ESL Podcast 463 – Washing the Car

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ESL Podcast 463 – Washing the Car I was driving down the road when I saw a group of teenagers holding up signs for a fundraising car wash for their school. My car was very dirty, so I pulled over and paid for a car wash and a wax.

I think that the students had more enthusiasm than car washing skills. Yes, they had hoses, buckets filled with soapy water, and sponges, but they seemed more interested in getting each other wet than in getting the dirt off the car. I kept wanting to jump up and say, “Hey, you missed a spot!” but I didn’t.

After washing the car, they rinsed it and dried it with towels. They also vacuumed the interior and washed the windows. At least the windows were spotless. Finally, they waxed and polished the car, and were finished.

I went over to inspect the washed car. All I can say is I’m glad this was a fundraiser to support their school. If these students do as well in their classes as they did on my car, they need all the education they can get!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 462 – Having Doubts About Getting Married Charlotte: What are you doing in here? The entire wedding party is looking for you.

Chris: Yeah, I know.

Charlotte: Well, what’s the matter? You’re not getting cold feet, are you?

Chris: That’s just it. I’m really having doubts about getting married. What am I doing here? I think I’m about to make the biggest mistake of my life!

Charlotte: Whoa, slow down. You’re just a little freaked out right now. That’s understandable. Just don’t do anything rash.

Chris: I have an irresistible impulse to run. I’ve got to get out of here!

Charlotte: You’d better do some serious soul- searching before you decide to leave Kerry at the altar. It would be a life- altering experience for her and for you. She may never get over it.

Chris: You’re right, but what can I do? If I go through with this, I may regret it for the rest of my life.

Charlotte: Sit down and stay put. I’m going to get someone who’ll set you straight.

Chris: Who?

Charlotte: Kerry!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 461 – Using a Guidebook Nicki: Wow, did you buy out the bookstore?!

Tony: Very funny. I just got a few guidebooks for our trip to Vancouver. I want to study up on what the must-see sights are, and then decide whether we can do some self-guided tours or need to book guided tours.

Nicki: That’s very conscientious of you. The trip isn’t for three months.

Tony: I know, but I want to start sketching out an itinerary now. I’m going to start out by reading the orientation chapters so I get a feel for the city.

Nicki: Good, then at least one of us will know where to go and what to do.

Tony: After that, I’m going to read the helpful hints in the accommodations section. I want to make sure we stay in the heart of the city with plenty of nightlife. I’ll read the section on day trips, too, in case we have some extra time.

Nicki: It sounds like you’ve got it covered.

Tony: I do. I also want to spend some time learning some survival phrases so I can talk to the locals.

Nicki: Survival phrases? To visit Vancouver?

Tony: Yeah, we won’t be able to get around without learning some French, you know.

Nicki: Really? Hmm. I think you’d better keep reading.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 460 – Working in a Bad Economy Shivon: This bad economy is really taking its toll.

Lex: Tell me about it! My company has already laid off 20% of its workforce, and now the management is talking about cutting salaries. It goes without saying that there won’t be any bonuses this year.

Shivon: What are you complaining about? At least you still have a job. Try working as a freelancer. I’ve had to cut my hourly rate to compete with all of the people flooding the job market.

Lex: At least you’re still able to pick and choose your clients. I have to do what my bosses tell me, no matter what. If they say I have to work overtime, that’s what I have to do. I don’t even get compensated for it! You can bill by the hour.

Shivon: What’s the good of billing by the hour if I don’t have any clients? You don’t know how good you have it. I don’t want to hear another word until you walk a mile in my shoes!

Lex: Ditto!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 459 – Watching Political Commentary Shows Laura: I really don’t like these political commentary shows. They purportedly present both sides of an issue, but the commentator is always biased.

Joon: Oh, I don’t think so. Each show invites pundits on each side of the political spectrum. In this show, for instance, the pundits each take turns presenting their arguments.

Laura: You mean they each present the party line, right? I find it so predictable what each side will say, since they always invite people who have opinions that are poles apart.

Joon: That’s not always true. This other show has a roundtable format. Each person listens to the others and they debate the issues.

Laura: On that show, it’s not what they say, but how they say it. They treat the others’ opinions with such contempt. You can hear the loathing in their voices and they constantly talk over each other. I’m surprised you can bear to watch it.

Joon: I find it stimulating. I like a good fight.

