Beginners guide to quantum psy

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It’s Not Human to Repress: Biological Spirituality Through biological deprivation, trauma and the splitting off that occurs from the painful story of what is a narcissistic injury, you get psychology. When psychology is aberrated and dissociated, you get a high percentage of what people call “spirituality, which oftentimes is spiritualization. Biological spirituality is experiencing the body as grounded and being made of THAT ONE SUBSTANCE. Biological spirituality is getting that your body-mind spirit is one whole piece. There is no separate body, separate mind, and separate spirit. It is all a unity.

Libido: The Biological Merger Response Libido is the natural biological merging response, the drive to merge, either physically or at an external thinking, emotional or essential level. It has been greatly misunderstood. Libido does not mean sex. If someone says their libido is down, this is interpreted as meaning that their sex drive is low. But this is not what it really means. As the natural biological drive to merger response, the primal energy of the libido is actually a natural merging-separating energy. Like the tides, it is natural. When it is interrupted or stuck, we get psychology, and stories and explanations come out of the resistance to the natural merger-separation flow. Furthermore, because of socialization and the shock of the Realization of Separation, we resist having sensations within the body and accepting them as they are.

The Biological False Cores The biological False Cores are different from—and yet similar to—those which are psycho-emotional. These latter False Cores are conclusions drawn from the realization of separation. They are processed by tracing back and, by staying in them, and dismantling the aberrated association which re-enforced them. Ultimately, you need to dismantle all of your False Core conclusions. The biological False Cores are also part of the nervous system yet they somehow seem more basic. They are interpretations of the nervous system which have been passed down through evolution and hard-wired into it. This means they are earlier, biologically rooted, pre-verbal, and difficult to process. But you can: 95

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