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News Items From Around Nicollet County Continued From the Front Page

pants inside, according to the St. Peter Herald. The man reportedly is accused of starting a house in Saint Peter on fire while his wife and three of her children were inside the home.

William Eugene Flowers, 43, of Mankato, was charged in Nicollet County District Court with five felony arson counts. A warrent was issued for his arrest on February 17. His charges include first-,. second- and third-degree arson, all felonies in Minnesota. The site of the fire was 703 N. 3rd St. in Saint Peter. Flowers allegedly set the fire on April 15, 2022 and emergency services were dispatched to the scene just before 2 a.m. that day.

Arriving law enforcement observed the home fully engulfed in flames and the woman and children all were able to escape, according to the report.

The woman told police he likely intentionally set the fire as they were in the process of separation. She also alleges that Flowers threatened her and her children with harm in the past. That led them to become separated in October 2021. They had a discussion about signing divorce papers just days before the fire. Flowers report-