Village of niles resource guide web

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Village of Niles Business Resource Guide 1000 Civic Center Drive Niles, IL 60714 847-588-8000

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Choosing A site



B u s i n e s s F i nanc i n g r e s o u r c e s Local, State, Federal


W OR K F OR C E an d B USI N ESS DE V E L O P M E N T r e s o u r c e s








Thank you for your interest in Niles, Illinois as your business location. Conveniently located only 13 miles from downtown Chicago and 8 miles from O’Hare Airport, Niles is an integral component of the Chicago Metropolitan Region’s economy. With over 4 million square feet of retail space Niles is ranked in the top 15 communities in the State of Illinois for retail sales. This along with a strong and diverse manufacturing sector with several large, well-known manufacturing companies makes Niles a strong and stable community. Niles is a proactive and business friendly community. We value our corporate residents and work diligently to support their growth. We are committed to providing the highest quality services and benefits to all of our citizens (both residential and corporate), while maintaining one of the lowest local property tax rates in the area. This gives Niles a competitive advantage over other communities in the region and includes:

• A business friendly environment

• A fair and easy to navigate regulatory process

• Proximity to O’Hare International Airport and the City of Chicago

• Convenient access to the areas Interstate network, including I-90, 94 & 294

• The only Chicago suburb to offer a community-wide free bus service for residents, visitors and local employees

• Highly educated and talented workforce

Village staff communicates regularly with state economic development officials, workforce development organizations, real estate development professionals and trade associations. This coordination ensures that the resources you need can be customized for your specific needs and are readily available. These services are provided at no cost to the business community. For additional information about the Village of Niles please call the Economic Development and Marketing Coordinator at 847.588.8063 or visit Once again thank you for considering Niles, and we hope to welcome you to our community soon.

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When proposing to open a business in Niles, there are a number of items that should be explored before making a solid commitment to a site. S i t e S e l e c t i o n Assis t a n c e For your convenience the Village maintains a website that lists available commercial and industrial space in the Village, This website serves as an interactive database listing of commercial and industrial space in Niles. Individual buildings and spaces are listed along with demographic, labor market, and other business data along with traffic counts and consumer spending habits specific to the space or property you are viewing. The inventory is updated regularly by real estate professionals and Village staff to ensure that all information is current.

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Zoning The Village is divided into districts designed to group compatible businesses together in specific areas. Before moving forward on a certain site, contact the Department of Community Development to confirm that your business is allowed to operate at the site you have selected, and if you will need to obtain any additional Village approvals prior to opening your facility. We strongly recommend that you check your zoning PRIOR to entering into a sale or lease agreement. And we further recommend that you include a contingency for Village of Niles zoning approvals and permits. If it is determined that a Plan Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals review of your proposal is necessary, you should allow a minimum of six to eight weeks from the time you submit your application to the time a decision is rendered. However, most businesses do not need to go through any additional approval process with the Plan Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals.



Applicant submits information



Application is reviewed



Letter is sent to Applicant verifying that zoning use is permitted

V I L L A GE C ODE The Village Code and Zoning Ordinance can be found at under the information tab, Village Ordinances. A zoning map is also available on line under the information tab, Maps and Directions and can be found at the end of this document.

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Permitting The Village’s Department of Community Development is your first point of contact for issues related to zoning, permitting and inspections.

Full information can be found on-line at or by calling 847.588-8040.

Call the Village at 847.588.8040 if you have any questions regarding when a permit is required.

The following is a brief synopsis of the procedures individuals should be aware of in expanding or opening a business. Separate permits are required for all interior building work. Visit the Community Development page of our website for information regarding building permits. Building permits are required for construction projects such as electrical, fences, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, interior and exterior alterations, structural modifications, new buildings and additions, plumbing, roofing and signage. Permit fees are associated with such projects and are calculated during the plan review process.

P e r mi t S u b mi t t a l Requirements

PERMIT RE V IE W PRO CESS The Department of Community Development considers itself to be in partnership with the business community. Accordingly, we take pride in providing outstanding customer service by offering fast, comprehensive permit reviews. In almost all cases we will provide a plan review response to an original submittal in ten working days or less. Furthermore if the review is approved and all appropriate documentation (contractor information, equipment cut-sheets, ‌) is provided by the applicant we can also issue the permit in this time frame. However, if your initial plan review is denied for inadequacies in code requirement, Department Staff will work with you to correct these deficiencies and get your permit approved in a timely manner.

