tink thank — Christopher LG Hill

Page 31

Scruples poodles hair cut growing a second row of teeth a MLJVDZ ZLWK SLHFHV PLVVLQJ FXWV RI MLE DYDWDUV RI 3L[DU FDUV smart A glasses and cup Devo hat furntiture bare with me for one momenta Blackman and Turner self disgust whores and carriage hatecation Burma puma battery testing American eagle and Ingles plus Guattari plus pea tea with mint harps seals yoyolo no life no fear denim shirts no pants chrysanthemums in full bloom bees all abuzz puffa jackets made of pimple slash nipple ball material cigarette left to burn melting toffees in opal ashtrays QDYLJDWLRQ RQ ÁLSSHU full jars of honey or treacle pretenses trunk in the attic emergency stripes broke in to checkers FUXPEOLQJ ÁRRU ERDUGV GLUW DQG WKH SDWWHUQV RI ÁRZHUV EDGO\ painted landscapes


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