Laura: I guess it’s better for them to do it on screen than on the streets!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 458 – Going to the Playground My wife was out of town on business and our nanny was sick, so I took the day off from work to take care of our two kids: Livia, who is two, and Augustus, who is three and a half. I thought that going to the playground would be a good thing to do, but it turned out to be an accident waiting to happen.

When we got to the playground, the kids jumped out of the car. Livia got onto the merry-go-round, pushing it as hard as she could. The trouble was, there were a couple of toddlers playing on it and they fell backwards, getting the wind knocked out of them.

Augustus, on the other hand, ran straight for the swing set and almost got decapitated! Then he went over to the see-saw and almost got smashed when he tried to run under it! He ran out of my grasp and onto the jungle gym. He started hanging off the monkey bars. I caught him just in time as he fell!

When I turned around, I saw that Livia had got onto the slide and slid head first into the sandbox! Good thing she wasn’t hurt.

By this time, I realized my mistake. Far from a safe place to play, for two lively kids and one father, the playground was a deathtrap!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 457 – Apologizing for a Bad Date I really blew it last night. I finally asked my neighbor, Fatima, out on a date and she walked out on me in the middle of it.

I didn’t blame her. I wanted to make a good impression on her, but I felt I was floundering a half an hour into the date. I decided to liven things up a bit with a few drinks. I got carried away and got stinking drunk. What an idiot! I had to call her to apologize.

Fatima: Hello.

Rob: Uh, hi, Fatima. This is Rob calling.

Fatima: Oh.

Rob: Please don’t hang up. I need to apologize for my atrocious behavior last night. I was a real jerk and I’m really, really sorry.

Fatima: I appreciate the apology. Thanks, but I have to go now.

Rob: Hold on one second, please! I want to explain. I thought I was boring you at the beginning of the date and that’s why I started in on the drinks. I’m not normally a lush, really! I was nervous and worried that things weren’t going well, and I thought a couple of drinks would loosen me up.

Fatima: Okay, I understand that, but that doesn’t excuse the groping.

Rob: Groping? What groping?

Fatima: You don’t remember? You insisted on a goodnight kiss.

Rob: I did? It’s all a blur. I don’t remember anything after you called me a creep.

Fatima: You tried to kiss me and I walked out. Can you blame me?

Rob: No, I can’t. I deserved much worse. After that, I can also understand why you’d never want to speak

to me again. Is there any way I can make it up to you?

Fatima: I really don’t know...

Rob: I promise not to have a drop of alcohol.

Fatima: I’ll have to think about it.

Rob: And I’ll have both of my hands tied behind my back the entire time.

Fatima: Maybe. Let me sleep on it.

At least it wasn’t a “no.” There’s a glimmer of hope for a second chance!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 456 – Sending Business Packages Maria: I need this package to arrive in Tulsa by next Wednesday.

Sam: Sure, I’ll send it UPS or FedEx using their ground service. It’ll be cheaper than sending it using their overnight service and we can still track it. Is it going to a business?

Maria: Yes, it is.

Sam: Okay, I’ll mark that it’s going to a commercial address.

Maria: That’s fine. I’ll also need these contracts to get to Tokyo by Friday. Send it to the home of the president of the company.

Sam: I’ll send it DHL and use the residential delivery service. This seems like a large package for just contracts.

Maria: I’m also including a gift for the president’s wife.

Sam: If it’s breakable, I’ll pack it really well and then get it insured. What’s the declared value?

Maria: It’s about $700. Oh, and I want this box to go to Olten, Switzerland, but just send it regular mail through the post office. Make sure I get delivery confirmation, though.

Sam: No problem. I’ll just need to fill out a customs declaration form. What are the contents?

Maria: They’re books.

Sam: Okay, I’ll take care of it.

Maria: Thanks. What would I do without you?

Sam: The real question is, what would the mail services do without you?

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 455 – Ending a Bad Date I was on a date from hell.

I agreed to go out with this guy who lives in the same apartment building as I do, but he’s turned out to be a real creep. He was nice enough at the start of the date, but then he started drinking. Now he’s drunk and I’m miserable.

I wanted to let him down gently since I’d be seeing him around the apartment building, but I didn’t want to spend another minute with him.

Fatima: Listen, Rob, I just don’t think we’re hitting it off. You’re a really nice guy, but I just don’t think we have much chemistry.

Rob: Are you kidding? I’m having the time of my life. We’re just getting started here. Bartender, another round!

I realized that I needed to be more straightforward with him in case I was giving him mixed signals.

