The F Word

Page 91


CONTINUED: A DOG patters up, raises its leg, and PEES on Wallace’s shoe. A LITTLE KID comes up and KICKS Wallace in the shin. An old, hunched-over ORGAN GRINDER wheels his cart past. His scrawny little MONKEY SCREECHES, hurling a handful of poop at Wallace, SPRAYING it across his shirt. A bus ZOOMS past, sending a puddle of filthy water SPLASHING all over him. A peal of THUNDER CRACKS and rain POURS down, soaking Wallace to the skin. Everyone nearby runs for cover. But Wallace just stares across the street, unfazed. He drops the box, ignoring the sound of GLASS BREAKING inside. He steps over the box, off the sidewalk, onto the street. Cars HONK and SLAM on their brakes to avoid him as he walks right through traffic. The rain pours down. Wallace crosses to the opposite sidewalk and stops, standing in front of the store he’s been staring at. It’s a TRAVEL AGENT’S OFFICE. In the window is a big, bright sign. It’s what caught his attention. The sign reads: “PARIS FRANCE FROM $999.99”. Wallace pulls out his damp severance envelope, opens it. Inside is a cheque. The cheque is made out for $999.99. INT. PAUL’S APARTMENT IN FRANCE - NIGHT Chantry is logged onto on Paul’s laptop. She’s got an email message open, addressed to: “”. She stares at the screen, unsure what to type. Her cell BEEPS. It’s a TEXT MESSAGE from Gretchen. Chantry checks it. The text reads: “OMG! JOSH JUST QUIT!” Her cell BEEPS again. A TEXT MESSAGE from Tabby: “GOSSIP ALERT - JOSH & HOLLY WERE DOING IT! JOSHWIFE FOUND OUT & FORCNG JSH 2 QUIT! EVERYBDY HEARD HIM SCREEMING @ HOLLY! CANT BELIEVE U R MISSING THIS!!!!!” Chantry sits back, processing this. Her cell BEEPS yet again. This time, it’s a TEXT from Holly: “URGENT - CALL ME ASAP”. Chantry stares at the text.


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