Online Math Learning Better Under the Guidance of a Tutor

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Online Math Learning Better Under the Guidance of a Tutor

Increased Confidence: Like anyone, your child has an innate drive to be successful. They want to learn and achieve, but at times, roadblocks will emerge that can reduce their confidence. When they receive support from an online tutor that truly accounts for who they are as an individual, they are able to find the root of their learning roadblock and overcome it. Overcoming obstacles leads to success and success is the most potent confidence generator they are likely to experience

Clear Understanding of your Child’s Needs, Learning Style & Goals: Your child is an individual and an online math tutor will take the time to assess and understand where your child needs support, how they learn and what goals they have. A personalized plan will be created using this detailed information so there are measurable and attainable goals for your child to achieve. A tutor will also help your child to understand these things about themselves to encourage selfawareness and independence

Deeper Math Knowledge: Working one on one with an online math tutor allows your child the attention and safe space they need to explore math learning on a deeper level. An online tutor is focused solely on your child’s progress and will find ways to dig into concepts in a way that your child will understand and respond to. Over time this will lead to a much more solid knowledge base.

Study Skills & Work Habits: Tutors guide students through more than just completing work or following formulas. A great online math tutor will also walk your child through the steps to take to study well and will promote good work habits such as setting aside time for work and review, reducing distractions and how to independently find help if they get stuck

One on One Instruction: Studies show that direct instruction is the most effective way for a child to learn. While many schools are using other methods, an online math tutor will be beneficial because they spend time instructing your child in a one on one setting

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