We Demand a Referendum Now Party Manifesto

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FIGHTING FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE WEST MIDLANDS According to the independent source www.mepranking.eu - Nikki is the hardest working MEP here in the West Midlands*

Nikki Sinclaire (WDARN) Michael Cashman (LAB) Phil Bennion (LIB DEM) Malcolm Harbour (CON) Philip Bradbourn (CON) Anthea McIntyre (CON) Mike Nattrass (UKIP**)


230th 428th 440th 689th 714th 742nd

*The rankings are made up of statistics compiled from 2009-2013, including attendance, speeches made, opinions given, reports, declarations and motions. Rankings are out of all 766 MEP’s Europe wide. **From July 2009 until September 2013




MANIFESTO EU REFERENDUM WDARN MEPs will use their elected positions and resources to pressure the government to hold a referendum of the United Kingdom’s continued membership of the European Union. We believe a clear In/Out, binding referendum should be held prior to the General Election of 2015. We believe that it is detrimental to the UKs national interest to continue with an uncertain relationship with the EU. It is not fair to the UK or the other countries of the EU. This issue has split political parties and governments and created a frustration among the electorate who feel cheated that despite various promises of a referendum, one has never been given. No one under the age of 57 has been given an opportunity to have their say on the EU, this we contend is undemocratic. The nettle should be grasped to allow the UK to proceed in the direction set by the electorate. We call on the government to introduce an immediate EU Referendum Bill that stipulates a cap on campaign expenditure and the same rules for permissible donors as in any other UK election. We would also require the Bill to restrict the media coverage of the campaign similar to the McKenna Judgement in the Republic of Ireland that ensures equal coverage for both sides. We also call for the immediate establishment of a fact-finding committee to determine the exact monetary cost of EU Membership. Value of trade to and from the EU compared to the rest of the world. The impact of EU membership on jobs and investment n the UK. The level of legislation emanating from the EU compared to Westminster.

ACTIVITIES WDARN MEPs will produce audited accounts every calendar year and shall supplement their work by at least £20,000 a year from their EU salary.


WDARN MEPs will have a mobile surgery visiting cities, towns and villages across the region. WDARN MEPs will attend the European Parliament and engage in all parliamentary activities for the benefit of their region and electorate. However, they will not vote for any transfer of powers to the EU. WDARN MEPs will seek to promote and protect community projects across the region especially those that assist the vulnerable and disenfranchised. WDARN MEPs will represent all their constituents without discrimination of colour, creed, gender, age, or sexual orientation. WDARN MEPs will provide a voice and assistance for campaigns across the region eg. No to HS2 and Residents Against Inappropriate Development.

Nikki forced the agenda and challenged Cameron on the issue of an EU Referendum and resulting in the biggest Tory rebellion on the EU.

Unlike UKIP, Nikki fully participates in her committees in the European Parliament, which include the Employment Committee and Human Rights Committee. Nikki’s vote matters. As an independently minded MEP, Nikki’s vote can be the difference between harmful legislation or not. Often committee votes are decided by a single MEP. When your MEPs do not turn up, they are not providing representation for you.

WDARN MEPs will continue to assist businesses and social projects in obtaining EU funding. Afterall it is only UK tax payers money being returned to us.








Election for the European Parliament - West Midlands Region Another vote in Parliament defeated by Nikki’s single vote

I WILL continue to campaign against unlimited EU immigration I WILL keep campaigning for an EU referendum - it is my priority to push for a referendum to give people the choice

Vote once (x) in one blank box

We Demand A Referendum Now Party 1. Nikki Sinclaire MEP 4. David Bennett 2. Andy Adris MBE 5. Judith Smart 3. Cllr Linda Brown 6. Thomas Reid 7. Amanda Wilson Printed by Bluetree Design & Print Ltd 2 Bessemer Park, Rotherham, S60 1EN.Promoted by Josh O’Nyons on behalf of We Demand a Referendum Party both of 123 New John Street, Birmingham, B6 4LD


WHAT CAN ONE MEP ACHIEVE? CAMPAIGN FOR A REFERENDUM • Nikki launched the Campaign for a Referendum to force a vote on the UK’s EU membership. • The Coalition Government, in their document, said that people who collected 100,000 signatures could force a debate in Parliament. • Just 12 months later, Nikki and her team had collected over 100,000 signatures. • October 24th saw the momentous debate in Parliament which saw 81 Conservative rebels defy their own Party. • Nikki was featured in newspapers and on television across the world. • Despite David Cameron saying he wanted to “Stop banging on about Europe”, Nikki managed to re-ignite the discussion on EU membership.

AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL WELFARE • Nikki was the only MEP to regularly pitch a stall at the county’s Agricultural shows to speak with farmers – not only at election time. • The NFU have visited Brussels with Nikki and she has had lengthy discussions about the Common Agricultural Policy, which makes up 48% of the EU’s overall budget. • Nikki has campaigned for a ban on illegally produced eggs, and has called for better standards for Pigs.

FIGHTING FOR THE WEST MIDLANDS • Nikki has spoken about the West Midlands in the European Parliament more than all the other regions MEPs put together. • Re-Elect Nikki Sinclaire for real representation for the West Midlands. Nikki is fighting for the best deal for us!

