5S Methodology | What is 5S Methodology?

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5S Methodology | What is 5S Methodology? Nikunj Bhoraniya


5S Methodology

5S Methodology | What is 5S Methodology?

➝ 5S Methodology was developed in Japan. ➝ The 5S Methodology is a system for organizing spaces so work can be performed efficiently & effectively with safely. 1) What is 5S Methodology? → 5S Methodology is a system for organizing spaces so work can be performed efficiently & effectively with safely. 2) History of 5S Methodology: → 5S Methodology was developed in Japan by two gentlemen, Osada, and Hirano who structured a framework for implementing their philosophy. → Some say that principles of 5S Methodology came from Henry Ford, who was using CANDO (Cleaning up, Arranging, Neatness, Discipline, and Ongoing Improvement) prior to the development of this Methodology. 3) Benefits of 5S Methodology: → Increase productivity through effectiveness → Reduction in delays → Improved Quality → Improve in Safety → Set-up times reduced → Morale & Motivation Increase → Less stress for operators and Safer work environment 1|Page

4) 5S Meaning: → 5S stand for five Japanese words & English Meaning of above Japanese words are: → (1S) Seiri → Sort or Tidiness → (2S) Seiton → Set In Order or Orderliness → (3S) Seiso → Shine (Clean) or Cleanliness → (4S) Seiketsu → Standardize or Standardization → (5S) Shitsuke → Sustain or Discipline

➤ [1] 1st S of 5S Methodology - Seiri or Sort:

→ The first step is Sort in this Methodology. → "Sorting" means to sort everything in each work area that what we need and what we do not need? → Sort means removing unnecessary items or materials from a workspace. → Keep only what is actually required every day from the workspace. → Materials, equipment, instruments or any items that are not frequently used should be moved to a separate, common storage area called Red Tag Zone. → Items that are not used should be removed or recycled. → Please do not keep anything in your workplace just because it might be used in future. → The whole team should spend a few hours going through the entire area (inside cabinets, under and behind machines, Everywhere !!!) → All obvious scrap should be put in the scrap area / Bin → All unidentified items should be put in the “Red tag”/ quarantine area. → Only items that are required should remain. ➤ Steps for Sorting:

1. Cleaning 2. Classifying 3. Assign Responsibility 4. Red Tagging of unnecessary things 5. Recycling or Reassignment of things arrived in Red Tag Zone.


➤ Before-After Photograph of Work Place and Red Tag:

➤ [2] 2nd S of 5S Methodology - Seiton or Set In Order:

→ Set in order is for organizing the items or materials at the workplace. → “A Place for everything and Everything in its place” → We can use an organized workplace more efficiently and effectively → To arrange all necessary items for the economy of movement. → Place according to the frequency of use. → Provide safe storage – heavy items at a low level, light items at height. → If any item is missing then we can easily find out it ➤ Basic Principles of Set in Order:

→ The things that are used very frequently should be kept nearer to where they are used. → Items that are used very few times should be kept far compare to frequently used things. → After completion of work keep things in its defined place. → If several things are used together, then store them together. For example, a welding rod is used with welding machine then both should be kept together. → Store things in place where people can easily find it. → Identify all items (including fixtures, tools, jigs, molds, etc.) and label them so that anyone can identify and return them to their proper storage location.


➤ [3] 3rd S of 5S Methodology - Seiso or Shine (cleaning):

→ After Sort and Set In Order, the workplace requires regular cleaning. → Shine or clean is for regular cleaning of the workplace, tools, and equipment → Cleanliness makes defects easier to detect. → Better customer satisfaction → Aids efficiency and reduces accidents → Creates a better working environment → Cleaning is not just the job of a housekeeper, it is everyone's responsibility → Every workplace should have a person, or group, assigned to clean that area. → The best approach is that who work in a workplace is also responsible for cleaning that area. (A) Cleaning is an ongoing process → Define and document : → Decide Who, What, When, Where, How etc… → Who is responsible for cleaning → What needs to be cleared and where → When it will be done → How is it to be done → Required tools for cleaning

➤ [4] 4th S of 5S Methodology - Seiketsu or Standardize:

→ After completion of Sort, Set In Order and Shine or Clean, Standardize will come. → Standardize means documenting all necessary processes or activity. → In Standardize we can turn Good Practices into Good Habits. → By developing standards for process, all person knows what to do, how to do, when to do and where to do etc.. → Give awareness about standardizing to all person. → It will help them to remember the new standards and it encourages them to do the same. → We can use labels, symbols, posters, and banners for standardization. 4|Page

(A) How do we Standardize? → Document standard ways of working (SOPs) → Standardize labeling, signage, and Flow → Audits (B) Standard Work → Document the current agreed way of doing a process → Provides a baseline for improvement → Reduces variation between people/shifts (C) Standardized flow and Signage → Common methods to show where the work enters and leaves the cell. → Standard methods for identifying components and tool locations (D) 5S Audit → Independent audit of an area → Capture current state – Use color photographs → Create simple audit sheets – with a score → Conduct audits

➤ [5] 5th S of 5S Methodology - Shitsuke or Sustain:

→ Sustain needs to maintain 5S within the factory or work pace. → Keep a record of progress with evaluations, communication, and training related activity. → Assign continuing responsibility. → Sustain keeps watch on on-going training activity and maintaining the established System. → Maintaining Audits → Maintaining cleaning → Making it “A way of Life”. 5|Page

➤ Top Management's Support needed for Sustain:

→ We can sustain commitment towards 5S in our industry with the help of Top management's support. → Top Management should be involved in these activities such as: → Conducting 5S inspections on a random basis. → Establish a proper communication channel from top to bottom and bottom to top. → Provides training to employees. → Participation in promotional events at the factory.

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