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Village of Niles

All Permit Applications must be accompanied by the following:

licensing Business Licenses Whether you are starting a new business or expanding/relocating an existing business, you must obtain a business license from the Village of Niles. Additionally, a valid license must also be obtained for vending and coin operated amusement machines. Village staff are highly skilled professionals who are available to help you open and operate a safe / successful business. The annual fee for a business license covers the cost of making inspections necessary to safeguard public safety, health and welfare. Pre-printed license invoices for businesses currently licensed are mailed out in mid-April. The license year is from May 1 – April 30. For further information, please call the Department of Community Development at 847-588-8040.

A plat of survey A plan sheet highlighting all work to be performed (provide as much information as possible) A signed contract proposal or engineer’s estimate of cost

I nsp e c t i o ns Inspections are mandatory while work is in progress to ensure that construction complies with approved permit plans and code regulations. Inspections associated with building permits are scheduled directly through the Department of Community Development by simply contacting them the day before the inspection is needed.

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Op e nin g a F o o d – R e l a t e d B u sin e ss Food service and retail establishments that sell food and/or beverage products to the public are permitted and inspected by the Village Health Inspector. The Health Inspector enforces sanitation requirements set forth by the Illinois State Food Service Sanitation Code. The number of inspections an establishment receives per year is dependent on the establishment’s type and risk level.

Go to to view the Illinois State Food Service Sanitation Code. New owners looking to open a food service or retail establishment in the Village should start by contacting the Department of Community Development to ensure that their business concept will meet all applicable zoning regulations. Next, the owner may apply for a business license and also submit for any required permits for construction or necessary alterations. After plans are approved, and construction is complete, the Health Inspector will schedule a pre-opening (approval for food storage) and opening (approval to operate) inspection with the owner resulting in the business license being issued. Processor, wholesale and warehouse operations that store or prepare food and/or beverage products, will follow the procedures outlined above. However, Health Inspector approval of the operations is not necessary. Rather, the owner must contact the proper agency (Illinois Department of Public Health, Food and Drug Administration, and/or Illinois Department of Agriculture) for licensing and any additional requirements. New owners looking to take over an existing food-related business must apply for a new Business License. The owner will then be contacted by the Health Inspector to schedule a change of ownership inspection.

6 | Village of Niles

V ill a g e o f N il e s

Q . W h at t y p e s o f p r o j e c t s r e q u i r e p e r m i t s ? A. Almost all construction projects with the exception of minor repairs. Check the village

Q . D o e s t h e t e n d a y p e r m i t r e v i e w g u a r an t e e


website for details or contact the Department of Community Development.

t h a t I w i ll o b t a i n a p e r m i t w i t h i n t e n d a y s o f m y s u bm i t t al ?

A. Not necessarily. If the permit plans are complete and meet all applicable codes, a permit

can be issued quickly. However, in many cases the plan review reveals code deficiencies that must be addressed before a permit is issued. In these cases Community Development staff will work with the applicant to get the required changes made to the permit submission so that the permit can be issued as quickly as possible.

Q . I s t h e r e an y t h i n g I can d o t o e xp e d i t e t h e p e r m i t p r o c e s s ?

A. The best way to expedite the permit process is to work with your architect/engineer or

contractor to ensure that the plans submitted are in compliance with all codes both national and local. The more complete your plans the quicker a permit can be issued.

Q . W h a t In s p e c t i o n s a r e r e q u i r e d ? A. A good rule of thumb is to call for an inspection before you cover anything up, or

connect anything (either underground or within a wall). Foundation and concrete work must be inspected prior to the concrete being poured. Rough inspections for any framing, plumbing, mechanical and electrical installations must be approved. Detailed information about required inspections please check our website. Additionally, you will be given a list of required inspections, specifically for the work being done under your permit, when you pick up the issued permit. However, if you are ever unsure if an inspection is required, contact the Department of Community Development.

Q . H o w fa r i n a d vanc e m u s t I c o n t ac t t h e

V i lla g e t o s c h e d u l e an i n s p e c t i o n ?

A. Just call the day before you need the inspection. Q . D o m y c o n t r ac t o r s n e e d t o b e l i c e n s e d ? A It is required that all contractors identified on the permit application have a required license. Plumbing and roofing contractors must be licensed by the State. Electricians must have a license from a community in Illinois. All other contractors must have a license obtained from the Village of Niles. Remember, permits will not be released until we have verified that all contractors identified on the permit application have the appropriate license. Business Resource Guide | 7

For more information in these programs

B u s i n e s s F i nanc i n g RESOUR C ES

or assistance with scheduling a confidential meeting, please call the

LOCAL, State and federal

Village’s Economic Development and Marketing Coordinator at 847.588.8063.