Fatima: I’m sorry, Rob, but I think this is the end of the road for this date. Thanks a lot for the drinks and I’ll see you around.

Rob: What? You’re leaving? How about a goodnight kiss? Come over here and give me that kiss.

I wanted to keep my cool, but when he tried to kiss me, that did it!

Fatima: You’re stinking drunk and this date is over. Capisce?

I got up and left. What is it about alcohol that turns Prince Charming into a frog?

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 454 – Hailing and Taking a Taxi My company sent me on my first business trip, and I was supposed to travel around the city in taxis. Having never ridden in a taxi before, I had problems from start to finish.

First, I had trouble hailing a cab. I didn’t realize that when the taxi’s light is off that the cabbie is off duty. No wonder they took no notice of me.

Then, a cab did pull over and I told him where I wanted to go. He said, though, that he wouldn’t take me because he wouldn’t be able to get a return fare!

I was looking around for a taxi stand when another cab pulled over, but my troubles didn’t stop there.

Cabbie: Where to?

Ignacio: I’d like to go the Hamilton Building downtown. There’s a flat rate, isn’t there?

Cabbie: No, we don’t have flat rates.

Ignacio: But a flat rate to downtown is required by law, isn’t it?

Cabbie: Do you want to go downtown or not? I’ve already started the meter.

Ignacio: Where are your posted rates?

Cabbie: We don’t have any. The first mile is $3.50 and each quarter mile is $2.00.

Ignacio: That doesn’t sound right to me. I think I’ll try another cab. Cabbie: Suit yourself!

I remembered what my co-worker told me. She said to steer clear of private cabs, like this one. The cabbies don’t have licenses and some of them will really take you for a ride – and not the kind you want!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 453 – Making an Emergency Medical Call Operator: Emergency operator. State your emergency.

Dirk: We need an ambulance right away.

Operator: What is your name?

Dirk: Dirk. Dirk Omora.

Operator: Can you tell me what happened?

Dirk: There was a car accident.

Operator: Where are you?

Dirk: I’m not sure. I was driving in my car when I saw the pileup. I’m somewhere on Blossom Road. Can you trace my location?

Operator: Yes, we’ll try to do that. Can you see if anyone is hurt?

Dirk: One of the drivers is lying on the ground unconscious and the other one is bleeding. There’s someone trapped in the back of her car, too. We need to rescue her before the car explodes! I’m going to see if I can help.

Operator: Sir, I need you to stay on the line. I’m sending an ambulance right now and they’ll have the Jaws of Life and other equipment to do the job. The paramedics will be there very soon.

Dirk: Okay, but hurry!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 452 – Dealing with Unhappy Employees Asa: I don’t know how we got stuck with reviewing employee complaints. This has got to be the worst job ever!

Samantha: This is important work and somebody has to do it. Come on, let’s get started.

Asa: I think it’s bad for morale to allow employees to file complaints. We’re all overworked and underpaid, and most of us are burned out.

Samantha: How else are disgruntled employees going to voice their grievances?

Asa: Personally, I think it’s stupid for employees to put their complaints on paper. Aren’t they worried about retaliation from the management?

Samantha: I don’t think that’s going to happen. The whole point of having this system is to resolve any problems before they get blown out of proportion. It’s to everybody’s benefit to try to make this work.

Asa: On the contrary, I think it makes for a dysfunctional workplace: Employees thinking of things to complain about and the management with their backs up against the wall. I just don’t get it.

Samantha: No, I guess you don’t. If you don’t like how things are done around here, I’ve got a suggestion for you.

Asa: What?

Samantha: File a complaint.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 451 – Buying Car Insurance Agent: Hello, Krashit Insurance.

Jackie: Hi, I wanted to get a quote for car insurance.

Agent: Sure, I can help you with that. I assume you want liability insurance, but what other coverage would you like to get?

Jackie: Umm…I’m not sure. This is my first car.

Agent: In that case, let me make a few suggestions. You’ll definitely want collision insurance. It pays to fix your car if you hit another car or run into something.

Jackie: Okay, sure, I want that.

Agent: You’ll also want comprehensive insurance. It pays for damage to your car.

Jackie: How’s it different from collision insurance?

Agent: Well, it pays for damage to your car that’s not a result of an accident, like in the case of theft, weather damage, or vandalism.

Jackie: Okay, I want that, too.

