NILI Fall 2011-Winter 2012 Newsletter

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NILI’s Collaborative Projects: 2012 Throughout the year, we are

feedback. The overall goal is to

that link powerful moral

privileged to work with tribes and

restore the Karuk Language to

lessons with sites on the

organizations on various short and

something that is heard and

Reservation. We will also

long term projects. We very much

spoken by Karuk people every

develop two evaluation

appreciate being invited to be a

day throughout the Karuk

measures that assess (1) the

part of this kind of work, and we

homelands. Joana, Regan and

effectiveness of language and

learn and grow through these

Zeke were very pleased to share

cultural teachings in

collaborative efforts. Here are

this work with the Karuk

preventing drug and alcohol

some of the projects of the past

community. The Plan is now

abuse among Native youth;


being edited by the Karuk

and (2) the relationship

Language Restoration

between language and cultural

Strategic Plan for Karuk Language

Committee and will be

teaching and increased self-


presented to the Karuk Tribal

esteem and self-worth in

Council for review.

Native youth.

Language Restoration Committee

IchishkĂ­in Culture and Language

Nimiipuu Language Teaching

and Karuk Tribal and Language

as Protective Factors

and Family Learning

summer of 2011 to develop a

This project is a collaboration

At the beginning of October,

Strategic Plan for the continued

between NILI, the Yakama

Judith and Joana spent a

restoration of the Karuk language.

Nation Language Program, the

weekend with the Nez Perce

This work involved planning and

Yakama Reservation Wellness

Language program in Lapwai

facilitating a retreat with

Coalition, and three school

to work with teachers and

participation from Tribal staff,

districts on the Yakama Nation.

community members on

council members, language

The goal of the program is to

activities and strategies for

speakers and learners, and

increase self-esteem, cultural

teaching language and using it

community members with a

pride and drug and alcohol free

in the home. The first day

sustained interest in language

lifestyles in our Yakama Nation

focused on teachers, with an

restoration. During the retreat

at-risk teenagers. With tribal

emphasis on using stories and

weekend we evaluated resources

teachers and NILI summer

legends in the classroom. The

and challenges, set long-range

institute students, the team is

second day focused on using

goals, and developed a rough

developing culture-based

the Nez Perce language at

timeline and plan for attaining

curriculum centered around

home during play time, story

those goals. NILI staff then drafted

traditional foods and nutrition,

time, in different areas of the

a plan and revised it based on

longhouse protocol and legends

NILI staff worked with the Karuk

Program staff in the spring and

(Continued on page 7)

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