The Village of Niles leadership strongly believes that the best incentive is a quality business environment. That is why we continuously make investments into our infrastructure and services that allow our business partners to not only operate efficiently, but successfully. However, the Village is aware that it takes capital to keep a business going. In the following pages we have listed a variety of sources at the State, County, and local levels that can assist you in lowering the cost of doing business and freeing up additional capital to invest into your business, employees and the community.

8 | Village of Niles

B u siness G rowth C orporation Growth Corp’s 504 Loan Program helps provide small businesses with better access to money for expansion than would otherwise be available through conventional financing. The 504 Loan Program is available to most businesses for the purchase, construction, or expansion/renovation of buildings and/or the purchase of equipment. For more information contact: Business Growth Corporation 2401 West White Oaks Drive Springfield, IL 62704-7423 Phone: 217.787.7557 Toll-Free: 800.577.2772 Fax: 217.787.2872

ILLINOIS STATE TREASURER Business Invest Program Business Invest fosters job growth and economic development by making financing more affordable for businesses and other organizations to start up or expand. The Business Invest linked deposit program enables financial institutions to offer below-market interest rates on loans to Illinois businesses, nonprofit organizations, child care providers and health care providers.

Illinois Ventures for Community Action (IVCA) The majority of loans provided by IVCA are through the Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) Loan Program. The CSBG Loan Program is administered jointly by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), statewide Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and IVCA. The Program provides long-term, fixed-rate financing to new or expanding companies in exchange for job creation and employment for low income individuals. CSBG funds usually make up between 20-49% of the entire loan project and have a low interest rate of 5% to 7.5%. For additional information contact: Illinois Ventures for Community Action 3435 Liberty Drive, Suite C, PO Box 9285 Springfield, IL 62707 Phone: 217.522.4553 Fax: 217.522.9324

For each approved Business Invest project, the State Treasurer’s Office deposit funds at below-market rate with the financial institution providing the borrowers loan. This below-market cost of funds enables the financial institution to price the loan at a reduced interest rate. The interest savings on the loan can be used to hire new employees, make capital investment or fund operating costs and other expenses.

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IE PA) The IEPA defines a Brownfield as a parcel of land, or portion thereof that has actual or perceived contamination that impedes its potential for redevelopment. Brownfield sites vary in size, location, age, and past use. These properties can range from a closed gas station to a former multi-acre manufacturing facility. The IEPA offers a variety of programs to help communities and landowners reclaim their property from environmental contamination.

For more information contact: Illinois State Treasurer 100 West Randolph Street, Suite 4-100 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312.814-8951 Email:

For additional information contact: Office of Brownfield Assistance, Bureau of Land Illinois Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62794-9276 Phone: 217.782.3397

Business Resource Guide



ACC I O N C H I CAGO ACCION Chicago is a non-profit organization that provides credit and other business services to small business owners who do not have access to traditional sources of financing. By encouraging the economic self-reliance of micro-entrepreneurs throughout Illinois, ACCION Chicago strives to help businesses and communities grow. For additional information contact: ACCION Chicago 1436 W. Randolph St., Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60607 Phone: 312.275.3000 Fax: 312.275.3010

VILLAGE OF NILES Industrial Revenue Bond Program As a home rule community Niles has the ability to issue industrial revenue bonds to assist with the financing of private economic development. Industrial revenue bonds reduce the cost of financing for commercial projects that involve the purchase of equipment, inventory, and tenant improvements. If you would like to speak with someone from the Village of Niles about this program , please call the Economic Development and Marketing Coordinator at 847.588.8063. Cook County 6B Tax Abatement Program Cook County offers tax abatement programs to encourage private enterprise to develop in the county and maintain and increase job opportunities, thereby resulting in an increased tax base for the entire county. Currently, the property taxes for industrial properties are assessed at 25% of the fair market value of the property. Property approved under these abatement programs allow the owner to lower property assessment for a period of twelve years, resulting in a sizeable reduction of property tax due on the property.

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In order to be eligible for Class 6B Abatement, the property must be used for an industrial purpose and, in addition, one of the following criteria must be met: • New Construction • Purchase of a previously vacant building • Substantial renovation to an existing building Since this program is offered by Cook County, the applications are made to the County. However, the application must be accompanied by a resolution adopted by the Village of Niles supporting the application. The Village has supported over 25 such applications since the inception of these programs in 1984. There is a non-refundable $500 application fee. If you would like to speak with someone from the Village of Niles about this program, please call the Economic Development Coordinator at 847-588-8063.