Agent: You’ll want property damage insurance to pay for damage you cause to someone else’s property. On top of that, you’ll want uninsured motorist insurance in case the other driver doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to pay for the damage to your car. Jackie: Umm…I guess I’ll take that, too. Agent: And I don’t think you can do without medical payments insurance. It pays for your medical bills and those of your passengers in case of an accident. Should I get you a quote for all of this coverage?

Jackie: Why don’t you hold off on that? I’m not sure how I’m going to pay for all that and buy gas, too!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 450 – Getting a Bad Reputation Lance: Did you see Kim at the party last Saturday?

Paulina: Yeah, I saw her. Why?

Lance: She was wearing a skimpy dress and all of the men were leering at her all night. I used to think she was a nice girl. Isn’t she worried that she’ll get a reputation?

Paulina: A reputation for what?

Lance: For being…you know.

Paulina: No, I don’t know.

Lance: For being easy! It doesn’t take much for people to jump to the wrong conclusions when a woman is dressed like that.

Paulina: So based on one dress she wore to a party, you’re ready to consider her promiscuous.

Lance: No, not just based on that. The guys at the party were talking and one of them said he used to date her, and he said…

Paulina: Now you’re listening to some sleazy guy at a party boasting about his conquest. The question is, why are you so ready to give credibility to rumors like that?

Lance: Whoa, don’t go ballistic on me. I was only telling you what I heard. I thought you might be interested.

Paulina: Well, you thought wrong. I used to think that women were catty, but you men are much, much worse!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 449 – Using an Instruction Manual Aretha: Oh, here’s the instruction manual. I’ll read you the section on “getting started.”

Carl: No, you don’t need to do that. I know how to do the installation.

Aretha: But don’t you want to hear about the different functions and specifications?

Carl: There’ll be time for that after everything is hooked up and we program the machine.

Aretha: Okay, but the manual says that you shouldn’t plug in the power supply until you’re done with the installation.

Carl: I won’t. Hmm...where is the port for this cord?

Aretha: Do you want me to look it up in the manual? There’s a troubleshooting section.

Carl: No, I can figure it out myself.

Aretha: Look at this. It’s a diagram of the controls and this section has illustrations on how to use the different modes. Do you want me to read it to you while you’re hooking it up?

Carl: No. Now give me that manual. I work alone.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 448 – Making Business Contacts Phan: Hi, Montel. Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.

Montel: It’s my pleasure.

Phan: Since I’m new here, I was hoping you might be willing to give me some pointers on how to get new clients. To be honest, I’ve never been on this side of the fence before and I’m a little out of my comfort zone.

Montel: Oh, sure, I’m glad to give you as much help as I can. Getting clients is a bit of an art, but the key is building relationships.

Phan: What do you mean?

Montel: Most of my clients come to me through networking. I get referrals from people who know me and know my track record.

Phan: Really? I was thinking that I needed to send out some direct mail or do some cold calling.

Montel: You may need to do that to start, but if I were you, I’d also spend time making connections in the business community. Go where you think business prospects may be. To woo new clients, you need to meet them first. Phan: How do I find out where they’ll be? Montel: Again, you make contacts. You’ve made the first step today by getting in touch with me. I’m going to a reception tonight and it will be a who’s who of the business community. Do you want to go? Phan: Really? You’d let me tag along?

Montel: Sure, but there’s a quid pro quo. In the future, if you get invited to something like this, you invite me to go along. Phan: That’s more than fair. I think I just got my first lesson in making business connections.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 447 – Heating and Cooling a Home Carla: It’s freezing in here! Why is the air conditioner on?

Trent: I just finished exercising and I’m sweating like a pig.

Carla: That’s no reason to turn the A/C on full blast! I’m cold. I’m turning on the heat for a little while.

Trent: Are you crazy? It’s 70 degrees outside!

Carla: I’m no crazier than you are. How come you can turn on the A/C and I can’t turn on the heat?

Trent: I only turned on the A/C because it’s so humid outside, and it was taking a long time for me to cool down. If you’re cold, just open the windows and doors, and we’ll get some ventilation in here. It’ll heat up again pretty quickly.

Carla: What should I do in the meantime? Put on my winter coat or crawl under the covers?

Trent: Go sit outside. I’ll get myself a glass of iced tea and I’ll get you a cup of hot tea. How does that sound?

Carla: Leave it to you to come up with the best idea of the day!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 446 – Going to a Home Improvement Store Paige: I think we can get everything we need to fix up the house in one trip. What do you think?

