformation takes place through action and sharing these God given traits within society. By following these steps for transformation our minds flourish.

Taken from Guru Granth Sahib Ji - the sacred scripture of the Sikhs Page 2

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Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity

‘A Sikh Dharam Perspective’

‘The World is Burning , please save it and

shower your divine mercy on this world...’

Reflection Only through reflection can we begin our journey of spiritual awakening and realisation, and reclaim our humanity. Our transformation is stimulated and guided by reflecting on the three cardinal questions: Where have we come from? What are we supposed to do here? What is our goal/destination? Where have we come from? Sikhs believe that we all came from God, the One sole creator of all. There is interconnectivity and interdependence between each of the four realms of creation, namely: matter, vegetation, animals and humans. What are we supposed to do here? This question is vital and addresses our life’s purpose during our temporary stay on this planet. As spiritual travellers, we arrive here with the aim to exercise spiritual attributes, such as compassion, selflessness, wisdom, courage, forgiveness and love.

The United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight various other challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century... How does Dharam get addressed?

What is our goal / destination? Within the context of transmigration of the soul, the divine spark, detached from God, journeys through creation. Human birth is seen as a unique opportunity to harness divine potential, until the spirit finally fuses with its origin and source – and becomes one with God.

This booklet is based on the the following Sikh prayer, which can be found in Guru Granth Sahib Ji (Ang 853): jagath jala(n)dhaa rakh lai aapanee kirapaa dhhaar || The world is burning, please save it and shower your divine mercy on this world, jith dhuaarai oubarai thithai laihu oubaar || Whoever we are, wherever we are, please forgive us all and by whatever means, please save us all, sathigur sukh vaekhaaliaa sachaa sabadh beechaar ||

The Missing

God has enlightened us to the path of inner peace to reflect on his scriptures,

Development Goal? -

naanak avar n sujhee har bin bakhasanehaar ||1||

of the Indivdual

Spiritual Development

Nanak knows no other than the Lord who can forgive and bring peace in this world

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Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity

‘A Sikh Dharam Perspective’

‘Whoever we are, wherever we are, please forgive

The Human Mind

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can be one’s best friend...

us all and by whatever means, please save us all...’ “...since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed” UNESCO’s Constitution, 1945

...or one’s worst enemy...

Mother Earth

is Crying Out

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Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity

What ‘A SikhMakes Dharam a World Perspective’ of Difference?

God has enlightened us to the path of

inner peace - to reflect on his scriptures...’ “The Pirs, the Prophets, the spiritual teachers, the faithful, the innocents and the martyrs, the Sheikhs, the mystics, the Qazis, the


is Crying Out

Mullahs and the Dervishes at His Door - they are blessed all the more as they continue reading their prayers in praise to Him.” Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 53, Sireeraag Mahalla 1 Ghar 1 Astpadiya

We must allow...

Scripture to Guide us


Help us please!


Deliver us from evil

Dios Ayudanos

Depart me from my sorrow

m do ng


wa-iyyāka nasta īn - hdinā budu s-sir a na āta yāk l-m - iy ust īn aq d-d ī m mi ne - on earth as it is in sir be do hea aw āt ven will iy a .Thy ik ll G . ive āl a(n) gur prasaadh me us jap saibh co th nee aad is joo hs d ha ac rat hj oo ug lm

मदद के सव्ामी है

amdu li-llāhi rabbi lālam m - l- h ra hī īn Om mani pa ni rradme hūm dme mā ani p hūm ra hm ra h Om m ān r i rhi hūm ā l rah art in heaven, - hallowed i l me o h w īm m be t her -s pad t i a h -m F y b ni r na d a Ou odáyāt m a m -ch e. c m karathaa purakh nir a a a r n abh m iE Th h p r sath o a a y n n a ira ki va yó n)ka ir a a( yo ka hí Ik o a

Sh’ma Yis-ra-eil, A -donai m evil. E-lo us fro -he iver l en(i)yam - bhárg r á e i-n v r d o de u, avitú ut s v b t á Asya - tá ,do O n h dh -n īm tio h sva a ah pt uva i m h -d b r

I have sinned please forgive me

agh dūbi alayhim wa-lā ddāllī yri l-m n gha him lay aa mt us our trespasses na , - an forgive aa and d le d, ad hn rea us ad n yb ch naanak hose e a o s b h t ail ee s hee in ach rd ai b Om to t ou -h ch bh e sa ū dh aa ay

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Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity

‘A Sikh Dharam Perspective’

‘ Nanak knows no other than the Lord who We must create...

A New Mindset

can forgive and bring peace in this world...’ Commitment Being a Faith Practitioner To be able to experience love for God and His Creation, and experience God Himself, we need to become faith practitioners - we must believe that there is a God! By committing to our respective faiths, we are equipped with the essential spiritual toolkit - with the values and virtues which nourish our souls, including truthfulness, contentment, compassion, humility, forgiveness, love and positivity, to name a few. These help us on our journey to reclaiming our humanity. planting the seed

“Drink the Amrit nectar of the double edged Khanda sword, accomplish the worth of your birth.” Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji, Vaar 41, Pauree 1

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Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity

‘A Sikh Dharam Perspective’

Naam Japo Pray, meditate, contemplate Prayer, Meditation, and Contemplation will enable us to grow strong...

Roots to anchor the Mind

The act of meditation involves actively listening and reflecting. As we reflect deeply, our inner self is able to understand the true meaning of what is being recited. At times, what is absorbed by the inner self is beyond comprehension of our carnal nature. Without meditation, reflection is incomplete.

“In the cool, dew-drenched night are the shining stars: At this hour are awake the devotees, lovers of God, meditating each day on the Name.” Raag Asa, Ang 459, Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity

Pure, Honest, Truthful living will help us to...

‘A Sikh Dharam Perspective’

Nurture the Mind

Kirat Karo Pure, honest, truthful living ‘Honest Living’ is endeavouring to work hard and honestly in God’s presence. Being conscious of God’s presence in every thought, breath and action, creates and regulates a state of inner bliss. This preserves humility, resulting in fair and just thought and action. We nurture awareness of our accountability to our Creator and to our fellow beings.

“Those who meditated on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of the brow - O Nanak, their faces are radiant in the Court of the Lord, and many are saved along with them” Jap Ji Sahib Ang 8, Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity

Sharing and Giving with all your Heart will allow your...

‘A Sikh Dharam Perspective’

Mind to Flourish

Vand Ke Shako Share and give with all your heart Charity is an act of compassion and kindness to others, and should be selfless. It should be carried out as an expression of equality and interdependence across many divides. The act of sharing our earnings with others allows us to feel the sense of inner peace and contentment.

“Practice truth, contentment and kindness; this is the most excellent way of life. One who is so blessed by the Formless Lord God renounces selfishness, and becomes the dust of all.” Siri Raag, Ang 51, Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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Please find this information as an e-Booklet at

Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha 18-20 Soho Road | Handsworth | Birmingham | B21 9BH | England Charity No 508470 Produced for CPWR Salt Lake City, 14-19 October 2015 © Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha 2015 Page 18


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