FOOD BANKS • Nikki and her team have collected and delivered over three tonnes of food for food banks – and her work hasn’t ended yet. • She has met volunteers to discuss the problems they are facing as more people turn to food banks for support when times are hard. • Nikki is angry that we can give £52 million per day to the EU, without consent from the British people, while our own people cannot afford to feed their families (see left).


• Nikki is the only West Midlands MEP fighting against a Europe- wide e-cigarette ban. • In March 2014 Nikki took a delegation of vapers to the European Parliament in Brussels to protest against the harmful legislation. • Nikki is at the forefront of campaign to lobby the UK Government over proposed e-cig rules.

INAPPROPRIATE DEVELOPMENT • Nikki stood with the residents of Meriden as they opposed inappropriate development of Green Belt land. • As well as being present at the camp, Nikki took the residents to Strasbourg to campaign outside the European Court of Human Rights. • She stood shoulder to shoulder with campaigners during their 1088 24 hour protest camp. • Nikki says that everybody should be given equal rights, but says that travellers in Meriden were given special rights which negated those of the villagers.

SUPPORTING LOCAL CAUSES • After being contacted by local charity Bidgley Power, Nikki was actively involved in a campaign to save sports centre Aston Arena. Nikki has worked with Bidgley Power ever since. • Bidgley Power joined Nikki at 10 Downing Street as they presented a petition addressed to the Prime Minister to highlight the lack of sporting facilities in Birmingham. • Nikki has also campaigned for a new license for a Nuneaton based riding school who provide lessons to disabled young people.

WHAT IS THE WE DEMAND A REFERENDUM NOW PARTY? The We Demand a Referendum Party was formed to put pressure, and force the Prime Minister to agree to a binding In/ Out referendum on the UK’s continued membership to the European Union. We are registered with the Electoral Commission, and we are unique in the fact that on May the 22nd in the European Elections, you will be able to directly call for an In/Out referendum in 2015, on or before the next general election by voting for us. This campaign seeks only to ‘Let the People Decide’ our future in the EU.

HUMAN RIGHTS • As a member of the Human Rights committee, Nikki has been closely working within the field of human rights. • She has visited prisoners of conscience in Bahrain, and she was one of the first politicians to travel to Tunisia after the fall of Ben-Ali. She has campaigned for information for the missing people of Cyprus. • Here in the West Midlands, Nikki is working closely with local Kashmiri’s who are waiting for the referendum they were promised. Nikki was the host of the 2013 Kashmir week in the European Parliament.


• Nikki sponsored 14 West Midlands footballers in the 2011/2012 season, from the Premier League all the way down to the Conference North League. • She has also supported junior football club Bustleholme, based in West Bromwich. • She also took part in the “Keep Cov in Cov” rally and has been vocal in her attempts to bring Coventry City Football Club back to the City. • Nikki and her team arranged for Nuneaton Town Football Club’s community mini bus to be fixed after thieves stole the wheels. • As a key part of bringing communities together Nikki continues to support the beautiful game here in the West Midlands


Opinion polls have consistently demonstrated that the sovereign people of the UK would like to resolve this vital constitutional issue, one way or the other. Almost 80% of the electorate have never had a say on the UK’s relationship with the EU. With such a wide a disparity of opinion, it is surely right in principle and essential in practice that this matter should be democratically resolved. We cannot wait until 2017. A YouGov opinion poll has also shown that 33% of voters said they would definitely, or would be very likely to vote for a single issue party with its only policy consisting of demanding a referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU. Our Party is exactly that. Send the politicians a message on May 22nd - Vote We Demand a Referendum NOW Party!


• Nikki has been a vocal campaigner against High Speed Rail project HS2 which is set to devastate huge swathes of the West Midlands. • Nikki correctly predicted that costs would spiral for the project and has objected to Council funded Pro-HS2 propaganda. • HS2 will be a blight on the West Midlands if built, and if re-elected, Nikki will continue to fight to stop this unnecessary project.

Nikki is still the only UK MEP (of which there are 73) with a mobile surgery that she uses to meet constituents from across the region. Nikki’s mobile surgery has visited every town and city in the West Midlands - it has even visited villages. It has enabled Nikki to talk to thousands of constituents about her work and to hear their comments, queries and worries and people have been amazed to meet their local politician outside of election time.


• January 2013 saw Nikki launch her “Money Matters and so does debt” information guide which provided sign posts to free debt advice services. • Nikki has campaigned against payday lenders and even met with the directors of Brighthouse to fight for compensation for constituents. • Nikki and her team have helped constituents with over £250,000 personal debt. They have also helped numerous constituents with housing issues.

RAF AND THE ARMED FORCES • As a member of the Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme, Nikki has gone the extra mile in learning about the modern day pressures our Armed Forces are faced with. • Nikki travelled with the scheme to meet local service personnel from the West Midlands who are currently based in Afghanistan. • She has also campaigned for local Councils to adhere to the Military Covenant, which ensures that service personnel are looked in various areas, for example, housing.

CONTACT US E Nikki@referendumnow.org T 0800 157 7916 W ReferendumNow.org

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@NSinclaireMEP Facebook.com/ReElectNikkiSinclaire

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