United States Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)/ Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) The SBIR/STTR program stimulates technological innovation in the private sector, by strengthening the role of small business concerns in meeting Federal research and development needs, increasing the commercial application of federally supported research results, and fostering and encouraging participation by socially and economically disadvantaged persons and women-owned small businesses in technological innovation. For additional information contact: Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research Phone: 1.866.724.7457

ILlinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) DCEO is the lead state agency responsible for improving the competitiveness of Illinois businesses. DCEO provides information, assistance, and advocacy to facilitate business expansion in and relocation to Illinois. DCEO has a number of resources available to assist small and large businesses succeed in Illinois.

Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) The EDGE program is a tax incentive program that provides tax credits for businesses that create and or retain jobs and make capital investments in Illinois. Businesses creating and or retaining jobs may claim a state income tax credit equal to a portion of the incremental income tax generated from the jobs created and or retained in Illinois. Credits are calculated from the personal income tax collected on salaries paid to employees in the new or retained jobs, which may be taken as a non-refundable tax credit against corporate income taxes over a period not to exceed 10 taxable years.

Participation Loan Program The Participation Loan Program provides credit enhanced financial assistance to Illinois small businesses that provide employment opportunities to Illinois Citizens. Through banks, development corporations and other lenders, DCEO can participate in business loans up to 25% of the total amount of a project, but not less than $10,000 or more than $750,000. DCEO’s terms will typically match those of the participating financial institutions in regard to interest rate and maturity. Funds can be used for the purchase of land and buildings, construction or renovation, purchase and installation of machinery and equipment, and working capital. For all DCEO programs please contact the Economic Development Coordinator at 847.588.8063.

The Illinois Finance Authority (IFA) The Illinois Finance Authority (IFA) is a self-financed, state-authorized authority principally engaged in issuing taxable and tax-exempt bonds, making loans, and investing capital for businesses, non-profit corporations, and local government units statewide. As a self-funded agency, IFA receives no general revenue funds from the State of Illinois, and the state bears no liability for the debt IFA issues or otherwise incurs. IFA’s operating income is exclusively derived from application and closing fees, interest income and investment income. IFA offers a variety of products that assist Illinois businesses, schools, municipalities and non-profits. These include:

• Bonds • Loans • Venture Capital

For additional information contact: Illinois Finance Authority Phone: 312.651.1300 or 800.717.6066 Fax: 312.651.1350

Wessex 504 Corporation Wessex provides SBA 504 Loans. Loans are available for all types of small for-profit businesses to purchase or renovate capital assets including land, buildings, and equipment. For more information contact: Wessex 504 Corporation 200 E. Randolph, Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312.527.4927 Fax: 312.651.1350

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w o r kf o r c e an d b u s i n e s s d e v e l o pm e n t RESOUR C ES

Illinois workNet of Northern Cook County The workNet Career Center is the premiere location for training, developing and connecting the local workforce. workNet goals are to provide job seekers with the tools necessary for successful employment and to assist Cook County businesses in strengthening their workforce. workNet serves both the job seekers and employers of Northern Cook County and the immediate suburban Chicago area. Among offerings for job seekers are job search workshops, job fairs, Friday Job Club, and scholarships for job training programs. Among offerings for employers are worker training grants, job posting services, and recruiting events. For additional information contact: Illinois workNet of Northern Cook County 723 W. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Phone: 847.981.7400 12

| Village of Niles

Illinois Small Business Development Center at Harper College The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is part of a nationwide support network for the small business community. The SBDC offers counseling services on:

• • • • • •

Business Planning Financial Planning Marketing Loan Packaging Feasibility Studies Organization Planning Professional Referral Program The Entrepreneurs Resource Room

For more information contact: Harper Professional Center 650 E. Higgins Road, Suite 18N Schaumburg, IL 60173 Phone: 847.925.6520

College of DuPage International Trade Center for Entrepreneurship Funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, the International Trade Center (ITC) was established in 1989 to assist Illinois companies with their export efforts. The ITC provided assistance to foreign companies interested in sourcing manufactured products from the United States. For additional information contact: College of DuPage Illinois International Trade Center Phone: 630.942.3041 index.aspx

Illinois Trade Office (ITO) The Illinois Trade Office (ITO) of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is the lead advocate for improving competitiveness in today’s global marketplace. The ITO provides a variety of programs to fulfill its mission of creating high quality Illinois jobs through expert development, foreign direct investment and international tourism. For additional information contact: International Trade Association of Greater Chicago 4610 N. Kenton Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60630 Phone: 773.725.1106 Fax: 773.725.2294

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Sponsored by the SBA, Trade Mission Online is a database of American small businesses that seek to export their products. It is also a search engine for foreign companies that seek U.S. businesses alliances through direct product sales, licensing or franchising agreements. For additional information contact: SBA International Trade Specialist Phone: 312.353.4528 Fax: 312.886.5688

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Commonwealth Edison Electric Service Phone: 1.800.334.7661

Nicor Natural Gas Phone: 1.888.642.6748



| Village of Niles

Comcast Telephone, Hi-speed Internet and Cable Television Phone: 1.866.594.1234

Groot Recycling and Waste Service Garbage Collection and Recycling Phone: 1.800.244.1977

Telephone, Hi-Speed Internet and Video Television

Village of Niles

Phone: 1.800 244.4444

Phone: 847.588.7900

Water and Sewer

Tax e s S a l e s Ta x Following is a brief guide to taxes that apply to purchases made in the Village of Niles by both residents and businesses.