Vern: We can try. It seems like everybody had the same thought when they woke up this morning: Go to the home improvement store!

Paige: Yeah, it’s a little crowded, but I still think we can get all we need today.

Vern: To do that, I think we need to split up. Let’s look at our list and divvy it up.

Paige: Okay, we need to get some wiring to install the new lights. I’ll go to the electrical department for that.

Vern: All right. We need lumber for the new fence, so I’ll go to the building materials department.

Paige: What about the pipes and fixtures we need for the bathroom? Can you go to the plumbing department for those, while I go to the hardware department for the tools?

Vern: Okay, I can do that, but aren’t you feeling tired already? I know I am.

Paige: Come on. How are we supposed to be weekend warriors if we can’t even do some simple shopping? We’ll meet in the garden department afterwards, okay?

Vern: Whatever you say.

Paige: Ready, set, go!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 444 – Planning for Retirement Paulina: Did you get your Social Security statement? I just got mine in the mail. If I keep working at this rate for the next 20 years, between Social Security and my savings, I should be sitting pretty for retirement.

Carlos: Yeah, I should be okay when I retire, too. I’ve been contributing to a 401(k) through my work for years, and my company gives a matching contribution.

Paulina: Really? I never bothered with a 401(k).

Carlos: A 401(k) really adds up over time. I also have an IRA, which is tax-deferred, and I have my money in a portfolio that is split between stocks and bonds. All of these investments are for the long haul, of course. How about you? What’s your retirement plan?

Paulina: I have money stashed away in a nice little nest egg.

Carlos: Where do you have your money invested?

Paulina: It’s safe and sound, don’t you worry.

Carlos: [Laughs] You make it sound like you have it stashed under your mattress.

Paulina: A mattress is a very safe place for your money!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 443 – Having a Slumber Party Russ: Mom says you’re having a slumber party next Saturday.

Irene: I’m just having a few friends over for a sleepover and it’s none of your business.

Russ: Don’t be like that. How many people did you invite?

Irene: I’m not telling you anything. I know what you’re thinking. You want to pull pranks on us.

Russ: No, I don’t. I just want to know how many giggling girls in sleeping bags I’ll have to step over to get to the kitchen.

Irene: You’re not going to get anything out of me. I can see right through you.

Russ: Are you going to wear your pajamas with feet?

Irene: Don’t be stupid! I haven’t worn those since I was six!

Russ: Can I be part of the pillow fight?

Irene: No way! You’re not invited!

Russ: But you’re going to stay up all night and watch movies, aren’t you? I want to do that, too.

Irene: You’d better stop teasing me or I’m going to tell Mom.

Russ: I’m not doing anything. I’m only trying to help you plan your party.

Irene: Right! You want to help me? It’s more like you want to wreck my party.

Russ: Ah, you’ve hurt my feelings.

Irene: I doubt it. Now leave me alone! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 442 – Flying on Low-Cost Airlines Sue: I just made airline reservations for our trip. Do you want to look over the itinerary before I purchase the tickets?

Alex: Which airline is it?

Sue: It’s McTse Air.

Alex: Oh, no, I don’t want to fly on that low-cost airline! We don’t get assigned seats and all of the passengers rush the gate when boarding begins. I hate that!

Sue: Not having assigned seats is a small price to pay for low fares. The service may be stripped down, but I don’t think the experience is that bad.

Alex: I don’t mind a no-frills flight, but I don’t want to fly out of some tiny airport that’s an hour away. Which airport would we be departing from?

Sue: It’s the Burbank Airport. Yes, I know it’s less convenient to fly out of a secondary airport, but I don’t see what the big deal is.

Alex: Okay, hand it over. I’m taking over the planning for our vacation. I’m not willing to sacrifice comfort to save a few bucks.

Sue: Fine, be my guest.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 441 – Preparing Food for Cooking Marissa: How can I help?

Juan Carlos: Um...why don’t you iron the tablecloth and set the table?

Marissa: I already did that. I want to help with the cooking.

Juan Carlos: Okay, you can scrub these potatoes, peel the carrots, and rinse these grapes.

Marissa: All right, I’ll do that, but I think you’re just giving me the scut work. I want to do some real cooking.

Juan Carlos: Well okay, I guess you could cut up this chicken and then chop these vegetables. After that, you can sauté the vegetables in this pan.

Marissa: Great! Now, how do you sauté? I’ve never done it before.

