Experience-based team events are moulding managers into leaders

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Experiential learning activities are transforming managers into leaders

800 first time managers transform into competent leaders Experience-driven, simulated learning approach helps first-time managers become competent leaders



Train 800 New Managers For Leadership

Meet a Large, Multi-Billion Dollar IT Services Company having Over 150,000 Employees around the World. 800 of their employees, across 7 cities were promoted to first-time mangers. The new managers had no experience in a leadership role. But the company had to make sure they are ready for the new challenge. Or it could result in inefficient team management. Unhappy employees. And lack of motivation to work. With over 5000 employees spread over two large operational centres in India, the company wanted to leverage the latest trends in learning technology. Take a look: How can team building activities help your employees to do good work?



Modern workforce Learning Improves Productivity An experience led approach enabled the first time managers to solve the following problems. 1. Work together to solve problems as a team. 2. Understand the need for transparent communications. 3. Recognise each individual’s contribution to common goals. 4. Come up with creative solutions for problems 5. Gain a clear insight into managing conflicts and resolving it.


Download FREE: 5 Things That Millennial Leaders Are Changing at the Workplace



Every New Manager Feels Con dent The simulation tactics that worked 1. Communicate 2. Motivate 3. Collaborate

Also read: Amazing Reasons Why You Should Promote Team-Building Exercises Instantly


Download FREE: 5 Things That Millennial Leaders Are Changing at the Workplace



Understand Real-World Problems. Emerge a Winner. In one month, with a series of experience-led workshops, 800 first time managers transformed into confident leaders The key activity involved solving extreme high-complexity engagement puzzles as a team. The activities simulated were similar to the problems the organisation usually faced. Based on the participant’s response, the activities were occasionally tweaked. This was better than classroom training. As teams tried to crack each level, the puzzle complexity increased. Difficulties led to frustration and clash of opinions.

The Workshop Prepared Them To 1. Understand real-world challenges 2. Solve problems as a team 3. Keep calm under pressure



Facing a Workforce Learning Problem? Check out innovative Experiential Learning solutions that work. Make a d’frens. Get solutions for Employee Communication challenges. Plus, modern Team Building ideas that are effective.

Also read: Employee Communication is a must ingredient for an organization’s success.


Download FREE: 5 Things That Millennial
Leaders Are Changing at the Workplace

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