Description Rate State of Illinois 5.00 % State Mass Transit


Regional Transportation Authority (RTA)


T e l e c o mm u ni c a t i o ns T a x e s Telecommunication taxes apply toward the gross charges on both local and long distance telecommunication made by businesses and residences located within the Village. The term telecommunications includes: telephone, facsimile, paging and wireless service. The Village of Niles charges a 6.00% Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax on all gross charges.

County of Cook 0.75% Village of Niles 2.25% Total General Merchandise 9.25%

P r e pa r e d F o o d s a n d B e v e r a g e s Restaurants, cafeterias, banquet facilities and bars assess an additional 1.00% tax on prepared food intended for immediate consumption on the premises, or for carry-out and alcoholic beverages sold.

L o c a l M o t o r F u e l Ta x Q u a lif y in g F o o d , D r u g s a n d M e d i c a l Appli a n c e s Qualifying food, drugs and medical appliances are taxed at a lower rate than general merchandise. This lower tax is applicable on non-prepared foods such as flower or milk. The total tax on qualifying food, drugs and medical appliances in Cook County is 2.25%. For more information on what is a qualifying food, drug or medical appliance go to the following website:

The Village of Niles motor fuel tax rate is 2.5 cents per gallon. Motor fuel means all volatile liquids compounded or used for fueling motor vehicles including gasoline, gasohol and diesel fuel.

H o t e l M o t e l Ta x A tax of 6.00% is charged on the gross rental receipts of all hotels and motels located in Niles. The tax is collected by the hotel/motel from the occupant at the time the room is paid for.

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V i lla g e D e pa r t m e n t S A N D s e r v i c e s Niles Administrative Building 1000 Civic Center Dr. Niles, IL 60714

Consumer Fraud

(847) 588-6524

(847) 588-8000

Drug Line

(847) 588-6533

Village Business Coordinator

(847) 588-8063

Village Clerk

(847) 588-8003

Public Services Department 6849 Touhy Ave. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 588-7900

Senior Center 999 Civic Center Dr. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 588-8420


Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD)

(847) 588-8059

Community Development 1000 Civic Center Dr. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 588-8040

Food Establishment & Health Inspections

(847) 588-8045

Engineering 6849 Touhy Ave. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 588-7920

Family Services 999 Civic Center Dr. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 588-8460

Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD)



(847) 588-8489

Finance Department 1000 Civic Center Dr. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 588-8000

Fire Department 8360 Dempster St. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 588-6800

Fire Safety & Prevention

(847) 588-6842

Fitness Center 987 Civic Center Dr. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 588-8400

Freedom of Information Act Requests

(847) 588-8006

Geographical Information Systems

(847) 588-8022

Human Resource Department

(847) 588-8004

MIS Department

(847) 588-8020

Niles Historical Society 8970 N Milwaukee Ave. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 390-0160

Police Department 7000 Touhy Ave. Niles, IL 60714

(847) 588-6500

Animal Control

(847) 588-6508

| Village of Niles

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) (847) 588-8487 Teen Center 373 Golf Mill Center Niles, IL 60714

(847) 375-8949

O th e r Importa n t P h on e N u m b e r s JULIE (Before You Dig) Maine Township - Assessor’s Office Niles Chamber of Commerce & Industry Niles Park District Offices Niles Post Office Niles Public Library Niles Township - Assessor’s Office O’Hare Noise Abatement Commission Pace Suburban Bus

(800) 892-0123 (847) 297-2510 (847) 268-8180 (847) 967-6633 (847) 967-1989 (847) 663-1234 (847) 673-9300 (773) 686-3198 (847) 364-PACE

S ch o o ls District 63 District 64 District 67 District 72 District 207 District 219

(847) 299-1900 (847) 318-4300 (847) 966-8200 (847) 674-8210 (847) 696-3600 (847) 626-3000

V i lla g e o f n i l e s Z o n i n g map

Business Resource Guide | 17

Village of Niles 1000 Civic Center Drive Niles, IL 60714 847-588-8000

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