Juan Carlos: What?! Forget it. You can steam the vegetables instead.

Marissa: Okay, just show me how.

Juan Carlos: Never mind. Here, just beat these eggs and slice these onions. When you’re done, you can toss that salad.

Marissa: But I want to whip up some gourmet dishes. When can I cook?

Juan Carlos: That’s a good question. Ask me again when you’ve learned how!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 440 – Being a Self-Made Man/Woman Edgar: What a crock!

Ann: What is it?

Edgar: I’m reading an article about successful business people who were self-made men and women. I don’t believe a word of it.

Ann: What don’t you believe?

Edgar: These people didn’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They were all born with silver spoons in their mouths.

Ann: Not all successful people were born into money and privilege.

Edgar: That’s true, but it gets me riled up when people who grew up at the country club claim to have had humble beginnings.

Ann: Just because some people were born with a leg up doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard to get where they are.

Edgar: Where would that hard work have gotten them if they didn’t have backers with deep pockets, or if they didn’t know people in high places? I know plenty of hard-working people who aren’t hobnobbing with the rich and famous.

Ann: That’s true enough. Who needs the rich and famous? I’ll take my hard-working man over any of them any day.

Edgar: That’s why I married you – a woman with beauty and brains!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 439 – Talking about Censorship The school that my daughter attends is trying to decide whether or not to ban certain books, which some parents think are inappropriate. The school called a parents meeting to talk over the issue.

At the meeting, one woman said: “The books on this list are obscene! I don’t want my children reading that filth!”

Another parent responded: “That’s absurd! Haven’t you ever heard of free speech? Banning books violates everything we Americans believe in.”

Another parent said: “I don’t like the way this book portrays history. To me, it’s morally objectionable.”

Still another parent complained: “There is too much graphic violence in these books and I won’t allow my son to be exposed to it.”

A parent stood up and yelled: “People who want to ban books are fear mongering. They don’t give our kids enough credit.”

The meeting turned into a shouting match. If you ask me, I’m very glad that none of the students were at this meeting. They would be learning an important lesson, but not one that any parent would want!

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 438 – Renting an Apartment Heather: Hi, are you the apartment manager? I saw the vacancy sign outside and I’m looking for an apartment.

Sam: Yes, I’m Sam. We have one unit available right now. When are you looking to move in?

Heather: The lease on my apartment is up soon, so I’d like to move in the first of the month.

Sam: Okay, follow me and let me show you the unit. Each unit gets one parking space in the garage, and there are laundry facilities on the first floor. The landlord pays for the gas, but the tenant pays for all other utilities. Here’s the unit. Take a look around.

Heather: Oh, this is nice. Is this a furnished unit?

Sam: It can be furnished or unfurnished, your choice. Since it’s an end unit, there’s only one common wall.

Heather: This apartment is exactly what I’m looking for. How much is the rent?

Sam: It’s $900 a month and we require a 12-month lease. To move in, you’ll need to have the first and last month’s rent, plus a security deposit.

Heather: How much is the security deposit?

Sam: It’s $450.

Heather: Okay, I’ll think it over and get back to you. Thanks for your time.

Sam: These units go fast, so if you’re interested, I suggest that you jump on it.

Heather: Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

ESL Podcast 437 – Having a Best Friend Lucy: I’m so excited! My friend, Marlene, is coming to town for a visit.

Buddy: Have I met Marlene? Lucy: No, I don’t think so. We grew up together and we were always joined at the hip. Buddy: When I was little, I had a friend like that. We were blood brothers.

Lucy: Yeah, Marlene and I did everything together and she was my confidant about everything.

Buddy: She sounds like a great friend.

Lucy: Yeah, she always had my back and I could always count on her to give it to me straight.

Buddy: A friend like that is hard to come by. Are you still close?

Lucy: Not as close as I’d like. We live in different cities and it’s hard to keep up with what’s happening in each other’s lives.

Buddy: I can see that. Does she know you’re getting married?

Lucy: No, I wanted to break the news to her face-to-face.

Buddy: Why? I would have thought you’d want to tell her the good news right away.

Lucy: Well, I want her to be my maid of honor and I’m not sure how she’ll react to the dress she’ll have to wear.

Buddy: Is it that bad?

Lucy: My future mother-in-law picked it out and I can’t say “no.” Here’s a picture of it. Buddy: Well, I’m glad she’s such a good friend, because if anything can break up a friendship, it’s that


Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

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